Example #1
def expand_clean_replace(symbol, grammar, obj, game_infos):
    """ Return a cleaned/keyword replaced symbol. """
    obj_infos = game_infos[obj.id]
    phrase = grammar.expand(symbol)
    phrase = phrase.replace("(obj)", obj_infos.id)
    phrase = phrase.replace("(name)", obj_infos.name)
    phrase = phrase.replace("(name-n)", obj_infos.noun if obj_infos.adj is not None else obj_infos.name)
    phrase = phrase.replace("(name-adj)", obj_infos.adj if obj_infos.adj is not None else grammar.expand("#ordinary_adj#"))
    if obj.type != "":
        phrase = phrase.replace("(name-t)", KnowledgeBase.default().types.get_description(obj.type))
        assert False, "Does this even happen?"

    return fix_determinant(phrase)
Example #2
def assign_description_to_room(room, game, grammar):
    Assign a descripton to a room.
    # Add the decorative text
    room_desc = expand_clean_replace("#dec#\n\n", grammar, room, game.infos)

    # Convert the objects into groupings based on adj/noun/type
    objs = [o for o in room.content if KnowledgeBase.default().types.is_descendant_of(o.type, KnowledgeBase.default().types.CLASS_HOLDER)]
    groups = OrderedDict()
    groups["adj"] = OrderedDict()
    groups["noun"] = OrderedDict()

    for obj in objs:
        obj_infos = game.infos[obj.id]
        adj, noun = obj_infos.adj, obj_infos.noun

        # get all grouped adjectives and nouns
        groups['adj'][adj] = list(filter(lambda x: game.infos[x.id].adj == adj, objs))
        groups['noun'][noun] = list(filter(lambda x: game.infos[x.id].noun == noun, objs))

    # Generate the room description, prioritizing group descriptions where possible
    ignore = []
    for obj in objs:
        if obj.id in ignore:
            continue  # Skip that object.

        obj_infos = game.infos[obj.id]
        adj, noun = obj_infos.adj, obj_infos.noun

        if grammar.options.blend_descriptions:
            found = False
            for type in ["noun", "adj"]:
                group_filt = []
                if getattr(obj_infos, type) != "":
                    group_filt = list(filter(lambda x: x.id not in ignore, groups[type][getattr(obj_infos, type)]))

                if len(group_filt) > 1:
                    found = True
                    desc = replace_num(grammar.expand("#room_desc_group#"), len(group_filt))

                    if type == "noun":
                        desc = desc.replace("(val)", "{}s".format(getattr(obj_infos, type)))
                        desc = desc.replace("(name)", obj_list_to_prop_string(group_filt, "adj", game.infos, det_type="one"))
                    elif type == "adj":
                        _adj = getattr(obj_infos, type) if getattr(obj_infos, type) is not None else ""
                        desc = desc.replace("(val)", "{}things".format(_adj))
                        desc = desc.replace("(name)", obj_list_to_prop_string(group_filt, "noun", game.infos))

                    for o2 in group_filt:
                        if KnowledgeBase.default().types.is_descendant_of(o2.type, KnowledgeBase.default().types.CLASS_HOLDER):
                            for vtype in [o2.type] + KnowledgeBase.default().types.get_ancestors(o2.type):
                                tag = "#room_desc_({})_multi_{}#".format(vtype, "adj" if type == "noun" else "noun")
                                if grammar.has_tag(tag):
                                    desc += expand_clean_replace(" " + tag, grammar, o2, game.infos)

                    room_desc += " {}".format(fix_determinant(desc))

            if found:

        if obj.type not in ["P", "I", "d"]:
            for vtype in [obj.type] + KnowledgeBase.default().types.get_ancestors(obj.type):
                tag = "#room_desc_({})#".format(vtype)
                if grammar.has_tag(tag):
                    room_desc += expand_clean_replace(" " + tag, grammar, obj, game.infos)

    room_desc += "\n\n"

    # Look for potential exit directions.
    exits_with_open_door = []
    exits_with_closed_door = []
    exits_without_door = []
    for dir_ in sorted(room.exits.keys()):
        if dir_ in room.doors:
            door_obj = room.doors[dir_]
            attributes_names = [attr.name for attr in door_obj.get_attributes()]
            if "open" in attributes_names:
                exits_with_open_door.append((dir_, door_obj))
                exits_with_closed_door.append((dir_, door_obj))

    exits_desc = []
    # Describing exits with door.
    if grammar.options.blend_descriptions and len(exits_with_closed_door) > 1:
        dirs, door_objs = zip(*exits_with_closed_door)
        e_desc = grammar.expand("#room_desc_doors_closed#")
        e_desc = replace_num(e_desc, len(door_objs))
        e_desc = e_desc.replace("(dir)", list_to_string(dirs, False))
        e_desc = clean_replace_objs(grammar, e_desc, door_objs, game.infos)
        e_desc = repl_sing_plur(e_desc, len(door_objs))

        for dir_, door_obj in exits_with_closed_door:
            d_desc = expand_clean_replace(" #room_desc_(d)#", grammar, door_obj, game.infos)
            d_desc = d_desc.replace("(dir)", dir_)

    if grammar.options.blend_descriptions and len(exits_with_open_door) > 1:
        dirs, door_objs = zip(*exits_with_open_door)
        e_desc = grammar.expand("#room_desc_doors_open#")
        e_desc = replace_num(e_desc, len(door_objs))
        e_desc = e_desc.replace("(dir)", list_to_string(dirs, False))
        e_desc = clean_replace_objs(grammar, e_desc, door_objs, game.infos)
        e_desc = repl_sing_plur(e_desc, len(door_objs))

        for dir_, door_obj in exits_with_open_door:
            d_desc = expand_clean_replace(" #room_desc_(d)#", grammar, door_obj, game.infos)
            d_desc = d_desc.replace("(dir)", dir_)

    # Describing exits without door.
    if grammar.options.blend_descriptions and len(exits_without_door) > 1:
        e_desc = grammar.expand("#room_desc_exits#").replace("(dir)", list_to_string(exits_without_door, False))
        e_desc = repl_sing_plur(e_desc, len(exits_without_door))
        for dir_ in exits_without_door:
            e_desc = grammar.expand("#room_desc_(dir)#").replace("(dir)", dir_)

    room_desc += " ".join(exits_desc)

    # Finally, set the description
    return fix_determinant(room_desc)