def test_correct_pip_version(): """ Check we are running proper version of pip in run_pip. """ reset_env() # output is like: # pip PIPVERSION from PIPDIRECTORY (python PYVERSION) result = run_pip('--version') # compare the directory tree of the invoked pip with that of this source distribution dir = re.match( r'pip \d(\.[\d])+(\.?(rc|dev|pre|post)\d+)? from (.*) \(python \d(.[\d])+\)$', result.stdout).group(4) pip_folder = join(src_folder, 'pip') pip_folder_outputed = join(dir, 'pip') diffs = filecmp.dircmp(pip_folder, pip_folder_outputed) # If any non-matching .py files exist, we have a problem: run_pip # is picking up some other version! N.B. if this project acquires # primary resources other than .py files, this code will need # maintenance mismatch_py = [ x for x in diffs.left_only + diffs.right_only + diffs.diff_files if x.endswith('.py') ] assert not mismatch_py, 'mismatched source files in %r and %r: %r' % ( pip_folder, pip_folder_outputed, mismatch_py)
def test_help_command_should_exit_status_error_when_command_does_not_exist(): """ Test `help` command for non-existing command """ reset_env() result = run_pip('help', 'mycommand', expect_error=True) assert result.returncode == ERROR
def test_help_command_should_exit_status_ok_when_command_exists(): """ Test `help` command for existing command """ reset_env() result = run_pip('help', 'freeze') assert result.returncode == SUCCESS
def test_upgrade_vcs_req_with_no_dists_found(): """It can upgrade a VCS requirement that has no distributions otherwise.""" reset_env() req = "%s#egg=pip-test-package" % local_checkout("git+") run_pip("install", req) result = run_pip("install", "-U", req) assert not result.returncode
def test_freeze_with_local_option(): """ Test that wsgiref (from global site-packages) is reported normally, but not with --local. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', 'initools==0.2') result = run_pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: ...pip freeze -- stdout: -------------------- INITools==0.2 wsgiref==... <BLANKLINE>""") # The following check is broken (see # For now we are simply # neutering this test, but if we can't find a way to fix it, # this whole function should be removed. # _check_output(result, expected) result = run_pip('freeze', '--local', expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: ...pip freeze --local -- stdout: -------------------- INITools==0.2 <BLANKLINE>""") _check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_with_requirement_option(): """ Test that new requirements are created correctly with --requirement hints """ reset_env() ignores = textwrap.dedent("""\ # Unchanged requirements below this line -r ignore.txt --requirement ignore.txt -Z ignore --always-unzip ignore -f http://ignore -i http://ignore --extra-index-url http://ignore --find-links http://ignore --index-url http://ignore """) write_file('hint.txt', textwrap.dedent("""\ INITools==0.1 NoExist==4.2 """) + ignores) result = run_pip('install', 'initools==0.2') result = pip_install_local('simple') result = run_pip('freeze', '--requirement', 'hint.txt', expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: pip freeze --requirement hint.txt -- stderr: -------------------- Requirement file contains NoExist==4.2, but that package is not installed -- stdout: -------------------- INITools==0.2 """) + ignores + "## The following requirements were added by pip --freeze:..." _check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_mercurial_clone(): """ Test freezing a Mercurial clone. """ reset_env() env = get_env() result ='hg', 'clone', '-r', 'c9963c111e7c', local_repo('hg+'), 'pip-test-package') result ='python', '', 'develop', cwd=env.scratch_path/'pip-test-package', expect_stderr=True) result = run_pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: ...pip freeze -- stdout: -------------------- ...-e %s@...#egg=pip_test_package-... ...""" % local_checkout('hg+')) _check_output(result, expected) result = run_pip('freeze', '-f', '%s#egg=pip_test_package' % local_checkout('hg+'), expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: ...pip freeze -f %(repo)s#egg=pip_test_package -- stdout: -------------------- -f %(repo)s#egg=pip_test_package ...-e %(repo)s@...#egg=pip_test_package-dev ...""" % {'repo': local_checkout('hg+')}) _check_output(result, expected)
def test_freeze_bazaar_clone(): """ Test freezing a Bazaar clone. """ checkout_path = local_checkout('bzr+') #bzr internally stores windows drives as uppercase; we'll match that. checkout_pathC = checkout_path.replace('c:', 'C:') reset_env() env = get_env() result ='bzr', 'checkout', '-r', '174', local_repo('bzr+'), 'django-wikiapp') result ='python', '', 'develop', cwd=env.scratch_path/'django-wikiapp') result = run_pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: ...pip freeze -- stdout: -------------------- ...-e %s@...#egg=django_wikiapp-... ...""" % checkout_pathC) _check_output(result, expected) result = run_pip('freeze', '-f', '%s/#egg=django-wikiapp' % checkout_path, expect_stderr=True) expected = textwrap.dedent("""\ Script result: ...pip freeze -f %(repo)s/#egg=django-wikiapp -- stdout: -------------------- -f %(repo)s/#egg=django-wikiapp ...-e %(repoC)s@...#egg=django_wikiapp-... ...""" % {'repoC': checkout_pathC, 'repo': checkout_path}) _check_output(result, expected)
def test_install_with_pax_header(): """ test installing from a tarball with pax header for python<2.6 """ reset_env() run_from = abspath(join(tests_data, 'packages')) run_pip('install', 'paxpkg.tar.bz2', cwd=run_from)
def test_editable_no_install_followed_by_no_download(): """ Test installing an editable in two steps (first with --no-install, then with --no-download). """ reset_env() result = run_pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools-dev' % local_checkout('svn+'), '--no-install', expect_error=True) result.assert_installed('INITools', without_egg_link=True, with_files=['.svn']) result = run_pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools-dev' % local_checkout('svn+'), '--no-download', expect_error=True) result.assert_installed('INITools', without_files=[curdir, '.svn'])
def test_help_command_should_exit_status_ok_when_no_command_is_specified(): """ Test `help` command for no command """ reset_env() result = run_pip('help') assert result.returncode == SUCCESS
def _test_config_file_override_stack(config_file): environ = clear_environ(os.environ.copy()) environ['PIP_CONFIG_FILE'] = config_file # set this to make pip load it reset_env(environ) write_file( config_file, textwrap.dedent("""\ [global] index-url = """)) result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert "Getting page" in result.stdout reset_env(environ) write_file( config_file, textwrap.dedent("""\ [global] index-url = [install] index-url = """)) result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert "Getting page" in result.stdout result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', '--index-url', '', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert "Getting page" not in result.stdout assert "Getting page" not in result.stdout assert "Getting page" in result.stdout
def test_reset_env_system_site_packages(self): """ Test using system_site_packages with reset_env resets the venv cache """ env = reset_env(system_site_packages=True) env = reset_env() assert not os.path.isfile(self.env.backup_path / self.env.venv / 'test_file')
def test_completion_alone(): """ Test getting completion for none shell, just pip completion """ reset_env() result = run_pip('completion', expect_error=True) assert 'ERROR: You must pass --bash or --zsh' in result.stderr, \ 'completion alone failed -- ' + result.stderr
def test_upgrade_vcs_req_with_dist_found(): """It can upgrade a VCS requirement that has distributions on the index.""" reset_env() # TODO(pnasrat) Using local_checkout fails on windows - oddness with the test path urls/git. req = "%s#egg=virtualenv" % "git+git://" run_pip("install", req) result = run_pip("install", "-U", req) assert not "" in result.stdout, result.stdout
def test_completion_for_unknown_shell(): """ Test getting completion for an unknown shell """ reset_env() error_msg = 'no such option: --myfooshell' result = run_pip('completion', '--myfooshell', expect_error=True) assert error_msg in result.stderr, 'tests for an unknown shell failed'
def test_search(): """ End to end test of search command. """ reset_env() output = run_pip('search', 'pip') assert 'A tool for installing and managing Python packages' in output.stdout
def test_reset_env_system_site_packages(self): """ Test using system_site_packages with reset_env resets the venv cache """ env = reset_env(system_site_packages=True) env = reset_env() assert not os.path.isfile( self.env.backup_path / self.env.venv / 'test_file')
def test_install_with_hacked_egg_info(): """ test installing a package which defines its own egg_info class """ reset_env() run_from = abspath(join(tests_data, 'packages', 'HackedEggInfo')) result = run_pip('install', '.', cwd=run_from) assert 'Successfully installed hackedegginfo\n' in result.stdout
def test_install_global_option(): """ Test using global distutils options. (In particular those that disable the actual install action) """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '--global-option=--version', "INITools==0.1") assert '0.1\n' in result.stdout
def test_upgrade_vcs_req_with_no_dists_found(): """It can upgrade a VCS requirement that has no distributions otherwise.""" reset_env() req = "%s#egg=pip-test-package" % local_checkout( "git+") run_pip("install", req) result = run_pip("install", "-U", req) assert not result.returncode
def test_missing_argument(): """ Test show command with no arguments. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('show') assert 'ERROR: Please provide a package name or names.' in result.stdout
def test_bad_install_with_no_download(): """ Test that --no-download behaves sensibly if the package source can't be found. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-download', expect_error=True) assert "perhaps --no-download was used without first running "\ "an equivalent install with --no-install?" in result.stdout
def test_local_flag(): """ Test the behavior of --local flag in the list command """ reset_env() run_pip('install', '-f', find_links, '--no-index', 'simple==1.0') result = run_pip('list', '--local') assert 'simple (1.0)' in result.stdout
def test_editable_install(): """ Test editable installation. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-e', 'INITools==0.2', expect_error=True) assert "INITools==0.2 should either by a path to a local project or a VCS url" in result.stdout assert len(result.files_created) == 1, result.files_created assert not result.files_updated, result.files_updated
def test_no_upgrade_unless_requested(): """ No upgrade if not specifically requested. """ reset_env() run_pip('install', 'INITools==0.1', expect_error=True) result = run_pip('install', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert not result.files_created, 'pip install INITools upgraded when it should not have'
def test_editable_install_from_local_directory_with_no_setup_py(): """ Test installing from a local directory with no ''. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-e', tests_data, expect_error=True) assert len(result.files_created) == 1, result.files_created assert 'pip-log.txt' in result.files_created, result.files_created assert "is not installable. File '' not found." in result.stdout
def test_setup_py_with_dos_line_endings(): """ It doesn't choke on a file that uses DOS line endings (\\r\\n). Refs """ reset_env() to_install = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tests_data, 'packages', 'LineEndings')) run_pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
def test_install_editable_from_svn(): """ Test checking out from svn. """ reset_env() result = run_pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools-dev' % local_checkout('svn+')) result.assert_installed('INITools', with_files=['.svn'])
def test_show_with_all_files(): """ Test listing all files in the show command. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', 'initools==0.2') result = run_pip('show', '--files', 'initools') assert"Files:\n( .+\n)+", result.stdout)
def test_install_global_option_using_editable(): """ Test using global distutils options, but in an editable installation """ reset_env() url = 'hg+' result = run_pip('install', '--global-option=--version', '-e', '%[email protected]#egg=anyjson' % local_checkout(url)) assert '0.2.5\n' in result.stdout
def test_git_with_editable_where_egg_contains_dev_string(): """ Test cloning a git repository from an editable url which contains "dev" string """ reset_env() result = run_pip( "install", "-e", "%s#egg=django-devserver" % local_checkout("git+git://") ) result.assert_installed("django-devserver", with_files=[".git"])
def test_multiple_search(): """ Test searching for multiple packages at once. """ reset_env() output = run_pip('search', 'pip', 'INITools') assert 'A tool for installing and managing Python packages' in output.stdout assert 'Tools for parsing and using INI-style files' in output.stdout
def test_install_editable_from_svn(): """ Test checking out from svn. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools-dev' % local_checkout('svn+')) result.assert_installed('INITools', with_files=['.svn'])
def test_editables_flag(): """ Test the behavior of --editables flag in the list command """ reset_env() run_pip('install', '-f', find_links, '--no-index', 'simple==1.0') result = run_pip('install', '-e', 'git+') result = run_pip('list', '--editable') assert 'simple (1.0)' not in result.stdout, str(result) assert os.path.join('src', 'pip-test-package') in result.stdout, str(result)
def test_list_command(): """ Test default behavior of list command. """ reset_env() run_pip('install', '-f', find_links, '--no-index', 'simple==1.0', 'simple2==3.0') result = run_pip('list') assert 'simple (1.0)' in result.stdout, str(result) assert 'simple2 (3.0)' in result.stdout, str(result)
def test_setup_py_with_dos_line_endings(): """ It doesn't choke on a file that uses DOS line endings (\\r\\n). Refs """ reset_env() to_install = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(tests_data, 'packages', 'LineEndings')) run_pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
def test_install_editable_from_bazaar(): """ Test checking out from Bazaar. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-e', '%s/@174#egg=django-wikiapp' % local_checkout('bzr+'), expect_error=True) result.assert_installed('django-wikiapp', with_files=['.bzr'])
def test_vcs_url_urlquote_normalization(): """ Test that urlquoted characters are normalized for repo URL comparison. """ reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-e', '%s/#egg=django-wikiapp' % local_checkout('bzr+'), expect_error=True) assert 'pip-log.txt' not in result.files_created, result.files_created['pip-log.txt'].bytes
def test_options_from_env_vars(): """ Test if ConfigOptionParser reads env vars (e.g. not using PyPI here) """ environ = clear_environ(os.environ.copy()) environ['PIP_NO_INDEX'] = '1' reset_env(environ) result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert "Ignoring indexes:" in result.stdout, str(result) assert "DistributionNotFound: No distributions at all found for INITools" in result.stdout
def test_install_editable_from_hg(): """ Test cloning from Mercurial. """ reset_env() result = run_pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=ScriptTest' % local_checkout('hg+'), expect_error=True) result.assert_installed('ScriptTest', with_files=['.hg'])