def playSong(): os.system('sudo sh checkusb') try: musicList = open('musiclist', 'r') drivePath = open('drivepath', 'r') music_list ='\n') drive_path = drive_path = drive_path[0:len(drive_path) - 1] musicList.close() drivePath.close() if (len(drive_path) == 0 or len(music_list) <= 0): texttospeech.convert("No music file found") return except: print("Exception") return sharedvariable.stopFlag = True obj = stopomxthread.omxCheck() obj.start() sharedvariable.songFlag = False for a in music_list: song = drive_path + '/' + a while (sharedvariable.omxOn): time.sleep(1) sharedvariable.omxOn = True sharedvariable.usbFlag = True sharedvariable.currentSongPath = song os.system('omxplayer -o hdmi ' + "'" + song + "'") sharedvariable.omxOn = False sharedvariable.usbFlag = False time.sleep(.5) if (sharedvariable.songFlag): break sharedvariable.stopFlag = False
def calculate(expression): parsedExpression=parseExpression(expression) try: print('Parsed Expression '+parsedExpression) result=eval(parsedExpression) texttospeech.convert('The value of the expression is '+str(result)+", "+str(gender.gender())) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) randomresponse.generateResponse('calculatorfail')
def savepicture(): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: count = 0 query = ("select count(*) from pictures;") cursor.execute(query) for (x) in cursor: count = str(x[0] + 1) cursor.close() cnx.close() path = "/var/www/html/pictures/" + count + ".jpg " os.system("cp /var/www/html/pictures/temp.jpg " + path) try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: pass else: user = sharedvariable.currentUser query = ("insert into pictures (username,path) values(\'" + user + "\',\'" + path + "\');") cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() texttospeech.convert("The picture was saved successfully.") cursor.close() cnx.close() try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: pass else: user = sharedvariable.currentUser query = ("delete from temppicture where 1;") cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close()
def build_date(string): try: string = string[string.rindex("is") + 3:len(string)] except Exception as e: texttospeech.convert("I am unable to understand your query") return "0" monthArray = [ "january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december" ] shortMonArray = [ "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sept", "oct", "nov", "dec" ] year = month = l = string.split(" ") if (l[0] == "today"): return str( if (l[0] == "tomorrow"): return str(( + timedelta(1)).date()) #print("l[0]=="+l[0]) #print("l[1]=="+l[1]) if (l[0][0].isnumeric() and l[0][1].isnumeric()): day = l[0][0] + l[0][1] elif (l[0][0].isnumeric()): day = "0" + l[0][0] else: print("2.1") return "-1" if (len(l) == 1): return str(year) + "-" + str(month) + "-" + day elif (len(l) >= 2): if (len(l) == 3): if (l[2].isnumeric()): year = l[2] else: print("2.2") return "-1" if (l[1].isnumeric()): return str(year) + "-" + l[1] + "-" + day else: i = 0 while (i < len(monthArray)): if (l[1].lower() == monthArray[i] or l[1].lower() == shortMonArray[i]): if (i < 10): month = "0" + str(i + 1) else: month = str(i + 1) return str(year) + "-" + month + "-" + day i = i + 1
def run(self): if (sharedvariable.currentUser == ""): return print(str(event)) while (event): minimum = min(eventTime) index = eventTime.index(minimum) timeDifference = datetime.datetime.strptime( minimum + ':00', '%H:%M:%S') - datetime.datetime.strptime('%H:%M:%S'), '%H:%M:%S') print(timeDifference) pauseTime = 1 if ('-1' in str(timeDifference)): event.remove(event[index]) eventTime.remove(eventTime[index]) elif (str(timeDifference) <= '0:00:30'): pauseTime = 1 elif (str(timeDifference) <= '0:01:00'): pauseTime = 30 elif (str(timeDifference) <= '0:05:00'): pauseTime = 60 elif (str(timeDifference) <= '0:10:00'): pauseTime = 300 elif (str(timeDifference) <= '0:30:00'): pauseTime = 10 * 60 elif (str(timeDifference) <= '1:00:00'): pauseTime = 30 * 60 else: pauseTime = 60 * 60 if (str(timeDifference) == '0:00:00'): string = "You have an event! " + event[index] event.remove(event[index]) eventTime.remove(eventTime[index]) if (sharedvariable.omxOn): os.system('killall omxplayer.bin') print(sharedvariable.omxOn) sharedvariable.stopFlag = False time.sleep(.3) sharedvariable.omxOn = True texttospeech.convert(string) if (sharedvariable.playSongFlag): sharedvariable.stopFlag = True obj = stopomxthread.omxCheck() obj.start() eventCondition.acquire() eventCondition.wait(pauseTime) eventCondition.release() sharedvariable.eventCheckerObject = None
def start(): obj=sharedvariable.loadSharedVariables() obj.start() obj.join() var=1 texttospeech.convert("Hello! I am ready to talk.") while var==1: if(reloadcredentials.check()): credentialsloader.load(); eventchecker.checkEvent() if(eventchecker.event): sharedvariable.eventCheckerObject=eventchecker.eventCheck() sharedvariable.eventCheckerObject.start() if(sharedvariable.doNotInterrupt==False): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='',database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: query = ("select * from buffer;") cursor.execute(query) for(v,buff,t) in cursor: if(v==1): print("Valid Value= "+str(v)) print("Buffer Value= "+buff) print("Time Value is "+str(t)) parsequery.parse(buff) else: print("talk to me") cursor.close() query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() time.sleep(2)
def remove(string): maximum = 0 song_index = 0 if ("this song" in string.lower()): song = sharedvariable.currentSongName path = sharedvariable.currentSongPath song_index = sharedvariable.songName.index(song) else: for a in sharedvariable.songName: if (a in string.lower()): if (maximum < len(a)): maximum = len(a) song_index = sharedvariable.songName.index(a) if (maximum == 0): texttospeech.convert("No such song exists") return song = sharedvariable.songName[song_index] path = sharedvariable.songPath[song_index] os.system("rm '" + path + "'") try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: query = ("delete from songs where name=\'" + song + "\';") cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() sharedvariable.songName.remove(song) sharedvariable.songPath.remove(path) sharedvariable.songType.remove(sharedvariable.songType[song_index]) texttospeech.convert("The song has been deleted")
def nickname(string): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='',database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: index=string.rindex(" me ") nickname=string[index+4:len(string)] query=("update users set nickname=\'"+nickname+"\' where emailid=\'"+sharedvariable.currentUser+"\';") cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() texttospeech.convert("OK, "+nickname+". I will keep that in mind.")
def get_day(string): dayArray = [ "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday" ] date = build_date(string) if (date != "-1" and date != "0"): try: req_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") #print(date+" is on "+str(dayArray[req_date.weekday()])) texttospeech.convert(date + " is on " + str(dayArray[req_date.weekday()])) except Exception as e: texttospeech.convert("Please enter a proper date") elif (date == "-1" and date != "0"): texttospeech.convert("Please enter a proper date")
def find_date(string): now = dayArray = [ "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday" ] if ("today" in string.lower()): texttospeech.convert("Today is " + str( elif ("tomorrow" in string.lower()): texttospeech.convert("Tomorrow is " + str((now + timedelta(1)).date())) else: for a in dayArray: if (a in string.lower()): weekday = now.weekday() i = 0 while (weekday != dayArray.index(a)): weekday = (weekday + 1) % 7 i = i + 1 texttospeech.convert("The day is on " + str((now + timedelta(i)).date())) break
def move(): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: path = sharedvariable.currentSongPath genre = "" songName = "" query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() texttospeech.convert( "Under which category do you want me to put this song? Available categories are " + str(sharedvariable.songGenres)) #print("Under which category do you want me to put this song? Available categories are "+str(sharedvariable.songGenres)) emptyBufferFlag = True while (emptyBufferFlag): query = ("select * from buffer;") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) for (v, buff, t) in cursor: if (v == 1): if (buff.lower() in sharedvariable.songGenres): genre = buff.lower() emptyBufferFlag = False elif (buff.lower() == "cancel operation"): query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() return else: texttospeech.convert( "Please choose a genre from the available choices") time.sleep(1) cursor.close() query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() texttospeech.convert("What do you want to name this song?") emptyBufferFlag = True while (emptyBufferFlag): cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ("select * from buffer;") cursor.execute(query) for (v, buff, t) in cursor: if (v == 1 and buff.lower() == "cancel operation"): query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cnx1 = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor1 = cnx1.cursor() cursor1.execute(query) cnx1.commit() cursor1.close() return elif (v == 1): if (buff.lower() in sharedvariable.songName): query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cnx1 = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor1 = cnx1.cursor() cursor1.execute(query) cnx1.commit() cursor1.close() texttospeech.convert( "This song already exists in your playlist. Please choose another name for this song to save it." ) else: emptyBufferFlag = False songName = buff.lower() time.sleep(1) cursor.close() try: destination = "/home/pi/Desktop/nanpy/Final/songs/" + songName + ".mp3" os.system('cp "' + path + '" ~/Desktop/nanpy/Final/songs/"' + songName + '".mp3') query = ("insert into songs values(\'" + songName + "\',\'" + destination + "\',\'" + genre + "\');") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close() texttospeech.convert("Song was added successfully") sharedvariable.songName.append(songName) sharedvariable.songPath.append(destination) sharedvariable.songType.append(genre) except: texttospeech.convert( "I am sorry to say that this file cannot be copied") query = ("update buffer set valid=0 where 1;") cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close()
def poweroff(): texttospeech.convert("Shutting Down. ") os.system("sudo poweroff")
def get_time(): texttospeech.convert("%H:%M"))
def greet(string): greets=['Hello', 'Namaste', 'Hi', 'Nice to meet you'] randomNumber=randint(0,3) texttospeech.convert(greets[randomNumber]+" "+string)
def send(): matchcount = 0 #check the number of matches in the contacts if (check()): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: gmail_user = sharedvariable.currentUserGmail gmail_password = sharedvariable.currentUserGmailPassword sent_from = gmail_user email_list = [] name_list = [] texttospeech.convert("To whom should i send this email?") flag = True sendstring = "" while (flag): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except: texttospeech.convert( "Sorry i can't process your request at this moment") return else: query = ("select * from buffer") cursor.execute(query) for (v, s, t) in cursor: if (v == 1): sendstring = s flag = False if ("leave it" in sendstring.lower()): texttospeech.convert("Cancelling Email") return time.sleep(2) cursor.close() try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except: texttospeech.convert( "Sorry i can't process your request at this moment") return else: query = ("select * from contacts where useremail=\'" + sharedvariable.currentUser + "\';") cursor.execute(query) for (u, e, n) in cursor: if (n.lower() in sendstring.lower().split()): matchcount = matchcount + 1 name_list.append(n.lower()) email_list.append(e) cursor.close() if (matchcount != len(sendstring.lower().split())): texttospeech.convert( "No matching contacts were found. Please add your contacts before sending an email." ) return flag = True message = "" texttospeech.convert("What is your message?") while (flag): try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except: texttospeech.convert( "Sorry i can't process your request at this moment") return else: query = ("select * from buffer") cursor.execute(query) for (v, s, t) in cursor: if (v == 1): message = s flag = False cursor.close() if ("leave it" in sendstring.lower()): texttospeech.convert("Cancelling Email") return time.sleep(2) #subject="OMG SUPER IMPORTANT MESSAGE". email_text = """\ From: %s To: %s %s """ % (sent_from, ", ".join(email_list), message) try: server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465) server.ehlo() server.login(gmail_user, gmail_password) server.sendmail(sent_from, email_list, email_text) server.close() texttospeech.convert('Your email has been sent successfully!') except Exception as e: texttospeech.convert( "Something went wrong. I couldn't send your email." + str(e)) else: texttospeech.convert('Please configure your Gmail account')
def parse(buff): answer = False buff = buff.lower() if (buff.split(" ")[0].isnumeric()): calculator.calculate(buff) else: try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='phpmyadmin') cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) else: print("1") query = ("select * from questions where question=\'" + buff + "\';") cursor.execute(query) count = len(cursor.fetchall()) if (count > 0): print("2") query = ("select * from questions where question=\'" + buff + "\';") cursor.execute(query) for (qid, question) in cursor: print("3") query = ( "select qid,qrmap.rid,response from qrmap inner join responses on qrmap.rid=responses.rid where qid=" + str(qid) + ";") cursor.execute(query) count = len(cursor.fetchall()) random = randint(1, count) query = ( "select qid,qrmap.rid,response from qrmap inner join responses on qrmap.rid=responses.rid where qid=" + str(qid) + ";") cursor.execute(query) i = 1 for (q, r, res) in cursor: print("7") if (random == i): print("8") answer = True if ("tell me a joke" in buff): texttospeech.convert(res) else: address = randint(0, 2) if (address == 0): texttospeech.convert(res) elif (address == 1): texttospeech.convert(res + " " + gender.gender()) elif (address == 2): texttospeech.convert( res + " " + nickname.getNickname()) i = i + 1 else: #First check whether functuin exists or not l = buff.split(" ") customString = "" query = "select * from function_keywords where keyword like " i = 0 while (i < len(l)): customString = customString + " " + l[i] query = query + "\'%" + l[i] + "%\' or keyword like " i = i + 1 query = query[0:len(query) - 17] query = query + " order by length desc;" print(query) query = (query) cursor.execute(query) i = 0 query2 = "" buff1 = "" for (kid, keyword, length, fid) in cursor: if (i == 0): if (keyword in buff): i = 1 query2 = ( "select * from function_table where id=" + str(fid) + ";") buff1 = buff[buff.index(keyword):len(buff)] if (i == 1): cursor.execute(query2) for (i, m, f, a) in cursor: if (str(a) == "0"): getattr(eval(m), f)() answer = True else: getattr(eval(m), f)(buff1) answer = True else: #Now check for possible responses l = buff.split(" ") i = 0 customString = "" query = "select * from keywords where keyword like " while (i < len(l)): if (l[i] not in sharedvariable.commonWords): customString = customString + l[i] + " " query = query + "\'%" + l[ i] + "%\' or keyword like " i = i + 1 if (len(customString) > 0): customString = customString[0:len(customString) - 1] query = query[0:len(query) - 17] query = query + ";" print(query) query = (query) print("f") cursor.execute(query) print("g") returnKeyword = [] returnQid = [] percentageList = [] try: for (kid, qid, keyword) in cursor: print("a") returnKeyword.append(keyword) returnQid.append(qid) percentageList.append( matchcalculator.calculate( customString, keyword)) maximum = max(percentageList) index = percentageList.index(maximum) if (matchcalculator.checkThreshold( customString, returnKeyword[index], percentageList[index])): print("b") query = ( "select temp.response from keywords inner join (select qid,response from qrmap inner join responses on qrmap.rid=responses.rid ) temp on keywords.qid=temp.qid where keywords.qid=" + str(returnQid[index]) + ";") cursor.execute(query) count = len(cursor.fetchall()) random = randint(1, count) query = ( "select temp.response from keywords inner join (select qid,response from qrmap inner join responses on qrmap.rid=responses.rid ) temp on keywords.qid=temp.qid where keywords.qid=" + str(returnQid[index]) + ";") print("hochche1") insertmaxmatch.insertmaxmatch( buff, returnQid[index]) cursor.execute(query) print("c") i = 0 #print("Random number: "+str(random)) for (r) in cursor: print("d") if (i == random): answer = True print("res:" + str(r[0])) texttospeech.convert(str(r[0])) i = i + 1 print("e") except Exception as e: print("I do not understand your question " + str(e)) return cursor.close() if (answer == False): cursor = cnx.cursor() randomresponse.generateResponse('apology') query = ("insert into unanswered values(\'" + buff + "\')") cursor.execute(query) cnx.commit() cursor.close()