Example #1
 def test_scratch_dirs_mix_local_and_remote_dir_spill_local_only(self, vector):
   '''Two local directories, the first one is always used as local buffer for
      remote directories. Set the second directory big enough so that only spills
      to local in the test'''
   normal_dirs = self.generate_dirs(2)
   normal_dirs[0] = '{0}::{1}'.format(normal_dirs[0], 1)
   normal_dirs[1] = '{0}:2GB:{1}'.format(normal_dirs[1], 0)
     '--impalad_args=-logbuflevel=-1 -scratch_dirs={0}'.format(','.join(normal_dirs)),
   self.assert_impalad_log_contains("INFO", "Using scratch directory ",
                                   expected_count=len(normal_dirs) - 1)
   vector.get_value('exec_option')['buffer_pool_limit'] = self.buffer_pool_limit
   impalad = self.cluster.impalads[0]
   client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
   handle = self.execute_query_async_using_client(client, self.spill_query, vector)
   verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
   verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 2)
   metrics0 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-0')
   metrics1 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-1')
   # Local directory always ranks before the remote one, so dir0 is the local directory.
   # Only spill to dir0 because it has enough space for the spilling.
   assert (metrics0 > 0 and metrics1 == 0)
   results = client.fetch(self.spill_query, handle)
   assert results.success
 def test_role_update(self, vector):
   """IMPALA-5355: The initial update from the statestore has the privileges and roles in
   reverse order if a role was modified, but not the associated privilege. Verify that
   Impala is able to handle this.
   role_name = "test_role_" + get_random_id(5)
     self.client.execute("create role {0}".format(role_name))
     self.client.execute("grant all on server to {0}".format(role_name))
     # Wait a few seconds to make sure the update propagates to the statestore.
     # Update the role, increasing its catalog verion.
     self.client.execute("grant role {0} to group `{1}`".format(
         role_name, grp.getgrnam(getuser()).gr_name))
     result = self.client.execute("show tables in functional")
     assert 'alltypes' in result.data
     privileges_before = self.client.execute("show grant role {0}".format(role_name))
     # Wait a few seconds before restarting Impalad to make sure that the Catalog gets
     # updated.
     verifier = MetricVerifier(self.cluster.impalads[0].service)
     verifier.wait_for_metric("catalog.ready", True)
     # Verify that we still have the right privileges after the first impalad was
     # restarted.
     result = self.client.execute("show tables in functional")
     assert 'alltypes' in result.data
     privileges_after = self.client.execute("show grant role {0}".format(role_name))
     assert privileges_before.data == privileges_after.data
     self.client.execute("drop role {0}".format(role_name))
 def test_low_mem_limit_no_fragments(self, vector):
   self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q14', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q14'])
   self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q18', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q18'])
   self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q20', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q20'])
   for impalad in ImpalaCluster().impalads:
     verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
     verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
Example #4
 def test_scratch_dirs_remote_spill(self, vector):
   # Test one remote directory with one its local buffer directory.
   normal_dirs = self.generate_dirs(1)
   # Use local hdfs for testing. Could be changed to S3.
     '--impalad_args=-logbuflevel=-1 -scratch_dirs={0}'.format(','.join(normal_dirs)),
   self.assert_impalad_log_contains("INFO", "Using scratch directory ",
                                   expected_count=len(normal_dirs) - 1)
   vector.get_value('exec_option')['buffer_pool_limit'] = self.buffer_pool_limit
   impalad = self.cluster.impalads[0]
   client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
   handle = self.execute_query_async_using_client(client, self.spill_query, vector)
   verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
   verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 2)
   metrics0 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-0')
   # Dir0 is the remote directory.
   assert (metrics0 > 0)
   results = client.fetch(self.spill_query, handle)
   assert results.success
Example #5
 def test_scratch_dirs_prioritized_spill(self, vector):
   """ 5 empty directories are created in the /tmp directory and we verify that only
       the directories with highest priority are used as scratch disk."""
   normal_dirs = self.generate_dirs(5)
   normal_dirs[0] = '{0}::{1}'.format(normal_dirs[0], 1)
   normal_dirs[1] = '{0}::{1}'.format(normal_dirs[1], 0)
   normal_dirs[2] = '{0}::{1}'.format(normal_dirs[2], 1)
   normal_dirs[3] = '{0}::{1}'.format(normal_dirs[3], 0)
   normal_dirs[4] = '{0}::{1}'.format(normal_dirs[4], 1)
     '--impalad_args=-logbuflevel=-1 -scratch_dirs={0}'.format(','.join(normal_dirs)),
     '--impalad_args=--allow_multiple_scratch_dirs_per_device=true'], cluster_size=1,
   self.assert_impalad_log_contains("INFO", "Using scratch directory ",
   vector.get_value('exec_option')['buffer_pool_limit'] = self.buffer_pool_limit
   impalad = self.cluster.impalads[0]
   client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
   handle = self.execute_query_async_using_client(client, self.spill_query, vector)
   verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
   verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 2)
   metrics0 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-0')
   metrics1 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-1')
   metrics2 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-2')
   metrics3 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-3')
   metrics4 = self.get_metric('tmp-file-mgr.scratch-space-bytes-used.dir-4')
   # dir1 and dir3 have highest priority and will be used as scratch disk.
   assert (metrics1 > 0 and metrics3 > 0 and metrics0 == 0 and metrics2 == 0
           and metrics4 == 0)
   results = client.fetch(self.spill_query, handle)
   assert results.success
 def _verify_no_fragments_running(self):
   """Raise an exception if there are fragments running on the cluster after a
   for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
     verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
     verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0, timeout=10)
 def test_role_update(self, vector):
     """IMPALA-5355: The initial update from the statestore has the privileges and roles in
 reverse order if a role was modified, but not the associated privilege. Verify that
 Impala is able to handle this.
     role_name = "test_role_" + get_random_id(5)
         self.client.execute("create role {0}".format(role_name))
         self.client.execute("grant all on server to {0}".format(role_name))
         # Wait a few seconds to make sure the update propagates to the statestore.
         # Update the role, increasing its catalog verion.
         self.client.execute("grant role {0} to group `{1}`".format(
         result = self.client.execute("show tables in functional")
         assert 'alltypes' in result.data
         privileges_before = self.client.execute(
             "show grant role {0}".format(role_name))
         # Wait a few seconds before restarting Impalad to make sure that the Catalog gets
         # updated.
         verifier = MetricVerifier(self.cluster.impalads[0].service)
         verifier.wait_for_metric("catalog.ready", True)
         # Verify that we still have the right privileges after the first impalad was
         # restarted.
         result = self.client.execute("show tables in functional")
         assert 'alltypes' in result.data
         privileges_after = self.client.execute(
             "show grant role {0}".format(role_name))
         assert privileges_before.data == privileges_after.data
         self.client.execute("drop role {0}".format(role_name))
    def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
        # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
        # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
        # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
        # execute the join build in parallel.
        test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
        query = test_case[0]
        join_type = test_case[1]

        # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)

        # Execute the query. The query summary and profile are stored in 'result'.
        result = self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

        # Parse the query summary; The join node is "id=3".
        # In the ExecSummary, search for the join operator's summary and verify the
        # avg and max times are within acceptable limits.
        exec_summary = result.exec_summary
        check_execsummary_count = 0
        join_node_name = "03:%s" % (join_type)
        for line in exec_summary:
            if line['operator'] == join_node_name:
                avg_time_ms = line['avg_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
                self.__verify_join_time(avg_time_ms, "ExecSummary Avg")
                max_time_ms = line['max_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
                self.__verify_join_time(max_time_ms, "ExecSummary Max")
                check_execsummary_count += 1
        assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
            "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(exec_summary)

        # Parse the query profile; The join node is "id=3".
        # In the profiles, search for lines containing "(id=3)" and parse for the avg and
        # non-child times to verify that they are within acceptable limits. Also verify
        # that the build side is built in a different thread by searching for the string:
        # "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
        profile = result.runtime_profile
        check_fragment_count = 0
        asyn_build = False
        for line in profile.split("\n"):
            if ("(id=3)" in line):
                # Sample line:
                # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
                strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
                non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
                non_child_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(non_child_time)
                                        "Fragment non-child")
                check_fragment_count += 1
            # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
            if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
                asyn_build = True
        assert (asyn_build
                ), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
        assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
            "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
  def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
    # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
    # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
    # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
    # execute the join build in parallel.
    test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
    query = test_case[0]
    join_type = test_case[1]

    # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
    for impalad in ImpalaCluster().impalads:
      verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
      verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)

    # Execute the query. The query summary and profile are stored in 'result'.
    result = self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

    # Parse the query summary; The join node is "id=3".
    # In the ExecSummary, search for the join operator's summary and verify the
    # avg and max times are within acceptable limits.
    exec_summary = result.exec_summary
    check_execsummary_count = 0
    join_node_name = "03:%s" % (join_type)
    for line in exec_summary:
      if line['operator'] == join_node_name:
        avg_time_ms = line['avg_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
        self.__verify_join_time(avg_time_ms, "ExecSummary Avg")
        max_time_ms = line['max_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
        self.__verify_join_time(max_time_ms, "ExecSummary Max")
        check_execsummary_count += 1
    assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
        "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(exec_summary)

    # Parse the query profile; The join node is "id=3".
    # In the profiles, search for lines containing "(id=3)" and parse for the avg and
    # non-child times to verify that they are within acceptable limits. Also verify
    # that the build side is built in a different thread by searching for the string:
    # "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
    profile = result.runtime_profile
    check_fragment_count = 0
    asyn_build = False
    for line in profile.split("\n"):
      if ("(id=3)" in line):
        # Sample line:
        # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
        strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
        non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
        non_child_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(non_child_time)
        self.__verify_join_time(non_child_time_ms, "Fragment non-child")
        check_fragment_count += 1
      # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
      if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
        asyn_build = True
    assert (asyn_build), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
    assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
        "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
Example #10
 def test_low_mem_limit_no_fragments(self, vector):
     self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q14',
     self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q18',
     self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q20',
     for impalad in ImpalaCluster().impalads:
         verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
Example #11

            assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
        except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

        # It takes a long time for Impala to free up memory after this test, especially if
        # ASAN is enabled. Verify that all fragments finish executing before moving on to the
        # next test to make sure that the next test is not affected.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)

    def test_udf_constant_folding(self, vector, unique_database):
        """Test that constant folding of UDFs is handled correctly. Uses count_rows(),
    which returns a unique value every time it is evaluated in the same thread."""
        exec_options = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
        # Execute on a single node so that all counter values will be unique.
        exec_options["num_nodes"] = 1
        create_fn_query = """create function {database}.count_rows() returns bigint
                         location '{location}' symbol='Count' prepare_fn='CountPrepare'
        self._load_functions(create_fn_query, vector, unique_database,

        # Only one distinct value if the expression is constant folded, otherwise one
      assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

      self.run_test_case('QueryTest/uda-mem-limit', vector, use_db=unique_database)
      assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

    # It takes a long time for Impala to free up memory after this test, especially if
    # ASAN is enabled. Verify that all fragments finish executing before moving on to the
    # next test to make sure that the next test is not affected.
    for impalad in ImpalaCluster().impalads:
      verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
      verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)

  def test_udf_constant_folding(self, vector, unique_database):
    """Test that constant folding of UDFs is handled correctly. Uses count_rows(),
    which returns a unique value every time it is evaluated in the same thread."""
    exec_options = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
    # Execute on a single node so that all counter values will be unique.
    exec_options["num_nodes"] = 1
    create_fn_query = """create function {database}.count_rows() returns bigint
                         location '{location}' symbol='Count' prepare_fn='CountPrepare'
    self._load_functions(create_fn_query, vector, unique_database,

    # Only one distinct value if the expression is constant folded, otherwise one
    def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
        # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
        # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
        # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
        # execute the join build in parallel.
        test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
        query = test_case[0]
        join_type = test_case[1]

        # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)

        # Execute async to get a handle. Wait until the query has completed.
        handle = self.execute_query_async(query,

        # Parse the query profile
        # The hash join node is "id=3".
        # In the ExecSummary, search for "03:HASH JOIN" line, column 3 (avg) and 4 (max).
        # In the fragment (including average), search for "HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=2)" and the
        # non-child time.
        # Also verify that the build side is in a different thread by searching for:
        #     "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
        profile = self.client.get_runtime_profile(handle)
        check_execsummary_count = 0
        check_fragment_count = 0
        asyn_build = False

        for line in profile.split("\n"):
            # Matching for ExecSummary
            if ("03:%s  " % (join_type) in line):
                # Sample line:
                # 03:HASH JOIN           3    11.89ms   12.543ms  6.57K  ...
                # Split using "JOIN +", then split the right side with space. This becomes:
                #   "3","11.89ms","12.543ms",...
                # The second column is the average, and the 3rd column is the max
                rhs = re.split("JOIN +", line)[1]
                columns = re.split(" +", rhs)
                self.__verify_join_time(columns[1], "ExecSummary Avg")
                self.__verify_join_time(columns[2], "ExecSummary Max")
                check_execsummary_count = 1
            # Matching for Fragment (including Average
            if ("(id=3)" in line):
                # Sample line:
                # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
                strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
                non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
                self.__verify_join_time(non_child_time, "Fragment non-child")
                check_fragment_count = check_fragment_count + 1
            # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
            if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
                asyn_build = True

        assert (asyn_build
                ), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
        assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
            "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
        assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
            "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(profile)