def setUp(self):
        # Run Voltha,OFAgent,3 ONOS and form ONOS cluster.
        print "Starting all containers ..."
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_start_all']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Waiting for all containers to be ready ..."
        cmd = command_defs['onos1_ip']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos1_ip = out
        print "ONOS1 IP is {}".format(onos1_ip)
        cmd = command_defs['onos2_ip']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos2_ip = out
        print "ONOS2 IP is {}".format(onos2_ip)
        cmd = command_defs['onos3_ip']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos3_ip = out
        print "ONOS3 IP is {}".format(onos3_ip)
        cmd = command_defs['onos_form_cluster'] + ' {} {} {}'.format(onos1_ip.strip(),
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Cluster Output :{} ".format(out)

Example #2
    def setUp(self):
        # Run Voltha,OFAgent,3 ONOS and form ONOS cluster.
        print "Starting all containers ..."
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_start_all']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Waiting for all containers to be ready ..."
        cmd = command_defs['onos1_ip']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos1_ip = out
        print "ONOS1 IP is {}".format(onos1_ip)
        cmd = command_defs['onos2_ip']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos2_ip = out
        print "ONOS2 IP is {}".format(onos2_ip)
        cmd = command_defs['onos3_ip']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos3_ip = out
        print "ONOS3 IP is {}".format(onos3_ip)
        cmd = command_defs['onos_form_cluster'] + ' {} {} {}'.format(
            onos1_ip.strip(), onos2_ip.strip(), onos3_ip.strip())
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Cluster Output :{} ".format(out)

Example #3
    def stop_voltha(self, remove=False):
        t0 = time()"Stopping voltha ...")
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_stop_voltha']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

        if remove:
            cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_remove_voltha']
            out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
 def tearDown(self):
     # Stopping and Removing Voltha,OFAgent,3 ONOS.
     print "Stopping and removing all containers ..."
     cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_stop']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     print "Waiting for all containers to be stopped ..."
     cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_rm_f']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
Example #5
 def tearDown(self):
     # Stopping and Removing Voltha,OFAgent,3 ONOS.
     print "Stopping and removing all containers ..."
     cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_stop']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     print "Waiting for all containers to be stopped ..."
     cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_rm_f']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
    def test_01_basic_def(self):
        print "Test_01_basic_def_Start:------------------"
        t0 = time.time()

        # input file: /voltha/tests/utests/netconf/yang/basic.yang

        expected_response = """
            syntax = "proto3";
            package basic;

            message commonAttributes {
                uint32 my_id = 1 ;
                string my_name = 2 ;
                bool my_status = 3 ;

            cmd = pyang_cmd.format('basic.yang')
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            self._compare_file(response, expected_response)
            print "Test_01_basic_def_End:------------------ took {} " \
                  "secs\n\n".format(time.time() - t0)
    def test_04_cord_tenant(self):
        print "Test_04_cord_tenant_Start:------------------"
        t0 = time.time()

        # input file: /voltha/tests/utests/netconf/yang/cord-tenant.yang

        expected_response = """
            syntax = "proto3";
            package cord_tenant;

            message subscriber {
                string label = 1 ;
                enum status
                    violation = 0 ;
                    enabled = 1 ;
                    delinquent = 2 ;
                    suspended = 3 ;
                bool demo = 3 ;
            cmd = pyang_cmd.format('cord-tenant.yang')
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            self._compare_file(response, expected_response)
            print "Test_04_cord_tenant_End:------------------ took {} " \
                  "secs\n\n".format(time.time() - t0)
    def test_02_container_def(self):
        print "Test_02_container_def_Start:------------------"
        t0 = time.time()

        # input file: /voltha/tests/utests/netconf/yang/container.yang

        expected_response = """
            syntax = "proto3";
            package container;

            message int_container {
                int32 eight = 1 ;
                int32 nine = 2 ;

            cmd = pyang_cmd.format('container.yang')
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            self._compare_file(response, expected_response)
            print "Test_02_container_def_End:------------------ took {} " \
                  "secs\n\n".format(time.time() - t0)
 def _stop_and_remove_all_containers(self):
     # check if there are any running containers first
     cmd = command_defs['docker_ps']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_stdout_in_list(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     if len(out) > 1:  # not counting docker ps header
         cmd = command_defs['docker_stop_and_remove_all_containers']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
Example #10
    def start_container(self, container):
        print "Starting {} ...".format(container)

        cmd = command_defs['docker_start'].format(container)
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

        print "Started {}".format(container)
    def start_container(self, container):
        print "Starting {} ...".format(container)

        cmd = command_defs['docker_start'].format(container)
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

        print "Started {}".format(container)
Example #12
    def enable_device(self, device_id):
        print "Enabling device - id:{}".format(device_id)

        cmd = command_defs['enable_olt'].format(device_id)
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

        print "Enabled device - id:{}".format(device_id)
Example #13
 def _stop_and_remove_all_containers(self):
     # check if there are any running containers first
     cmd = command_defs['docker_ps']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_stdout_in_list(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     if len(out) > 1:  # not counting docker ps header
         cmd = command_defs['docker_stop_and_remove_all_containers']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
    def _gen_yang(self, proto):
            save_file(os.path.join(TEMP_PATH, TEMP_INPUT_PROTO_FILE), proto)
            cmd = proto_to_yang_cmd.format(TEMP_PATH, TEMP_PATH,
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            return load_file(TEMP_YANG_PATH)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Failure to generate yang file {}'.format(e))
    def _gen_yang(self, proto):
            save_file(os.path.join(TEMP_PATH, TEMP_INPUT_PROTO_FILE), proto)
            cmd = proto_to_yang_cmd.format(TEMP_PATH, TEMP_PATH, TEMP_PROTO_PATH
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            return load_file(TEMP_YANG_PATH)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Failure to generate yang file {}'.format(e))
Example #16
    def add_device(self):
        print "Adding device"

        cmd = command_defs['add_olt']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        device = json.loads(out)

        print "Added device - id:{}, type:{}".format(device['id'],

        return device
Example #17
    def start_voltha(self):
        t0 = time()"Starting voltha ...")
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_start_voltha']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)"Waiting for voltha to be ready ...")
        self.wait_till('voltha service HEALTHY',
                       lambda: verify_all_services_healthy(
                           LOCAL_CONSUL, service_name='vcore-grpc') == True,
                       timeout=30)"Voltha is ready ...")
    def get_onos_devices(self):
        print "Getting ONOS devices ..."
        cmd = command_defs['get_onos_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

        if out is not None:
            onos_devices = json.loads(out)
            print "Got ONOS devices"
            onos_devices = None
            print "Unable to get ONOS devices"

        return onos_devices
Example #19
    def get_onos_devices(self):
        print "Getting ONOS devices ..."
        cmd = command_defs['get_onos_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

        if out is not None:
            onos_devices = json.loads(out)
            print "Got ONOS devices"
            onos_devices = None
            print "Unable to get ONOS devices"

        return onos_devices
Example #20
    def start_all_containers(self):
        t0 = time()

        # start all the containers"Starting all containers ...")
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_start_all']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)"Waiting for voltha container to be ready ...")
        self.wait_till('voltha services HEALTHY',
                       lambda: verify_all_services_healthy(
                           LOCAL_CONSUL, service_name='vcore-grpc') == True,
    def start_all_containers(self):
        t0 = time()

        # start all the containers"Starting all containers ...")
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_start_all']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)"Waiting for voltha container to be ready ...")
        self.wait_till('voltha services HEALTHY',
                       lambda: verify_all_services_healthy(
                           LOCAL_CONSUL, service_name='voltha-grpc') == True,

    def test_03_mix_simple_types(self):
        print "Test_03_mix_simple_types_Start:------------------"
        t0 = time.time()

        # input file: /voltha/tests/utests/netconf/yang/mix_simple_types.yang

        expected_response = """
            syntax = "proto3";
            package mix_simple_types;

            message user {
                string name = 1 ;
                string full_name = 2 ;
                string class = 3 ;

            message int_container {
                int32 eight = 1 ;
                int32 nine = 2 ;
                int32 ten = 3 ;
            message container1 {
                bool a = 1 ;
                Any b = 2 ;
                string mleaf = 3 ;
                repeated string mleaf_list = 4 ;
                message inner_container {
                    string mleaf1 = 1 ;
                    string mleaf2 = 2 ;

            cmd = pyang_cmd.format('mix_simple_types.yang')
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            self._compare_file(response, expected_response)
            print "Test_03_mix_simple_types_End:------------------ took {} " \
                  "secs\n\n".format(time.time() - t0)
    def test_05_basic_rpc(self):
        print "Test_05_basic_rpc_Start:------------------"
        t0 = time.time()

        # input file: /voltha/tests/utests/netconf/yang/basic-rpc.yang

        expected_response = """
            syntax = "proto3";
            package basic_rpc;

            message my_id {
                uint32 my_id = 1 ;
            message my_name {
                string my_name = 2 ;
            message my_status {
                bool my_status = 3 ;
            message my_input {
                string my_input = 4 ;
            message my_output {
                string my_output = 5 ;

            service basic_rpc {
                rpc do_something(my_input) returns(my_output) {}
            cmd = pyang_cmd.format('basic-rpc.yang')
            print 'running command: {}'.format(cmd)
            response, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)

            self._compare_file(response, expected_response)
            print "Test_05_basic_rpc_End:------------------ took {} " \
                  "secs\n\n".format(time.time() - t0)
    def start_all_containers(self):
        t0 = time()

        # start all the containers"Starting all containers ...")
        cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_start_all']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)"Waiting for voltha and chameleon containers to be ready ...")
        self.wait_till('voltha services HEALTHY',
                       lambda: verify_all_services_healthy(
                           LOCAL_CONSUL, service_name='voltha-grpc') == True,
        self.wait_till('chameleon services HEALTHY',
                       lambda: verify_all_services_healthy(
                           LOCAL_CONSUL,service_name='chameleon-rest') == True,

        # Chameleon takes some time to compile the protos and make them
        # available.  So let's wait 10 seconds
 def test_ofagent_controller_failover(self):
     olt_device = self.add_device()
     print "Output of ADD OLT is {} {} {}".format(olt_device, type(olt_device), olt_device['id'])
     print "Waiting for OLT device to be activated ..."
     cmd = command_defs['onos1_devices']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     onos1_devices = json.loads(out)
     onos1_role = onos1_devices['devices'][0]['role']
     print "Role of ONOS1 is {}".format(onos1_role)
     cmd = command_defs['onos2_devices']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     onos2_devices = json.loads(out)
     onos2_role = onos2_devices['devices'][0]['role']
     print "Role of ONOS2 is {}".format(onos2_role)
     cmd = command_defs['onos3_devices']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     onos3_devices = json.loads(out)
     onos3_role = onos3_devices['devices'][0]['role']
     print "Role of ONOS3 is {}".format(onos3_role)
     if onos1_role == "MASTER":
        cmd = command_defs['docker_stop']+ ' onos1'
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Waiting for ONOS to Elect New Master"
        cmd = command_defs['onos2_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos2_devices = json.loads(out)
        onos2_role = onos2_devices['devices'][0]['role']
        print "Role of ONOS2 is {}".format(onos2_role)
        cmd = command_defs['onos3_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos3_devices = json.loads(out)
        onos3_role = onos3_devices['devices'][0]['role']
        print "Role of ONOS3 is {}".format(onos3_role)
        assert (onos3_role == "MASTER" or onos2_role == "MASTER"), "Exception,New Master Election Failed"
     elif onos2_role == "MASTER":
        cmd = command_defs['docker_stop']+ ' onos2'
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Waiting for ONOS to Elect New Master"
        cmd = command_defs['onos1_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos1_devices = json.loads(out)
        onos1_role = onos1_devices['devices'][0]['role']
        print "Role of ONOS1 is {}".format(onos1_role)
        cmd = command_defs['onos3_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos3_devices = json.loads(out)
        onos3_role = onos3_devices['devices'][0]['role']
        print "Role of ONOS3 is {}".format(onos3_role)
        assert (onos3_role == "MASTER" or onos1_role == "MASTER"), "Exception,New Master Election Failed"
     elif onos3_role == "MASTER":
        cmd = command_defs['docker_stop']+ ' onos3'
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        print "Waiting for ONOS to Elect New Master"
        cmd = command_defs['onos1_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos1_devices = json.loads(out)
        onos1_role = onos1_devices['devices'][0]['role']
        print "Role of ONOS1 is {}".format(onos1_role)
        cmd = command_defs['onos2_devices']
        out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
        onos2_devices = json.loads(out)
        onos2_role = onos2_devices['devices'][0]['role']
        print "Role of ONOS2 is {}".format(onos2_role)
        assert (onos1_role == "MASTER" or onos2_role == "MASTER"), "Exception,New Master Election Failed"
 def _scale_voltha(self, scale=2):"Scaling voltha ...")
     cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_scale_voltha'] + str(scale)
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
Example #27
 def _scale_voltha(self, scale=2):"Scaling voltha ...")
     cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_scale_voltha'] + str(scale)
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
Example #28
 def test_ofagent_controller_failover(self):
     olt_device = self.add_device()
     print "Output of ADD OLT is {} {} {}".format(olt_device,
     print "Waiting for OLT device to be activated ..."
     cmd = command_defs['onos1_devices']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     onos1_devices = json.loads(out)
     onos1_role = onos1_devices['devices'][0]['role']
     print "Role of ONOS1 is {}".format(onos1_role)
     cmd = command_defs['onos2_devices']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     onos2_devices = json.loads(out)
     onos2_role = onos2_devices['devices'][0]['role']
     print "Role of ONOS2 is {}".format(onos2_role)
     cmd = command_defs['onos3_devices']
     out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
     self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
     onos3_devices = json.loads(out)
     onos3_role = onos3_devices['devices'][0]['role']
     print "Role of ONOS3 is {}".format(onos3_role)
     if onos1_role == "MASTER":
         cmd = command_defs['docker_stop'] + ' onos1'
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         print "Waiting for ONOS to Elect New Master"
         cmd = command_defs['onos2_devices']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         onos2_devices = json.loads(out)
         onos2_role = onos2_devices['devices'][0]['role']
         print "Role of ONOS2 is {}".format(onos2_role)
         cmd = command_defs['onos3_devices']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         onos3_devices = json.loads(out)
         onos3_role = onos3_devices['devices'][0]['role']
         print "Role of ONOS3 is {}".format(onos3_role)
         assert (onos3_role == "MASTER" or onos2_role
                 == "MASTER"), "Exception,New Master Election Failed"
     elif onos2_role == "MASTER":
         cmd = command_defs['docker_stop'] + ' onos2'
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         print "Waiting for ONOS to Elect New Master"
         cmd = command_defs['onos1_devices']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         onos1_devices = json.loads(out)
         onos1_role = onos1_devices['devices'][0]['role']
         print "Role of ONOS1 is {}".format(onos1_role)
         cmd = command_defs['onos3_devices']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         onos3_devices = json.loads(out)
         onos3_role = onos3_devices['devices'][0]['role']
         print "Role of ONOS3 is {}".format(onos3_role)
         assert (onos3_role == "MASTER" or onos1_role
                 == "MASTER"), "Exception,New Master Election Failed"
     elif onos3_role == "MASTER":
         cmd = command_defs['docker_stop'] + ' onos3'
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         print "Waiting for ONOS to Elect New Master"
         cmd = command_defs['onos1_devices']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         onos1_devices = json.loads(out)
         onos1_role = onos1_devices['devices'][0]['role']
         print "Role of ONOS1 is {}".format(onos1_role)
         cmd = command_defs['onos2_devices']
         out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         onos2_devices = json.loads(out)
         onos2_role = onos2_devices['devices'][0]['role']
         print "Role of ONOS2 is {}".format(onos2_role)
         assert (onos1_role == "MASTER" or onos2_role
                 == "MASTER"), "Exception,New Master Election Failed"