async def test_found(self, database, make_user, make_hero): user = make_user() insert_user(user.dict()) id_ = 1 insert_hero(make_hero(id=id_, async with database.transaction(): assert await hero_repository.exists(id_)
def test_found(self, test_client, logged_user, make_hero): id_ = 1 hero = make_hero(id=id_, insert_hero(hero.dict()) with test_client as client: response = client.delete("/hero/1", headers=auth_headers( logged_user.access_token)) assert response.status_code == 204
def test_success(self, test_client, logged_user, make_hero): id_ = 1 hero = make_hero(id=id_, insert_hero(hero.dict()) with test_client as client: response = client.get(f"/hero/{id_}", headers=auth_headers( logged_user.access_token)) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json() == hero.dict()
async def test_found(self, database, make_user, make_hero): user = make_user() insert_user(user.dict()) id_ = 1 user_id = hero = make_hero(id=id_, user_id=user_id) insert_hero(hero.dict()) async with database.transaction(): result = await hero_repository.fetch(user_id, id_) assert result == hero
async def test_fetch_all(database, make_user, make_heroes): user = make_user() insert_user(user.dict()) heroes = make_heroes(10, for hero in heroes: insert_hero(hero.dict()) async with database.transaction(): result = list(await hero_repository.fetch_all()) assert len(result) == len(heroes) for hero in result: assert hero in heroes
def test_from_other_user(self, test_client, logged_user, make_user, make_hero): other_user = make_user() insert_user(other_user.dict()) id_ = 1 hero = make_hero(id=id_, insert_hero(hero.dict()) with test_client as client: response = client.get(f"/hero/{id_}", headers=auth_headers( logged_user.access_token)) assert response.status_code == 404
async def test_hero_not_unique_error(self, database, make_user, make_hero, create_hero_dto_factory): user = make_user() insert_user(user.dict()) id_ = 1 user_id = hero = make_hero(id=id_, user_id=user_id) insert_hero(hero.dict()) dto = create_hero_dto_factory() async with database.transaction(): with pytest.raises(HeroNotUniqueError): await hero_repository.persist(user_id, dto)
def test_success(self, test_client, logged_user, make_hero, make_update_hero_dto): id_ = 1 hero = make_hero(id=id_, insert_hero(hero.dict()) dto = make_update_hero_dto() with test_client as client: response = client.put( f"/hero/{id_}", headers=auth_headers(logged_user.access_token), json=dto.dict(), ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json() == {**hero.dict(), **dto.dict()}
async def test_fetch_all_by_user(database, make_user, make_heroes): users = make_user(), make_user() for user in users: insert_user(user.dict()) users_heroes = pipe( users, lambda users: { make_heroes(10, for user in users}, do(lambda mapping: [ insert_hero(hero.dict()) for user, heroes in mapping.items() for hero in heroes ]), ) async with database.transaction(): for user in users: user_id = heroes = users_heroes[user_id] result = list(await hero_repository.fetch_all_by_user(user_id)) assert len(result) == len(heroes) for hero in result: assert hero in heroes
async def test_hero_not_unique_error(self, database, make_user, make_hero, update_hero_dto_factory): user = make_user() insert_user(user.dict()) id_ = 1 user_id = hero = make_hero(id=id_, user_id=user_id) other_hero = make_hero(user_id=user_id) insert_hero([hero.dict(), other_hero.dict()]) dto = update_hero_dto_factory(, nickname=other_hero.nickname) async with database.transaction(): with pytest.raises(HeroNotUniqueError): await hero_repository.update(user_id, dto, id_)
def test_conflict(self, test_client, logged_user, make_hero, make_create_hero_dto): hero = make_hero( insert_hero(hero.dict()) dto = make_create_hero_dto(, nickname=hero.nickname) with test_client as client: response ="/hero", json=dto.dict(), headers=auth_headers( logged_user.access_token)) assert response.status_code == 409 assert response.json() == { "detail": { "msg": "hero already exists", "type": "conflict_error.not_unique", } }
async def test_found(self, database, make_user, make_hero, update_hero_dto_factory): user = make_user() insert_user(user.dict()) id_ = 1 user_id = hero = make_hero(id=id_, user_id=user_id) insert_hero(hero.dict()) dto = update_hero_dto_factory() async with database.transaction(): result = await hero_repository.update(user_id, dto, id_) assert result assert (, result.user_id) == (, hero.user_id) getter = attrgetter("name", "nickname", "power_class", "location") assert getter(result) != getter(hero)
def test_success(self, test_client, logged_user, make_user, make_heroes): other_user = make_user() insert_user(other_user.dict()) heroes = [ hero.dict() for hero in [ *make_heroes(10,, *make_heroes(10,, ] ] insert_hero(heroes) with test_client as client: response = client.get("/hero", headers=auth_headers( logged_user.access_token)) assert response.status_code == 200 response_body = response.json() assert len(response_body) == len(heroes) for hero in response_body: assert hero in heroes
def test_conflict(self, test_client, logged_user, make_hero, make_update_hero_dto): id_ = 1 hero = make_hero(id=id_, other_hero = make_hero( insert_hero([hero.dict(), other_hero.dict()]) dto = make_update_hero_dto(, nickname=other_hero.nickname) with test_client as client: response = client.put( f"/hero/{id_}", headers=auth_headers(logged_user.access_token), json=dto.dict(), ) assert response.status_code == 409 assert response.json() == { "detail": { "msg": "hero already exists", "type": "conflict_error.not_unique", } }
def test_success(self, test_client, logged_user, make_user, make_heroes): other_user = make_user() insert_user(other_user.dict()) heroes = [ hero.dict() for hero in [ *make_heroes(10,, *make_heroes(10,, ] ] insert_hero(heroes) with test_client as client: response = client.get("/hero/me", headers=auth_headers( logged_user.access_token)) assert response.status_code == 200 response_body = response.json() cond = itemgetter("id") user_heroes = [ hero for hero in heroes if hero["user_id"] == ] assert sorted(response_body, key=cond) == sorted(user_heroes, key=cond)