Example #1
    def test_testsuite(self):
        '''(TestSuite) internal test suite'''

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('libjpeg6b', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \

        package_version = testlib.get_changelog_version(build_dir)

        print ""
        print "Package version is %s" % package_version
        print "  clean"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules', 'clean'])
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        print "  build (this will take a while)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules', 'build'])
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        print "  tests (this will take considerably longer)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make', '-C', build_dir, 'test'])
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)
Example #2
    def test_aa_build_source(self):
        '''Build nss'''
        if os.path.exists(self.cached_build_topdir):
            print ""
            build_dir = self._get_cached_build_dir()
            print "  using cached build: %s" % build_dir

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('nss', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \

        print ""
        print "  debian/rules clean"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules',

        print "  debian/rules build (this may take a while)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules',

        self.cached_build_dir = os.path.join(self.cached_build_topdir,
        shutil.move(build_dir, self.cached_build_dir)

Example #3
    def test_dbusglib_aa_tests(self):
        '''Test dbus-glib \'make check\' with --enable-tests'''
        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('dbus-glib', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        print ""
        print "  make clean"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(
            ['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make', 'clean'])
        print "  autoreconf"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(
            ['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'autoreconf', '-f', '-i'])
        print "  configure"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, './configure',
            '--prefix=%s' % self.tmpdir, '--enable-tests', '--enable-asserts'

        print "  make (will take a while)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make'])

        print "  make check (will take a while)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(
            ['sudo', '-H', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make', 'check'])

        expected = 0
        # This actually fails on Precise, Trusty and Utopic
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] in [12.04, 14.04, 14.10, 15.04]:
            expected = 2
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        # Useful to see if failure
        #print report

        search_terms = [
            'PASS: dbus-glib-test', 'PASS: test-compile-nested.sh',
            'PASS: run-peer-test.sh'

        if self.lsb_release['Release'] >= 14.10:
            search_terms += [
                'PASS: test-errors', 'PASS: test-specialized-types'

        # This actually fails on Precise, Trusty and Utopic
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] in [12.04, 14.04, 14.10, 15.04]:
            search_terms.append('FAIL: run-test.sh')
            search_terms.append('PASS: run-test.sh')

        for search in search_terms:
            self.assertTrue(search in report,
                            "Could not find '%s' in:\n%s" % (search, report))
    def test_locales(self):
        '''Test installed locales (this will take a while)'''
        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('ufw', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \
        locales_dir = "/usr/share/ufw/messages"
                        "Could not find '%s'" % locales_dir)

        pythons = ['python']
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] >= 12.10:

        exe = os.path.join(build_dir, "tests", "check-locales")
        if not os.path.exists(exe):
            exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ufw", "check-locales")
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(exe), "Could not find '%s'" % exe)

        locales = glob.glob("%s/*.mo" % locales_dir)
        print ""
        for python in pythons:
            print " %s:" % python

            lines = open(self.ufw_exe).readlines()
            lines[0] = '#!/usr/bin/%s\n' % python
            contents = "".join(lines)
            testlib.config_replace(self.ufw_exe, contents)
            for i in ['C'] + locales:
                loc = os.path.basename(i).split('.')[0]
                print "  %s:" % loc,

                rc, report = testlib.cmd(
                    [exe, '-f', '-i', '-d', locales_dir, '-l', loc])
                expected = 0
                result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
                self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

                self.assertFalse("FAIL" in report,
                                 "Found 'FAIL' in report:\n%s" % report)
                print "ok"
Example #5
    def test_zz_autopkgtests(self):
        '''Run autopkgtests'''
        if self.kernel_version.endswith('-goldfish'):
            return self._skipped(
                'An apparmor dependency (initramfs-tools) cannot be met on goldfish'

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('click-apparmor', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        # Now run the autopackage tests
        tests = glob.glob("./debian/tests/*")
        for f in tests:
            if os.path.isdir(f):
            elif os.path.basename(f) == "control":
            elif os.path.basename(f) == "run_testsuite-as-root":
                # we already did this above
            print(" %s" % os.path.basename(f))

            adttmp = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, os.path.basename(f))
            os.environ['ADTTMP'] = adttmp

            os.chmod(f, 0755)
            (rc, report) = testlib.cmd(f)
            expected = 0
            result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
            self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)
            self.assertFalse('\nFAIL' in report,
                             "Found '\\nFAIL' in:\n%s" % (report))
Example #6
    def test_testsuite(self):
        '''Run testsuite as non-root and root'''
        if self.kernel_version.endswith('-goldfish'):
            return self._skipped(
                'An apparmor dependency (initramfs-tools) cannot be met on goldfish'

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('click-apparmor', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        # First as non-root
        for user in [self.builder.login, 'root']:
             report) = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', user, './test-clicktool.py'])
            expected = 0
            result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
            self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)
            self.assertFalse('FAIL' in report,
                             "Found 'FAIL' in:\n%s" % (report))
    def _test_zz_testsuite(self):
        '''Test testsuite'''
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] < 11.04:
            return self._skipped("testsuite doesn't work on this release")

        self.cached_src = os.path.join(self.topdir, "source")
        self.patch_system = None
        self.builder = testlib.TestUser(
        )  #group='users',uidmin=2000,lower=True)
        testlib.cmd(['chgrp', self.builder.login, self.tmpdir])
        os.chmod(self.tmpdir, 0775)

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('apt', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        print ""
        #        print "  clean"
        #        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules', 'clean'])
        #        expected = 0
        #        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        #        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        print "  build"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules',
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        # Only Precise and higher have a usable testsuite
        print "  tests",
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] < 12.04:
            print "(skipped in this release)"
            print ""
            rc, report = testlib.cmd(
                ['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make', 'test'])
            expected = 0
            result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
            self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

            failure_txt = ""
            for line in report.splitlines():
                if "FAIL" in line:
                    failure_txt += line + "\n"

                failure_txt == "",
                "Found failures in report:\n%s\nLines with failures:\n%s" %
                (report, failure_txt))

        # Only Natty and higher have integration tests
        print "  integration tests",
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] < 11.04:
            print "(skipped in this release)"
            print ""

                'sudo', '-H', '-u', self.builder.login, 'mkdir', '-m', '0700',
                os.path.join("/home", self.builder.login, ".gnupg")

            if self.lsb_release['Release'] >= 12.04:
                rc, report = testlib.cmd([
                    'sudo', '-H', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make', '-C',
                    'test/integration', 'test'
                os.chdir(os.path.join(build_dir, 'test', 'integration'))
                rc, report = testlib.cmd(
                    ['sudo', '-H', '-u', self.builder.login, './run-tests'])
            expected = 0
            result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
            self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

            # Attempt to parse test output of the form (as seen by pyunit, not
            # terminal output):
            #  Testcase test-apt-get-autoremove:  P P P P P P P P P P P
            #  Testcase test-apt-get-changelog:  P P P P P
            #  -E: changelog download failed
            #  +E: changelog for this version is not (yet) available; try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+changelog
            #  ###FAILED###
            #  ...

            efails = ['test-apt-key-net-update:']  # LP: #1013639
            efails = []

            if self.lsb_release['Release'] >= 12.04:
                efails += [
            elif self.lsb_release['Release'] == 11.10:
                efails += [
            elif self.lsb_release['Release'] == 11.04:
                efails += [

            failure_txt = ""
            testcase_txt = ""
            in_testcase = False
            for line in report.splitlines():
                testcase_txt += line + "\n"
                if line.startswith("Testcase"):
                    in_testcase = True
                    testcase_txt = line + "\n"
                elif in_testcase and '###FAILED###' in line:
                    ex_fail = False
                    for e in efails:
                        if e in testcase_txt.splitlines()[0]:
                            ex_fail = True
                    if not ex_fail:
                        testcase_txt += line + "\n"
                        failure_txt += testcase_txt + "\n"

                failure_txt == "",
                "Found failures in report:\n%s\nLines with failures:\n%s" %
                (report, failure_txt))
Example #8
    def test_dbus_tests(self):
        '''Test D-Bus \'make check\' with --enable-tests'''
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] == 15.10:
            # This test fails in the upstream release due to two different
            # bugs. Skip it in Ubuntu 15.10.
            #  https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91684
            #  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=796167
            return self._skipped("Test fails in upstream release")

        # This test partially depends on X11 and non-X11 display servers may
        # experience failures. This is a simple (and hackish) test to check for
        # X11 support.
        x11_sock_dir = '/tmp/.X11-unix'
        x11_sock_exists = True
        if not os.path.exists(x11_sock_dir) or not os.listdir(x11_sock_dir):
            x11_sock_exists = False

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('dbus', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        tests_user = self.builder.login
        if self.lsb_release['Release'] >= 12.04 and os.environ.has_key(
            # We need to do this as the user with the X session, otherwise on
            # 11.04 and higher the test-autolaunch script fails. Tried using
            # xhost +SI:localuser:self.builder.login, but that didn't do
            # enough. This works fine, so no big woo.
            tests_user = os.environ["SUDO_USER"]
            testlib.cmd(['chown', '-R', tests_user, self.tmpdir])

        print ""
        print "  make clean"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', tests_user, 'make', 'clean'])
        print "  autoreconf"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(
            ['sudo', '-u', tests_user, 'autoreconf', '-f', '-i'])
        print "  configure"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', tests_user, './configure',
            '--prefix=%s' % self.tmpdir, '--enable-tests', '--enable-asserts',
            '--with-test-socket-dir=%s' % self.tmpdir
        for d in 'var/run/dbus', 'share/dbus-1/services':
            rc, report = testlib.cmd([
                'sudo', '-u', tests_user, 'mkdir', '-p',
                '%s/%s' % (self.tmpdir, d)
        print "  make (will take a while)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(['sudo', '-u', tests_user, 'make'])

        print "  make check (will take a while)"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(
            ['sudo', '-H', '-u', tests_user, 'make', 'check'])
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        # Useful to see if failure
        #print report

        if self.lsb_release['Release'] >= 16.04:
                '# FAIL:  0' in report,
                "Found test failures in test run ouput:\n%s" % report)
                '# ERROR: 0' in report,
                "Found test errors in test run ouput:\n%s" % report)
Example #9
    def test_testsuite(self):
        '''Test testsuite'''
        # useful for testing (ie get shell after setUp())

        self.builder = testlib.TestUser(
        )  #group='users',uidmin=2000,lower=True)
        testlib.cmd(['chgrp', self.builder.login, self.tmpdir])
        os.chmod(self.tmpdir, 0775)

        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source(app, \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        print ""
        print "  clean"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules',
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        print "  build"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd([
            'sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'fakeroot', 'debian/rules',
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        print "  tests"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(
            ['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login, 'make', 'check'])
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        # raptor has a few expected failures in the rdfa testsuite and a couple
        # other places
        efails = [
            'Checking 0094.xhtml FAILED',
            'Checking 0101.xhtml FAILED',
            'Checking 0102.xhtml FAILED',
            'Checking 0103.xhtml FAILED',
            'Checking bad-15.rdf FAILED - parsing succeeded but should have failed (NFC test)',
            'Checking bad-16.rdf FAILED - parsing succeeded but should have failed (NFC test)',
            'Checking bad-17.rdf FAILED - parsing succeeded but should have failed (NFC test)',
            '4 tests FAILED:  0094.xhtml 0101.xhtml 0102.xhtml 0103.xhtml',

        failure_txt = ""
        for line in report.splitlines():
            if line in efails:
            if "FAIL" in line:
                failure_txt += line + "\n"

            failure_txt == "",
            "Found failures in report:\n%s\nLines with failures (besides '%s'):\n%s"
            % (report, ",".join(efails), failure_txt))
    def _run_test(self, test, runas, search_terms, python="python"):
        '''Run specific testsuite test'''
        build_dir = testlib.prepare_source('ufw', \
                                      self.builder, \
                                      self.cached_src, \
                                      os.path.join(self.tmpdir, \
                                        os.path.basename(self.cached_src)), \

        user_args = []
        if runas == 'non-root':
            user_args = ['sudo', '-u', self.builder.login]

        test_args = []
        if test == "non-root":
            test_args = ['./run_tests.sh', '-s', '-i', python]
        elif test == "root":
            test_args = ['./run_tests.sh', '-s', '-i', python, 'root']
        elif test == 'syntax-check':
            rc, report = testlib.cmd(['grep', test, './Makefile'])
            if rc == 0:
                test_args = ['make', test]
        elif test == 'man-check':
            rc, report = testlib.cmd(['grep', test, './Makefile'])
            if rc == 0:
                test_args = ['make', test]

        if len(test_args) == 0:
            return self._skipped("Skipped: TODO")

        print ""
        print "  make clean"
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(user_args + ['make', 'clean'])

        print "  %s (may take a while)" % (" ".join(test_args))
        rc, report = testlib.cmd(user_args + test_args)
        expected = 0
        result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
        self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)

        # Useful to see if failure
        #print report

        for search in search_terms:
            self.assertTrue(search in report,
                            "Could not find '%s' in:\n%s" % (search, report))
        self.assertFalse('FAIL' in report, "Found 'FAIL' in:\n%s" % (report))

        # Newer versions of ufw added capabilities tests. Lets make sure the
        # test chain is not present
        if test == "root":
            for exe in ['iptables', 'ip6tables']:
                rc, report = testlib.cmd([exe, '-L', '-n'])
                expected = 0
                result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected)
                self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report)
                search = 'caps-test'
                self.assertFalse(search in report,
                                 "Found '%s' in:\n%s" % (search, report))

        return report