Example #1
    def test_twin_different(self):
        server = run_server()

        # Unlock wallet to start mining
        request_server('wallet/unlock', 'POST', data={'passphrase': '123'})

        # Mining

        # Generating txs

        response = request_server('transaction',
                                      b'count': 4,
                                      b'type': 'tx'
        tx = response['transactions'][-1]

        response = request_server('transaction',
                                  data={b'id': tx['tx_id']})
        tx = response['tx']

        # Twin different weight and parents
        host = 'http://localhost:8085/{}/'.format(settings.API_VERSION_PREFIX)
        params = [
            '--url', host, '--hash', tx['hash'], '--parents', '--weight', '14'
        args = self.parser.parse_args(params)

        f = StringIO()
        with redirect_stdout(f):

        # Transforming prints str in array
        output = f.getvalue().split('\n')
        # Last element is always empty string

        twin_tx = Transaction.create_from_struct(bytes.fromhex(output[0]))
        # Parents are differents
        self.assertNotEqual(twin_tx.parents[0], tx['parents'][0])
        self.assertNotEqual(twin_tx.parents[0], tx['parents'][1])
        self.assertNotEqual(twin_tx.parents[1], tx['parents'][0])
        self.assertNotEqual(twin_tx.parents[1], tx['parents'][1])

        self.assertNotEqual(twin_tx.weight, tx['weight'])
        self.assertEqual(twin_tx.weight, 14.0)

    def test_generate_many_tx_blocks(self):
        # Check number of txs (for now we have only the genesis)
        tx_payload = {b'count': 20, b'type': b'tx'}
        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        last_len_tx = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_tx, 2)

        # Check number of blocks (for now we have only the genesis)
        block_payload = {b'count': 20, b'type': b'block'}
        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=block_payload)
        last_len_block = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_block, 1)

        # Unlock wallet to start mining
        request_server('wallet/unlock', 'POST', data={'passphrase': '123'})

        # Start mining process

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=block_payload)
        self.assertEqual(len(response['transactions']), last_len_block + 15)

        # Generate txs

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        self.assertEqual(len(response['transactions']), last_len_tx + 4)
    def test_generate_tx(self):
        # Check balance
        response_balance = request_server('wallet/balance/', 'GET')
        self.assertEqual(response_balance['balance'], {
            'locked': 0,
            'available': 0

        # Check number of txs (for now we have only the genesis)
        tx_payload = {b'count': 20, b'type': b'tx'}
        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        last_len_tx = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_tx, 2)

        # Check number of blocks (for now we have only the genesis)
        block_payload = {b'count': 20, b'type': b'block'}
        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=block_payload)
        last_len_block = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_block, 1)

        # Unlock wallet to start mining
        request_server('wallet/unlock', 'POST', data={'passphrase': '123'})

        # Start mining process

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=block_payload)
        last_len_block = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_block, 2)

        # expected total token rewards
        rewarded = hathor.util._get_tokens_issued_per_block(1)

        # Chech if balance is right
        mining_balance = request_server('wallet/balance/', 'GET')
        self.assertEqual(mining_balance['balance']['available'], rewarded)

        # Now we will generate txs inside the wallet

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        last_len_tx = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_tx, 3)

        # Balance must be equal because all txs were generated to inside the wallet
        tx_balance = request_server('wallet/balance/', 'GET')
        self.assertEqual(tx_balance['balance']['available'], rewarded)

        value = 100
        # Now we will generate txs to outside the wallet
        execute_tx_gen(address=self.get_address(0), value=value, count=1)

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        last_len_tx = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_tx, 4)

        tx_balance = request_server('wallet/balance/', 'GET')
        # Now we have lost some tokens because the tx have sent tokens outside the wallet
        self.assertEqual(tx_balance['balance']['available'], rewarded - value)

        # generate tx with timestamp set on client
        execute_tx_gen(count=1, timestamp='client')

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        last_len_tx = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_tx, 5)

        # generate tx with timestamp set on server
        execute_tx_gen(count=1, timestamp='server')

        response = request_server('transaction', 'GET', data=tx_payload)
        last_len_tx = len(response['transactions'])
        self.assertEqual(last_len_tx, 6)