Example #1
 def test_stop_modify_other(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, modify it's Other dict, save again (updating it), read from DB and compare
     if modified Other dict matches the Other dict of the stop on DB.
     stopid = generate_stopid(51, 70, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Read from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Remove saved and updated keys from stop_db_2 Other dict
     # Add a new dict key
     stop_db.other["new_dict_item"] = "hello!"
     stop_dict_modified = stop_db.other
     # Update the stop
     self.db.save_stop(stop_db, update=True)
     # Read again from DB
     stop_db_2 = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Remove saved and updated keys from stop_db_2 Other dict
     # Assert attributes from saved and 2nd read Stop objects
     self.assertEqual(stop.stopid, stop_db_2.stopid)
     self.assertEqual(stop.name, stop_db_2.name)
     self.assertDictEqual(stop_dict_modified, stop_db_2.other)
Example #2
 def test_stop_save_read_check_time(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, read the stop, get the Saved and Updated times on the Other dict,
     and the Saved and Updated times directly from the DB entry, then compare them.
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 20, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Get saved and updated times directly from DB
     cursor = self.db.db.cursor()
     # noinspection SqlResolve
     cursor.execute("SELECT saved, updated FROM stops WHERE id=?",
                    (stopid, ))
     result = cursor.fetchone()
     saved, updated = result
     # Read Stop object from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Get Saved and Updated values on Other dictionary
     other = stop_db.other
     saved_db = other.pop("saved")
     updated_db = other.pop("updated")
     # Check if saved and updated times match
     self.assertEqual(saved, saved_db)
     self.assertEqual(updated, updated_db)
Example #3
 def test_stop_save_is_saved(self):
     """Save a stop on DB and check if is saved, using the is_stop_saved method.
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 100, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Query DB if Stop is saved
     saved = self.db.is_stop_saved(stopid)
Example #4
 def test_stop_save_read_only_name(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, read it and check if the name of the stop read from DB matches the name of the stop saved.
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 20, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Read from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Assert attributes from saved and read Stop objects
     self.assertEqual(stop.stopid, stop_db.stopid)
     self.assertEqual(stop.name, stop_db.name)
Example #5
 def test_stop_modify_name(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, modify it's name, save again (updating it), read from DB and compare
     if modified name matches the name of the stop on DB.
     stopid = generate_stopid(71, 100, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Change Stop name
     random_number = random.randint(1, 1000)
     modified_name = stop.name + " Modified #" + str(random_number)
     stop.name = modified_name
     self.db.save_stop(stop, update=True)
     # Read from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Current name of Stop in DB must match the modified name
     self.assertEqual(modified_name, stop_db.name)
Example #6
 def test_stop_save_read_only_other(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, read it and check if the Other dict from the stop read from DB matches
     the Other dict of the stop saved.
     stopid = generate_stopid(51, 70, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Read from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Remove saved and updated keys from stop_db Other dict
     # Assert attributes from saved and read Stop objects
     self.assertEqual(stop.stopid, stop_db.stopid)
     self.assertEqual(stop.name, stop_db.name)
     self.assertDictEqual(stop.other, stop_db.other)
Example #7
 def test_get_stop_no_auto_save(self):
     """Search a Stop that does not exist on MongoDB, but is available on an Online getter.
     Use the PyBuses auto_save option set to False. Check if the stop is saved after searching it.
     # Initialize PyBuses with the getter and setter from Sqlite
     # auto_save feature is disabled on find_stop
     pybuses = PyBuses(auto_save_stop=True)
     pybuses.add_stop_getter(online_stop_getter, online=True)
     pybuses.add_stop_getter(self.db.find_stop, online=False)
     # Generate the Stop to work with
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 100, self.saved_stops)
     pybuses.find_stop(stopid, auto_save=False)
     # Delete generated stop from the List, since it is not saved on DB
     # Stop should not be saved on MongoDB
     saved = self.db.is_stop_saved(stopid)
Example #8
 def test_get_stop_auto_save(self):
     """Search a Stop that does not exist on MongoDB, but is available on an Online getter.
     Use the PyBuses auto_save option set to True. Check if the stop is saved after searching it.
     # Initialize PyBuses with the getter and setter from Sqlite
     pybuses = PyBuses(auto_save_stop=True)
     pybuses.add_stop_getter(online_stop_getter, online=True)
     pybuses.add_stop_getter(self.db.find_stop, online=False)
     # Generate the Stop to work with
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 100, self.saved_stops)
     stop_pybuses = pybuses.find_stop(stopid)
     # Stop should be saved on MongoDB
     saved = self.db.is_stop_saved(stopid)
     stop_mongo = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     self.assertEqual(stop_pybuses.stopid, stop_mongo.stopid)
     self.assertEqual(stop_pybuses.name, stop_mongo.name)
Example #9
 def test_stop_delete(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, check if it is saved, then delete it and check if it is saved again.
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 100, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Check that it was saved
     saved_first = self.db.is_stop_saved(stopid)
     # Delete from DB
     # Check that is not saved now
     saved_last = self.db.is_stop_saved(stopid)
     # Delete from the saved_stops list, since it should have been already deleted
     # Assert
Example #10
 def test_stop_save_already_saved_no_update(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, modify it's Other dict, save again (forcing to NOT update), read from DB and compare
     if modified Other dict does not match the Other dict of the stop on DB.
     stopid = generate_stopid(21, 50, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     original_name = stop.name
     # Save on DB
     # Modify name
     new_name = original_name + " Modified!!!"
     # Request saving the stop with no update
     self.db.save_stop(stop, update=False)
     # Read stop from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Names must not match (stop from DB name must be the first name)
     self.assertNotEqual(new_name, stop_db.name)
     self.assertEqual(original_name, stop_db.name)
Example #11
 def test_get_all_saved_stops(self):
     """Use the method to get the Stop IDs of all the saved Stops, and compare with the Stops saved on this test.
     At least all the stops saved while testing must exist on the DB."""
     # Generate 5 new stops, save on DB and on a local list
     stops_created: Dict[int, Stop] = dict()
     for i in range(5):
         stopid = generate_stopid(1, 100, self.saved_stops)
         stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
         stops_created[stopid] = stop
     stops_created_ids = list(stops_created.keys())
     # Get all saved stops on DB
     stops_db = self.db.get_all_saved_stops()
     # Get stops in common (between Saved Stops on DB and Created stops on this test)
     common_stops = list(filter(lambda x: x in stops_created_ids, stops_db))
     # Sort lists
     # Assert (common_stops must match stops_created)
     self.assertListEqual(stops_created_ids, common_stops)
Example #12
 def test_stop_modify_location(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, modify it's location, save again (updating it), read from DB and compare
     if modified location matches the location of the stop on DB.
     stopid = generate_stopid(21, 50, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Change Stop location (current location * 0.5)
     lat = stop.lat
     lon = stop.lon
     new_lat = lat * 0.5
     new_lon = lon * 0.5
     stop.lat = new_lat
     stop.lon = new_lon
     self.db.save_stop(stop, update=True)
     # Read from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Current location must match saved coordinates
     self.assertAlmostEqual(new_lat, stop_db.lat)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(new_lon, stop_db.lon)
Example #13
 def test_stop_save_read_check_time(self):
     """Save a stop on DB, read the stop, get the Saved and Updated times on the Other dict,
     and the Saved and Updated times directly from the DB entry, then compare them.
     stopid = generate_stopid(1, 20, self.saved_stops)
     # Generate the Stop to save
     stop = online_stop_getter(stopid)
     # Save on DB
     # Read Saved and Updated times directly from DB
     js = self.db.documents.find_one({"_id": stopid})
     saved = js["saved"]
     updated = js["updated"]
     # Read Stop object from DB
     stop_db = self.db.find_stop(stopid)
     # Get Saved and Updated values on Other dictionary
     other = stop_db.other
     saved_db = other.pop("saved")
     updated_db = other.pop("updated")
     # Check if saved and updated times match
     self.assertEqual(saved, saved_db)
     self.assertEqual(updated, updated_db)