def msg_examples(tdd): """Stores the __schema__ validation set for oracle messages.""" return load_msg_examples( tdd, msg_types=[ MsgDelegateFeedConsent, MsgExchangeRateVote, MsgExchangeRatePrevote ], )
def msg_examples(tdd): """Stores the __schema__ validation set for distribution messages.""" return load_msg_examples( tdd, msg_types=[ MsgModifyWithdrawAddress, MsgWithdrawDelegationReward, MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission, ], )
def msg_examples(tdd): """Stores the __schema__ validation set for staking messages.""" return load_msg_examples( tdd, msg_types=[ MsgBeginRedelegate, MsgCreateValidator, MsgDelegate, MsgEditValidator, MsgUndelegate, ], )
def msg_examples(tdd): """Stores the __schema__ validation set for slashing messages.""" return load_msg_examples(tdd, msg_types=[MsgSend, MsgMultiSend],)
def msg_examples(tdd): """Stores the schema validation set for gov messages.""" return load_msg_examples( tdd, msg_types=[MsgDeposit, MsgSubmitProposal, MsgVote], )
def msg_examples(tdd): """Stores the __schema__ validation set for market messages.""" return load_msg_examples( tdd, msg_types=[MsgSwap], )