Example #1
def test_interrupt_guard_subbehavior():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
                take 1
            interrupt when Foo():
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeParseError):
        sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
Example #2
def test_interrupt_unassigned_local():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
                i = 0
                take 1
            interrupt when i == 1:
                i = 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    with pytest.raises(NameError) as exc_info:
        sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    checkErrorLineNumber(5, exc_info)
Example #3
def test_behavior_globals_read_list():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take foo[1]
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
        foo = [5, Range(10, 20)]
    actions1 = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=2)
    assert len(actions1) == 2
    assert 10 <= actions1[0] <= 20
    assert actions1[0] == actions1[1]
    actions2 = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    assert len(actions2) == 1
    assert actions2[0] != actions1[0]
Example #4
def test_behavior_globals_read():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take other.position.x
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
        other = Object at Range(10, 20) @ 15
    actions1 = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=2)
    assert len(actions1) == 2
    assert 10 <= actions1[0] <= 20
    assert actions1[0] == actions1[1]
    actions2 = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    assert len(actions2) == 1
    assert actions2[0] != actions1[0]
Example #5
def test_behavior_globals_read_module(runLocally):
    with runLocally():
        scenario = compileScenic("""
            import helper4
            behavior Foo():
                while True:
                    take helper4.foo
            ego = Object with behavior Foo
        actions1 = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=2)
        assert len(actions1) == 2
        assert 0 <= actions1[0] <= 1
        assert actions1[0] == actions1[1]
        actions2 = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
        assert len(actions2) == 1
        assert actions2[0] != actions1[0]
Example #6
def test_behavior_self():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            take self.bar
        ego = Object with behavior Foo, with bar 3
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    assert tuple(actions) == (3, )
Example #7
def test_behavior_end_early():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            take 5
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=3)
    assert tuple(actions) == (5, None, None)
Example #8
def test_behavior_list_actions():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            take [1, 4, 9]
            take 5
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=2, singleAction=False)
    assert tuple(actions) == ((1, 4, 9), (5, ))
Example #9
def test_behavior_actions():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            take 3
            take 5
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=2)
    assert tuple(actions) == (3, 5)
Example #10
def test_behavior_lazy():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        vf = VectorField("Foo", lambda pos: pos.x)
        behavior Foo():
            take 1 relative to vf
        ego = Object at 0.5@0, with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    assert tuple(actions) == (pytest.approx(1.5), )
Example #11
def test_terminate():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            take 1
            take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=3)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, )
Example #12
def test_behavior_require_call():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            x = Uniform([], [1, 2])
            require len(x) > 0
            take [x]
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    for i in range(30):
        actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1, maxIterations=30)
        assert actions[0] == [1, 2]
Example #13
def test_dynamic_derived_property():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            for i in range(3):
                self.position = self.position + 0@1
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
        terminate when ego.left.position.y >= 3
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=4)
    assert len(actions) == 3
Example #14
def test_behavior_calls():
    """Ordinary function calls inside behaviors should still work."""
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        def func(a, *b, c=0, d=1, **e):
            return [a, len(b), c, d, len(e)]
        behavior Foo():
            take [func(4, 5, 6, blah=4, c=10)]
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    assert tuple(actions) == ([4, 2, 10, 1, 1], )
Example #15
def test_interrupt_first():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
                while True:
                    take 1
            interrupt when simulation().currentTime == 0:
                take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=3)
    assert tuple(actions) == (2, 1, 1)
Example #16
def test_subbehavior_for_time():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take 1
        behavior Bar():
            do Foo() for 3 seconds
            take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Bar
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=7, timestep=0.5)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2)
Example #17
def test_subbehavior_until():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take 1
        behavior Bar():
            do Foo() until simulation().currentTime == 2
            take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Bar
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=4)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 1, 2, None)
Example #18
def test_interrupt_actionless():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            i = 0
                for i in range(3):
                    take 1
            interrupt when i == 1:
                i = 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=5)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 1, 1, None, None)
Example #19
def test_behavior_nesting():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo(a):
            take a
            take a
        behavior Bar():
            take 1
            do Foo(2)
            take 3
        ego = Object with behavior Bar
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=4)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 2, 2, 3)
Example #20
def test_terminate_when():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        flag = False
        behavior Foo():
            global flag
            take 1
            flag = True
            take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
        terminate when flag
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=3)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 2)
Example #21
def test_behavior_calls_nested():
    """Nested function calls inside behaviors should still work."""
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        def funcA(x):
            return x+1
        def funcB(x):
            return x*2
        behavior Foo():
            take funcA(funcB(5))
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=1)
    assert tuple(actions) == (11, )
Example #22
def test_behavior_calls_side_effects():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        x = 0
        def func():
            global x
            x += 1
            return x
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take func()
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=4)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 2, 3, 4)
Example #23
def test_interrupt_no_handlers():
    """Test a try-except statement that isn't actually a try-interrupt statement."""
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
                for i in range(3):
                    take 1
                    raise Exception
            except Exception:
                take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=3)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 2, None)
Example #24
def test_interrupt_break_2():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                    for i in range(3):
                        take 1
                interrupt when simulation().currentTime == 1:
                    for i in range(3):
                        take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=4)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 2, 1, 1)
Example #25
def test_monitor():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        monitor Monitor:
            while True:
                if ego.blah >= 3:
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take self.blah
                self.blah += 1
        ego = Object with blah 0, with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=5)
    assert tuple(actions) == (0, 1, 2, 3)
Example #26
def test_interrupt_nested_3():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Bar():
                    for i in range(3):
                        take 1
                interrupt when 1 <= simulation().currentTime <= 2:
                    take 2
            interrupt when simulation().currentTime == 1:
                take 3
        ego = Object with behavior Bar
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=6)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 3, 2, 1, 1, None)
Example #27
def test_behavior_require_scene():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take self.foo
                require self.foo < 0
        ego = Object with foo Range(-1, 1), with behavior Foo
    for i in range(50):
        actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario,
        assert len(actions) == 2
        assert actions[0] < 0
        assert actions[0] == actions[1]
Example #28
def test_interrupt_abort():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take 3
                    for i in range(3):
                        take 1
                interrupt when simulation().currentTime == 2:
                    for i in range(3):
                        take 2
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=8)
    assert tuple(actions) == (3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3)
Example #29
def test_interrupt_continue():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
            while True:
                take 4
                    for i in range(2):
                        take 1
                interrupt when simulation().currentTime == 2:
                    take 2
                    take 3
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=7)
    assert tuple(actions) == (4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 4)
Example #30
def test_interrupt_except():
    scenario = compileScenic("""
        behavior Foo():
                for i in range(3):
                    take 1
            interrupt when simulation().currentTime == 1:
                take 2
                raise Exception
                take 3
            except Exception:
                take 4
        ego = Object with behavior Foo
    actions = sampleEgoActions(scenario, maxSteps=4)
    assert tuple(actions) == (1, 2, 4, None)