Example #1
    from hashlib import md5 as md5_new
except ImportError:
    # for Python < 2.5
    from md5 import new as md5_new

__all__ = 'gen_salt', 'passphrase_to_salted_key_and_iv'

__doc__ = '''Tools related to key derivation service

See RFC2898 PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0'''

md5 = lambda x: md5_new(x).digest()

def gen_salt(saltlen=8):
    return ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(randrange(256)), xrange(saltlen)))

def passphrase_to_salted_key_and_iv(passphrase, salt='', klen=16, ivlen=8):
    dklen = klen + ivlen
    dk = ''
    d = ''
    while len(dk) < dklen:
        d = md5(d + passphrase + salt)
        dk += d
    return (dk[:klen], dk[klen:dklen])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from testutil import ok, qrepr
    a = '\x09\x8f\x6b\xcd\x46\x21\xd3\x73\xca\xde\x4e\x83\x26\x27\xb4\xf6'
    b = md5('test')
    print qrepr(b), ok(a == b)
Example #2
        print 'key_len = %d bit' % (len(key) * 8)
        c = aes(key)
        for text, cryp in text_cryp:
            cc = c.enc(text)
            print qrepr(cryp), ok(cc == cryp)
            tt = c.dec(cc)
            print qrepr(tt), ok(tt == text)
Example #3
     c = blowfish(k)
     ee = c.enc(t)
     tt = c.dec(ee)
     print qrepr(e), qrepr(ee), ok(e == ee)
     print qrepr(t), qrepr(tt), ok(t == tt)
 # Test keys and low-level interface
 kk = '\xf0\xe1\xd2\xc3\xb4\xa5\x96\x87\x78\x69\x5a\x4b\x3c\x2d\x1e\x0f\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77'
 p, q = text_to_pair('\xfe\xdc\xba\x98\x76\x54\x32\x10')
 for l, e in zip(xrange(1, 25), (