def _make_headers_df(headers_response):
    Parses the headers portion of the watson response and creates the header dataframe.
    :param headers_response: the ``row_header`` or ``column_header`` array as returned
    from the Watson response,

    :return: the completed header dataframe

    headers_df = util.make_dataframe(headers_response)
    headers_df = headers_df[[
        "text", "column_index_begin", "column_index_end", "row_index_begin",
        "row_index_end", "cell_id", "text_normalized"
    return headers_df
def _make_body_cells_df(body_cells_response):
    parses the body_cells portion of the watson response and creates the body_cells dataframe.
    :param body_cells_response: the "body cells" array as returned from the watson response

    :return: the completed body_cells dataframe
    body_cells_df = util.make_dataframe(body_cells_response)
    if not "attributes.type" in body_cells_df.columns.to_list():
        body_cells_df["attributes.type"] = None
        body_cells_df["attributes.text"] = None
    body_cells_df = body_cells_df[[
        "text", "column_index_begin", "column_index_end", "row_index_begin",
        "row_index_end", "cell_id", "column_header_ids", "column_header_texts",
        "row_header_ids", "row_header_texts", "attributes.text",
    return body_cells_df
Example #3
def parse_response(
        response: Dict[str, Any],
        original_text: str = None,
        apply_standard_schema: bool = False) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
    Parse a Watson NLU response as a decoded JSON string, e.g. dictionary containing
    requested features and convert into a dict of Pandas DataFrames. The following
    features in the response will be converted:
        * entities
        * entity_mentions (elements of the "mentions" field of `response["entities"]`)
        * keywords
        * relations
        * semantic_roles
        * syntax

    For information on getting started with Watson Natural Language Understanding on
    IBM Cloud, see
    A Python SDK for authentication and making requests to the service is provided at  Details on the supported
    features and available options when making the request can be found at

    .. note:: Additional feature data in response will not be processed

    >>> response = natural_language_understanding.analyze(
    ...     url="",
    ...         return_analyzed_text=True,
    ...         features=Features(
    ...         entities=EntitiesOptions(sentiment=True),
    ...         keywords=KeywordsOptions(sentiment=True, emotion=True),
    ...         relations=RelationsOptions(),
    ...         semantic_roles=SemanticRolesOptions(),
    ...         syntax=SyntaxOptions(sentences=True, tokens=SyntaxOptionsTokens(lemma=True, part_of_speech=True))
    ...     )).get_result()
    >>> dfs = parse_response(response)
    >>> dfs.keys()
    dict_keys(['syntax', 'entities', 'keywords', 'relations', 'semantic_roles'])
    >>> dfs["syntax"].head()
       span part_of_speech      lemma  \
    0  [0, 5): 'Monty'          PROPN    None
    1  [6, 12): 'Python'        PROPN  python

    0  [0, 273): 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail is ...
    1  [0, 273): 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail is ...

    :param response: A dictionary of features from the IBM Watson NLU response
    :param original_text: Optional original text sent in request, if None will
                          look for "analyzed_text" keyword in response
    :param apply_standard_schema: Return DataFrames with a set schema, whether data
                                  was present in the response or not
    :return: A dictionary mapping feature name to a Pandas DataFrame
    dfs = {}

    if original_text is None and "analyzed_text" in response:
        original_text = response["analyzed_text"]

    # Create the syntax DataFrame
    syntax_response = response.get("syntax", {})
    token_df, sentence_df = _make_syntax_dataframes(syntax_response,
    sentence_series = sentence_df.get("sentence_span")
    if sentence_series is not None:
        syntax_df = _merge_syntax_dataframes(token_df, sentence_series)
        syntax_df = pd.concat([token_df, sentence_df], axis=1)
    dfs["syntax"] = util.apply_schema(syntax_df, _syntax_schema,

    if original_text is None and "span" in dfs["syntax"].columns:
        char_span = dfs["syntax"]["span"]
        if isinstance(char_span, SpanArray):
            original_text = dfs["syntax"]["span"].target_text
            warnings.warn("Did not receive and could not build original text")

    # Create the entities DataFrames
    entities = response.get("entities", [])
    entities_df, entity_mentions_df = _make_entity_dataframes(
        entities, original_text)
    dfs["entities"] = util.apply_schema(entities_df, _entities_schema,
    dfs["entity_mentions"] = util.apply_schema(entity_mentions_df,

    # Create the keywords DataFrame
    keywords = response.get("keywords", [])
    keywords_df = util.make_dataframe(keywords)
    dfs["keywords"] = util.apply_schema(keywords_df, _keywords_schema,

    # Create the relations DataFrame
    relations = response.get("relations", [])
    relations_df = _make_relations_dataframe(relations, original_text,
    dfs["relations"] = util.apply_schema(relations_df, _relations_schema,

    # Create the semantic roles DataFrame
    semantic_roles = response.get("semantic_roles", [])
    semantic_roles_df = util.make_dataframe(semantic_roles)
    dfs["semantic_roles"] = util.apply_schema(semantic_roles_df,

    if "warnings" in response:
        # TODO: check structure of warnings and improve message

    return dfs