Example #1
class TestDistro(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Setting two backends to ensure this feature works with multiMaster
        self.cluster = Cluster(backends=1).start()
        self.local_repo = self.cluster.clone()

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.cluster
        del self.local_repo

    def test_distro_implicit_call(self):
        """Test SetWorkerDistro and ensuring the step is implicitly called."""
        steps = [{'ShellCommand': {'command': 'exit 0'}}]
        branch = {'default': {'stage': 'pre-merge'}}
        stage = {'pre-merge': {
            'worker': {'type': 'local'},
            'steps': steps,
        self.local_repo.push(yaml=YamlFactory(branches=branch, stages=stage))
        buildset = self.cluster.api.force(branch=self.local_repo.branch)
        build = buildset.buildrequest.build
        premerge = build.children[0].buildrequest.build
        # Just ensuring that the properties exists, and
        # that the default value has been overwritten
        assert premerge.properties['distribution_id'][0] != 'unknown'
        assert premerge.properties['distribution_version_id'][0] != 'unknown'

    def test_distro_non_existent_os_release_file(self):
        """Test SetWorkerDistro when os release file does not exist."""
        steps = [{'SetWorkerDistro': {'osReleaseFilePath': '/does/not/exist'}}]
        branch = {'default': {'stage': 'pre-merge'}}
        stage = {'pre-merge': {
            'worker': {'type': 'local'},
            'steps': steps,
        self.local_repo.push(yaml=YamlFactory(branches=branch, stages=stage))
        buildset = self.cluster.api.force(branch=self.local_repo.branch)
        build = buildset.buildrequest.build
        premerge = build.children[0].buildrequest.build
        # Defaults to unknown when the os release file does not exist
        assert premerge.properties['distribution_id'][0] == 'unknown'
        assert premerge.properties['distribution_version_id'][0] == 'unknown'
Example #2
class TestCanStartBuild(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Setting two backends to ensure this feature works with multiMaster
        self.cluster = Cluster(backends=2).start()
        self.local_repo = self.cluster.clone()

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.cluster
        del self.local_repo

    def test_can_start_one_build(self):
        """Check behaviour with one simultaneous build."""
        file_path = os.path.join(mkdtemp(), 'file')
        command = """
            test ! -f {file_path} &&
            touch {file_path} &&
            test -f {file_path} &&
            sleep 5 &&
            rm {file_path}

        steps = [{'ShellCommand': {'command': command}}]
        branch = {'default': {'stage': 'pre-merge'}}
        stage = {
            'pre-merge': {
                'worker': {
                    'type': 'local'
                'steps': steps,
                'simultaneous_builds': 1

        self.local_repo.push(yaml=YamlFactory(branches=branch, stages=stage))
        for _ in range(8):
        builds = self.cluster.api.get_builds()
        while len(builds) != 8:
            builds = self.cluster.api.get_builds()
        buildids = [b['buildid'] for b in builds]
        for buildid in buildids:
            build = self.cluster.api.get_build_for_id(buildid)
            self.assertEqual(build.result, 'success')

    def test_can_start_few_builds(self):
        """Check can start build method behaviour with N builds."""
        def get_running_builds(builds):
            return [
                build for build in builds
                if 'complete' not in build or build['complete'] is False

        total_builds = 8
        simultaneous_builds = 4
        command = "echo Ola Mundo!"
        steps = [{'ShellCommand': {'command': command}}]
        branch = {'default': {'stage': 'pre-merge'}}
        stage = {
            'pre-merge': {
                'worker': {
                    'type': 'local'
                'steps': steps,
                'simultaneous_builds': simultaneous_builds
        self.local_repo.push(yaml=YamlFactory(branches=branch, stages=stage))
        for _ in range(total_builds):
        bootstrap = self.cluster.api.get_builds()

        # Wait for the pre-merge builder to be created
        for sleep in range(10):
            pre_merge = self.cluster.api.get('/builders',
                                             {'name': 'pre-merge'})
            if sleep == 10 and not pre_merge:
                self.fail('pre-merge builder was not created')
            elif not pre_merge:
                pre_merge = get_running_builds(pre_merge)
        while any(pre_merge) or any(bootstrap):
            assert len(pre_merge) <= simultaneous_builds
            pre_merge = get_running_builds(
            bootstrap = get_running_builds(self.cluster.api.get_builds())
            # Just so that we don't spam the API

        # Retrieving all builds to check that they all ran successfully
        pre_merge = self.cluster.api.get_builds(builder='pre-merge')
        self.assertEqual(len(pre_merge), total_builds)
        for build in pre_merge:
            self.assertEqual(build['results'], SUCCESS)

    def test_can_start_build_error_handling(self):
        """Ensure string parameters are ignored."""
        steps = [{'ShellCommand': {'command': 'exit 0'}}]
        branch = {'default': {'stage': 'pre-merge'}}
        stage = {
            'pre-merge': {
                'worker': {
                    'type': 'local'
                'steps': steps,
                'simultaneous_builds': "string"
        self.local_repo.push(yaml=YamlFactory(branches=branch, stages=stage))
        buildset = self.cluster.api.force(branch=self.local_repo.branch)
        self.assertEqual(buildset.result, 'success')
Example #3
class TestPublishCodeCoverage(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test code coverage report publication step.

    ``PublishCodeCoverage`` is the generic buildbot step to use to
    publish several code coverage reports to an external service.
    At this moment, only ``codecov.io`` service is supported.

    These tests are two operating modes:
        - The first is to use an internal mock ``codecov.io`` server.
        - The second use the real ``codecov.io`` service.

    By default, in the automatic tests, we use the mock ``codecov.io``
    server to avoid being dependent external services that could not
    be available in the future.

    To use the real ``codecov.io`` server, we need to define the
    environment variable **CODECOV_IO_UPLOAD_TOKEN** which is the
    ``codecov.io`` upload token of the repository given in
    *yaml/generate_coverage_report/main.yml* YAML file.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestPublishCodeCoverage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.codecov_io_server = None

    def setUp(self):
        """Instantiate a ``codecov.io`` mock HTTP server if needed.

        We define the **CODECOV_IO_BASE_URL** environment variable to
        communicate with our mock HTTP server rather than the real
        ``codecov.io`` server (see

        We define the **CODECOV_IO_UPLOAD_TOKEN** environment variable
        to avoid to skip the step.  It's the default behaviour if we
        don't give this variable to Eve.

        if not os.environ.get('CODECOV_IO_BASE_URL', None):
            self.codecov_io_server = CodecovIOMockServer()

        conf = {
            os.environ.get('CODECOV_IO_BASE_URL', self.codecov_io_server.url),
            os.environ.get('CODECOV_IO_UPLOAD_TOKEN', 'FAKETOKEN')
        self.cluster = Cluster(extra_conf=conf)
        self.local_repo = self.cluster.clone()
        super(TestPublishCodeCoverage, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
        """Stop the ``codecov.io`` mock HTTP server if needed.

        And restore old environment variables.

        super(TestPublishCodeCoverage, self).tearDown()

        if self.codecov_io_server:
            self.codecov_io_server = None


    def test_codecovio_success(self):
        """Test PublishCoverageReport success.

        If we use the mock HTTP server, we ensure that we execute the
        requests with the correct query parameters and headers, in
        accordance with the ``codecov.io`` API (see


        import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

        coverage = ET.Element(
            'coverage', {
                'branch-rate': '0',
                'line-rate': '0',
                'timestamp': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
                'version': '4.3.4',

        sources = ET.SubElement(coverage, 'sources')
        ET.SubElement(sources, 'source').text = '/srv/test_codecov_io'

        packages = ET.SubElement(coverage, 'packages')
        pacakge = ET.SubElement(packages, 'package', {
            'branch-rate': '0',
            'complexity': '0',
            'line-rate': '0',
            'name': '.',

        classes = ET.SubElement(pacakge, 'classes')
        class_ = ET.SubElement(
            classes, 'class', {
                'branch-rate': '0',
                'complexity': '0',
                'filename': 'test.py',
                'line-rate': '0',
                'name': 'test.py'

        # Based on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cobertura/web/
        # f0366e5e2cf18f111cbd61fc34ef720a6584ba02/htdocs/xml/coverage-03.dtd

        ET.SubElement(class_, 'methods')
        lines = ET.SubElement(class_, 'lines')
        for i in [3, 4, 5, 7, 8]:
            ET.SubElement(lines, 'line', {'hits': '0', 'number': str(i)})

        report_file = '/tmp/coverage.xml'
        tree = ET.ElementTree(coverage)
        tree.write(report_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)

            'SetProperty': {
                'name': 'set property my_revision',
                'property': 'my_revision',
                'value': '98f9379054719da6e7b5fd537b5a8e0ede096968',
        }, {
            'PublishCoverageReport': {
                'repository': 'scality/test_codecov_io',
                'revision': '%(prop:my_revision)s',
                'filepaths': [report_file],
                'branch': 'master',
                'uploadName': 'ucheck',
                'configFile': '.codecov.yml',

        buildset = self.cluster.api.force(branch=self.local_repo.branch)
        self.assertEqual(buildset.result, 'success')

        build = buildset.buildrequest.build
        child_buildsets = build.children
        self.assertEqual(len(child_buildsets), 1)
        child_build = child_buildsets[0].buildrequest.build
        self.assertEqual(child_build.result, 'success')

        if self.codecov_io_server is None:

# The method build.getUrl() returns for some reason an url with:
# - the builder id of the main builder, and not the virtual_builder id
# - a buildid linked to the main builder as well, not with the virtual_build id
            ('POST', '/upload/v4', {
            }, {
                'Accept': 'text/plain',
                'Content-Length': '0',
            }), ('PUT', '/s3/fake_report.txt', {
                'AWSAccessKeyId': 'FAKEAWSACCESSKID',
                'Expires': str(self.codecov_io_server.expires),
                'Signature': 'FAKESIGNATURE',
            }, {
                'Content-Length': str(os.path.getsize(report_file)),
                'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
                'x-amz-acl': 'public-read',
                'x-amz-storage-class': 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY',
Example #4
    def test_junit_step(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        """Test customized JUnitShellCommand step with OK tests.

            - Spawn worker.
            - Have various commands create JUnit reports and parse them.

        cluster = Cluster().start()

        local_repo = cluster.clone()
        parent = abspath(join(__file__, pardir))
        yaml = join(parent, 'main.yml')
        reports_dir = join(parent, 'reports')
        local_repo.push(yaml=yaml, dirs=(reports_dir, ))
        buildset = cluster.api.force(branch=local_repo.branch)
        self.assertEqual(buildset.result, 'failure')
        child_build = \

        results = [(step.name, step.state_string, step.result)
                   for step in child_build.steps]
        expected = [
                u'worker ready',
                u'prevent unuseful restarts',
                u"'[ $(expr ...'",
                u'set the artifacts private url',
                u"property 'artifacts_private_url' set",
                u'Check worker OS distribution',
                u'Set the current builder id',
                u'Set the current build url',
                u'extract steps from yaml',
                u'git pull',
                u'single report with one pass',
                u'T:1 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                u'three reports with lots of pass',
                u'T:217 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                # u'T:2134 E:0 F:0 S:108',
                u'no files in directory',
                u'no test results found',
                u'missing report directory',
                u'no test results found',
                u'single report with invalid data',
                u'no test results found',
                u'report with invalid data along valid report',
                u'T:1 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                u'single report with invalid extension',
                u'no test results found',
                u'report with failures and successful command',
                u'FAIL: toto.tests.sample.test_sample.test_sample',
                u'report with no failures and failed command',
                u'T:1 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                u'report with failures',
                u'FAIL: toto.tests.sample.test_sample.test_sample',
                u'report with errors',
                u'ERROR: supervisor.test_01_deployment.TestGenericDeployment.'
                u'report with skips',
                u'T:144 E:0 F:0 S:24',
                u'report with both errors and failures',
                u'ERROR: supervisor.test_01_deployment.TestGenericDeployment.'
                u'report with one xfail and one xpass',
                u'T:2 E:0 F:0 S:2',
                u'undeclared report directory and a pass',
                u'no test results found',
                u'undeclared report directory and a fail',
                u'no test results found',
                u'test report paths with success',
                u'T:1 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                u'test report paths with failure',
                u'FAIL: toto.tests.sample.test_sample.test_sample',
                u'test report paths with success and failure',
                u'FAIL: toto.tests.sample.test_sample.test_sample',
                u'test report paths with success and failure in same',
                u'FAIL: toto.tests.sample.test_sample.test_sample',
                u'test report paths only uploading success',
                u'T:1 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                u'test report paths only uploading failure',
                u'FAIL: toto.tests.sample.test_sample.test_sample',
                u'test report paths without list',
                u'T:1 E:0 F:0 S:0',
                u'test report paths with non existing file',
                u'no test results found',
                u'test report paths with non matching glob',
                u'no test results found',

        self.assertEqual(results, expected)