Test module for the Fedex RateService WSDL.

import datetime
import unittest
import logging
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '..')
from fedex.services.rate_service import FedexRateServiceRequest

# Common global config object for testing.
from tests.common import get_fedex_config

CONFIG_OBJ = get_fedex_config()


@unittest.skipIf(not CONFIG_OBJ.account_number, "No credentials provided.")
class RateServiceTests(unittest.TestCase):
    These tests verify that the rate service WSDL is in good shape.

    def base_rate(self):
        rate = FedexRateServiceRequest(CONFIG_OBJ)

        rate.RequestedShipment.DropoffType = 'REGULAR_PICKUP'
 def setUp(self):
     self.config_obj = get_fedex_config()
Test module for the Fedex AddressValidationService WSDL.

import unittest
import logging
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '..')
from fedex.services.address_validation_service import FedexAddressValidationRequest

# Common global config object for testing.
from tests.common import get_fedex_config

CONFIG_OBJ = get_fedex_config()


@unittest.skipIf(not CONFIG_OBJ.account_number, "No credentials provided.")
class AddressValidationServiceTests(unittest.TestCase):
    These tests verify that the address validation service WSDL is in good shape.
    def test_avs(self):
        avs_request = FedexAddressValidationRequest(CONFIG_OBJ)

        address1 = avs_request.create_wsdl_object_of_type('AddressToValidate')
        address1.Address.StreetLines = ['155 Old Greenville Hwy', 'Suite 103']
        address1.Address.City = 'Clemson'
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.config_obj = get_fedex_config()