Example #1
    def test_switch_dropout(self):
        """Tests dropout mode.
        emb_dim = 4
        num_units = 64
        hparams = {
            "kwargs": {
                "num_units": num_units
            "num_layers": 2,
            "dropout": {
                "input_keep_prob": 0.8,
        mode = tf.placeholder(tf.string)
        hparams_ = HParams(hparams, layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams())
        cell = layers.get_rnn_cell(hparams_, mode)

        batch_size = 16
        inputs = tf.zeros([batch_size, emb_dim], dtype=tf.float32)
        output, state = cell(inputs,
                             cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype=tf.float32))
        with self.test_session() as sess:
            output_train, _ = sess.run(
                [output, state], feed_dict={mode: tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN})
            self.assertEqual(output_train.shape[0], batch_size)
            output_test, _ = sess.run(
                [output, state], feed_dict={mode: tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL})
            self.assertEqual(output_test.shape[0], batch_size)
Example #2
    def test_get_rnn_cell(self):
        """Tests :func:`texar.tf.core.layers.get_rnn_cell`.
        emb_dim = 4
        num_units = 64

        # Given instance
        hparams = {"type": rnn.LSTMCell(num_units)}
        cell = layers.get_rnn_cell(hparams)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(cell, rnn.LSTMCell))

        # Given class
        hparams = {"type": rnn.LSTMCell, "kwargs": {"num_units": 10}}
        cell = layers.get_rnn_cell(hparams)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(cell, rnn.LSTMCell))

        # Given string, and complex hyperparameters
        keep_prob_x = tf.placeholder(name='keep_prob',
        hparams = {
            "type": "tensorflow.contrib.rnn.GRUCell",
            "kwargs": {
                "num_units": num_units
            "num_layers": 2,
            "dropout": {
                "input_keep_prob": 0.8,
                "state_keep_prob": keep_prob_x,
                "variational_recurrent": True,
                "input_size": [emb_dim, num_units]
            "residual": True,
            "highway": True

        hparams_ = HParams(hparams, layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams())
        cell = layers.get_rnn_cell(hparams_)

        batch_size = 16
        inputs = tf.zeros([batch_size, emb_dim], dtype=tf.float32)
        output, state = cell(inputs,
                             cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype=tf.float32))
        with self.test_session() as sess:

            feed_dict = {
                keep_prob_x: 1.0,
                context.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN
            output_, state_ = sess.run([output, state], feed_dict=feed_dict)

            self.assertEqual(output_.shape[0], batch_size)
            if isinstance(state_, (list, tuple)):
                self.assertEqual(state_[0].shape[0], batch_size)
                self.assertEqual(state_[0].shape[1], hparams_.kwargs.num_units)
                self.assertEqual(state_.shape[0], batch_size)
                self.assertEqual(state_.shape[1], hparams_.kwargs.num_units)
Example #3
    def default_hparams():
        """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.

        The hyperparameters are the same as in
        :meth:`~texar.tf.modules.BasicRNNDecoder.default_hparams` of
        :class:`~texar.tf.modules.BasicRNNDecoder`, except that the default
        "name" here is "rnn_decoder".
        return {
            "rnn_cell": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
            "helper_train": rnn_decoder_helpers.default_helper_train_hparams(),
            "helper_infer": rnn_decoder_helpers.default_helper_infer_hparams(),
            "max_decoding_length_train": None,
            "max_decoding_length_infer": None,
            "name": "rnn_decoder",
            "output_layer_bias": True,
Example #4
    def setUp(self):
        self._batch_size = 100

        self._decoder_cell = layers.get_rnn_cell(
Example #5
    def default_hparams():
        """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.

        .. code-block:: python

                "rnn_cell_fw": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                "rnn_cell_bw": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                "rnn_cell_share_config": True,
                "output_layer_fw": {
                    "num_layers": 0,
                    "layer_size": 128,
                    "activation": "identity",
                    "final_layer_activation": None,
                    "other_dense_kwargs": None,
                    "dropout_layer_ids": [],
                    "dropout_rate": 0.5,
                    "variational_dropout": False
                "output_layer_bw": {
                    # Same hyperparams and default values as "output_layer_fw"
                    # ...
                "output_layer_share_config": True,
                "name": "bidirectional_rnn_encoder"


        "rnn_cell_fw": dict
            Hyperparameters of the forward RNN cell.
            Ignored if :attr:`cell_fw` is given to the encoder constructor.

            The default value is defined in

        "rnn_cell_bw": dict
            Hyperparameters of the backward RNN cell.
            Ignored if :attr:`cell_bw` is given to the encoder constructor
            , or if :attr:`"rnn_cell_share_config"` is `True`.

            The default value is defined in

        "rnn_cell_share_config": bool
            Whether share hyperparameters of the backward cell with the
            forward cell. Note that the cell parameters (variables) are not

        "output_layer_fw": dict
            Hyperparameters of the forward output layer. Ignored if
            :attr:`output_layer_fw` is given to the constructor.
            See the "output_layer" field of
            :meth:`~texar.tf.modules.UnidirectionalRNNEncoder.default_hparams` for

        "output_layer_bw": dict
            Hyperparameters of the backward output layer. Ignored if
            :attr:`output_layer_bw` is given to the constructor. Have the
            same structure and defaults with :attr:`"output_layer_fw"`.

            Ignored if :attr:`"output_layer_share_config"` is True.

        "output_layer_share_config": bool
            Whether share hyperparameters of the backward output layer
            with the forward output layer. Note that the layer parameters
            (variables) are not shared.

        "name": str
            Name of the encoder
        hparams = RNNEncoderBase.default_hparams()
            "rnn_cell_fw": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
            "rnn_cell_bw": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
            "rnn_cell_share_config": True,
            "output_layer_fw": _default_output_layer_hparams(),
            "output_layer_bw": _default_output_layer_hparams(),
            "output_layer_share_config": True,
            "name": "bidirectional_rnn_encoder"
        return hparams
Example #6
    def default_hparams():
        """Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values.

        .. code-block:: python

                "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
                "output_layer": {
                    "num_layers": 0,
                    "layer_size": 128,
                    "activation": "identity",
                    "final_layer_activation": None,
                    "other_dense_kwargs": None,
                    "dropout_layer_ids": [],
                    "dropout_rate": 0.5,
                    "variational_dropout": False
                "name": "unidirectional_rnn_encoder"


        "rnn_cell": dict
            A dictionary of RNN cell hyperparameters. Ignored if
            :attr:`cell` is given to the encoder constructor.

            The default value is defined in

        "output_layer": dict
            Output layer hyperparameters. Ignored if :attr:`output_layer`
            is given to the encoder constructor. Includes:

            "num_layers": int
                The number of output (dense) layers. Set to 0 to avoid any
                output layers applied to the cell outputs..

            "layer_size": int or list
                The size of each of the output (dense) layers.

                If an `int`, each output layer will have the same size. If
                a list, the length must equal to :attr:`num_layers`.

            "activation": str or callable or None
                Activation function for each of the output (dense)
                layer except for the final layer. This can be
                a function, or its string name or module path.
                If function name is given, the function must be from
                module :tf_main:`tf.nn <nn>` or :tf_main:`tf < >`.
                For example

                .. code-block:: python

                    "activation": "relu" # function name
                    "activation": "my_module.my_activation_fn" # module path
                    "activation": my_module.my_activation_fn # function

                Default is `None` which maintains a linear activation.

            "final_layer_activation": str or callable or None
                The activation function for the final output layer.

            "other_dense_kwargs": dict or None
                Other keyword arguments to construct each of the output
                dense layers, e.g., `use_bias`. See
                :tf_main:`Dense <layers/Dense>` for the keyword arguments.

            "dropout_layer_ids": int or list
                The indexes of layers (starting from `0`) whose inputs
                are applied with dropout. The index = :attr:`num_layers`
                means dropout applies to the final layer output. E.g.,

                .. code-block:: python

                        "num_layers": 2,
                        "dropout_layer_ids": [0, 2]

                will leads to a series of layers as

                The dropout mode (training or not) is controlled
                by the :attr:`mode` argument of :meth:`_build`.

            "dropout_rate": float
                The dropout rate, between 0 and 1. E.g.,
                `"dropout_rate": 0.1` would drop out 10% of elements.

            "variational_dropout": bool
                Whether the dropout mask is the same across all time steps.

        "name": str
            Name of the encoder
        hparams = RNNEncoderBase.default_hparams()
            "rnn_cell": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(),
            "output_layer": _default_output_layer_hparams(),
            "name": "unidirectional_rnn_encoder"
        return hparams