def test_serialise_with_naive_datetime(self):
        This tests that naive datetimes are saved as UTC
        # Time is in America/Chicago time
        log = Log(time=self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, data="Wagtail 0.5 released")
        log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())

        # Now check that the time is stored correctly with the timezone information at the end
        self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], '2014-08-01T16:01:42Z')
Example #2
    def test_serialise_with_naive_datetime(self):
        This tests that naive datetimes are saved as UTC
        # Time is in America/Chicago time
        log = Log(time=self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, data="Wagtail 0.5 released")
        log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())

        # Now check that the time is stored correctly with the timezone information at the end
        self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], '2014-08-01T16:01:42Z')
    def test_serialise_with_aware_datetime(self):
        This tests that aware datetimes are converted to as UTC
        # make an aware datetime, consisting of WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME
        # in a timezone 1hr west of UTC
        one_hour_west = timezone.get_fixed_timezone(-60)

        local_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, one_hour_west)
        log = Log(time=local_time, data="Wagtail 0.5 released")
        log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())

        # Now check that the time is stored correctly with the timezone information at the end
        self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], '2014-08-01T12:01:42Z')
Example #4
    def test_serialise_with_aware_datetime(self):
        This tests that aware datetimes are converted to as UTC
        # make an aware datetime, consisting of WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME
        # in a timezone 1hr west of UTC
        one_hour_west = timezone.get_fixed_timezone(-60)

        local_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, one_hour_west)
        log = Log(time=local_time, data="Wagtail 0.5 released")
        log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())

        # Now check that the time is stored correctly with the timezone information at the end
        self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], '2014-08-01T12:01:42Z')
    def test_deserialise_with_local_datetime(self):
        This tests that a datetime without timezone information is interpreted as a local time
        log = Log.from_json('{"data": "Wagtail 0.5 released", "time": "2014-08-01T11:01:42", "pk": null}')

        expected_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, timezone.get_default_timezone())
        self.assertEqual(log.time, expected_time)
        self.assertEqual(log.time.tzinfo, expected_time.tzinfo)
Example #6
    def test_deserialise_with_local_datetime(self):
        This tests that a datetime without timezone information is interpreted as a local time
        log = Log.from_json('{"data": "Wagtail 0.5 released", "time": "2014-08-01T11:01:42", "pk": null}')

        expected_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, timezone.get_default_timezone())
        self.assertEqual(log.time, expected_time)
        self.assertEqual(log.time.tzinfo, expected_time.tzinfo)
Example #7
    def test_serialise_with_aware_datetime(self):
        This tests that aware datetimes are converted to as UTC
        # make an aware datetime, consisting of WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME
        # in a timezone 1hr west of UTC
            one_hour_west = timezone.get_fixed_timezone(-60)
        except AttributeError:
            # use deprecated-in-Django-1.7 class constructor
            from django.utils.tzinfo import FixedOffset
            one_hour_west = FixedOffset(-60)

        local_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, one_hour_west)
        log = Log(time=local_time, data="Wagtail 0.5 released")
        log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())

        # Now check that the time is stored correctly with the timezone information at the end
        self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], '2014-08-01T12:01:42Z')
    def test_deserialise_with_utc_datetime(self):
        This tests that a datetimes saved as UTC are converted back correctly
        # Time is in UTC
        log = Log.from_json('{"data": "Wagtail 0.5 released", "time": "2014-08-01T16:01:42Z", "pk": null}')

        # Naive and aware timezones cannot be compared so make the release date timezone-aware before comparison
        expected_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, timezone.get_default_timezone())

        # Check that the datetime is correct and was converted back into the correct timezone
        self.assertEqual(log.time, expected_time)
        self.assertEqual(log.time.tzinfo, expected_time.tzinfo)
Example #9
    def test_deserialise_with_utc_datetime(self):
        This tests that a datetimes saved as UTC are converted back correctly
        # Time is in UTC
        log = Log.from_json('{"data": "Wagtail 0.5 released", "time": "2014-08-01T16:01:42Z", "pk": null}')

        # Naive and aware timezones cannot be compared so make the release date timezone-aware before comparison
        expected_time = timezone.make_aware(self.WAGTAIL_05_RELEASE_DATETIME, timezone.get_default_timezone())

        # Check that the datetime is correct and was converted back into the correct timezone
        self.assertEqual(log.time, expected_time)
        self.assertEqual(log.time.tzinfo, expected_time.tzinfo)
Example #10
    def test_date_filters(self):
        tmbg = Band(name="They Might Be Giants",
                    , 1, 1)),
                        Album(name="John Henry",
                    , 7, 21)),
                        Album(name="Factory Showroom",
                    , 3, 30)),
                        Album(name="The Complete Dial-A-Song",

        logs = FakeQuerySet(Log, [
            Log(time=datetime.datetime(1979, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                data="nobody died"),
            Log(time=datetime.datetime(1980, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
                data="one person died"),
            Log(time=None, data="nothing happened")

                release_date__range=(, 1, 1),
                           , 12, 31))).name,
            "John Henry")
                datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                datetime.datetime(1980, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))).data,
            "one person died")

      , 7, 21)).name,
            "John Henry")
            logs.get(, 2, 2)).data,
            "one person died")

            tmbg.albums.get(release_date__year='1994').name, "John Henry")
        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__year=1980).data, "one person died")

            tmbg.albums.get(release_date__month=7).name, "John Henry")
        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__month='2').data, "one person died")

            tmbg.albums.get(release_date__day='21').name, "John Henry")
        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__day=2).data, "one person died")

            tmbg.albums.get(release_date__week=29).name, "John Henry")
        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__week='5').data, "one person died")

            tmbg.albums.get(release_date__week_day=5).name, "John Henry")
        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__week_day=7).data, "one person died")

            tmbg.albums.get(release_date__quarter=3).name, "John Henry")
        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__quarter=1).data, "one person died")

            logs.get(time__time=datetime.time(2, 2, 2)).data,
            "one person died")

        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__hour=2).data, "one person died")

        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__minute='2').data, "one person died")

        self.assertEqual(logs.get(time__second=2).data, "one person died")
 def test_deserialise_with_null_datetime(self):
     log = Log.from_json('{"data": "Someone scanned a QR code", "time": null, "pk": null}')
     self.assertEqual(log.time, None)
 def test_serialise_with_null_datetime(self):
     log = Log(time=None, data="Someone scanned a QR code")
     log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())
     self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], None)
Example #13
 def test_deserialise_with_null_datetime(self):
     log = Log.from_json('{"data": "Someone scanned a QR code", "time": null, "pk": null}')
     self.assertEqual(log.time, None)
Example #14
 def test_serialise_with_null_datetime(self):
     log = Log(time=None, data="Someone scanned a QR code")
     log_json = json.loads(log.to_json())
     self.assertEqual(log_json['time'], None)