Example #1
 def test_xml_encoding(self, capsys):
     """Test that the encoding listed in the XML declaration is honored."""
     xml_format = u('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?><a>\u00D8</a>')
     data1 = (xml_format % ("UTF-8", )).encode('utf-8')
     data2 = (xml_format % ("latin1", )).encode('latin1')
     CompareSAX.data2data(data1, data2)
 def test_xml_encoding(self, capsys):
     """Test that the encoding listed in the XML declaration is honored."""
     xml_format = u('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?><a>\u00D8</a>')
     data1 = (xml_format % ("UTF-8",)).encode('utf-8')
     data2 = (xml_format % ("latin1",)).encode('latin1')
     CompareSAX.data2data(data1, data2)
Example #3
def test_translation(monkeypatch):
    """Python <--> XML representation translation on marshall/unmarshall."""
    anObject = _Dummy()
    class MockType(XBuiltin):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self._mock_translate_log = []
            super(MockType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        def translate(self, value, topython=True):
            self._mock_translate_log.append((value, topython))
            if topython:
                return anObject
            return "'ollywood"
    Factory.maptag("woof", MockType)

    namespace = "I'm a little tea pot, short and stout..."
    wsdl = testutils.wsdl("""\
      <xsd:element name="wi" type="xsd:woof"/>
      <xsd:element name="wo" type="xsd:woof"/>""", input="wi", output="wo",
        xsd_target_namespace=namespace, operation_name="f")
    client = testutils.client_from_wsdl(wsdl, nosend=True, prettyxml=True)

    # Check suds library's XSD schema input parameter information.
    schema = client.wsdl.schema
    element_in = schema.elements["wi", namespace]
    assert element_in.name == "wi"
    element_out = schema.elements["wo", namespace]
    assert element_out.name == "wo"
    schema_object_in = element_in.resolve()
    schema_object_out = element_out.resolve()
    assert element_in is client.sd[0].params[0][0]
    assert schema_object_in is client.sd[0].params[0][1]
    assert schema_object_in.__class__ is MockType
    assert schema_object_in._mock_translate_log == []
    assert schema_object_out.__class__ is MockType
    assert schema_object_out._mock_translate_log == []

    # Construct operation invocation request - test marshalling.
    request = client.service.f(55)
    assert schema_object_in._mock_translate_log == [(55, False)]
    assert schema_object_out._mock_translate_log == []
    CompareSAX.data2data(request.envelope, """\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <wi xmlns="%s">&apos;ollywood</wi>
</Envelope>""" % (namespace,))

    # Process operation response - test unmarshalling.
    response = client.service.f(__inject=dict(reply=suds.byte_str("""\
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <wo xmlns="%s">fri-fru</wo>
</Envelope>""" % (namespace,))))
    assert response is anObject
    assert schema_object_in._mock_translate_log == [(55, False)]
    assert schema_object_out._mock_translate_log == [("fri-fru", True)]
def _assert_request_content(request, expected_xml):
    CompareSAX.data2data(request.envelope, expected_xml)
Example #5
def _assert_request_content(request, expected_xml):
    CompareSAX.data2data(request.envelope, expected_xml)
Example #6
def test_translation(monkeypatch):
    """Python <--> XML representation translation on marshall/unmarshall."""
    anObject = _Dummy()

    class MockType(XBuiltin):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self._mock_translate_log = []
            super(MockType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def translate(self, value, topython=True):
            self._mock_translate_log.append((value, topython))
            if topython:
                return anObject
            return "'ollywood"

    Factory.maptag("woof", MockType)

    namespace = "I'm a little tea pot, short and stout..."
    wsdl = testutils.wsdl("""\
      <xsd:element name="wi" type="xsd:woof"/>
      <xsd:element name="wo" type="xsd:woof"/>""",
    client = testutils.client_from_wsdl(wsdl, nosend=True, prettyxml=True)

    # Check suds library's XSD schema input parameter information.
    schema = client.wsdl.schema
    element_in = schema.elements["wi", namespace]
    assert element_in.name == "wi"
    element_out = schema.elements["wo", namespace]
    assert element_out.name == "wo"
    schema_object_in = element_in.resolve()
    schema_object_out = element_out.resolve()
    assert element_in is client.sd[0].params[0][0]
    assert schema_object_in is client.sd[0].params[0][1]
    assert schema_object_in.__class__ is MockType
    assert schema_object_in._mock_translate_log == []
    assert schema_object_out.__class__ is MockType
    assert schema_object_out._mock_translate_log == []

    # Construct operation invocation request - test marshalling.
    request = client.service.f(55)
    assert schema_object_in._mock_translate_log == [(55, False)]
    assert schema_object_out._mock_translate_log == []
        request.envelope, """\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <wi xmlns="%s">&apos;ollywood</wi>
</Envelope>""" % (namespace, ))

    # Process operation response - test unmarshalling.
    response = client.service.f(__inject=dict(reply=suds.byte_str("""\
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <wo xmlns="%s">fri-fru</wo>
</Envelope>""" % (namespace, ))))
    assert response is anObject
    assert schema_object_in._mock_translate_log == [(55, False)]
    assert schema_object_out._mock_translate_log == [("fri-fru", True)]
Example #7
 def test_string_input_types(self, type1, type2, capsys):
     xml = "<a/>"
     CompareSAX.data2data(type1(xml), type2(xml))
Example #8
 def test_data2data(self, data1, data2, capsys):
     CompareSAX.data2data(data1, data2)
Example #9
 def test_empty_document(self, capsys):
     a = suds.sax.document.Document()
     b = suds.sax.document.Document()
     CompareSAX.document2document(a, b)
Example #10
import suds
import suds.sax.document
import suds.sax.parser
from testutils.assertion import assert_no_output
from testutils.compare_sax import CompareSAX

import pytest
from six import text_type, u

import xml.sax

# CompareSAX class uses Python assertions to report failed comparison results
# so we need to skip the tests in this module if Python assertions have been
# disabled in the CompareSAX implementation module.
skip_test_if_CompareSAX_assertions_disabled = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not CompareSAX.assertions_enabled(),
    reason="CompareSAX assertions disabled")

@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", ("", "<bad1/><bad2/>", '<bad a="1" a="1"/>',
def test_failed_parsing(data, capsys):
    pytest.raises(xml.sax.SAXParseException, CompareSAX.data2data, data, data)

class TestMatched:
    """Successful CompareSAX matching tests."""
    def test_empty_document(self, capsys):
 def test_string_input_types(self, type1, type2, capsys):
     xml = "<a/>"
     CompareSAX.data2data(type1(xml), type2(xml))
 def test_data2data(self, data1, data2, capsys):
     CompareSAX.data2data(data1, data2)
 def test_empty_document(self, capsys):
     a = suds.sax.document.Document()
     b = suds.sax.document.Document()
     CompareSAX.document2document(a, b)
import suds.sax.document
import suds.sax.parser
from testutils.assertion import assert_no_output
from testutils.compare_sax import CompareSAX

import pytest
from six import text_type, u

import xml.sax

# CompareSAX class uses Python assertions to report failed comparison results
# so we need to skip the tests in this module if Python assertions have been
# disabled in the CompareSAX implementation module.
skip_test_if_CompareSAX_assertions_disabled = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not CompareSAX.assertions_enabled(),
    reason="CompareSAX assertions disabled")

@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", (
    '<bad a="1" a="1"/>',
def test_failed_parsing(data, capsys):
    pytest.raises(xml.sax.SAXParseException, CompareSAX.data2data, data, data)

class TestMatched: