Example #1
 def test_get_non_UIS_from_transitions4(self):
     self.transitions = test_shared.transitions_def4
     self.collisions = test_shared.collisions_def4
     newnon_uis = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(self.transitions, self.collisions, self.par, self.MAX_UIS)
     newnon_uis = [set(newn.keys()) for newn in newnon_uis]
     self.assertEqual([len(l) for l in newnon_uis[1:]], test_shared.lennonuis4)
     self.assertEqual(newnon_uis, test_shared.refnonuis4)
Example #2
 def test_get_non_UIS_from_transitions4(self): 
         self.transitions = test_shared.transitions_def4
         self.collisions  = test_shared.collisions_def4
         newnon_uis = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(self.transitions, 
             self.collisions, self.par, self.MAX_UIS)
         newnon_uis = [set( newn.keys() ) for newn in newnon_uis]
         self.assertEqual([len(l) for l in newnon_uis[1:]], test_shared.lennonuis4)
         self.assertEqual(newnon_uis, test_shared.refnonuis4)
Example #3
 def test_get_non_UIS_from_transitions2_unsorted(self):
     # here we have the transitions in the wrong order
     # it should still work
     self.transitions = test_shared.transitions_def2_unsorted
     self.collisions = test_shared.collisions_def2
     newnon_uis = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(self.transitions, self.collisions, self.par, self.MAX_UIS)
     newnon_uis = [set(newn.keys()) for newn in newnon_uis]
     self.assertEqual([len(l) for l in newnon_uis[1:]], test_shared.lennonuis2)
     self.assertEqual(newnon_uis, test_shared.refnonuis2_unsorted)
Example #4
 def test_get_non_UIS_from_transitions2_unsorted(self): 
         #here we have the transitions in the wrong order
         #it should still work
         self.transitions = test_shared.transitions_def2_unsorted
         self.collisions  = test_shared.collisions_def2
         newnon_uis = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(self.transitions, 
             self.collisions, self.par, self.MAX_UIS)
         newnon_uis = [set( newn.keys() ) for newn in newnon_uis]
         self.assertEqual([len(l) for l in newnon_uis[1:]], test_shared.lennonuis2)
         self.assertEqual(newnon_uis, test_shared.refnonuis2_unsorted)
Example #5
    def test_two_table_mysql(self):
            """Compare the two table vs the one table MySQL approach
            Here we are comparing the old (querying the transitions database as
            well as the precursor database) and the new way (only query the
            precursor database and calculate the transitions on the fly) way of
            calculating the collisions.

            print '\n'*1
            print "Comparing one vs two table MySQL solution"
            par = self.par
            cursor = self.cursor

            mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()
            mypepids = _get_unique_pepids(par, cursor)
            self.mycollider.pepids = mypepids
            self.mycollider.calcinner = 0
            shuffle( self.mycollider.pepids )
            self.mycollider.pepids = self.mycollider.pepids[:self.limit]

            MAX_UIS = 5
            c_newuistime = 0; oldtime = 0; c_fromprecursortime = 0
            oldsql = 0; newsql = 0
            oldcalctime = 0; localsql = 0
            self._cursor = False
            print "oldtime = get UIS from collisions and transitions (getting all collisions from the transitions db)"
            print "cuis + oldsql = as oldtime but calculate UIS in C++"
            print "py+newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in Python"
            print "ctime + newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in C++"
            print "new = use fast SQL and C++ code"
            print "old = use slow SQL and Python code"
            print "i\toldtime\tcuis+oldsql\tpy+newsql\tctime+newsql\t>>>\toldsql\tnewsql\t...\t...\tspeedup"
            for kk, pep in enumerate(self.mycollider.pepids):
                ii = kk + 1
                p_id = pep['parent_id']
                q1 = pep['q1']
                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
                precursor = Precursor(q1=pep['q1'], transition_group=pep['transition_group'], parent_id = pep['parent_id'], modified_sequence=pep['mod_sequence'], ssrcalc=pep['ssrcalc'])
                transitions = collider.calculate_transitions_ch(
                    ((q1, pep['mod_sequence'], p_id),), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
                #fake some srm_id for the transitions
                transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
                ##### transitions = self.mycollider._get_all_transitions(par, pep, cursor)
                nr_transitions = len( transitions )
                if nr_transitions == 0: continue #no transitions in this window
                mystart = time.time()
                collisions = list(self.mycollider._get_all_collisions_calculate_new(par, precursor, cursor))
                oldcolllen = len(collisions)
                oldcalctime += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                collisions = _get_all_collisions(mycollider, par, pep, cursor, transitions = transitions)
                oldcsqllen = len(collisions)
                oldsql += time.time() - mystart
                par.query2_add = ' and isotope_nr = 0 ' # due to the new handling of isotopes
                mystart = time.time()
                self.mycollider.mysqlnewtime= 0
                precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, precursor, cursor)
                newsql += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                #precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor_l)
                localsql += time.time() - mystart
                par.query2_add = '' # due to the new handling of isotopes
                mystart = time.time()
                non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(transitions, 
                                            tuple(collisions), par, MAX_UIS)
                cnewuis = non_uis_list
                c_newuistime += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions_old(transitions, 
                                            collisions, par, MAX_UIS)
                oldnonuislist = non_uis_list
                oldtime += time.time() - mystart
                mystart = time.time()
                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
                collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series( 
                    transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm, False)
                non_uis_list = [ {} for i in range(MAX_UIS+1)]
                for order in range(1,MAX_UIS+1):
                    non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                        collisions_per_peptide, order)
                c_fromprecursortime += time.time() - mystart

                newl = [len(n) for n in non_uis_list]
                self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in cnewuis])
                self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in oldnonuislist])

                non_uis_list = [set(k.keys()) for k in non_uis_list]
                cnewuis = [set(k.keys()) for k in cnewuis]

                self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, cnewuis)
                self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, oldnonuislist)

                mys =  "%s\t%0.fms\t%0.fms\t\t%0.fms\t\t%0.2fms\t\t>>>\t%0.fms\t%0.2fms\t...\t...\t%0.2f" % \
                 (ii,  #i
                 (oldtime + oldsql)*1000/ii,  #oldtime
                 (c_newuistime+oldsql)*1000/ii, #cuis + oldsql
                 (oldcalctime + newsql + oldtime)*1000/ii,  #newsql
                 (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)*1000/ii,  #ctime+newsql
                 #(c_fromprecursortime + localsql)*1000/ii,

                 oldsql*1000/ii, #newsql
                 newsql*1000/ii, #oldsql
                 #oldtime / c_newuistime
                 (oldtime + oldsql) / (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)

                self.ESC = chr(27)
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
                if self._cursor:
                    sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
                self._cursor = True
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')
Example #6
    def test_two_table_mysql(self):
        """Compare the two table vs the one table MySQL approach
            Here we are comparing the old (querying the transitions database as
            well as the precursor database) and the new way (only query the
            precursor database and calculate the transitions on the fly) way of
            calculating the collisions.

        print '\n' * 1
        print "Comparing one vs two table MySQL solution"
        par = self.par
        cursor = self.cursor

        mycollider = collider.SRMcollider()
        mypepids = _get_unique_pepids(par, cursor)
        self.mycollider.pepids = mypepids
        self.mycollider.calcinner = 0
        self.mycollider.pepids = self.mycollider.pepids[:self.limit]

        MAX_UIS = 5
        c_newuistime = 0
        oldtime = 0
        c_fromprecursortime = 0
        oldsql = 0
        newsql = 0
        oldcalctime = 0
        localsql = 0
        self._cursor = False
        print "oldtime = get UIS from collisions and transitions (getting all collisions from the transitions db)"
        print "cuis + oldsql = as oldtime but calculate UIS in C++"
        print "py+newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in Python"
        print "ctime + newsql = only get the precursors from the db and calculate collisions in C++"
        print "new = use fast SQL and C++ code"
        print "old = use slow SQL and Python code"
        print "i\toldtime\tcuis+oldsql\tpy+newsql\tctime+newsql\t>>>\toldsql\tnewsql\t...\t...\tspeedup"
        for kk, pep in enumerate(self.mycollider.pepids):
            ii = kk + 1
            p_id = pep['parent_id']
            q1 = pep['q1']
            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
            precursor = Precursor(q1=pep['q1'],
            transitions = collider.calculate_transitions_ch(
                ((q1, pep['mod_sequence'], p_id), ), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
            #fake some srm_id for the transitions
            transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
            ##### transitions = self.mycollider._get_all_transitions(par, pep, cursor)
            nr_transitions = len(transitions)
            if nr_transitions == 0: continue  #no transitions in this window
            mystart = time.time()
            collisions = list(
                    par, precursor, cursor))
            oldcolllen = len(collisions)
            oldcalctime += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            collisions = _get_all_collisions(mycollider,
            oldcsqllen = len(collisions)
            oldsql += time.time() - mystart
            par.query2_add = ' and isotope_nr = 0 '  # due to the new handling of isotopes
            mystart = time.time()
            self.mycollider.mysqlnewtime = 0
            precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(
                par, precursor, cursor)
            newsql += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            #precursors = self.mycollider._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor_l)
            localsql += time.time() - mystart
            par.query2_add = ''  # due to the new handling of isotopes
            mystart = time.time()
            non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions(
                transitions, tuple(collisions), par, MAX_UIS)
            cnewuis = non_uis_list
            c_newuistime += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            non_uis_list = get_non_UIS_from_transitions_old(
                transitions, collisions, par, MAX_UIS)
            oldnonuislist = non_uis_list
            oldtime += time.time() - mystart
            mystart = time.time()
            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
            collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide_other_ion_series(
                transitions, precursors, par, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window,
                par.ppm, False)
            non_uis_list = [{} for i in range(MAX_UIS + 1)]
            for order in range(1, MAX_UIS + 1):
                non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                    collisions_per_peptide, order)
            c_fromprecursortime += time.time() - mystart

            newl = [len(n) for n in non_uis_list]
            self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in cnewuis])
            self.assertEqual(newl, [len(o) for o in oldnonuislist])

            non_uis_list = [set(k.keys()) for k in non_uis_list]
            cnewuis = [set(k.keys()) for k in cnewuis]

            self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, cnewuis)
            self.assertEqual(non_uis_list, oldnonuislist)

            mys =  "%s\t%0.fms\t%0.fms\t\t%0.fms\t\t%0.2fms\t\t>>>\t%0.fms\t%0.2fms\t...\t...\t%0.2f" % \
             (ii,  #i
             (oldtime + oldsql)*1000/ii,  #oldtime
             (c_newuistime+oldsql)*1000/ii, #cuis + oldsql
             (oldcalctime + newsql + oldtime)*1000/ii,  #newsql
             (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)*1000/ii,  #ctime+newsql
             #(c_fromprecursortime + localsql)*1000/ii,

             oldsql*1000/ii, #newsql
             newsql*1000/ii, #oldsql
             #oldtime / c_newuistime
             (oldtime + oldsql) / (c_fromprecursortime + newsql)

            self.ESC = chr(27)
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
            if self._cursor:
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
            self._cursor = True
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')