Example #1
def test_list_object_lazy():
    scenario = lazyTestScenario('Uniform([0, x], [1, x])[1]',
                                offset='Uniform(0, 1)')
    hs = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(60)]
    assert all(h == pytest.approx(1) or h == pytest.approx(2) for h in hs)
    assert any(h == pytest.approx(1) for h in hs)
    assert any(h == pytest.approx(2) for h in hs)
Example #2
def test_vector_method_lazy():
    scenario = lazyTestScenario(
        'vf.followFrom(Uniform(0, 90 deg) @ 0, x, steps=1).y')
    hs = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(60)]
    assert all(h == pytest.approx(1) or h == pytest.approx(-1) for h in hs)
    assert any(h == pytest.approx(1) for h in hs)
    assert any(h == pytest.approx(-1) for h in hs)
Example #3
def test_shared_dependency():
    scenario = compileScenic('x = Range(-1, 1)\n'
                             'ego = Object at (x * x) @ 0')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(0 <= x <= 1 for x in xs)
    assert any(x < 0.25 for x in xs)
    assert any(0.25 < x for x in xs)
Example #4
def test_requirement():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        ego = Object at Range(-10, 10) @ 0
        require ego.position.x >= 0
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=60).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(0 <= x <= 10 for x in xs)
Example #5
def test_uniform_discrete():
    scenario = compileScenic('ego = Object at Uniform(1, 2, 3.4) @ 0')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(100)]
    assert all(x == 1 or x == 2 or x == 3.4 for x in xs)
    assert any(x == 1 for x in xs)
    assert any(x == 2 for x in xs)
    assert any(x == 3.4 for x in xs)
Example #6
def test_intersection_requirement_disabled_2():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        ego = Object at Range(0, 2) @ 0
        other = Object with allowCollisions True
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=60).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert any(x < 1 for x in xs)
Example #7
def test_containment_requirement():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        foo = RectangularRegion(0@0, 0, 10, 10)
        ego = Object at Range(0, 10) @ 0, with regionContainedIn foo
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=60).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(0 <= x <= 5 for x in xs)
Example #8
def test_intersection_requirement():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        ego = Object at Range(0, 2) @ 0
        other = Object
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=60).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(x >= 1 for x in xs)
def test_halton():
    scenario = compileScenic('from scenic.core.external_params import *\n'
                             'param verifaiSamplerType = "halton"\n'
                             'ego = Object at VerifaiRange(5, 15) @ 0')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(5 <= x <= 15 for x in xs)
    assert 29 <= sum(x < 10 for x in xs) <= 31
Example #10
def test_vector_operator():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'ego = Object at Range(-3, 3) @ 0 + Range(100, 110) @ 0')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(100)]
    assert all(97 <= x <= 113 for x in xs)
    assert any(x < 105 for x in xs)
    assert any(105 < x for x in xs)
Example #11
def test_list_nested_argument():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        mylist = Uniform(list(range(1000)), [1, 1, 1, 1, 2000])
        ego = Object with foo max(*mylist)
    vs = [sampleEgo(scenario).foo for i in range(60)]
    assert 5 <= sum((v == 2000) for v in vs) <= 55
Example #12
def test_soft_requirement():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        ego = Object at Range(-10, 10) @ 0
        require[0.9] ego.position.x >= 0
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=60).position.x for i in range(350)]
    count = sum(x >= 0 for x in xs)
    assert 255 <= count < 350
Example #13
def test_in_distribution():
    scenario = compileScenic('ra = RectangularRegion(0@0, 0, 2, 2)\n'
                             'rb = RectangularRegion(10@0, 0, 2, 2)\n'
                             'ego = Object in Uniform(ra, rb)')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(-1 <= x <= 1 or 9 <= x <= 11 for x in xs)
    assert any(x < 5 for x in xs)
    assert any(x > 5 for x in xs)
Example #14
def test_tuple():
    scenario = compileScenic('ego = Object with foo tuple([3, Uniform(1, 2)])')
    ts = [sampleEgo(scenario).foo for i in range(60)]
    assert all(type(t) is tuple for t in ts)
    assert all(t[0] == 3 for t in ts)
    assert all(t[1] == 1 or t[1] == 2 for t in ts)
    assert any(t[1] == 1 for t in ts)
    assert any(t[1] == 2 for t in ts)
Example #15
def test_attribute():
    scenario = compileScenic('place = Uniform(1 @ 1, 2 @ 4, 3 @ 9)\n'
                             'ego = Object at place.x @ place.y')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(100)]
    assert all(x == 1 or x == 2 or x == 3 for x in xs)
    assert any(x == 1 for x in xs)
    assert any(x == 2 for x in xs)
    assert any(x == 3 for x in xs)
Example #16
def test_method():
    scenario = compileScenic('field = VectorField("Foo", lambda pos: pos[1])\n'
                             'ang = field[0 @ (100, 200)]\n'
                             'ego = Object facing ang')
    angles = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(60)]
    assert all(100 <= x <= 200 for x in angles)
    assert any(x < 150 for x in angles)
    assert any(150 < x for x in angles)
Example #17
def test_function():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'ego = Object at sin(Uniform(45 deg, 90 deg)) @ 0')
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    valA, valB = (pytest.approx(math.sin(math.radians(a))) for a in (45, 90))
    assert all(x == valA or x == valB for x in xs)
    assert any(x == valA for x in xs)
    assert any(x == valB for x in xs)
Example #18
def test_inside_delayed_argument():
    scenario = lazyTestScenario('Uniform(1.2, x)', offset='Uniform(-1, 1)')
    hs = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(140)]
    assert all(h == 1.2 or h == pytest.approx(0) or h == pytest.approx(2)
               for h in hs)
    assert any(h == 1.2 for h in hs)
    assert any(h == pytest.approx(0) for h in hs)
    assert any(h == pytest.approx(2) for h in hs)
Example #19
def test_requirement():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        scenario Main():
                ego = Object with width Range(1, 3)
                require ego.width > 2
    ws = [sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=60).width for i in range(60)]
    assert all(2 < w <= 3 for w in ws)
Example #20
def test_containment():
    """Test pruning based on object containment."""
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'workspace = Workspace(PolygonalRegion([0@0, 2@0, 2@2, 0@2]))\n'
        'ego = Object in workspace')
    # Sampling should only require 1 iteration after pruning
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(0.5 <= x <= 1.5 for x in xs)
    assert any(0.5 <= x <= 0.7 or 1.3 <= x <= 1.5 for x in xs)
Example #21
def test_list_filtered():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        mylist = [Range(-10, -5), Range(3, 7), Range(-1, 1)]
        filtered = filter(lambda x: x > 0, mylist)
        ego = Object with foo Uniform(*filtered)
    vs = [sampleEgo(scenario).foo for i in range(60)]
    assert all(v > 0 for v in vs)
    assert any(v < 1 for v in vs)
Example #22
def test_mutate():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        ego = Object at 3@1, facing 0
    ego1 = sampleEgo(scenario)
    assert ego1.position.x != pytest.approx(3)
    assert ego1.position.y != pytest.approx(1)
    assert ego1.heading != pytest.approx(0)
Example #23
def test_namedtuple():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'from collections import namedtuple\n'
        'Data = namedtuple("Data", ["bar", "baz"])\n'
        'ego = Object with foo Data(bar=3, baz=Uniform(1, 2))')
    ts = [sampleEgo(scenario).foo for i in range(60)]
    assert all(t.bar == 3 for t in ts)
    assert all(t.baz == 1 or t.baz == 2 for t in ts)
    assert any(t.baz == 1 for t in ts)
    assert any(t.baz == 2 for t in ts)
Example #24
def test_in_heading_distribution():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'ra = RectangularRegion(0@0, 0, 2, 2)\n'
        'ra.orientation = VectorField("foo", lambda pt: 1)\n'
        'rb = PolylineRegion([0 @ 0, 1 @ 1])\n'
        'ego = Object in Uniform(ra, rb)')
    hs = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(60)]
    h2 = pytest.approx(-math.pi / 4)
    assert all(h == 1 or h == h2 for h in hs)
    assert any(h == 1 for h in hs)
    assert any(h == h2 for h in hs)
Example #25
def test_shared_dependency_lazy_1():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        vf = VectorField("Foo", lambda pos: 2 * pos.x)
        x = 1 relative to vf
        y = Uniform(0, x)
        ego = Object with foo y, with bar y
    for i in range(60):
        ego = sampleEgo(scenario)
        assert ego.foo == 0 or ego.foo == 1
        assert ego.foo == ego.bar
Example #26
def test_method_lazy_2():
    # See previous comment
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'from scenic.core.distributions import distributionMethod\n'
        'class Foo(object):\n'
        '    @distributionMethod\n'
        '    def bar(self, arg):\n'
        '        return -arg * Range(100, 200)\n'
        'vf = VectorField("Baz", lambda pos: 1 + pos.x)\n'
        'ego = Object facing Foo().bar(0 relative to vf)')
    angles = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(60)]
    assert all(-200 <= x <= -100 for x in angles)
    assert any(x < -150 for x in angles)
    assert any(-150 < x for x in angles)
Example #27
def test_relative_heading():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'r1 = PolygonalRegion([0@0, 10@0, 10@10, 0@10])\n'      # First cell: heading 0 deg
        'r2 = PolygonalRegion([20@0, 30@0, 30@10, 20@10])\n'    # Second cell: heading 90 deg
        'vf = PolygonalVectorField("Foo", [[r1.polygons, 0], [r2.polygons, 90 deg]])\n'
        'union = r1.union(r2)\n'
        'ego = Object in union, facing vf\n'    # Objects can be in either cell
        'other = Object in union, facing vf\n'
        'require (relative heading of other) >= 60 deg'     # Forces ego in cell 1, other in cell 2
    # Sampling should only require 1 iteration after pruning
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(0 <= x <= 10 for x in xs)
    assert any(x > 5 for x in xs)
Example #28
def test_intersection(cached_maps):
    scenario = compileDrivingScenario(
        cached_maps, """
        intersection = Uniform(*network.intersections)
        lane = Uniform(*intersection.incomingLanes)
        maneuver = Uniform(*lane.maneuvers)
        ego = Car on maneuver.connectingLane.centerline
    for i in range(50):
        ego = sampleEgo(scenario, maxIterations=1000)
        intersection = ego.intersection
        assert intersection is not None
        directions = intersection.nominalDirectionsAt(ego)
        assert any(ego.heading == pytest.approx(direction)
                   for direction in directions)
Example #29
def test_method_lazy():
    # There are no distributionMethods built into the core language at this time,
    # so we need to define our own
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'from scenic.core.distributions import distributionMethod\n'
        'class Foo:\n'
        '    @distributionMethod\n'
        '    def bar(self, arg):\n'
        '        return -arg\n'
        'vf = VectorField("Baz", lambda pos: 1 + pos.x)\n'
        'ego = Object facing Foo().bar((100, 200) * (0 relative to vf))')
    angles = [sampleEgo(scenario).heading for i in range(60)]
    assert all(-200 <= x <= 100 for x in angles)
    assert any(x < -150 for x in angles)
    assert any(-150 < x for x in angles)
Example #30
def test_relative_heading():
    """Test pruning based on requirements bounding relative headings."""
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        r1 = PolygonalRegion([0@0, 10@0, 10@10, 0@10])      # First cell: heading 0 deg
        r2 = PolygonalRegion([20@0, 30@0, 30@10, 20@10])    # Second cell: heading 90 deg
        vf = PolygonalVectorField("Foo", [[r1.polygons, 0], [r2.polygons, 90 deg]])
        union = r1.union(r2)
        ego = Object in union, facing vf                # Objects can be in either cell
        other = Object in union, facing vf
        require (relative heading of other) >= 60 deg   # Forces ego in cell 1, other in cell 2
    # Sampling should only require 1 iteration after pruning
    xs = [sampleEgo(scenario).position.x for i in range(60)]
    assert all(0 <= x <= 10 for x in xs)
    assert any(x > 5 for x in xs)