Example #1
def test_sequence_with_where_first():
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: e.Tracks("InDetTrackParticles").Where(lambda t: t.pt() > 1000.0)).First().Count()') \
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)
    l_first = find_line_numbers_with("if (is_first", lines)
    assert 1 == len(l_first)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_first[0]])
    assert 1 == ["for" in a for a in active_blocks].count(True)
    l_agg = find_line_with("+1", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_agg])
    assert 1 == [">1000" in a for a in active_blocks].count(True)
def test_Select_of_3D_array():
    # This should generate a 2D array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: e.Electrons("Electrons").Select(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: j.pt())))') \
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)

    l_vector_decl = find_line_with("vector<double> ", lines)
    l_vector_active = len(find_open_blocks(lines[:l_vector_decl]))

    l_vector_double_decl = find_line_with("vector<std::vector<double>>", lines)
    l_vector_double_active = len(find_open_blocks(

    assert l_vector_active == (l_vector_double_active + 1)
def test_Select_of_2D_with_where():
    # This should generate a 2D array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: e.Electrons("Electrons").Where(lambda ele: ele.pt() > 10).Select(lambda e: e.pt()))') \
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)

    l_vector_decl = find_line_with("vector<double>", lines)
    l_vector_active = len(find_open_blocks(lines[:l_vector_decl]))

    l_first_push = find_line_with("push_back", lines)
    l_first_push_active = len(find_open_blocks(lines[:l_first_push]))
    assert (
        l_vector_active + 2
    ) == l_first_push_active  # +2 because it is inside the for loop and the if block
def test_Select_1D_array_with_Where():
    # The following statement should be a straight sequence, not an array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Where(lambda j1: j1.pt() > 10).Select(lambda j: j.pt())') \
    # Check to see if there mention of push_back anywhere.
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)
    assert 1 == ["push_back" in ln for ln in lines].count(True)
    l_push_back = find_line_with("Fill()", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_push_back])
    assert 0 == ["for" in a for a in active_blocks].count(True)

    push_back = find_line_with("push_back", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:push_back])
    assert 1 == ['if' in a for a in active_blocks].count(True)
def test_Select_Multiple_arrays_2_step():
    # The following statement should be a straight sequence, not an array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")') \
        .Select('lambda jets: (jets.Select(lambda j: j.pt()/1000.0),jets.Select(lambda j: j.eta()))') \
    # Check to see if there mention of push_back anywhere.
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)
    l_push_back = find_line_numbers_with("push_back", lines)
    assert all([
        len([ln for ln in find_open_blocks(lines[:pb]) if "for" in ln]) == 1
        for pb in l_push_back
    assert 2 == ["push_back" in ln for ln in lines].count(True)
    l_push_back = find_line_with("Fill()", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_push_back])
    assert 0 == ["for" in a for a in active_blocks].count(True)
def test_Select_of_2D_array():
    # This should generate a 2D array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: e.Electrons("Electrons").Select(lambda e: e.pt()))') \
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)

    l_vector_decl = find_line_with("vector<double>", lines)
    l_vector_active = len(find_open_blocks(lines[:l_vector_decl]))

    l_first_push = find_line_numbers_with("push_back", lines)
    assert len(l_first_push) == 2
    l_first_push_active = len(find_open_blocks(lines[:l_first_push[0]]))
    assert (l_vector_active + 1) == l_first_push_active

    # Now, make sure the second push_back is at the right level.
    l_second_push_active = len(find_open_blocks(lines[:l_first_push[1]]))
    assert (l_second_push_active + 1) == l_first_push_active
def test_SelectMany_of_tuple_is_not_array():
    # The following statement should be a straight sequence, not an array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .SelectMany('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: (j.pt()/1000.0, j.eta()))') \
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)
    assert 0 == ["push_back" in ln for ln in lines].count(True)
    l_push_back = find_line_with("Fill()", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_push_back])
    assert 1 == ["for" in a for a in active_blocks].count(True)
Example #8
def test_First_Of_Select_is_not_array():
    # The following statement should be a straight sequence, not an array.
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select(lambda e:
                    'FirstJetPt': e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets").Select(lambda j: j.pt() / 1000.0).Where(lambda jpt: jpt > 10.0).First()
                }) \
    # Check to see if there mention of push_back anywhere.
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)
    assert all("push_back" not in ln for ln in lines)
    l_fill = find_line_with("Fill()", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_fill])
    assert 3 == [(("for" in a) or ("if" in a)) for a in active_blocks].count(True)
    l_set = find_line_with("_FirstJetPt", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_set])
    assert 3 == [(("for" in a) or ("if" in a)) for a in active_blocks].count(True)
    l_true = find_line_with("(true)", lines)
    active_blocks = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_true])
    assert 0 == [(("for" in a) or ("if" in a)) for a in active_blocks].count(True)
Example #9
def test_count_after_single_sequence_of_sequence_with_useless_where():
    r = atlas_xaod_dataset() \
        .Select('lambda e: e.Jets("AllMyJets").Select(lambda j: e.Tracks("InnerTracks").Where(lambda pt: pt > 10.0)).Count()') \
    lines = get_lines_of_code(r)
    # Make sure there is just one for loop in here.
    l_increment = find_line_with('+1', lines)
    block_headers = find_open_blocks(lines[:l_increment])
    assert 1 == ["for" in ln for ln in block_headers].count(True)
    # Make sure the +1 happens after the for, and before another } bracket.
    num_for = find_line_with("for", lines)
    num_inc = find_line_with("+1", lines[num_for:])
    num_close = find_next_closing_bracket(lines[num_for:])
    assert num_close > num_inc