def test_streaming(self): input_iter = iter(xrange(int(10000))) doubled_stream = vimap.ext.sugar.imap_ordered( lambda x: 2 * x, input_iter ) # take a few from the doubled output stream consumed = tuple(itertools.islice(doubled_stream, 40)) # exhaust the input unspooled_input = tuple(input_iter) # now take the rest from the output stream rest = tuple(doubled_stream) num_processed = len(consumed) + len(rest) T.assert_gt( len(unspooled_input), 9000, message="Most inputs should not be processed (too much spooling / " "not lazy). Only {0} remained.".format(len(unspooled_input)) ) assert num_processed + len(unspooled_input) == 10000, "Something got dropped" T.assert_equal( consumed + rest, tuple(2 * i for i in xrange(num_processed)), message="Processed inputs weren't the first in the stream, or are out of order." )
def test_monthly(self): cfg = parse_daily('1st day') sch = scheduler.GeneralScheduler(**cfg._asdict()) next_run_date = sch.next_run_time(None) assert_gt(next_run_date, assert_equal(next_run_date.month, 7)
def test_performance(self): # NOTE: Avoid hyperthreading, which doesn't help performance # in our test case. num_workers = min(4, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2) T.assert_gt(num_workers, 1, "Too few cores to run performance test.") start = 15000 num_inputs = 2 * num_workers inputs = tuple(xrange(start, start + num_inputs)) def factor_sequential(): for i in inputs: factorial(i) pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical(factorial_worker, num_workers=num_workers) def factor_parallel(): pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output(close_if_done=False) speedup_ratio = self.get_speedup_factor(factor_sequential, factor_parallel, 4) efficiency = speedup_ratio / num_workers print("Easy performance test efficiency: {0:.1f}% ({1:.1f}x speedup)". format(efficiency * 100., speedup_ratio)) T.assert_gt(efficiency, 0.65, "Failed performance test!!")
def test_gradient_descent_optimizer_constrained(self): """Check that gradient descent can find the global optimum (in a domain) when the true optimum is outside.""" # Domain where the optimum, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), lies outside the domain domain_bounds = [ClosedInterval(0.05, 0.32), ClosedInterval(0.05, 0.6), ClosedInterval(0.05, 0.32)] domain = TensorProductDomain(domain_bounds) gradient_descent_optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer(domain, self.polynomial, self.gd_parameters) # Work out what the maxima point woudl be given the domain constraints (i.e., project to the nearest point on domain) constrained_optimum_point = self.polynomial.optimum_point for i, bounds in enumerate(domain_bounds): if constrained_optimum_point[i] > bounds.max: constrained_optimum_point[i] = bounds.max elif constrained_optimum_point[i] < bounds.min: constrained_optimum_point[i] = bounds.min tolerance = 2.0e-13 initial_guess = numpy.full(self.polynomial.dim, 0.2) gradient_descent_optimizer.objective_function.current_point = initial_guess initial_value = gradient_descent_optimizer.objective_function.compute_objective_function() gradient_descent_optimizer.optimize() output = gradient_descent_optimizer.objective_function.current_point # Verify coordinates self.assert_vector_within_relative(output, constrained_optimum_point, tolerance) # Verify optimized value is better than initial guess final_value = self.polynomial.compute_objective_function() T.assert_gt(final_value, initial_value) # Verify derivative: only get 0 derivative if the coordinate lies inside domain boundaries gradient = self.polynomial.compute_grad_objective_function() for i, bounds in enumerate(domain_bounds): if bounds.is_inside(self.polynomial.optimum_point[i]): self.assert_scalar_within_relative(gradient[i], 0.0, tolerance)
def test_performance(self): # NOTE: Avoid hyperthreading, which doesn't help performance # in our test case. num_workers = min(4, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2) T.assert_gt(num_workers, 1, "Too few cores to run performance test.") start = 15000 num_inputs = 2 * num_workers inputs = tuple(xrange(start, start + num_inputs)) def factor_sequential(): for i in inputs: factorial(i) pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical(factorial_worker, num_workers=num_workers) def factor_parallel(): pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output(close_if_done=False) speedup_ratio = self.get_speedup_factor(factor_sequential, factor_parallel, 4) efficiency = speedup_ratio / num_workers print( "Easy performance test efficiency: " "{0:.1f}% ({1:.1f}x speedup)".format( efficiency * 100., speedup_ratio)) T.assert_gt(efficiency, 0.65, "Failed performance test!!")
def test_chunking_really_is_faster(self): """Chunking should be faster when the tasks are really small (so queue communication overhead is the biggest factor). """ inputs = tuple(xrange(1, 10)) * 1000 normal_pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical(factorial_worker, num_workers=2) chunked_pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical_chunked(factorial_worker, num_workers=2) def factor_normal(): normal_pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output( close_if_done=False) def factor_chunked(): chunked_pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output( close_if_done=False) speedup_ratio = self.get_speedup_factor(factor_normal, factor_chunked, 2) print( "Chunked performance test: {0:.1f}x speedup".format( speedup_ratio)) T.assert_gt(speedup_ratio, 5)
def test_cleanup_on_failure(self): FAIL_CONFIG = BASIC_CONFIG + dedent(""" jobs: - name: "failjob" node: local schedule: "constant" actions: - name: "failaction" command: "failplz" """) + TOUCH_CLEANUP_FMT client = self.sandbox.client self.sandbox.save_config(FAIL_CONFIG) self.sandbox.trond() action_run_url = client.get_url('MASTER.failjob.0.failaction') def wait_on_failaction(): return client.action(action_run_url)['state'] == 'FAIL' sandbox.wait_on_sandbox(wait_on_failaction) action_run_url = client.get_url('MASTER.failjob.1.cleanup') def wait_on_cleanup(): return client.action(action_run_url)['state'] == 'SUCC' sandbox.wait_on_sandbox(wait_on_cleanup) assert_gt(len(client.job(client.get_url('MASTER.failjob'))['runs']), 1)
def test_big_fork_test(self): """Tests that if we have one more input, the big fork performance test would fail. This makes sure the above test is really doing something. """ time_sleep_s = 0.2 test_time = self.run_big_fork_test(time_sleep_s, 70, 71, 1) T.assert_gt(test_time, time_sleep_s * 2)
def test_cleanup_on_failure(self): config = BASIC_CONFIG + dedent(""" jobs: - name: "failjob" node: local schedule: "constant" actions: - name: "failaction" command: "failplz" """) + TOUCH_CLEANUP_FMT self.start_with_config(config) action_run_url = self.client.get_url('MASTER.failjob.0.failaction') sandbox.wait_on_state( self.client.action_runs, action_run_url,, ) action_run_url = self.client.get_url('MASTER.failjob.1.cleanup') sandbox.wait_on_state( self.client.action_runs, action_run_url,, ) job_runs = self.client.job( self.client.get_url('MASTER.failjob'), )['runs'] assert_gt(len(job_runs), 1)
def get_speedup_factor(self, baseline_fcn, optimized_fcn, num_tests): baseline_performance = timeit.timeit(baseline_fcn, number=num_tests) optimized_performance = timeit.timeit(optimized_fcn, number=num_tests) _message = "Performance test too fast, susceptible to overhead" T.assert_gt(baseline_performance, 0.005, _message) T.assert_gt(optimized_performance, 0.005, _message) return (baseline_performance / optimized_performance)
def test_multistart_monte_carlo_expected_improvement_optimization(self): """Check that multistart optimization (gradient descent) can find the optimum point to sample (using 2-EI).""" numpy.random.seed(7858) # TODO(271): Monte Carlo only works for this seed index = numpy.argmax(numpy.greater_equal(self.num_sampled_list, 20)) domain, gaussian_process = self.gp_test_environments[index] max_num_steps = 75 # this is *too few* steps; we configure it this way so the test will run quickly max_num_restarts = 5 num_steps_averaged = 50 gamma = 0.2 pre_mult = 1.5 max_relative_change = 1.0 tolerance = 3.0e-2 # really large tolerance b/c converging with monte-carlo (esp in Python) is expensive gd_parameters = GradientDescentParameters( max_num_steps, max_num_restarts, num_steps_averaged, gamma, pre_mult, max_relative_change, tolerance, ) num_multistarts = 2 # Expand the domain so that we are definitely not doing constrained optimization expanded_domain = TensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(-4.0, 2.0)] * self.dim) num_to_sample = 2 repeated_domain = RepeatedDomain(num_to_sample, expanded_domain) num_mc_iterations = 10000 # Just any random point that won't be optimal points_to_sample = repeated_domain.generate_random_point_in_domain() ei_eval = ExpectedImprovement(gaussian_process, points_to_sample, num_mc_iterations=num_mc_iterations) # Compute EI and its gradient for the sake of comparison ei_initial = ei_eval.compute_expected_improvement(force_monte_carlo=True) # TODO(271) Monte Carlo only works for this seed grad_ei_initial = ei_eval.compute_grad_expected_improvement() ei_optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer(repeated_domain, ei_eval, gd_parameters) best_point = multistart_expected_improvement_optimization(ei_optimizer, num_multistarts, num_to_sample) # Check that gradients are "small" ei_eval.current_point = best_point ei_final = ei_eval.compute_expected_improvement(force_monte_carlo=True) # TODO(271) Monte Carlo only works for this seed grad_ei_final = ei_eval.compute_grad_expected_improvement() self.assert_vector_within_relative(grad_ei_final, numpy.zeros(grad_ei_final.shape), tolerance) # Check that output is in the domain T.assert_equal(repeated_domain.check_point_inside(best_point), True) # Since we didn't really converge to the optimal EI (too costly), do some other sanity checks # EI should have improved T.assert_gt(ei_final, ei_initial) # grad EI should have improved for index in numpy.ndindex(grad_ei_final.shape): T.assert_lt(numpy.fabs(grad_ei_final[index]), numpy.fabs(grad_ei_initial[index]))
def test_verbose(self): stdout, stderr, returncode = self.run_job() assert_equal(stdout, '2\t"bar"\n1\t"foo"\n3\tnull\n') assert_not_equal(stderr, '') assert_equal(returncode, 0) normal_stderr = stderr stdout, stderr, returncode = self.run_job(['-v']) assert_equal(stdout, '2\t"bar"\n1\t"foo"\n3\tnull\n') assert_not_equal(stderr, '') assert_equal(returncode, 0) assert_gt(len(stderr), len(normal_stderr))
def test_multistart_qei_expected_improvement_dfo(self): """Check that multistart optimization (BFGS) can find the optimum point to sample (using 2-EI).""" numpy.random.seed(7860) index = numpy.argmax(numpy.greater_equal(self.num_sampled_list, 20)) domain, gaussian_process = self.gp_test_environments[index] tolerance = 6.0e-5 num_multistarts = 3 # Expand the domain so that we are definitely not doing constrained optimization expanded_domain = TensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(-4.0, 3.0)] * self.dim) num_to_sample = 2 repeated_domain = RepeatedDomain(num_to_sample, expanded_domain) num_mc_iterations = 100000 # Just any random point that won't be optimal points_to_sample = repeated_domain.generate_random_point_in_domain() ei_eval = ExpectedImprovement(gaussian_process, points_to_sample, num_mc_iterations=num_mc_iterations) # Compute EI and its gradient for the sake of comparison ei_initial = ei_eval.compute_expected_improvement() ei_optimizer = LBFGSBOptimizer(repeated_domain, ei_eval, self.BFGS_parameters) best_point = multistart_expected_improvement_optimization(ei_optimizer, num_multistarts, num_to_sample) # Check that gradients are "small" or on border. MC is very inaccurate near 0, so use finite difference # gradient instead. ei_eval.current_point = best_point ei_final = ei_eval.compute_expected_improvement() finite_diff_grad = numpy.zeros(best_point.shape) h_value = 0.00001 for i in range(best_point.shape[0]): for j in range(best_point.shape[1]): best_point[i, j] += h_value ei_eval.current_point = best_point ei_upper = ei_eval.compute_expected_improvement() best_point[i, j] -= 2 * h_value ei_eval.current_point = best_point ei_lower = ei_eval.compute_expected_improvement() best_point[i, j] += h_value finite_diff_grad[i, j] = (ei_upper - ei_lower) / (2 * h_value) self.assert_vector_within_relative(finite_diff_grad, numpy.zeros(finite_diff_grad.shape), tolerance) # Check that output is in the domain T.assert_true(repeated_domain.check_point_inside(best_point)) # Since we didn't really converge to the optimal EI (too costly), do some other sanity checks # EI should have improved T.assert_gt(ei_final, ei_initial)
def test_integration(self): """Run a runner with self.reporter as a test reporter, and verify a bunch of stuff.""" runner = TestRunner(DummyTestCase, test_reporters=[self.reporter]) conn = self.reporter.conn # We're creating a new in-memory database in make_reporter, so we don't need to worry about rows from previous tests. (build, ) = list(conn.execute( assert_equal(build['buildname'], 'a_build_name') assert_equal(build['branch'], 'a_branch_name') assert_equal(build['revision'], 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef') # Method count should be None until we discover (which is part of running) assert_equal(build['method_count'], None) # End time should be None until we run. assert_equal(build['end_time'], None) assert # Now that we've run the tests, get the build row again and check to see that things are updated. (updated_build, ) = list(conn.execute( for key in updated_build.keys(): if key not in ('end_time', 'run_time', 'method_count'): assert_equal(build[key], updated_build[key]) assert_gt(updated_build['run_time'], 0) assert_in_range(updated_build['end_time'], 0, time.time()) assert_equal(updated_build['method_count'], 2) # The discovery_failure column should exist and be False. assert 'discovery_failure' in build assert_equal(build['discovery_failure'], False) # Check that we have one failure and one pass, and that they're the right tests. test_results = list( conn.execute( + Tests.columns, from_obj=TestResults.join( Tests, TestResults.c.test == assert_equal(len(test_results), 2) (passed_test, ) = [r for r in test_results if not r['failure']] (failed_test, ) = [r for r in test_results if r['failure']] assert_equal(passed_test['method_name'], 'test_pass') assert_equal(failed_test['method_name'], 'test_fail')
def test_interface_returns_same_as_cpp(self): """Integration test for the /gp/hyper_opt endpoint.""" moe_route = GP_HYPER_OPT_MOE_ROUTE for test_case in self.gp_test_environments: python_domain, python_gp = test_case python_cov, historical_data = python_gp.get_core_data_copy() json_payload = self._build_json_payload(python_domain, python_cov, historical_data) resp =, json_payload) resp_schema = GpHyperOptResponse() resp_dict = resp_schema.deserialize(json.loads(resp.body)) T.assert_in('covariance_info', resp_dict) T.assert_equal(resp_dict['covariance_info']['covariance_type'], python_cov.covariance_type) # The optimal hyperparameters should be greater than zero for hyperparameter in resp_dict['covariance_info']['hyperparameters']: T.assert_gt(hyperparameter, 0.0)
def test_integration(self): """Run a runner with self.reporter as a test reporter, and verify a bunch of stuff.""" runner = TestRunner(DummyTestCase, test_reporters=[self.reporter]) conn = self.reporter.conn # We're creating a new in-memory database in make_reporter, so we don't need to worry about rows from previous tests. (build,) = list(conn.execute( assert_equal(build['buildname'], 'a_build_name') assert_equal(build['branch'], 'a_branch_name') assert_equal(build['revision'], 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef') # Method count should be None until we discover (which is part of running) assert_equal(build['method_count'], None) # End time should be None until we run. assert_equal(build['end_time'], None) assert # Now that we've run the tests, get the build row again and check to see that things are updated. (updated_build,) = list(conn.execute( for key in updated_build.keys(): if key not in ('end_time', 'run_time', 'method_count'): assert_equal(build[key], updated_build[key]) assert_gt(updated_build['run_time'], 0) assert_in_range(updated_build['end_time'], 0, time.time()) assert_equal(updated_build['method_count'], 2) # The discovery_failure column should exist and be False. assert 'discovery_failure' in build assert_equal(build['discovery_failure'], False) # Check that we have one failure and one pass, and that they're the right tests. test_results = list(conn.execute( columns=TestResults.columns + Tests.columns, from_obj=TestResults.join(Tests, TestResults.c.test == ))) assert_equal(len(test_results), 2) (passed_test,) = [r for r in test_results if not r['failure']] (failed_test,) = [r for r in test_results if r['failure']] assert_equal(passed_test['method_name'], 'test_pass') assert_equal(failed_test['method_name'], 'test_fail')
def test_chunking_really_is_faster(self): """Chunking should be faster when the tasks are really small (so queue communication overhead is the biggest factor). """ inputs = tuple(xrange(1, 10)) * 1000 normal_pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical(factorial_worker, num_workers=2) chunked_pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical_chunked(factorial_worker, num_workers=2) def factor_normal(): normal_pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output(close_if_done=False) def factor_chunked(): chunked_pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output(close_if_done=False) speedup_ratio = self.get_speedup_factor(factor_normal, factor_chunked, 2) print("Chunked performance test: {0:.1f}x speedup".format(speedup_ratio)) T.assert_gt(speedup_ratio, 5)
def test_update_perf(self): """update() should be faster than lots of individual inserts""" # Knobs that control how long this test takes vs. how accurate it is # This test *should not flake*, but if you run into problems then you # should increase `insert_per_iter` (the test will take longer though) num_iters = 5 insert_per_iter = 300 min_ratio = 10 # Setup dbs def setup_dbs(name): name = name + '%d' db_paths = [ os.path.join(self.tmpdir, name % i) for i in xrange(num_iters) ] return [ for path in db_paths] update_dbs = setup_dbs('update') insert_dbs = setup_dbs('insert') # Setup data insert_data = [ ('foo%d' % i, 'bar%d' % i) for i in xrange(insert_per_iter) ] # Time upates update_start = time.time() for update_db in update_dbs: update_db.update(insert_data) update_time = time.time() - update_start # Time inserts insert_start = time.time() for insert_db in insert_dbs: for k, v in insert_data: insert_db[k] = v insert_time = time.time() - insert_start # Inserts should take a subsantially greater amount of time testify.assert_gt(insert_time, min_ratio*update_time)
def test_interface_returns_same_as_cpp(self): """Integration test for the /gp/hyper_opt endpoint.""" moe_route = GP_HYPER_OPT_MOE_ROUTE for test_case in self.gp_test_environments: python_domain, python_gp = test_case python_cov, historical_data = python_gp.get_core_data_copy() json_payload = self._build_json_payload(python_domain, python_cov, historical_data) resp =, json_payload) resp_schema = GpHyperOptResponse() resp_dict = resp_schema.deserialize(json.loads(resp.body)) T.assert_in('covariance_info', resp_dict) T.assert_equal(resp_dict['covariance_info']['covariance_type'], python_cov.covariance_type) # The optimal hyperparameters should be greater than zero for hyperparameter in resp_dict['covariance_info'][ 'hyperparameters']: T.assert_gt(hyperparameter, 0.0)
def test_cleanup_on_failure(self): config = BASIC_CONFIG + dedent(""" jobs: - name: "failjob" node: local schedule: "constant" actions: - name: "failaction" command: "failplz" """) + TOUCH_CLEANUP_FMT self.start_with_config(config) action_run_url = self.client.get_url('MASTER.failjob.0.failaction') sandbox.wait_on_state(self.client.action_runs, action_run_url, action_run_url = self.client.get_url('MASTER.failjob.1.cleanup') sandbox.wait_on_state(self.client.action_runs, action_run_url, job_runs = self.client.job(self.client.get_url('MASTER.failjob'))['runs'] assert_gt(len(job_runs), 1)
def test_update_perf(self): """update() should be faster than lots of individual inserts""" # Knobs that control how long this test takes vs. how accurate it is # This test *should not flake*, but if you run into problems then you # should increase `insert_per_iter` (the test will take longer though) num_iters = 5 insert_per_iter = 300 min_ratio = 10 # Setup dbs def setup_dbs(name): name = name + '%d' db_paths = [ os.path.join(self.tmpdir, name % i) for i in xrange(num_iters) ] return [ for path in db_paths] update_dbs = setup_dbs('update') insert_dbs = setup_dbs('insert') # Setup data insert_data = [('foo%d' % i, 'bar%d' % i) for i in xrange(insert_per_iter)] # Time upates update_start = time.time() for update_db in update_dbs: update_db.update(insert_data) update_time = time.time() - update_start # Time inserts insert_start = time.time() for insert_db in insert_dbs: for k, v in insert_data: insert_db[k] = v insert_time = time.time() - insert_start # Inserts should take a subsantially greater amount of time testify.assert_gt(insert_time, min_ratio * update_time)
def test_gradient_descent_optimizer_constrained(self): """Check that gradient descent can find the global optimum (in a domain) when the true optimum is outside.""" # Domain where the optimum, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), lies outside the domain domain_bounds = [ ClosedInterval(0.05, 0.32), ClosedInterval(0.05, 0.6), ClosedInterval(0.05, 0.32) ] domain = TensorProductDomain(domain_bounds) gradient_descent_optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer( domain, self.polynomial, self.gd_parameters) # Work out what the maxima point woudl be given the domain constraints (i.e., project to the nearest point on domain) constrained_optimum_point = self.polynomial.optimum_point for i, bounds in enumerate(domain_bounds): if constrained_optimum_point[i] > bounds.max: constrained_optimum_point[i] = bounds.max elif constrained_optimum_point[i] < bounds.min: constrained_optimum_point[i] = bounds.min tolerance = 2.0e-13 initial_guess = numpy.full(self.polynomial.dim, 0.2) gradient_descent_optimizer.objective_function.current_point = initial_guess initial_value = gradient_descent_optimizer.objective_function.compute_objective_function( ) gradient_descent_optimizer.optimize() output = gradient_descent_optimizer.objective_function.current_point # Verify coordinates self.assert_vector_within_relative(output, constrained_optimum_point, tolerance) # Verify optimized value is better than initial guess final_value = self.polynomial.compute_objective_function() T.assert_gt(final_value, initial_value) # Verify derivative: only get 0 derivative if the coordinate lies inside domain boundaries gradient = self.polynomial.compute_grad_objective_function() for i, bounds in enumerate(domain_bounds): if bounds.is_inside(self.polynomial.optimum_point[i]): self.assert_scalar_within_relative(gradient[i], 0.0, tolerance)
def test_can_get_all_job_flows(self): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() NUM_JOB_FLOWS = 2222 assert_gt(NUM_JOB_FLOWS, DEFAULT_MAX_JOB_FLOWS_RETURNED) for i in range(NUM_JOB_FLOWS): jfid = 'j-%04d' % i self.mock_emr_job_flows[jfid] = MockEmrObject( creationdatetime=to_iso8601(now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=i)), jobflowid=jfid) emr_conn = EMRJobRunner().make_emr_conn() # ordinary describe_jobflows() hits the limit on number of job flows some_jfs = emr_conn.describe_jobflows() assert_equal(len(some_jfs), DEFAULT_MAX_JOB_FLOWS_RETURNED) all_jfs = describe_all_job_flows(emr_conn) assert_equal(len(all_jfs), NUM_JOB_FLOWS) assert_equal(sorted(jf.jobflowid for jf in all_jfs), [('j-%04d' % i) for i in range(NUM_JOB_FLOWS)])
def test_performance(self): # NOTE: Avoid hyperthreading, which doesn't help performance # in our test case. num_workers = min(8, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2) T.assert_gt(num_workers, 1, "Too few cores to run performance test.") inputs = tuple(xrange(7000, 7100)) def factor_sequential(): for i in inputs: factorial(i) pool = vimap.pool.fork_identical(factorial_worker, num_workers=num_workers) def factor_parallel(): pool.imap(inputs).block_ignore_output(close_if_done=False) sequential_performance = timeit.timeit(factor_sequential, number=4) parallel_performance = timeit.timeit(factor_parallel, number=4) speedup_ratio = sequential_performance / parallel_performance linear_speedup_ratio = float(num_workers) efficiency = speedup_ratio / linear_speedup_ratio print("Easy performance test efficiency: {0:.1f}% ({1:.1f}x speedup)".format(efficiency * 100.0, speedup_ratio)) T.assert_gt(efficiency, 0.70, "Failed performance test!!")
def test_integration(self): """Run a runner with self.reporter as a test reporter, and verify a bunch of stuff.""" runner = TestRunner(DummyTestCase, test_reporters=[self.reporter]) conn = self.reporter.conn # We're creating a new in-memory database in make_reporter, so we don't need to worry about rows from previous tests. (build,) = list(conn.execute( assert_equal(build['buildname'], 'a_build_name') assert_equal(build['branch'], 'a_branch_name') assert_equal(build['revision'], 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef') assert_equal(build['buildbot_run_id'], self.fake_buildbot_run_id) # Method count should be None until we discover (which is part of running) assert_equal(build['method_count'], None) # End time should be None until we run. assert_equal(build['end_time'], None) assert # Now that we've run the tests, get the build row again and check to see that things are updated. (updated_build,) = list(conn.execute( for key in updated_build.keys(): if key not in ('end_time', 'run_time', 'method_count'): assert_equal(build[key], updated_build[key]) assert_gt(updated_build['run_time'], 0) assert_in_range(updated_build['end_time'], 0, time.time()) assert_equal(updated_build['method_count'], 3) # The discovery_failure column should exist and be False. assert 'discovery_failure' in build assert_equal(build['discovery_failure'], False) # Check test results. test_results = self._get_test_results(conn) assert_equal(len(test_results), 3) # Check that we have one failure and one pass, and that they're the right tests. (passed_test,) = [r for r in test_results if not r['failure']] (failed_test, failed_test_2) = [r for r in test_results if r['failure']] assert_equal(passed_test['method_name'], 'test_pass') assert_equal(passed_test.traceback, None) assert_equal(passed_test.error, None) assert_equal(failed_test['method_name'], 'test_fail') assert_equal(failed_test.traceback.split('\n'), [ 'Traceback (most recent call last):', RegexMatcher(' File "\./test/plugins/sql_reporter_test\.py", line \d+, in test_fail'), ' assert False', 'AssertionError', '' # ends with newline ]) assert_equal(failed_test.error, 'AssertionError') assert_equal(failed_test_2['method_name'], 'test_multiline') assert_equal(failed_test_2.traceback.split('\n'), [ 'Traceback (most recent call last):', RegexMatcher(' File "\./test/plugins/sql_reporter_test\.py", line \d+, in test_multiline'), ' 3""")', 'Exception: I love lines:', ' 1', ' 2', ' 3', '' # ends with newline ]) assert_equal(failed_test_2.error, 'Exception: I love lines:\n 1\n 2\n 3')
def _assert_range(self, x, lower, upper): assert_gt(x, lower) assert_lt(x, upper)
def test_integration(self): """Run a runner with self.reporter as a test reporter, and verify a bunch of stuff.""" runner = TestRunner(DummyTestCase, test_reporters=[self.reporter]) conn = self.reporter.conn # We're creating a new in-memory database in make_reporter, so we don't need to worry about rows from previous tests. (build, ) = list(conn.execute( assert_equal(build['buildname'], 'a_build_name') assert_equal(build['branch'], 'a_branch_name') assert_equal(build['revision'], 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef') assert_equal(build['buildbot_run_id'], self.fake_buildbot_run_id) # Method count should be None until we discover (which is part of running) assert_equal(build['method_count'], None) # End time should be None until we run. assert_equal(build['end_time'], None) assert # Now that we've run the tests, get the build row again and check to see that things are updated. (updated_build, ) = list(conn.execute( for key in updated_build.keys(): if key not in ('end_time', 'run_time', 'method_count'): assert_equal(build[key], updated_build[key]) assert_gt(updated_build['run_time'], 0) assert_in_range(updated_build['end_time'], 0, time.time()) assert_equal(updated_build['method_count'], 3) # The discovery_failure column should exist and be False. assert 'discovery_failure' in build assert_equal(build['discovery_failure'], False) # Check test results. test_results = self._get_test_results(conn) assert_equal(len(test_results), 3) # Check that we have one failure and one pass, and that they're the right tests. (passed_test, ) = [r for r in test_results if not r['failure']] (failed_test, failed_test_2) = [r for r in test_results if r['failure']] assert_equal(passed_test['method_name'], 'test_pass') assert_equal(passed_test.traceback, None) assert_equal(passed_test.error, None) assert_equal(failed_test['method_name'], 'test_fail') assert_equal( failed_test.traceback.split('\n'), [ 'Traceback (most recent call last):', RegexMatcher( ' File "(\./)?test/plugins/sql_reporter_test\.py", line \d+, in test_fail' ), ' assert False', 'AssertionError', '' # ends with newline ]) assert_equal(failed_test.error, 'AssertionError') assert_equal(failed_test_2['method_name'], 'test_multiline') assert_equal( failed_test_2.traceback.split('\n'), [ 'Traceback (most recent call last):', RegexMatcher( ' File "(\./)?test/plugins/sql_reporter_test\.py", line \d+, in test_multiline' ), ' 3""")', 'Exception: I love lines:', ' 1', ' 2', ' 3', '' # ends with newline ]) assert_equal( failed_test_2.error, 'Exception: I love lines:\n 1\n 2\n 3')
def test_monthly(self): sch = scheduler_from_config('1st day') next_run_date = sch.next_run_time(None) assert_gt(next_run_date, assert_equal(next_run_date.month, 7)