def doIt(self):
        Does the job.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();

        aoGroups = SchedGroupLogic(oDb).getAll();
        iRc = 0;
        for oGroup in aoGroups:
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                print('%s (ID %#d):' % (oGroup.sName, oGroup.idSchedGroup,));
                (aoErrors, asMessages) = SchedulerBase.recreateQueue(oDb, self.oConfig.uid, oGroup.idSchedGroup, 2);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                print('  !!Hit exception processing "%s": %s' % (oGroup.sName, oXcpt,));
                if not aoErrors:
                    if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print('  Successfully regenerated.');
                    iRc = 1;
                    print('  %d errors:' % (len(aoErrors,)));
                    for oError in aoErrors:
                        if oError[1]  is None:
                            print('  !!%s' % (oError[0],));
                            print('  !!%s (%s)' % (oError[0], oError[1]));
                if asMessages and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                    print('  %d messages:' % (len(asMessages),));
                    for sMsg in asMessages:
                        print('  ##%s' % (sMsg,));
        return iRc;
    def doIt(self):
        Does the job.
        oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();

        aoGroups = SchedGroupLogic(oDb).getAll();
        iRc = 0;
        for oGroup in aoGroups:
            if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                print '%s (ID %#d):' % (oGroup.sName, oGroup.idSchedGroup,);
                (aoErrors, asMessages) = SchedulerBase.recreateQueue(oDb, self.oConfig.uid, oGroup.idSchedGroup, 2);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                print '  !!Hit exception processing "%s": %s' % (oGroup.sName, oXcpt,);
                if len(aoErrors) == 0:
                    if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                        print '  Successfully regenerated.';
                    iRc = 1;
                    print '  %d errors:' % (len(aoErrors,));
                    for oError in aoErrors:
                        if oError[1]  is None:
                            print '  !!%s' % (oError[0],);
                            print '  !!%s (%s)' % (oError[0], oError[1]);
                if len(asMessages) > 0 and not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
                    print '  %d messages:' % (len(asMessages),);
                    for sMsg in asMessages:
                        print '  ##%s' % (sMsg,);
        return iRc;
 def _doGangGathering(self, oDb, oStatusData):
     _doRequestCommand worker for handling a box in gang-gathering state.
     This only checks for timeout.  It will update the oStatusData if a
     timeout is detected, so that the box will be idle upon return.
     oStatusLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb)
     if     oStatusLogic.timeSinceLastChangeInSecs(oStatusData) > config.g_kcSecGangGathering \
        and SchedulerBase.tryCancelGangGathering(oDb, oStatusData): # <-- Updates oStatusData.
         self._doGangGatheringTimedOut(oDb, oStatusData)
     return None
 def _doGangGathering(self, oDb, oStatusData):
     _doRequestCommand worker for handling a box in gang-gathering state.
     This only checks for timeout.  It will update the oStatusData if a
     timeout is detected, so that the box will be idle upon return.
     oStatusLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb);
     if     oStatusLogic.timeSinceLastChangeInSecs(oStatusData) > config.g_kcSecGangGathering \
        and SchedulerBase.tryCancelGangGathering(oDb, oStatusData): # <-- Updates oStatusData.
         self._doGangGatheringTimedOut(oDb, oStatusData);
     return None;
Example #5
    def _actionRegenQueuesCommon(self):
        Common code for ksActionTestBoxesRegenQueues and ksActionTestCfgRegenQueues.

        Too lazy to put this in some separate place right now.
        ## @todo should also be changed to a POST with a confirmation dialog preceeding it.

        self._sPageTitle = 'Regenerate All Scheduling Queues'
        self._sPageBody = ''
        aoGroups = SchedGroupLogic(self._oDb).getAll()
        for oGroup in aoGroups:
            self._sPageBody += '<h3>%s (ID %#d)</h3>' % (webutils.escapeElem(
                oGroup.sName), oGroup.idSchedGroup)
                (aoErrors, asMessages) = SchedulerBase.recreateQueue(
                    self._oDb, self._oCurUser.uid, oGroup.idSchedGroup, 2)
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                self._sPageBody += '<p>SchedulerBase.recreateQueue threw an exception: %s</p>' \
                                % (webutils.escapeElem(str(oXcpt)),)
                self._sPageBody += cgitb.html(sys.exc_info())
                if len(aoErrors) == 0:
                    self._sPageBody += '<p>Successfully regenerated.</p>'
                    for oError in aoErrors:
                        if oError[1] is None:
                            self._sPageBody += '<p>%s.</p>' % (
                                webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]), )
                        ## @todo links.
                        #elif isinstance(oError[1], TestGroupData):
                        #    self._sPageBody += '<p>%s.</p>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]),);
                        #elif isinstance(oError[1], TestGroupCase):
                        #    self._sPageBody += '<p>%s.</p>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]),);
                            self._sPageBody += '<p>%s. [Cannot link to %s]</p>' \
                                             % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]), webutils.escapeElem(str(oError[1])))
                for sMsg in asMessages:
                    self._sPageBody += '<p>%s<p>\n' % (
                        webutils.escapeElem(sMsg), )
        return True
Example #6
    def _actionRegenQueuesCommon(self):
        Common code for ksActionTestBoxesRegenQueues and ksActionTestCfgRegenQueues.

        Too lazy to put this in some separate place right now.
        ## @todo should also be changed to a POST with a confirmation dialog preceeding it.

        self._sPageTitle = 'Regenerate All Scheduling Queues';
        self._sPageBody  = '';
        aoGroups = SchedGroupLogic(self._oDb).getAll();
        for oGroup in aoGroups:
            self._sPageBody += '<h3>%s (ID %#d)</h3>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oGroup.sName), oGroup.idSchedGroup);
                (aoErrors, asMessages) = SchedulerBase.recreateQueue(self._oDb, self._oCurUser.uid, oGroup.idSchedGroup, 2);
            except Exception as oXcpt:
                self._sPageBody += '<p>SchedulerBase.recreateQueue threw an exception: %s</p>' \
                                % (webutils.escapeElem(str(oXcpt)),);
                self._sPageBody += cgitb.html(sys.exc_info());
                if len(aoErrors) == 0:
                    self._sPageBody += '<p>Successfully regenerated.</p>';
                    for oError in aoErrors:
                        if oError[1] is None:
                            self._sPageBody += '<p>%s.</p>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]),);
                        ## @todo links.
                        #elif isinstance(oError[1], TestGroupData):
                        #    self._sPageBody += '<p>%s.</p>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]),);
                        #elif isinstance(oError[1], TestGroupCase):
                        #    self._sPageBody += '<p>%s.</p>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]),);
                            self._sPageBody += '<p>%s. [Cannot link to %s]</p>' \
                                             % (webutils.escapeElem(oError[0]), webutils.escapeElem(str(oError[1])));
                for sMsg in asMessages:
                    self._sPageBody += '<p>%s<p>\n' % (webutils.escapeElem(sMsg),);
        return True;
    def _doRequestCommand(self, fIdle):
        Common code for handling command request.

        (oDb, oStatusData, oTestBoxData) = self._connectToDbAndValidateTb()
        if oDb is None:
            return False

        # Status clean up.
        # Only when BUSY will the TestBox Script request and execute commands
        # concurrently.  So, it must be idle when sending REQUEST_COMMAND_IDLE.
        if fIdle:
            if oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGathering:
                self._doGangGathering(oDb, oStatusData)
            elif oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGatheringTimedOut:
                self._doGangGatheringTimedOut(oDb, oStatusData)
            elif oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangTesting:
                dResponse = SchedulerBase.composeExecResponse(
                    oDb, oTestBoxData.idTestBox, self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl())
                if dResponse is not None:
                    return dResponse
            elif oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangCleanup:
                self._doGangCleanup(oDb, oStatusData)
            elif oStatusData.enmState != TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle:  # (includes ksTestBoxState_GangGatheringTimedOut)
                self._cleanupOldTest(oDb, oStatusData)

        # Check for pending command.
        if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd != TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_None:
            asValidCmds = TestBoxController.kasIdleCmds if fIdle else TestBoxController.kasBusyCmds
            if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd in asValidCmds:
                dResponse = {
                if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd in [
                              UPGRADE_PARAM_URL] = self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl(
                              ) + TestBoxController.ksUpgradeZip
                return self._writeResponse(dResponse)

            if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd == TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_Abort and fIdle:

        # If doing gang stuff, return 'CMD_WAIT'.
        ## @todo r=bird: Why is GangTesting included here? Figure out when testing gang testing.
        if oStatusData.enmState in [
            return self._resultResponse(constants.tbresp.CMD_WAIT)

        # If idling and enabled try schedule a new task.
        if    fIdle \
          and oTestBoxData.fEnabled \
          and not TestSetLogic(oDb).isTestBoxExecutingToRapidly(oTestBoxData.idTestBox) \
          and oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle: # (paranoia)
            dResponse = SchedulerBase.scheduleNewTask(
                oDb, oTestBoxData, oStatusData.iWorkItem,
            if dResponse is not None:
                return self._writeResponse(dResponse)

        # Touch the status row every couple of mins so we can tell that the box is alive.
        oStatusLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb)
        if    oStatusData.enmState != TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGathering \
          and oStatusLogic.timeSinceLastChangeInSecs(oStatusData) >= TestBoxStatusLogic.kcSecIdleTouchStatus:
            oStatusLogic.touchStatus(oTestBoxData.idTestBox, fCommit=True)

        return self._idleResponse()
Example #8
 def __init__(self, oDb, oSchedGrpData, iVerbosity, tsSecStart):
     SchedulerBase.__init__(self, oDb, oSchedGrpData, iVerbosity,
 def __init__(self, oDb, oSchedGrpData, iVerbosity, tsSecStart):
     SchedulerBase.__init__(self, oDb, oSchedGrpData, iVerbosity, tsSecStart);
    def _doRequestCommand(self, fIdle):
        Common code for handling command request.

        (oDb, oStatusData, oTestBoxData) = self._connectToDbAndValidateTb();
        if oDb is None:
            return False;

        # Status clean up.
        # Only when BUSY will the TestBox Script request and execute commands
        # concurrently.  So, it must be idle when sending REQUEST_COMMAND_IDLE.
        if fIdle:
            if oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGathering:
                self._doGangGathering(oDb, oStatusData);
            elif oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGatheringTimedOut:
                self._doGangGatheringTimedOut(oDb, oStatusData);
            elif oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangTesting:
                dResponse = SchedulerBase.composeExecResponse(oDb, oTestBoxData.idTestBox, self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl());
                if dResponse is not None:
                    return dResponse;
            elif oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangCleanup:
                self._doGangCleanup(oDb, oStatusData);
            elif oStatusData.enmState != TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle: # (includes ksTestBoxState_GangGatheringTimedOut)
                self._cleanupOldTest(oDb, oStatusData);

        # Check for pending command.
        if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd != TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_None:
            asValidCmds = TestBoxController.kasIdleCmds if fIdle else TestBoxController.kasBusyCmds;
            if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd in asValidCmds:
                dResponse = { constants.tbresp.ALL_PARAM_RESULT: TestBoxController.kdCmdToTbRespCmd[oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd] };
                if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd in [TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_Upgrade, TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_UpgradeAndReboot]:
                    dResponse[constants.tbresp.UPGRADE_PARAM_URL] = self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl() + TestBoxController.ksUpgradeZip;
                return self._writeResponse(dResponse);

            if oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd == TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_Abort and fIdle:
                TestBoxLogic(oDb).setCommand(self._idTestBox, sOldCommand = oTestBoxData.enmPendingCmd,
                                             sNewCommand = TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_None, fCommit = True);

        # If doing gang stuff, return 'CMD_WAIT'.
        ## @todo r=bird: Why is GangTesting included here? Figure out when testing gang testing.
        if oStatusData.enmState in [TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGathering,
            return self._resultResponse(constants.tbresp.CMD_WAIT);

        # If idling and enabled try schedule a new task.
        if fIdle \
          and oTestBoxData.fEnabled \
          and oStatusData.enmState == TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle: # (paranoia)
            dResponse = SchedulerBase.scheduleNewTask(oDb, oTestBoxData, self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl());
            if dResponse is not None:
                return self._writeResponse(dResponse);

        # Touch the status row every couple of mins so we can tell that the box is alive.
        oStatusLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb);
        if    oStatusData.enmState != TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_GangGathering \
          and oStatusLogic.timeSinceLastChangeInSecs(oStatusData) >= TestBoxStatusLogic.kcSecIdleTouchStatus:
            oStatusLogic.touchStatus(oTestBoxData.idTestBox, fCommit = True);

        return self._idleResponse();