Example #1
    def test_internal_zalando_ingress(self):
        """Ensure ManifestChecker does not return an error for internal Zalando ingress manifest"""
        content = get_content("manifests/internal-zalando-ingress.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert not errors
Example #2
    def test_invalid_zalando_ingress(self):
        """Ensure ManifestChecker returns an error for invalid Zalando ingress manifest"""
        content = get_content("manifests/invalid-zalando-ingress.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #3
    def test_multidoc_resources(self):
        Ensure ValuesChecker returns an error for a multi-document values file
        content = get_content("values/multidoc-values.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #4
    def test_good_resources_answers(self):
        Ensure AnswersChecker returns no error for answers with proper resources
        content = get_content("answers/good-resources-answers.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert not errors
Example #5
    def test_no_requests_answers(self):
        Ensure AnswersChecker returns an error for flat answers with resources but no requests
        content = get_content("answers/no-requests-answers.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #6
    def test_good_init_deployment(self):
        Ensure ManifestChecker does not return an error for a deployment with init containers
        content = get_content("manifests/good-init-deployment.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert not errors
Example #7
    def test_good_cronjob(self):
        Ensure ManifestChecker does not return an error for a valid CronJob
        content = get_content("manifests/good-cronjob.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert not errors
Example #8
    def test_no_limits_deployment(self):
        Ensure ManifestChecker returns an error for a Deployment with no limits
        content = get_content("manifests/no-limits-deployment.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #9
    def test_no_resources_job(self):
        Ensure ManifestChecker returns an error for a Job with no resources
        content = get_content("manifests/no-resources-job.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #10
    def test_multidoc_invalid_ingress(self):
        Ensure ManifestChecker returns an error for a multi-document manifest including a single invalid Ingress
        content = get_content("manifests/invalid-ingress-multidoc.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #11
    def test_nginx_ingress(self):
        Ensure ManifestChecker does not return an error for an NGINX ingress
        content = get_content("manifests/nginx-ingress.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert not errors
Example #12
    def test_good_resources_answers(self):
        Ensure ValuesChecker returns no errors for values with proper resources
        content = get_content("values/good-resources-values.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert not errors
Example #13
    def test_multidoc_resources(self):
        Ensure AnswersChecker returns an error for a multi-document answers file
        content = get_content("answers/multidoc-answers.yaml")

        errors = self.checker.check(content)

        assert len(errors) > 0
Example #14
    def test_check_with_node_constraints(self, *mocks):
        Ensures the profile check passes when no constraints are found
        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        profile.load = mock.Mock()
        profile.load.return_value = get_content("profiles/with_node_constraints.yml")

        errors = profile._check_services(profile.check_constraints, profile.data)

        self.assertEqual(0, len(errors))
Example #15
    def test_check_resources_empty(self, *mocks):
        Ensures the profile check fails when resources constraints are empty
        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        profile.load = mock.Mock()
        profile.load.return_value = get_content("profiles/resources_nothing_set.yml")

        errors = profile._check_services(profile.check_resources, profile.data)

        self.assertRegex(" ".join(errors), r"resource constraints not found")
Example #16
    def test_check_no_node_constraints(self, *mocks):
        Ensures the profile check fails when `node.` constraints are not found
        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        profile.load = mock.Mock()
        profile.load.return_value = get_content("profiles/no_node_constraints.yml")

        errors = profile._check_services(profile.check_constraints, profile.data)

        self.assertRegex(" ".join(errors), r"node constraints not found")
Example #17
    def test_check_no_resources(self, *mocks):
        Ensures the profile check fails when no resource constraints are found
        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        profile.load = mock.Mock()
        profile.load.return_value = get_content('profiles/no_constraints.yml')

        errors = profile._check_services(profile.check_resources, profile.data)

        self.assertRegex(' '.join(errors), r'resource constraints not found')
Example #18
    def test_check_global_mode(self, *mocks):
        Ensures the profile check does not fail when there is no constraint on a global service
        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        profile.load = mock.Mock()
        profile.load.return_value = get_content("profiles/global_no_constraints.yml")

        errors = profile._check_services(profile.check_constraints, profile.data)

        self.assertEqual(0, len(errors), errors)
Example #19
    def test_get_simplified_merge_commits(self, *mocks):
        Ensure the merge commits are properly simplified down
        content = get_content('git-log.txt')

        commits = git.Commit.from_log(content)

        self.assertEquals(36, len(commits))

        simplified = git.get_simplified_merge_commits(commits)

        self.assertEquals(6, len(simplified))
Example #20
    def test_set_resources_empty_resources_left_alone(self, *mocks):
        Ensures when services.x.deploy doesn't exist it is not added
        content = get_content("profiles/no_constraints.yml")
        data = yaml_load(content)

        service_name, data = list(data["services"].items())[0]

        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        profile.set_resources(service_name, data)

        self.assertEqual("deploy" not in data, True)
Example #21
    def test_set_resources_memory_reservation_no_limit(self, *mocks):
        Ensures memory limit is matched to reservation when no limit is given
        merge_profile_mock = mocks[0]
        merge_profile_mock.return_value = get_content(

        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        param = {}
        content = profile._compile(
            param)  # the param is ignored because it's using the mock


        data = yaml_load(content)
        resources = data['services']['app']['deploy']['resources']

Example #22
    def test_set_resources_memory_limit_and_reservation(self, *mocks):
        Ensures memory reservation and limit are left alone when they are both defined
        merge_profile_mock = mocks[0]
        merge_profile_mock.return_value = get_content(

        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        param = {}
        content = profile._compile(
            param)  # the param is ignored because it's using the mock


        data = yaml_load(content)
        resources = data['services']['app']['deploy']['resources']

        self.assertEqual('10M', resources['reservations']['memory'])
        self.assertEqual('100M', resources['limits']['memory'])
Example #23
    def test_set_resources_memory_limit_no_reservation(self, *mocks):
        Ensures memory reservation is matched to limit when no reservation is given
        merge_profile_mock = mocks[0]
        merge_profile_mock.return_value = get_content(

        profile = Profile(self.workflow)

        param = {}
        content = profile._compile(
        )  # the param is ignored because it's using the mock


        data = yaml_load(content)
        resources = data["services"]["app"]["deploy"]["resources"]

            resources["reservations"]["memory"], resources["limits"]["memory"]
Example #24
    def _get_manager(self, content=None):
        content = content or get_content('git-branch.txt')
        manager = git.BranchManager.from_git_output(content)

        return manager