def test_y_pad_bottom(self):
		Test that when applying padding with `bottom` vertical alignment, the block moves up.

		text = 'Memphis Depay, commonly known simply as Memphis, is a Dutch professional footballer and music artist who plays as a forward and captains French club Lyon and plays for the Netherlands national team. He is known for his pace, ability to cut inside, dribbling, distance shooting and ability to play the ball off the ground.'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0, pad=0.2, va='bottom')
		bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertEqual(0.2, round(bb.y0, 10))
	def test_x_pad_justify_end(self):
		Test that when padding is applied with `justify-end` alignment, the block moves to the left.

		text = 'Memphis Depay, commonly known simply as Memphis, is a Dutch professional footballer and music artist who plays as a forward and captains French club Lyon and plays for the Netherlands national team. He is known for his pace, ability to cut inside, dribbling, distance shooting and ability to play the ball off the ground.'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0, pad=0.2, align='justify-end')
		bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertGreaterEqual(0.8, round(bb.x1, 10))
	def test_set_position_horizontal_center(self):
		Test that when moving an annotation with a `center` horizontal alignment, the block is centered around the given point.

		text = 'Memphis Depay, commonly known simply as Memphis, is a Dutch professional footballer and music artist who plays as a forward and captains French club Lyon and plays for the Netherlands national team. He is known for his pace, ability to cut inside, dribbling, distance shooting and ability to play the ball off the ground.'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0, align='center')
		annotation.set_position((2, 0), ha='center')
		bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertEqual(2, (bb.x0 + bb.x1)/2.)
Example #4
    def test_draw_x_float(self):
		Test that when drawing an annotation with a float as the x-bounds, the limit of the plot is used.

        text = 'Memphis Depay, commonly known simply as Memphis, is a Dutch professional footballer and music artist who plays as a forward and captains French club Lyon and plays for the Netherlands national team. He is known for his pace, ability to cut inside, dribbling, distance shooting and ability to play the ball off the ground.'
        viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
        annotation = Annotation(viz)
        annotation.draw(text, np.float64(0.2), 0)
        bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
        self.assertEqual(round(0.2, 10), round(bb.x0, 10))
        self.assertLessEqual(0.95, bb.x1)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(1, bb.x1)
	def test_center_one_token(self):
		Test that when centering a single token, the middle of the annotation is equivalent to the middle coordinate of the token.

		text = 'Memphis'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		lines = annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0, va='center')
		bb = util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][0])
		self.assertEqual(0, (bb.y1 + bb.y0) / 2.)
		virtual_bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertEqual(0, (virtual_bb.y1 + virtual_bb.y0) / 2.)
	def test_get_virtual_bb_multiple_lines(self):
		Test that the virtual bounding box of an annotation with multiple lines spans the entire block.

		text = 'Memphis Depay, commonly known simply as Memphis, is a Dutch professional footballer and music artist who plays as a forward and captains French club Lyon and plays for the Netherlands national team. He is known for his pace, ability to cut inside, dribbling, distance shooting and ability to play the ball off the ground.'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		lines = annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0)
		self.assertGreater(len(lines), 1)
		virtual_bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][0]).x0, virtual_bb.x0)
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[-1][-1]).y0, virtual_bb.y0)
		self.assertEqual(max(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[line][-1]).x1 for line in range(0, len(lines))), virtual_bb.x1)
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][0]).y1, virtual_bb.y1)
	def test_get_virtual_bb_line(self):
		Test that the virtual bounding box of an annotation with one line spans the entire line.

		text = 'Memphis Depay plays for Olympique Lyonnais'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		lines = annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0)
		self.assertEqual(1, len(lines))
		virtual_bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][0]).x0, virtual_bb.x0)
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][0]).y0, virtual_bb.y0)
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][-1]).x1, virtual_bb.x1)
		self.assertEqual(util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][-1]).y1, virtual_bb.y1)
	def test_get_virtual_bb_single_token(self):
		Test that the virtual bounding box of an annotation with one token is equivalent to the bounding box of a single token.

		text = 'Memphis'
		viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)))
		annotation = Annotation(viz)
		lines = annotation.draw(text, (0, 1), 0)
		bb = util.get_bb(viz.figure, viz.axis, lines[0][0])
		virtual_bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()
		self.assertEqual(bb.x0, virtual_bb.x0)
		self.assertEqual(bb.y0, virtual_bb.y0)
		self.assertEqual(bb.x1, virtual_bb.x1)
		self.assertEqual(bb.y1, virtual_bb.y1)
Example #9
class Drawable():
	The :class:`~Drawable` class wraps a matplotlib figure and axis to provide additional functionality.
	If no axis is given, the default plot axis (:code:`plt.gca()`) is used.
	The :class:`~Drawable` class can be used as a normal :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis` object with additional functionality.
	The axis functionality can be called on the :class:`~Drawable` class.
	The :class:`~Drawable` instance re-routes method and attribute calls to the :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis` instance.

	To create a :class:`~Drawable` instance from a normal plot:

	.. code-block:: python

	  viz = drawable.Drawable(plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)))

	To create a :class:`~Drawable` instance from an axis, or a subplot:

	.. code-block:: python

	  figure, axis = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
	  viz = drawable.Drawable(figure, axis[0])

	:ivar figure: The figure that the :class:`~Drawable` class wraps.
	:vartype figure: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`
	:ivar axis: The axis where the drawable will draw.
	:vartype axis: :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis`
	:var caption: The caption, displayed under the title.
	:vartype caption: :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`

	:ivar timeseries: The time series object that is being used.
	:vartype timeseries: :class:`~timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries`
	:ivar legend: The figure's legend.
	:vartype legend: :class:`~legend.Legend`
	:ivar annotations: The annotations in the visualization.
	:vartype annotations: list of :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`
    def __init__(self, figure, axis=None):
		Create the drawable with the figure.

		:param figure: The figure that the :class:`~Drawable` class wraps.
					   This is mainly used to get the figure renderer.
		:type figure: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`
		:param axis: The axis (or subplot) where to plot visualizations.
					 If `None` is not given, the plot's main subplot is used instead.
		:type axis: `None` or :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis`

        self.figure = figure
        self.axis = plt.gca() if axis is None else axis
        self.caption = Annotation(self)

        self.annotations = []
        self.legend = Legend(self)
        self.timeseries = None

    def set_caption(self,
		Add a caption to the subplot.
		The caption is added just beneath the title.
		The method re-draws the title to make space for the caption.

		The caption is a :class:`~text.text.Annotation` object.
		Any arguments that the constructor accepts can be provided to this method.

		:param caption: The caption to add to the axis.
		:type caption: str
		:param alpha: The opacity of the caption between 0 and 1.
		:type alpha: float
		:param lineheight: The space between lines.
		:type lineheight: float

		:return: The drawn caption.
		:rtype: :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`

        self.caption = Annotation(self)
        self.caption.draw(caption, (0, 1),
        return self.caption

    def redraw(self):
		Re-create the title with the necessary padding to fit the caption and the legend.
		Move the caption up to make space for the legend.
        legend_bb = self.legend.get_virtual_bb(transform=self.axis.transAxes)
        self.caption.set_position((0, 1 + 0.01 + legend_bb.height),
		Get the height of the caption and the height of the legend.
		The title should allow enough padding to make space for both.
        title = self.axis.get_title(loc='left')
        caption_bb = self.axis.transData.transform(
        height = abs(caption_bb[0][1] - caption_bb[1][1])
        legend_bb = self.axis.transData.transform(self.legend.get_virtual_bb())
        height += abs(legend_bb[0][1] - legend_bb[1][1])
        pad_px = self.axis.transAxes.transform(
            (0, 0.01))[1] - self.axis.transAxes.transform((0, 0))[1]
        self.axis.set_title(title, loc='left', pad=(5 + height + pad_px * 2))

    def __getattr__(self, name):
		Get an attribute indicated by `name` from the class.
		If it gets to this point, then the attribute does not exist.
		Instead, it is retrieved from the :class:`~Drawable` axis.

		:param name: The name of the attribute.
		:type name: str

		:return: The function applied on the axis.
		:rtype: function
        def method(*args, **kwargs):
			Try to get the attribute from the axis.
			If arguments were given, then the attribute is treated as a method call.
			Otherwise, it is treated as a normal attribute call.

            if callable(getattr(self.axis, name)):
                return getattr(self.axis, name)(*args, **kwargs)
                return getattr(self.axis, name)

        return method


    def draw_text_annotation(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Draw a text annotation visualization on this :class:`~Drawable`.
		The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by :meth:`~text.annotation.TextAnnotation.draw` method.

		:return: The drawn text annotation's lines.
				 Each line is made up of tuples of lists.
				 The first list in each tuple is the list of legend labels.
				 The second list in each tuple is the list of actual tokens.
		:rtype: list of tuple

        text_annotation = TextAnnotation(self)
        return text_annotation.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def draw_time_series(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Draw a time series visualization on this :class:`~Drawable`.
		The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by :meth:`~text.annotation.TextAnnotation.draw` method.

		:return: A tuple made up of the drawn plot and label.
		:rtype: tuple

        self.timeseries = self.timeseries if self.timeseries is not None else TimeSeries(
        return self.timeseries.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def annotate(self, text, x, y, marker=None, pad=0.01, *args, **kwargs):
		Add an annotation to the plot.
		Any additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to the annotation's :meth:`~text.text.Annotation.draw` function.
		For example, the `va` can be provided to specify the vertical alignment.
		The `align` parameter can be used to specify the text's alignment.

		:param text: The text of the annotation to draw.
		:type text: str
		:param x: A tuple containing the start and end x-coordinates of the annotation.
		:type x: tuple
		:param y: The y-coordinate of the annotation.
		:type y: float
		:param marker: The marker style.
					   If it is not given, no marker is drawn.
		:type marker: None or dict
		:param pad: The amount of padding applied to the annotation.
		:type pad: float

        annotation = Annotation(self)
		Draw the marker if it is given.
		The color is obtained from the kwargs if a marker color is not given.
		The point of the marker is based on the alignment of the annotation.
        if marker is not None:
            marker['color'] = marker.get('color', kwargs.get('color'))
            if kwargs.get('align', 'left') == 'left':
                self.axis.plot(x[0], y, *args, **marker)
            elif kwargs.get('align') == 'right':
                self.axis.plot(x[1], y, *args, **marker)
            elif kwargs.get('align') == 'center':
                self.axis.plot((x[0] + x[1]) / 2., y, *args, **marker)

        tokens = annotation.draw(text, x, y, pad=pad, *args, **kwargs)

        return tokens
Example #10
    def _draw_edge_names(self, edges, nodes, positions, s, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw names for the edges.
        Names are drawn if they have a `name` attribute.
        The `name_style` attribute, if given, is used to override the default name style.
        Names are written left-to-right.

        Any additional keyword arguments are considered to be styling options.

        :param edges: The list of edges for which to draw names.
        :type edges: :class:`networkx.classes.reportviews.NodeView`
        :param nodes: The list of nodes in the graph.
                      They are used when rendering names for looped edges.
        :type nodes: networkx.classes.reportviews.NodeView
        :param positions: The positions of the nodes as a dictionary.
                          The keys are the node names, and the values are the corresponding positions.
        :type positions: dict
        :param s: The default radius of the node.
                  It may be overwritten with the node's own radius.
        :type s: float

        :return: A dictionary of rendered edge names.
                 The keys are the edge names and the values are :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`, representing the rendered annotations.
        :rtype: dict

        annotations = {}

        for (source, target) in edges:
            Nodes are drawn only if they have a name attribute.
            name = edges[(source, target)].get('name')
            if name:
                By default, edge names are aligned centrally.
                However, the style can be overriden by providing a `name_style` attribute.
                default_style = {
                    'align': 'center',
                    'ha': 'left',
                    'va': 'center'
                style = edges[(source, target)].get('name_style', {})
                To draw the name from left to right, order the source and target nodes accordingly.
                u, v = sorted([positions[source], positions[target]],
                              key=lambda node: node[0])
                Draw the annotation to get an idea of its width and remove it immediately.
                annotation = Annotation(self.drawable)
                annotation.draw([name], (u[0]), u[1], **default_style)
                bb = annotation.get_virtual_bb()

                if source == target:
                    If the edge is a loop, draw the name at the apex.
                    radius = self._get_radius(nodes[source],
                                                                      's', s))
                    annotation = Annotation(self.drawable)
                    x = (u[0] - bb.width / 2., u[0] + bb.width / 2.)
                    y = u[1] + radius[1] * 2 + bb.height
                    annotation.draw([name], x, y, **default_style)
                Re-draw the annotation, this time positionally centered along the edge.
                The rotation depends on the elevation from the source to the target node.
                ratio = util.get_aspect(self.drawable.axes)
                distance = self._get_distance(u, v)
                direction = self._get_direction(u, v)
                angle = self._get_elevation(u, v)
                The annotation's x-position is bound rigidly based on the width of the annotation.
                The y-position is based on the angle. This is because the horizontal alignment is always set to `left`.
                annotation = Annotation(self.drawable)
                x = (u[0] + direction[0] * distance / 2. - bb.width / 2.,
                     u[0] + direction[0] * distance / 2. + bb.width / 2.)
                y = u[1] + direction[
                    1] * distance / 2. + bb.height / 2. * math.sin(angle) * (
                        math.degrees(angle) > 0)
                annotations[(source, target)] = annotation

        return annotations
Example #11
class Drawable():
    The :class:`~Drawable` class wraps a matplotlib figure and axes to provide additional functionality.
    If no axes is given, the default plot axes (:code:`plt.gca()`) is used.
    The :class:`~Drawable` class can be used as a normal `matplotlib.axes.Axes <>`_ object with additional functionality.
    The axes functionality can be called on the :class:`~Drawable` class.
    The :class:`~Drawable` instance re-routes method and attribute calls to the `matplotlib.axes.Axes <>`_ instance.

    :ivar figure: The figure that the :class:`~Drawable` class wraps.
    :vartype figure: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`
    :ivar axes: The axes where the drawable will draw.
    :vartype axes: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
    :ivar secondary: The secondary axes.
                     Some visualizations, such as the :class:`~slope.slope.Slope` graph uses them to draw different ticks on each y-axis.
    :vartype secondary: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
    :var caption: The caption, displayed under the title.
    :vartype caption: :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`

    :ivar bar100: The 100% bar chart visualization that is being used.
                  When no visualization has been created, it is set to `None`.
                  It is instantiated the first time a 100% bar chart is drawn.
    :vartype bar100: None or :class:`~bar.100.Bar100`
    :ivar population: The population visualization that is being used.
                      When no visualization has been created, it is set to `None`.
                      It is instantiated the first time a population is drawn.
    :vartype population: None or :class:`~population.population.Population`
    :ivar timeseries: The time series object that is being used.
                      When no visualization has been created, it is set to `None`.
                      It is instantiated the first time a time series is drawn.
    :vartype timeseries: None or :class:`~timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries`

    :ivar legend: The figure's legend.
    :vartype legend: :class:`~legend.Legend`
    :ivar annotations: The annotations in the visualization.
    :vartype annotations: list of :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`
    def __init__(self, figure, axes=None):
        Create the drawable with the figure.

        :param figure: The figure that the :class:`~Drawable` class wraps.
                       This is mainly used to get the figure renderer.
        :type figure: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`
        :param axes: The axes (or subplot) where to plot visualizations.
                     If `None` is given, the plot's main subplot is used instead.
        :type axes: `None` or :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`

        self.figure = figure
        self.axes = plt.gca() if axes is None else axes
        self.secondary = self.axes
        self.caption = None

        self.annotations = []
        self.legend = Legend(self)
        self.bar100 = None
        self.population = None
        self.slope = None
        self.timeseries = None

    def set_caption(self,
        Add a caption to the subplot.
        The caption is added just beneath the title.
        The method re-draws the title to make space for the caption.

        The caption is a :class:`~text.text.Annotation` object.
        Any arguments that the constructor accepts can be provided to this method.

        :param caption: The caption to add to the axes.
        :type caption: str
        :param alpha: The opacity of the caption between 0 and 1.
        :type alpha: float
        :param lineheight: The space between lines.
        :type lineheight: float

        :return: The drawn caption.
        :rtype: :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`

        self.caption = Annotation(self,
                                  caption, (0, 1),
        return self.caption

    def redraw(self):
        Re-create the title, with the goal of leaving enough space to fit the caption and the legend.
        Afterwards, it redraws the legend.


        # redraw all visualizations
        for viz in [self.bar100, self.population, self.slope, self.timeseries]:
            if viz:

        # redraw all annotations
        for annotation in self.annotations:


    def _redraw_caption(self):
        Re-draw the caption, re-positioning so that it does not overlap with the legend or axes.

        if not self.caption:

        figure, axes = self.figure, self.axes
        Move the caption up to make space for the legend and the label.
        y = 1.015
        y += self.legend.get_virtual_bb(transform=self.axes.transAxes).height
        If the x-label is on top, make space for it in the caption.
        In this case, it is assumed that the ticks are also at the top.
        This is because for some reason they may be set to 'unknown'.
        if axes.xaxis.get_label_position() == 'top':
            y += self._get_xlabel(transform=self.axes.transAxes).height * 2

            xtick_labels_bb = self._get_xtick_labels(transform=axes.transAxes)
            if xtick_labels_bb:
                y += max(xtick_labels_bb, key=lambda bb: bb.height).height * 2

        self.caption.set_position((0, y),

    def _redraw_title(self):
        Re-draw the title, adding enough padding so that there is enough space for the axes label, the legend and the caption.

        figure, axes = self.figure, self.axes

        title = axes.get_title(loc='left')
        Get the height of the caption and the height of the legend.
        The title should allow enough padding to make space for both.
        caption_height = 0
        if self.caption:
            caption_height = util.to_px(

        legend_height = util.to_px(
        If the x-label is on top, make space for it in the title.
        In this case, it is assumed that the ticks are also at the top.
        This is because for some reason they may be set to 'unknown'.
        label_height = 0
        if axes.xaxis.get_label_position() == 'top':
            label_bb = self._get_xlabel(transform=axes.transData)
            label_height = util.to_px(axes, label_bb,
                                      transform=axes.transData).height * 2
            xtick_labels_bb = self._get_xtick_labels(transform=axes.transData)
            if xtick_labels_bb:
                label_bb = max(xtick_labels_bb, key=lambda bb: bb.height)
                label_height += util.to_px(
                    axes, label_bb, transform=axes.transData).height * 2
        Add some extra padding to the height.
        height = abs(caption_height) + abs(legend_height) + abs(label_height)
        pad_px = abs(
            self.axes.transAxes.transform((0, 0.015))[1] -
            self.axes.transAxes.transform((0, 0))[1])
        pad = pad_px * 2
        self.axes.set_title(title, loc='left', pad=(height + pad))

    def _get_xlabel(self, transform=None):
        Get the bounding box of the x-axis label.

        :param transform: The bounding box transformation.
                          If `None` is given, the data transformation is used.
        :type transform: None or :class:`matplotlib.transforms.TransformNode`

        :return: The bounding box of the x-axis label.
        :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox`

        figure, axes = self.figure, self.axes

        transform = transform or axes.transData
        return util.get_bb(figure,

    def _get_xtick_labels(self, transform=None):
        Get the bounding box of the x-axis tick labels.

        :param transform: The bounding box transformation.
                          If `None` is given, the data transformation is used.
        :type transform: None or :class:`matplotlib.transforms.TransformNode`

        :return: The bounding box of the x-axis label.
        :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox`

        figure, axes = self.figure, self.axes

        transform = transform or axes.transData
        return [
            util.get_bb(figure, axes, label, transform=transform)
            for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels(which='both')

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        A special function that calls the `matplotlib.pyplot.savefig <>`_ function.
        Before doing that, the function first redraws the drawable.

        This function is very important when the title and caption are set before drawing the visualization.
        In these cases, it is possible that the legend or the plot labels cause the caption or title to overlap with the plot.

        plt.savefig(*args, **kwargs)

    def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
        A special function that calls the ` <>`_ function.
        Before doing that, the function first redraws the drawable.

        This function is very important when the title and caption are set before drawing the visualization.
        In these cases, it is possible that the legend or the plot labels cause the caption or title to overlap with the plot.

        self.redraw()*args, **kwargs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        The magic function through which most of :class:`~Drawable`'s functionality passes.
        This function receives any unknown call and passes it on to the :class:`~Drawable`'s `matplotlib.axes.Axes <>`_.
        This function automatically checks whether the call is referencing a function or a variable.

        :param name: The name of the attribute.
        :type name: str

        :return: The function applied on the axes.
        :rtype: function
        def method(*args, **kwargs):
            Try to get the attribute from the axes.
            If arguments were given, then the attribute is treated as a method call.
            Otherwise, it is treated as a normal attribute call.

            if callable(getattr(self.axes, name)):
                return getattr(self.axes, name)(*args, **kwargs)
                return getattr(self.axes, name)

        return method


    def annotate(self, text, x, y, marker=None, pad=0.01, *args, **kwargs):
        Add a text annotation to the plot.
        This function can be used to draw attention to certain or describe the visualization on the plot itself.

        Any additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to the :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`'s :func:`~text.annotation.Annotation.draw` function.
        For example, the `va` can be provided to specify the text's vertical alignment, andthe `align` parameter can be used to specify the text's alignment.

        :param text: The text of the annotation to draw.
        :type text: str
        :param x: A tuple containing the start and end x-coordinates of the annotation.
        :type x: tuple
        :param y: The y-coordinate of the annotation.
        :type y: float
        :param marker: The marker style.
                       If it is not given, no marker is drawn.
        :type marker: None or dict
        :param pad: The amount of padding applied to the annotation.
        :type pad: float

        :return: The drawn annotation.
        :rtype: :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`

        annotation = Annotation(self, text, x, y, pad=pad, *args, **kwargs)
        Draw the marker if it is given.
        The color is obtained from the kwargs if a marker color is not given.
        The point of the marker is based on the alignment of the annotation.
        if marker is not None:
            marker = dict(
                marker)  # make a copy to avoid overwriting dictionaries
            marker['color'] = marker.get('color', kwargs.get('color'))
            if kwargs.get('align', 'left') == 'left':
                self.axes.plot(x[0], y, *args, **marker)
            elif kwargs.get('align') == 'right':
                self.axes.plot(x[1], y, *args, **marker)
            elif kwargs.get('align') == 'center':
                self.axes.plot((x[0] + x[1]) / 2., y, *args, **marker)


        return annotation

    def draw_bar_100(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw a bar chart that stacks up to 100% on this :class:`~Drawable`.
        The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by the :class:`~bar.bar100.Bar100`'s :func:`~bar.bar100.Bar100.draw` method.

        :return: A list of drawn bars.
        :rtype: list of :class:`matplotlib.patches.Rectangle`

        self.bar100 = self.bar100 or Bar100(self)
        return self.bar100.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def draw_graph(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw a graph visualization on this :class:`~Drawable`.
        The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by the :class:`~graph.graph.Graph`'s :func:`~graph.graph.Graph.draw` method.

        :return: A tuple containing the list of drawn nodes, the rendered node names, edges, and the rendered edge names.
        :rtype: tuple

        graph = Graph(self)
        return graph.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def draw_population(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw a population chart on this :class:`~Drawable`.
        The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by the :class:`~population.population.Population`'s :func:`~population.population.Population.draw` method.

        :return: A list of drawn scatter points, separated by column.
        :rtype: list of list of :class:`matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`

        self.population = self.population if self.population else Population(
        return self.population.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def draw_slope(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw a slope graph with two points on this :class:`~Drawable`.
        The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by the :class:`~slope.slope.Slope`'s :func:`~slope.slope.Slope.draw` method.

        :return: A tuple made up of the drawn plot and label.
        :rtype: tuple (:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`, list of :class:`~text.annotation.Annotation`)

        self.slope = self.slope or Slope(self)
        return self.slope.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def draw_text_annotation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw a text annotation visualization on this :class:`~Drawable`.
        The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by the :class:`~text.text.TextAnnotation`'s :func:`~text.text.TextAnnotation.draw` method.

        :return: The drawn text annotation's lines.
                 Each line is made up of tuples of lists.
                 The first list in each tuple is the list of legend labels.
                 The second list in each tuple is the list of actual tokens.
        :rtype: list of tuple

        text_annotation = TextAnnotation(self)
        return text_annotation.draw(*args, **kwargs)

    def draw_time_series(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw a time series visualization on this :class:`~Drawable`.
        The arguments and keyword arguments are those supported by the :class:`~timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries`' :func:`~timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries.draw` method.

        :return: A tuple made up of the drawn plot and label.
        :rtype: tuple

        self.timeseries = self.timeseries or TimeSeries(self)
        return self.timeseries.draw(*args, **kwargs)