Example #1
    def extract_data(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
        '''Extract data from output file.

Assume function is executed in self.path.'''
        tp_ptr = self.test_program
        if tp_ptr.data_tag:
            # Using internal data extraction function.
            data_files = [
                            tp_ptr.benchmark, input_file, args),
                            tp_ptr.test_id, input_file, args),
            if verbose > 2:
                print('Analysing output using data_tag %s in %s on files %s.' %
                        (tp_ptr.data_tag, self.path, ' and '.join(data_files)))
            outputs = [util.extract_tagged_data(tp_ptr.data_tag, dfile)
                    for dfile in data_files]
            # Using external data extraction script.
            # Get extraction commands.
            extract_cmds = self.test_program.extract_cmd(input_file, args)

            # Extract data.
            outputs = []
            for cmd in extract_cmds:
                    if verbose > 2:
                        print('Analysing output using %s in %s.' %
                                (cmd, self.path))
                    extract_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                except OSError:
                    # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python
                    # 2.5 and python 2.6/3
                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],)
                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                # Convert data string from extract command to dictionary format.
                if extract_popen.returncode != 0:
                    err = extract_popen.communicate()[1].decode('utf-8')
                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (err)
                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                data_string = extract_popen.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
                if self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'table':
                elif self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'yaml':
                    # convert values to be in a tuple so the format matches
                    # that from dict_table_string.
                    # ensure all keys are strings so they can be sorted
                    # (different data types cause problems!)
                    for (key, val) in yaml.safe_load(data_string).items():
                        if isinstance(val, list):
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple(val)
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple((val,))

        return tuple(outputs)
    def extract_data(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
        '''Extract data from output file.

Assume function is executed in self.path.'''
        tp_ptr = self.test_program
        if tp_ptr.data_tag:
            # Using internal data extraction function.
            data_files = [
                    tp_ptr.select_benchmark_file(self.path, input_file, args),
                            tp_ptr.test_id, input_file, args),
            if verbose > 2:
                print(('Analysing output using data_tag %s in %s on files %s.' %
                        (tp_ptr.data_tag, self.path, ' and '.join(data_files))))
            outputs = [util.extract_tagged_data(tp_ptr.data_tag, dfile)
                    for dfile in data_files]
            # Using external data extraction script.
            # Get extraction commands.
            extract_cmds = tp_ptr.extract_cmd(self.path, input_file, args)

            # Extract data.
            outputs = []
            for cmd in extract_cmds:
                    if verbose > 2:
                        print(('Analysing output using %s in %s.' %
                                (cmd, self.path)))
                    extract_popen = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True,
                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                except OSError:
                    # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python
                    # 2.5 and python 2.6/3
                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],)
                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                # Convert data string from extract command to dictionary format.
                if extract_popen.returncode != 0:
                    err = extract_popen.communicate()[1].decode('utf-8')
                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (err)
                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                data_string = extract_popen.stdout.decode('utf-8')
                if self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'table':
                elif self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'yaml':
                    # convert values to be in a tuple so the format matches
                    # that from dict_table_string.
                    # ensure all keys are strings so they can be sorted
                    # (different data types cause problems!)
                    for (key, val) in list(yaml.safe_load(data_string).items()):
                        if isinstance(val, list):
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple(val)
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple((val,))

        return tuple(outputs)
Example #3
    def extract_data(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
        '''Extract data from output file.

Assume function is executed in self.path.'''
        tp_ptr = self.test_program
        if tp_ptr.data_tag:
            # Using internal data extraction function.
            data_files = [
                tp_ptr.select_benchmark_file(self.path, input_file, args),
                util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'], tp_ptr.test_id,
                                       input_file, args),
            if verbose > 2:
                print('Analysing output using data_tag %s in %s on files %s.' %
                      (tp_ptr.data_tag, self.path, ' and '.join(data_files)))
            outputs = [
                util.extract_tagged_data(tp_ptr.data_tag, dfile)
                for dfile in data_files
            # Using external data extraction script.
            # Get extraction commands.
            extract_cmds = tp_ptr.extract_cmd(self.path, input_file, args)

            # Extract data.
            outputs = []
            for cmd in extract_cmds:
                    if verbose > 2:
                        print('Analysing output using %s in %s.' %
                              (cmd, self.path))
                    # Samuel Ponce: Popen.wait() creates deadlock if the data is too large
                    # See documented issue for example in:
                    # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.returncode
                    # Previous code that create deadlock:
                    #extract_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
                    #        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                    # New code (this might not be the best but work for me):
                    extract_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

                    lines = []
                    for line in iter(extract_popen.stdout.readline, ''):
                        #print line,

                except OSError:
                    # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python
                    # 2.5 and python 2.6/3
                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1], )
                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                # Convert data string from extract command to dictionary format.

                # SP: Because of the above change, the test below cannot be done:
                #if extract_popen.returncode != 0:
                #    err = extract_popen.communicate()[1].decode('utf-8')
                #    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (err)
                #    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                #data_string = extract_popen.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
                data_string = ''.join(lines)

                if self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'table':
                elif self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'yaml':
                    # convert values to be in a tuple so the format matches
                    # that from dict_table_string.
                    # ensure all keys are strings so they can be sorted
                    # (different data types cause problems!)
                    for (key, val) in yaml.safe_load(data_string).items():
                        if isinstance(val, list):
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple(val)
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple((val, ))

        return tuple(outputs)
Example #4
    def extract_data(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
        '''Extract data from output file.

Assume function is executed in self.path.'''
        tp_ptr = self.test_program
        if tp_ptr.data_tag:
            # Using internal data extraction function.
            data_files = [
                    tp_ptr.select_benchmark_file(self.path, input_file, args),
                            tp_ptr.test_id, input_file, args),
            if verbose > 2:
                print('Analysing output using data_tag %s in %s on files %s.' %
                        (tp_ptr.data_tag, self.path, ' and '.join(data_files)))
            outputs = [util.extract_tagged_data(tp_ptr.data_tag, dfile)
                    for dfile in data_files]
            # Using external data extraction script.
            # Get extraction commands.
            extract_cmds = tp_ptr.extract_cmd(self.path, input_file, args)

            # Extract data.
            outputs = []
            for cmd in extract_cmds:
                    if verbose > 2:
                        print('Analysing output using %s in %s.' %
                                (cmd, self.path))
                    # Samuel Ponce: Popen.wait() creates deadlock if the data is too large
                    # See documented issue for example in: 
                    # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.returncode
                    # Previous code that create deadlock:
                    #extract_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
                    #        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                    # New code (this might not be the best but work for me):
                    extract_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=1, shell=True,
                         stdin=open(os.devnull), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

                    lines = []
                    for line in iter(extract_popen.stdout.readline, ''):
                      #print line,

                except OSError:
                    # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python
                    # 2.5 and python 2.6/3
                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],)
                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                # Convert data string from extract command to dictionary format.
                # SP: Because of the above change, the test below cannot be done:
                #if extract_popen.returncode != 0:
                #    err = extract_popen.communicate()[1].decode('utf-8')
                #    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (err)
                #    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
                #data_string = extract_popen.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
                data_string = ''.join(lines)                 

                if self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'table':
                elif self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'yaml':
                    # convert values to be in a tuple so the format matches
                    # that from dict_table_string.
                    # ensure all keys are strings so they can be sorted
                    # (different data types cause problems!)
                    for (key, val) in yaml.safe_load(data_string).items():
                        if isinstance(val, list):
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple(val)
                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple((val,))

        return tuple(outputs)