class Right_Utility_Frame():

    frame = 'base_footprint'
    px = py = pz = 0
    qx = qy = qz = 0
    qw = 1

    def __init__(self):

        self.updater = rospy.Service('r_utility_frame_update', FrameUpdate,

        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

    def update_frame(self, req):
        ps = req.pose
        self.frame = ps.header.frame_id
        self.px = ps.pose.position.x = ps.pose.position.y
        self.pz = ps.pose.position.z
        self.qx = ps.pose.orientation.x
        self.qy = ps.pose.orientation.y
        self.qz = ps.pose.orientation.z
        self.qw = ps.pose.orientation.w

            (self.px,, self.pz), (self.qx, self.qy, self.qz, self.qw),
  , "rh_utility_frame", self.frame)
        rsp = Bool() = True
        return rsp
class Right_Utility_Frame():
    frame = 'base_footprint'
    px = py = pz = 0;
    qx = qy = qz = 0;
    qw = 1;

    def __init__(self):
        self.updater = rospy.Service('r_utility_frame_update', FrameUpdate, self.update_frame)
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

    def update_frame(self, req):
        ps = req.pose
        self.frame = ps.header.frame_id
        self.px = ps.pose.position.x    = ps.pose.position.y    
        self.pz = ps.pose.position.z    
        self.qx = ps.pose.orientation.x
        self.qy = ps.pose.orientation.y
        self.qz = ps.pose.orientation.z
        self.qw = ps.pose.orientation.w

        self.tfb.sendTransform((self.px,,self.pz),(self.qx,self.qy,self.qz,self.qw),, "rh_utility_frame", self.frame)
        rsp = Bool() = True
        return rsp
def echo_socket(ws):
    b = TransformBroadcaster()

    f = open("orientation.txt", "a")
    while True:
        message = ws.receive()
        orient_data = message.split(',')
        orient_data = [float(data) for data in orient_data]

        stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = orient_data
        stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs =
        stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs =


        ### Publish to Pose topic for visualization ###
        q = quaternion_from_euler(orient_data[1], orient_data[2],
        pose_msg = Pose()
        pose_msg.orientation.x = q[0]
        pose_msg.orientation.y = q[1]
        pose_msg.orientation.z = q[2]
        pose_msg.orientation.w = q[3]

        b.sendTransform((1, 1, 1), (q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]),,
                        'child_link', 'base_link')
        ### END HERE ###
        print("[INFO:] Orientation{}".format(orient_data))
    print >> f, message

class Left_Utility_Frame():
    frame = 'base_footprint'
    px = py = pz = 0;
    qx = qy = qz = 0;
    qw = 1;

    def __init__(self):
        self.updater = rospy.Service('l_utility_frame_update', FrameUpdate, self.update_frame)
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

    def update_frame(self, req):
        ps = req.pose
        if not (math.isnan(ps.pose.orientation.x) or 
                math.isnan(ps.pose.orientation.y) or
                math.isnan(ps.pose.orientation.z) or
            self.frame = ps.header.frame_id
            self.px = ps.pose.position.x    
   = ps.pose.position.y    
            self.pz = ps.pose.position.z    
            self.qx = ps.pose.orientation.x
            self.qy = ps.pose.orientation.y
            self.qz = ps.pose.orientation.z
            self.qw = ps.pose.orientation.w
            rospy.logerr("NAN's sent to l_utility_frame_source")

        self.tfb.sendTransform((self.px,,self.pz),(self.qx,self.qy,self.qz,self.qw),, "lh_utility_frame", self.frame)
        rsp = Bool() = True
        return rsp
Example #5
def main():

    b = TransformBroadcaster()

    translation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)  #quaternion
    rate = rospy.Rate(5)  # 5hz

    yant = 0.0
    xant = 0.0

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        #y = math.degrees(math.asin(joy.leftX())) #+ yant
        y = joy.leftX() + yant
        x = joy.leftY() + xant

        translation = (x, 0.0, 0.0)
        rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, y)

        yant = y
        xant = x


        b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, 'camera_link',
Example #6
def handle_model_state(msg):
    global last_time
    br = TransformBroadcaster()

    model_names =
    # rospy.logerr_throttle(1,f'{str(model_names)}')

        # idx = model_names.index(tfPrefix)
        time =
        if time == last_time:
        idx = -1

        for i in range(len(model_names)):
            # rospy.logerr_throttle_identical(1,f'{tfPrefix}:{model_names[i]}')
            if tfPrefix == model_names[i]:
                idx = i
                # rospy.logwarn('FOUND')

        pose = msg.pose[idx]
        br.sendTransform((pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z),
                     (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w),
                     tfPrefix + "/" + "base_link",

        last_time = time
    except IndexError:
        rospy.logwarn_throttle(10, f'Cannot find Gazebo model state {tfPrefix}')
Example #7
class OdometryPublisher:
    def __init__(self,
        self._frame_id = frame
        self._child_frame_id = child_frame
        self._publisher = Publisher("odom", Odometry, queue_size=queue_size)
        self._broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self._odom_msg = Odometry()
        self._odom_msg.header.frame_id = self._frame_id
        self._odom_msg.child_frame_id = self._child_frame_id

    def _msg(self, now, x, y, quat, v, w):
        Updates the Odometry message
        :param now: Current time 
        :param x_dist: Current x distance traveled 
        :param y_dist: Current y distance traveled
        :param quat: Quaternion of the orientation
        :param v: Linear velocity
        :param w: Angular velocity
        :return: Odometry message
        self._odom_msg.header.stamp = now
        self._odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x
        self._odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y
        self._odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        self._odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = quat
        self._odom_msg.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(v, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, w))

        return self._odom_msg

    def publish(self, now, x, y, v, w, heading, log=False):
        Publishes an Odometry message
        :param cdist: Center (or average) distance of wheel base
        :param v: Linear velocity
        :param w: Angular velocity
        :param heading: Heading (or yaw)
        :param quat: Quaternion of orientation
        :return: None
        quat = Quaternion()
        quat.x = 0.0
        quat.y = 0.0
        quat.z = math.sin(heading / 2)
        quat.w = math.cos(heading / 2)

        self._broadcaster.sendTransform((x, y, 0),
                                        (quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w), now,
                                        self._child_frame_id, self._frame_id)

        self._publisher.publish(self._msg(now, x, y, quat, v, w))

        if log:
                "Publishing Odometry: heading {:02.3f}, dist {:02.3f}, velocity {:02.3f}/{:02.3f}"
                .format(heading, math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2), v, w))
Example #8
 def update_transform(self, pose, target_frame='base_laser_link'):
     # Updates the transform between the map frame and the odom frame
     br = TransformBroadcaster()
     br.sendTransform((pose[0], pose[1], 0),
                       quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]+math.pi),
Example #9
class LaunchObserver(object):
    Keeps track of the flying/landed state of a single drone, and publishes 
    a tf message keeping track of the coordinates from which the drone most recently launched.
    def __init__(self):
        self.tfl = TransformListener()
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.flying_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
            Ardrone3PilotingStateFlyingStateChanged, self.on_flying_state)

        self.is_flying = True

        self.RATE = 5  # republish hz

        self.saved_translation = [0, 0, 0]  # In meters
        self.saved_yaw = 0  # In radians = rospy.get_namespace().strip('/')
        self.base_link = + '/base_link'
        self.launch = + '/launch'
        self.odom = + '/odom'

    def on_flying_state(self, msg):
        self.is_flying = msg.state in [

    def spin(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(self.RATE)
        self.tfl.waitForTransform(self.odom, self.base_link, rospy.Time(0),
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if not self.is_flying:
                # On the ground, update the transform
                pos, quat = self.tfl.lookupTransform(self.base_link, self.odom,

                pos[2] = 0
                self.saved_translation = pos
                _, _, self.saved_yaw = euler_from_quaternion(quat)

            time = max(,
                           self.odom, self.base_link)) + (
                               2 * rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0 / self.RATE))

                                   quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.saved_yaw),
                                   time, self.odom, self.launch)

Example #10
class OptiTrackClient():
    def __init__(self, addr, port, obj_names, world, dt, rate=120):
        Class tracking optitrack markers through VRPN and publishing their TF frames as well as the transformation
        from the robot's world frame to the optitrack frame
        :param addr: IP of the VRPN server
        :param port: Port of the VRPN server
        :param obj_names: Name of the tracked rigid bodies
        :param world: Name of the robot's world frame (base_link, map, base, ...)
        :param dt: Delta T in seconds whilst a marker is still considered tracked
        :param rate: Rate in Hertz of the publishing loop
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
        self.obj_names = obj_names = world
        self.dt = rospy.Duration(dt)
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.trackers = []
        for obj in obj_names:
            t = vrpn.receiver.Tracker('{}@{}:{}'.format(obj, addr, port))
            t.register_change_handler(obj, self.handler, 'position')

        self.tracked_objects = {}

    def recent_tracked_objects(self):
        """ Only returns the objects that have been tracked less than 20ms ago. """
        f = lambda name: ( - self.tracked_objects[name].
        return dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.tracked_objects.iteritems()
                     if f(k) < self.dt])

    def handler(self, obj, data):
        self.tracked_objects[obj] = TrackedObject(data['position'],

    def run(self):
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            for t in self.trackers:

            # Publish the calibration matrix
            calib_matrix = rospy.get_param("/optitrack/calibration_matrix")
            self.tfb.sendTransform(calib_matrix[0], calib_matrix[1],
                         , "optitrack_frame",

            # Publish all other markers as frames
            for k, v in self.recent_tracked_objects.iteritems():
                self.tfb.sendTransform(v.position, v.quaternion, v.timestamp,
                                       k, "optitrack_frame")

Example #11
class Base_pose():
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('Base_position', anonymous=True)
        self.base_pub = rospy.Publisher('/odometry/filtered_map', Odometry, queue_size=1) = TransformBroadcaster()
        trans = (0,0,0)
        rot   = (0,0,0,1)
        stamp =, rot, stamp,"base_link","map")

        self.Current_goal = []
        self.Movedir = [0,0,0]
        self.VPose = Odometry()
        self.VPose.header.stamp =
        self.VPose.header.frame_id = "map"
        self.VPose.pose.pose.position.x    = float(0)
        self.VPose.pose.pose.position.y    = float(0)
        self.VPose.pose.pose.position.z    = float(0)
        self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.x = float(0)
        self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.y = float(0)
        self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.z = float(0)
        self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.w = float(1)

        rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.Find_goal, queue_size=1)
            if self.Current_goal == []:
                self.Movedir = [0,0,0]
                Movex = self.Current_goal.pose.position.x-self.VPose.pose.pose.position.x
                Movey = self.Current_goal.pose.position.y-self.VPose.pose.pose.position.y
                Movez = self.Current_goal.pose.position.z-self.VPose.pose.pose.position.z
                Movemag = math.sqrt((Movex)**2+(Movey)**2)
                self.Movedir = [Movex, Movey, 0]
                #self.Movedir = [1,0,0]
            self.VPose.header.stamp =
            self.VPose.pose.pose.position.x += self.Movedir[0]
            self.VPose.pose.pose.position.y += self.Movedir[1]
            self.VPose.pose.pose.position.z += self.Movedir[2]
   = TransformBroadcaster()
            trans = (self.VPose.pose.pose.position.x, self.VPose.pose.pose.position.y, self.VPose.pose.pose.position.z)
            rot   = (self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.x, self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.y, self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.z, self.VPose.pose.pose.orientation.w)
  , rot, self.VPose.header.stamp,"base_link","map") #Pose.header.stamp,"base","map")

    def Find_goal(self,Pose):
        if Pose == []:
            #self.Current_goal = []
            self.Current_goal = Pose
Example #12
class publish_tag_tf(object):
	def __init__(self):
		rospy.init_node('republish_tag_tf') = TransformListener() = TransformBroadcaster()
		rospy.Subscriber("/tag_detections", AprilTagDetectionArray, self.tags_callback, queue_size=10)
		self.tag_detections = rospy.Publisher('/selective_grasping/tag_detections', Int16MultiArray, queue_size=10)
		self.detections_list = np.zeros(8)
	def tags_callback(self, msg):
		detections = len(msg.detections)
		self.detections_list = np.zeros(8)
		for idx in range(detections):
			detected_id = msg.detections[idx].id[0]
			self.detections_list[detected_id] = 1

	def publish(self, tag):
		try:"camera_link", tag, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1.0)) #
			ptFinal, oriFinal ="camera_link", tag, rospy.Time(0))

			oriFinal_euler = euler_from_quaternion(oriFinal)
			new_ori = [0, -0.244, 0]
			new_ori[0] = oriFinal_euler[2]
			new_ori = quaternion_from_euler(new_ori[0], new_ori[1], new_ori[2])[2], 
								tag + "_corrected",

	def detection_main(self):
		tags = ['tag_0', 'tag_1', 'tag_2', 'tag_3',
				'tag_4', 'tag_5', 'tag_6', 'tag_7']
		tags_to_send = Int16MultiArray()
		rate = rospy.Rate(1)
		while not rospy.is_shutdown():
			print(self.detections_list) = self.detections_list
			for idx, detected_id in enumerate(self.detections_list):
				if detected_id:
					print("Tag ID: '{}' not found".format(tags[idx]))

Example #13
class dynamic_transform:
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node("Dynamic_Transform_odom") = TransformBroadcaster()

    def callback(self, Odom):
        trans = (Odom.pose.pose.position.x, Odom.pose.pose.position.y, Odom.pose.pose.position.z)
        rot   = (Odom.pose.pose.orientation.x, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.y, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.z, Odom.pose.pose.orientation.w)
        stamp =
        #stamp = Odom.header.stamp, rot, stamp,"base_link","map")
Example #14
class Odom_Handler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher("odom",Odometry,queue_size = 1)
        self.odom_broadcast = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.can_listener = rospy.Subscriber("raw_odom", Vector3, callback=self.handle)

        self.odom_tf = TransformStamped()
        self.odom_msg = Odometry()

        #last_rec -> en son alinan ilerleme miktari 
        self.last_rec = 0

        #hesaplanan x, y ve theta degerleri
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0 = 0
    def handle(self,data):
        current_time =
        dx = (data.x - self.last_rec) * cos(data.z)
        dy = (data.x - self.last_rec) * sin(data.z)

        #dth = data.z * dt #self.z eger hiz olarak alinacaksa += data.z
        self.x += dx
        self.y += dy

        odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,

        self.odom_broadcast.sendTransform((self.x, self.y, 0),
        self.odom_msg.header.stamp =current_time
        self.odom_msg.header.frame_id = "odom"

        self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
        self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
        self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.
        self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = odom_quat

        self.odom_msg.child_frame_id = "base_link"
        self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = data.x
        self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z =
        #publish msg
        self.last_rec = data.x
class TurtlesimToOdomTF():
  def __init__(self, name='robot_00', x=5.0, y=5.0, theta=0.0):
    rospy.init_node('turtlesim_to_odom') = name

    kill = rospy.ServiceProxy('/kill',Kill)
    if name == 'robot_00':


    x = float(x)
    y = float(y)
    theta = float(theta)

    spawn = rospy.ServiceProxy('/spawn',Spawn)
      spawn(x, y, theta, name)

    rospy.Subscriber('pose', TurtlePose, self.pose_callback, queue_size=1)
    self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher('odometry', Odometry, queue_size=1)
    self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()
  def pose_callback(self, msg):

    pos = (msg.x, msg.y, 0.0)
    ori = quaternion_about_axis(msg.theta, (0,0,1))
    now =

    odom = Odometry()
    odom.header.stamp = now
    odom.header.frame_id = 'world'
    odom.child_frame_id =
    odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(*pos),Quaternion(*ori))

    self.tfb.sendTransform(pos, ori, now,, 'world')

  def run(self):
class OptiTrackClient():
    def __init__(self, addr, port, obj_names, world, dt, rate=120):
        Class tracking optitrack markers through VRPN and publishing their TF frames as well as the transformation
        from the robot's world frame to the optitrack frame
        :param addr: IP of the VRPN server
        :param port: Port of the VRPN server
        :param obj_names: Name of the tracked rigid bodies
        :param world: Name of the robot's world frame (base_link, map, base, ...)
        :param dt: Delta T in seconds whilst a marker is still considered tracked
        :param rate: Rate in Hertz of the publishing loop
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
        self.obj_names = obj_names = world
        self.dt = rospy.Duration(dt)
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.trackers = []
        for obj in obj_names:
            t = vrpn.receiver.Tracker('{}@{}:{}'.format(obj, addr, port))
            t.register_change_handler(obj, self.handler, 'position')

        self.tracked_objects = {}

    def recent_tracked_objects(self):
        """ Only returns the objects that have been tracked less than 20ms ago. """
        f = lambda name: ( - self.tracked_objects[name].timestamp)
        return dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.tracked_objects.iteritems() if f(k) < self.dt])

    def handler(self, obj, data):
        self.tracked_objects[obj] = TrackedObject(data['position'],

    def run(self):
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            for t in self.trackers:

            # Publish the calibration matrix
            calib_matrix = rospy.get_param("/optitrack/calibration_matrix")
            self.tfb.sendTransform(calib_matrix[0], calib_matrix[1],, "optitrack_frame",

            # Publish all other markers as frames
            for k, v in self.recent_tracked_objects.iteritems():
                self.tfb.sendTransform(v.position, v.quaternion, v.timestamp, k, "optitrack_frame")

class Rebroadcaster(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.ell_param_sub = rospy.Subscriber('ellipsoid_params', EllipsoidParams, self.ell_cb)
        self.transform = None

    def ell_cb(self, ell_msg):
        print "Got transform"
        self.transform = copy.copy(ell_msg.e_frame)

    def send_transform(self):
        print "spinning", self.transform
        if self.transform is not None:
            print "Sending frame"
Example #18
class Sync_base():
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('Sync_base', anonymous=True) = TransformBroadcaster()
        trans = (0,0,0)
        rot   = (0,0,0,1)
        stamp =, rot, stamp,"base","map")

        rospy.Subscriber("/odometry/filtered_map", Odometry, self.base_pose, queue_size=1)
    def base_pose(self,Pose): = TransformBroadcaster()
        trans = (Pose.pose.pose.position.x, Pose.pose.pose.position.y, Pose.pose.pose.position.z)
        rot   = (Pose.pose.pose.orientation.x, Pose.pose.pose.orientation.y, Pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, Pose.pose.pose.orientation.w), rot,,"base","map") #Pose.header.stamp,"base","map")
class Rebroadcaster(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.ell_param_sub = rospy.Subscriber('ellipsoid_params',
                                              EllipsoidParams, self.ell_cb)
        self.transform = None

    def ell_cb(self, ell_msg):
        print "Got transform"
        self.transform = copy.copy(ell_msg.e_frame)

    def send_transform(self):
        print "spinning", self.transform
        if self.transform is not None:
            print "Sending frame"
Example #20
def callback(ref_sub, odom_sub, odom_pub):
    Refer = Odometry()
    Refer = ref_sub
    # Odom = Odometry()
    # Odom = odom_sub
    odom_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
    current_time =
    # last_time =
    current_time =
    # dt = rospy.Time.to_sec(current_time-last_time) 
    # odom_trans = TransformStamped()
    # odom_trans.header.stamp = current_time
    # odom_trans.header.frame_id = "odom"
    # odom_trans.child_frame_id = "base_footprint"

    # odom_trans.transform.translation.x = Refer.pose.pose.position.x
    # odom_trans.transform.translation.y = Refer.pose.pose.position.y
    # odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0
    # odom_trans.transform.rotation = Refer.pose.pose.orientation
    odom_quat = Refer.pose.pose.orientation

        (Refer.pose.pose.position.x, Refer.pose.pose.position.y, 0.),
    # odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans)
    #next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS
    odom = Odometry()
    odom.header.stamp =
    odom.header.frame_id = "odom"
    #set the position
    odom.pose.pose.position.x = Refer.pose.pose.position.x
    odom.pose.pose.position.y = Refer.pose.pose.position.y
    odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0
    odom.pose.pose.orientation = Refer.pose.pose.orientation
    #set the velocity
    odom.child_frame_id = "base_footprint"
    odom.twist.twist.linear.x = Refer.twist.twist.linear.x
    odom.twist.twist.linear.y = Refer.twist.twist.linear.y
    odom.twist.twist.angular.z = Refer.twist.twist.angular.z
    #publish the message
Example #21
def callback(data):
    rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "%s",
    x, th =',')

    b = TransformBroadcaster()

    translation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    #rate = rospy.Rate(5)  # 5hz

    x = float(x)
    th = float(th)

    translation = (x, 0.0, 0.0)
    rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, th)

    b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, 'Raiden', '/world')
def get_model_tf_cb(msg):
    """Read C5 model state and publish to tf tree as transform between /world --> /c5_link 

        msg (gazebo/ModelStates): model states in world frame
    # get the index of the model name
    i =

    # construct tf data
    translation = (msg.pose[i].position.x, msg.pose[i].position.y,

    rotation = (msg.pose[i].orientation.x, msg.pose[i].orientation.y,
                msg.pose[i].orientation.z, msg.pose[i].orientation.w)

    # publish tf
    b = TransformBroadcaster()
    b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, '/c5_link', '/world')
Example #23
class CorrectOdomNode:
    def __init__(self):
        # listen to tf messages to get transfrom from odom->base_link
        self.tfl = TransformListener()

        # broadcast world->odom transform
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

        # @todo: get frame ids as parameters
        self.base_frame_id = 'base_link'
        self.odom_frame_id = 'odom'
        # note: world frame id provided by the PoseStamped header
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("pose_stamped", PoseStamped, self.pose_callback)

    def pose_callback(self, msg):
        # base to odom (b2o) transform
            (b2o_trans, b2o_rot) = self.tfl.lookupTransform(self.base_frame_id, self.odom_frame_id,  rospy.Time(0))
        except (LookupException, ConnectivityException, ExtrapolationException):
            rospy.logwarn_throttle(10, "tf exception in pose_callback()... ignoring")
        b2o = transformations.concatenate_matrices(transformations.translation_matrix(b2o_trans),

        # world to base (w2b) transform
        w2b_trans = transformations.translation_matrix((msg.pose.position.x,
        w2b_rot = transformations.quaternion_matrix((msg.pose.orientation.x,
        w2b = transformations.concatenate_matrices(w2b_trans, w2b_rot)
        # world to base * base to odom = world to odom (w2o)
        w2o = transformations.concatenate_matrices(w2b, b2o)

        # broadcast world to odom
        w2o_trans = transformations.translation_from_matrix(w2o)
        w2o_rot = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(w2o)
        self.tfb.sendTransform(w2o_trans, w2o_rot, msg.header.stamp, self.odom_frame_id, msg.header.frame_id)
    def ggcnn_command_callback(self, msg):
		GGCNN Command Subscriber Callback
		""""base_link", "object_detected", rospy.Time(0),
                                 rospy.Duration(4.0))  #
        object_pose, object_ori =
            "base_link", "object_detected", rospy.Time(0))
        self.d = list(
        object_pose[0] += self.GGCNN_offset_x
        object_pose[1] += self.GGCNN_offset_y
        object_pose[2] += self.GGCNN_offset_z

        self.posCB = object_pose

        self.ori = self.d[3]
        br = TransformBroadcaster()
        br.sendTransform((object_pose[0], object_pose[1], object_pose[2]),
                         quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, self.ori),
               , "object_link", "base_link")
Example #25
def main():

    b = TransformBroadcaster()

    translation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    rate = rospy.Rate(5)  # 5hz

    x, y = 0.0, 0.0

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if x >= 2:
            x, y = 0.0, 0.0

        x += 0.1
        y += 0.1

        translation = (x, y, 0.0)

        b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, '/odom', '/world')
        b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, '/laser',
        b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, '/camera1',
Example #26
def handle_car_odom(msg):
    br = TransformBroadcaster()
    # t = TransformStamped()
    # t.header.stamp =
    # t.header.frame_id = "world"
    # t.child_frame_id = tfPrefix + "/" + msg.child_frame_id

    # t.transform.translation.x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
    # t.transform.translation.y = msg.pose.pose.position.y
    # t.transform.translation.z = msg.pose.pose.position.z

    # t.transform.rotation.x = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x
    # t.transform.rotation.y = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y
    # t.transform.rotation.z = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z
    # t.transform.rotation.w = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w

    br.sendTransform((msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z),
                     (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w),
                     tfPrefix + "/" + msg.child_frame_id,
Example #27
def move_robot_model_rotate():
    translation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    rotation = (0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    b = TransformBroadcaster()
    b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, 'base_link', '/map')
    b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, 'camera_link', '/map')
    b.sendTransform(translation, rotation,,
                    'camera_link_normalized', '/map')
class Left_Utility_Frame():

    frame = 'base_footprint'
    px = py = pz = 0
    qx = qy = qz = 0
    qw = 1

    def __init__(self):

        self.updater = rospy.Service('l_utility_frame_update', FrameUpdate,

        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()

    def update_frame(self, req):
        ps = req.pose
        if not (math.isnan(ps.pose.orientation.x) or math.isnan(
                ps.pose.orientation.y) or math.isnan(ps.pose.orientation.z)
                or math.isnan(ps.pose.orientation.w)):
            self.frame = ps.header.frame_id
            self.px = ps.pose.position.x
   = ps.pose.position.y
            self.pz = ps.pose.position.z
            self.qx = ps.pose.orientation.x
            self.qy = ps.pose.orientation.y
            self.qz = ps.pose.orientation.z
            self.qw = ps.pose.orientation.w
            rospy.logerr("NAN's sent to l_utility_frame_source")

            (self.px,, self.pz), (self.qx, self.qy, self.qz, self.qw),
  , "lh_utility_frame", self.frame)
        rsp = Bool() = True
        return rsp
class EllipsoidSpace(object):
    def __init__(self, E=1, is_oblate=False):
        self.A = 1
        self.E = E
        #self.B = np.sqrt(1. - E**2)
        self.a = self.A * self.E
        self.is_oblate = is_oblate = None
        self.frame_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.center_tf_timer = None

    def load_ell_params(self, ell_pose, E, is_oblate=False, height=1):
        rospy.loginfo("Loading Ellipsoid Parameters")
        self.E = E
        self.a = self.A * self.E
        self.is_oblate = is_oblate
        self.height = height

    def set_center(self, pose_stamped):
        rospy.loginfo("[ellipsoid_space] Setting center to:\r\n %s" %pose_stamped)
        if self.center_tf_timer is not None:
            self.center_tf_timer.shutdown() = pose_stamped
        def broadcast_ell_center(event):
            tr = (pose_stamped.pose.position.x,
            quat = (pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x,
            self.frame_broadcaster.sendTransform(tr, quat,,
        self.center_tf_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01), broadcast_ell_center)

    def set_bounds(self, lat_bounds=None, lon_bounds=None, height_bounds=None):
        assert lon_bounds[1] >= 0
        self._lat_bounds = lat_bounds
        self._lon_bounds = lon_bounds
        self._height_bounds = height_bounds

    def enforce_bounds(self, ell_pos):
        lat = np.clip(ell_pos[0], self._lat_bounds[0], self._lat_bounds[1])
        if self._lon_bounds[0] >= 0:
            lon = np.clip(ell_pos[1], self._lon_bounds[0], self._lon_bounds[1])
            ell_lon_1 = np.mod(ell_pos[1], 2 * np.pi)
            min_lon = np.mod(self._lon_bounds[0], 2 * np.pi)
            if (ell_lon_1 >= min_lon) or (ell_lon_1 <= self._lon_bounds[1]):
                lon = ell_pos[1]
                if min_lon - ell_lon_1 < ell_lon_1 - self._lon_bounds[1]:
                    lon = min_lon
                    lon = self._lon_bounds[1]
        height = np.clip(ell_pos[2], self._height_bounds[0], self._height_bounds[1])
        return np.array([lat, lon, height])

    def ellipsoidal_to_cart(self, lat, lon, height):
        #assert height > 0 and lat >= 0 and lat <= np.pi and lon >= 0 and lon < 2 * np.pi
        if not self.is_oblate:
            x = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon)
            y = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon)
            z = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.cos(lat)
            x = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.cos(lat-np.pi/2) * np.cos(lon)
            y = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.cos(lat-np.pi/2) * np.sin(lon)
            z = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat-np.pi/2)
        pos_local = np.mat([x, y, z]).T
        return pos_local

    def partial_height(self, lat, lon, height):
        #assert height > 0 and lat >= 0 and lat <= np.pi and lon >= 0 and lon < 2 * np.pi
        if not self.is_oblate:
            x = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon)
            y = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon)
            z = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.cos(lat)
            x = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat-np.pi/2) * np.cos(lon)
            y = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat-np.pi/2) * np.sin(lon)
            z = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.cos(lat-np.pi/2)
        return np.mat([x, y, z]).T

    #def partial_v(self, lat, lon, height):
    #    #assert height > 0 and lat >= 0 and lat <= np.pi and lon >= 0 and lon < 2 * np.pi
    #    x = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
    #    y = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
    #    z = self.a * np.cosh(height) * -np.sin(lat)
    #    return np.mat([x, y, z]).T
    #def partial_p(self, lat, lon, height):
    #    #assert height > 0 and lat >= 0 and lat <= np.pi and lon >= 0 and lon < 2 * np.pi
    #    x = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat) * -np.sin(lon)
    #    y = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon)
    #    z = 0.
    #    return np.mat([x, y, z]).T

    def ellipsoidal_to_pose(self, pose):
        ell_pos, ell_quat = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(pose)
        if not self.is_oblate:
            return self._ellipsoidal_to_pose_prolate(ell_pos, ell_quat)
            return self._ellipsoidal_to_pose_oblate(ell_pos, ell_quat)

    def _ellipsoidal_to_pose_prolate(self, ell_pos, ell_quat):
        pos = self.ellipsoidal_to_cart(ell_pos[0], ell_pos[1], ell_pos[2])
        df_du = self.partial_height(ell_pos[0], ell_pos[1], ell_pos[2])
        nx, ny, nz = df_du.T.A[0] / np.linalg.norm(df_du)
        j = np.sqrt(1./(1.+ny*ny/(nz*nz)))
        k = -ny*j/nz
        norm_rot = np.mat([[-nx,  ny*k - nz*j,  0],      
                           [-ny,  -nx*k,        j],      
                           [-nz,  nx*j,         k]])
        _, norm_quat = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(np.mat([0, 0, 0]).T, norm_rot)
        rot_angle = np.arctan(-norm_rot[2,1] / norm_rot[2,2])
        #print norm_rot
        quat_ortho_rot = trans.quaternion_from_euler(rot_angle + np.pi, 0.0, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat, quat_ortho_rot)
        norm_rot_ortho = np.mat(trans.quaternion_matrix(norm_quat_ortho)[:3,:3])
        if norm_rot_ortho[2, 2] > 0:
            flip_axis_ang = 0
            flip_axis_ang = np.pi
        quat_flip = trans.quaternion_from_euler(flip_axis_ang, 0.0, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho_flipped = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, quat_flip)
        ell_frame_quat = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho_flipped, ell_quat)
        pose = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(pos, ell_frame_quat)
        #print ("ellipsoidal_to_pose: latlonheight: %f, %f, %f" %
        #       (lat, lon, height) +
        #       str(PoseConv.to_homo_mat(pose)))
        return pose

    def _ellipsoidal_to_pose_oblate(self, ell_pos, ell_quat):
        pos = self.ellipsoidal_to_cart(ell_pos[0], ell_pos[1], ell_pos[2])
        df_du = self.partial_height(-ell_pos[0], ell_pos[1], ell_pos[2])
        nx, ny, nz = df_du.T.A[0] / np.linalg.norm(df_du)
        j = np.sqrt(1./(1.+ny*ny/(nz*nz)))
        k = -ny*j/nz
        norm_rot = np.mat([[-nx,  ny*k - nz*j,  0],      
                           [-ny,  -nx*k,        j],      
                           [-nz,  nx*j,         k]])
        _, norm_quat = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(np.mat([0, 0, 0]).T, norm_rot)
        rot_angle = np.arctan(-norm_rot[2,1] / norm_rot[2,2])
        #print norm_rot
        quat_ortho_rot = trans.quaternion_from_euler(rot_angle, 0.0, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat, quat_ortho_rot)
        quat_ortho_rot2 = trans.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, np.pi/2, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, quat_ortho_rot2)
        if lon >= np.pi:
            quat_flip = trans.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, np.pi)
            norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, quat_flip)
        ell_frame_quat = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, ell_quat)

        pose = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(pos, norm_quat_ortho)
        #print ("ellipsoidal_to_pose: latlonheight: %f, %f, %f" %
        #       (lat, lon, height) +
        #       str(PoseConv.to_homo_mat(pose)))
        return pose

    def normal_to_ellipse(self, lat, lon, height):
        print "Finding ell_to_pose"
        if not self.is_oblate:
            return self._normal_to_ellipse_prolate(lat, lon, height)
            return self._normal_to_ellipse_oblate(lat, lon, height)

    def _normal_to_ellipse_prolate(self, lat, lon, height):
        pos = self.ellipsoidal_to_cart(lat, lon, height)
        df_du = self.partial_height(lat, lon, height)
        nx, ny, nz = df_du.T.A[0] / np.linalg.norm(df_du)
        j = np.sqrt(1./(1.+ny*ny/(nz*nz)))
        k = -ny*j/nz
        norm_rot = np.mat([[-nx,  ny*k - nz*j,  0],      
                           [-ny,  -nx*k,        j],      
                           [-nz,  nx*j,         k]])
        _, norm_quat = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(np.mat([0, 0, 0]).T, norm_rot)
        rot_angle = np.arctan(-norm_rot[2,1] / norm_rot[2,2])
        #print norm_rot
        quat_ortho_rot = trans.quaternion_from_euler(rot_angle + np.pi, 0.0, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat, quat_ortho_rot)
        norm_rot_ortho = np.mat(trans.quaternion_matrix(norm_quat_ortho)[:3,:3])
        if norm_rot_ortho[2, 2] > 0:
            flip_axis_ang = 0
            flip_axis_ang = np.pi
        quat_flip = trans.quaternion_from_euler(flip_axis_ang, 0.0, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho_flipped = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, quat_flip)

        pose = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(pos, norm_quat_ortho_flipped)
        #print ("ellipsoidal_to_pose: latlonheight: %f, %f, %f" %
        #       (lat, lon, height) +
        #       str(PoseConv.to_homo_mat(pose)))
        return pose

    def _normal_to_ellipse_oblate(self, lat, lon, height):
        pos = self.ellipsoidal_to_cart(lat, lon, height)
        df_du = self.partial_height(-lat, lon, height)
        nx, ny, nz = df_du.T.A[0] / np.linalg.norm(df_du)
        j = np.sqrt(1./(1.+ny*ny/(nz*nz)))
        k = -ny*j/nz
        norm_rot = np.mat([[-nx,  ny*k - nz*j,  0],      
                           [-ny,  -nx*k,        j],      
                           [-nz,  nx*j,         k]])
        _, norm_quat = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(np.mat([0, 0, 0]).T, norm_rot)
        rot_angle = np.arctan(-norm_rot[2,1] / norm_rot[2,2])
        #print norm_rot
        quat_ortho_rot = trans.quaternion_from_euler(rot_angle, 0.0, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat, quat_ortho_rot)
        quat_ortho_rot2 = trans.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, np.pi/2, 0.0)
        norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, quat_ortho_rot2)
        if lon >= np.pi:
            quat_flip = trans.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, np.pi)
            norm_quat_ortho = trans.quaternion_multiply(norm_quat_ortho, quat_flip)

        pose = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(pos, norm_quat_ortho)
        #print ("ellipsoidal_to_pose: latlonheight: %f, %f, %f" %
        #       (lat, lon, height) +
        #       str(PoseConv.to_homo_mat(pose)))
        return pose

    def pose_to_ellipsoidal(self, pose):
        pose_pos, pose_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot(pose)
        lat, lon, height = self.pos_to_ellipsoidal(pose_pos[0,0], pose_pos[1,0], pose_pos[2,0])
        _, ell_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot(self.normal_to_ellipse(lat, lon, height))
        _, quat_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_quat(np.mat([0]*3).T, ell_rot.T * pose_rot)
        return [lat, lon, height], quat_rot

    def pos_to_ellipsoidal(self, x, y, z):
        if not self.is_oblate:
            return self._pos_to_ellipsoidal_prolate(x, y, z)
            return self._pos_to_ellipsoidal_oblate(x, y, z)

    def _pos_to_ellipsoidal_prolate(self, x, y, z):
        lon = np.arctan2(y, x)
        if lon < 0.:
            lon += 2 * np.pi
        p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        a = self.a
        inner = np.sqrt((np.sqrt((z**2 - a**2 + p**2)**2 + (2. * a * p)**2) / a**2 -
                         (z / a)**2 - (p / a)**2 + 1) / 2.)
        assert inner < 1.0001
        if inner > 0.9999:
            lat = np.pi/2.
            lat = np.arcsin(inner)
        if z < 0.:
            lat = np.pi - np.fabs(lat)
        if np.fabs(np.sin(lat)) > 0.05:
            if np.fabs(np.cos(lon)) > 0.05:
                use_case = 'x'
                sinh_height = x / (a * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon))
                height = np.log(sinh_height + np.sqrt(sinh_height**2 + 1))
                use_case = 'y'
                sinh_height = y / (a * np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon))
                height = np.log(sinh_height + np.sqrt(sinh_height**2 + 1))
            use_case = 'z'
            cosh_height = z / (a * np.cos(lat))
            assert np.fabs(cosh_height) >= 1, ("cosh_height %f, a %f, x %f, y %f, z %f, lat %f, lon %f" %
                                               (cosh_height, a, x, y, z, lat, lon))
            height = np.log(cosh_height + np.sqrt(cosh_height**2 - 1))
        print ("%s pos_to_ellipsoidal: xyz: %f, %f, %f; latlonheight: %f, %f, %f" %
               (use_case, x, y, z, lat, lon, height))
        assert not np.any(np.isnan([lat, lon, height])), ("cosh_height %f, a %f, x %f, y %f, z %f, lat %f, lon %f" %
                                               (cosh_height, a, x, y, z, lat, lon))
        return lat, lon, height

    def _pos_to_ellipsoidal_oblate(self, x, y, z):
        lon = np.arctan2(y, x)
        if lon < 0.:
            lon += 2 * np.pi
        p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        a = self.a
        d_1 = np.sqrt((p + a)**2 + z**2)
        d_2 = np.sqrt((p - a)**2 + z**2)
        cosh_height = (d_1 + d_2) / (2 * a)
        assert np.fabs(cosh_height) >= 1, ("cosh_height %f, a %f, x %f, y %f, z %f, lat %f, lon %f" %
                                           (cosh_height, a, x, y, z, lat, lon))
        height = np.log(cosh_height + np.sqrt(cosh_height**2 - 1))
        cos_lat = (d_1 - d_2) / (2 * a)
        lat = np.arccos(cos_lat)
        if z < 0.:
            lat *= -1

        # we're going to convert the latitude coord so it is always positive:
        lat += np.pi / 2.

        return lat, lon, height

    def create_ellipsoidal_path(self, start_ell_pos, start_ell_quat,
                                      end_ell_pos, end_ell_quat,
                                      velocity=0.001, min_jerk=True):

        print "Start rot (%s):\r\n%s" %(type(start_ell_quat),start_ell_quat)
        print "End rot (%s):\r\n%s" %(type(end_ell_quat),end_ell_quat)
        _, start_ell_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot((start_ell_pos,start_ell_quat))
        _, end_ell_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot((end_ell_pos,end_ell_quat))
        rpy = trans.euler_from_matrix(start_ell_rot.T * end_ell_rot) # get roll, pitch, yaw of angle diff
        end_ell_pos[1] = np.mod(end_ell_pos[1], 2 * np.pi) # wrap longitude value
        ell_init = np.mat(start_ell_pos).T 
        ell_final = np.mat(end_ell_pos).T

        # find the closest longitude angle to interpolate to
        if np.fabs(2 * np.pi + ell_final[1,0] - ell_init[1,0]) < np.pi:
            ell_final[1,0] += 2 * np.pi
        elif np.fabs(-2 * np.pi + ell_final[1,0] - ell_init[1,0]) < np.pi:
            ell_final[1,0] -= 2 * np.pi
        if np.any(np.isnan(ell_init)) or np.any(np.isnan(ell_final)):
            rospy.logerr("[ellipsoid_space] Nan values in ellipsoid. " +
                         "ell_init: %f, %f, %f; " % (ell_init[0,0], ell_init[1,0], ell_init[2,0]) +
                         "ell_final: %f, %f, %f; " % (ell_final[0,0], ell_final[1,0], ell_final[2,0]))
            return None
        num_samps = np.max([2, int(np.linalg.norm(ell_final - ell_init) / velocity), 
                               int(np.linalg.norm(rpy) / velocity)])
        if min_jerk:
            t_vals = min_jerk_traj(num_samps)
            t_vals = np.linspace(0,1,num_samps)

        # smoothly interpolate from init to final
        ell_lat_traj = np.interp(t_vals, (0,1),(start_ell_pos[0], end_ell_pos[0]))
        ell_lon_traj = np.interp(t_vals, (0,1),(start_ell_pos[1], end_ell_pos[1]))
        ell_height_traj = np.interp(t_vals, (0,1),(start_ell_pos[2], end_ell_pos[2]))
        ell_pos_traj = np.vstack((ell_lat_traj, ell_lon_traj, ell_height_traj))

        ell_quat_traj = [trans.quaternion_slerp(start_ell_quat, end_ell_quat, t) for t in t_vals]
        return [(ell_pos_traj[:,i], ell_quat_traj[i]) for i in xrange(num_samps)]
Example #30
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 100          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.08 

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)

        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("markers", MarkerArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        # Dados do Laser: Mapa de verossimilhança/Occupancy field/Likehood map e Traçado de raios.
        # Traçado de raios: Leitura em ângulo que devolve distância, através do sensor. Dado o mapa,
        # extender a direção da distância pra achar um obstáculo. 
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        #atualização de posição(odometria)
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        #Chamar o mapa a partir de funcao externa
        mapa = chama_mapa.obter_mapa()

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(mapa)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        print("Update Robot Pose")
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        #Variaveis para soma do X,Y e angulo Theta da particula
        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        theta_sum = 0

        #Loop de soma para as variaveis relativas a probabilidade da particula
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            x_sum += p.x * p.w
            y_sum += p.y * p.w
            theta_sum += p.theta * p.w

        #Atributo robot_pose eh o pose da melhor particula possivel a partir das variaveis de soma
        self.robot_pose = Particle(x=x_sum, y=y_sum, theta=theta_sum).as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self,msg):
        print("Update Particles with Odom")
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        #R eh o raio feito a partir de um pitagoras com o X e Y da variacao Delta
        r = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)

        #Funcao para conseguir um valor entre -pi e pi e subtrair o antigo valor de theta. (Achei um pouco confusa, )
        phi = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0])-old_odom_xy_theta[2]
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.x += r*math.cos(phi+particle.theta)
            particle.y += r*math.sin(phi+particle.theta)
            particle.theta += delta[2]
        # TODO: modify particles using delta
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        #Primeiro de tudo, normalizar particulas

        #Criar array do numpy vazia do tamanho do numero de particulas.
        values = np.empty(self.n_particles)

        #Preencher essa lista com os indices das particulas
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            values[i] = i

        #Criar uma lista para novas particulas
        new_particles = []

        #Criar lista com os indices das particulas com mais probabilidade
        random_particles = ParticleFilter.weighted_values(values,[p.w for p in self.particle_cloud],self.n_particles)
        for i in random_particles:
            #Transformar o I em inteiro para corrigir bug de float
            int_i = int(i)

            #Pegar particula na possicao I na nuvem de particulas.
            p = self.particle_cloud[int_i]

            #Adicionar particulas somando um valor aleatorio da distribuicao gauss com media = 0 e desvio padrao = 0.025

        #Igualar nuvem de particulas a novo sample criado
        self.particle_cloud = new_particles
        #Normalizar mais uma vez as particulas.

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        print("Update Particles with laser")
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            for i in range(360):
                #Distancia no angulo I
                distancia = msg.ranges[i]

                x = distancia * math.cos(i + p.theta)
                y = distancia * math.sin(i + p.theta)

                #Verificar se distancia minima eh diferente de nan
                erro_nan = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
                if erro_nan is not float('nan'):
                    # Adicionar valor para corrigir erro de nan (Retirado de outro codigo)
                    p.w += math.exp(-erro_nan*erro_nan/(2*self.sigma**2))

        #Normalizar particulas e criar um novo sample das mesmas

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    #Nao estou usando esse metodo. Apenas o weighted_values
    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        print("Draw Random Sample")
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        print("Update Initial Pose")
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        self.particle_cloud = []
        # TODO create particles

        # Criando particula
        print("Inicializacao da Cloud de Particulas")

        #Valor auxiliar para nao dar erro na hora de criacao das particulas. Irrelevante
        valor_aux = 0.3
        for i in range (self.n_particles):
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(0, 0, 0, valor_aux))

        # Randomizar particulas em volta do robo.
        for i in self.particle_cloud:
            i.x = xy_theta[0]+ random.uniform(-1,1)
            i.y = xy_theta[1]+ random.uniform(-1,1)
            i.theta = xy_theta[2]+ random.uniform(-45,45)
        #Normalizar as particulas e dar update na posicao do robo

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """

        #Soma total das probabilidades das particulas
        w_sum = sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud])

        #Dividir cada probabilidade de uma particula pela soma total
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= w_sum
        # TODO: implement this

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        print("Publicar Particulas.")
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            print("Not Initialized")
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,rospy.Time(0))):
            print("Not 2")
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,rospy.Time(0))):
            print("Not 3")
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp = rospy.Time(0),
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    # direcionar particulas quando um obstaculo é identificado.

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        print("Fix Map to Odom Transform")
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
Example #31
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid

    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 300          # the number of particles to use

        self.model_noise_rate = 0.15

        self.d_thresh = .2              # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6     # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model
        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)
        # ?????
        # rospy.Subscriber('/simple_odom', Odometry, self.process_odom)
        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received, queue_size=10)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.current_odom_xy_theta = [] # [.0] * 3
        # self.initial_particles = self.initial_list_builder()
        # self.particle_cloud = self.initialize_particle_cloud()
        # self.current_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        mapa = obter_mapa()
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(mapa)
        # self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        self.robot_pose = Pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.

        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            for p in self.particle_cloud:
                p.x += delta[0]
                p.y += delta[1]
                p.theta += delta[2]
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            return      # ????

        # TODO: modify particles using delta

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            r = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            d = math.sqrt((delta[0] ** 2) + (delta[1] ** 2))

            p.theta += r % 360
            p.x += d * math.cos(p.theta) + normal(0, .1)
            p.y += d * math.sin(p.theta) + normal(0, .1)
            p.theta += (delta[2] - r + normal(0, .1)) % 360
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        # TODO: fill out the rest of the implementation

        self.particle_cloud = ParticleFilter.weighted_values(self.particle_cloud,
                                                [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud],

        for p in particle_cloud:
            p.w = 1 / len(self.particle_cloud)


    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        # TODO: implement this
        for r in msg.ranges:
            for p in self.particle_cloud:
                p.w = 1
                self.occupancy_field.get_particle_likelyhood(p, r, self.model_noise_rate)


    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        print(size, bins)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
            particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # TODO create particles
        self.particle_cloud = self.initial_list_builder(xy_theta)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        # TODO: implement this
        w_sum = 0
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            w_sum += p.w
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            p.w /= w_sum

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete
            # print 1

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,rospy.Time(0))):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node
            print 2

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,rospy.Time(0))):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node
            print 3
        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        print(self.current_odom_xy_theta) # Essa list não está sendo "refeita" / preenchida

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
            print(math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]), "hi")

        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!


                É AQUI!!!!

            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry - FAZER
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan - FAZER
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            """ abaixo """
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density - FAZER
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):

    def initial_list_builder(self, xy_theta):
        Creates the initial particles list,
        using the super advanced methods
        provided to us by the one and only
        initial_particles = []

        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            p = Particle()
            p.x = gauss(xy_theta[0], 1)
            p.y = gauss(xy_theta[1], 1)
            p.theta = gauss(xy_theta[2], (math.pi / 2))
            p.w = 1.0 / self.n_particles

        return initial_particles
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self, test = False):
        self.test = test
        if self.test:
            print "Running particle filter in test mode"
            print "Running particle filter"
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from 

        self.n_particles = 20          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.1             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model
        self.scan_count = 0 

        self.robot_pose =  Pose(position=Point(x=.38, y=.6096,z=0), orientation=Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1))        

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray)
        self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.ang_spread = 10.0/180.0 * math.pi
        self.lin_spread = .1
        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        #Set up constants for Guassian Probability
        self.variance = .1
        self.gauss_constant = math.sqrt(2*math.pi)
        self.expected_value = 0 

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid

        # We make a fake approximate map of an empty 2 by 2 square for testing to keep it simple.
        # If this worked better, we'd expand to a real OccupancyGrid, but we never got it to work better.
        map = OccupancyGrid()
        map.header.frame_id = '/odom' = = .1 # The map resolution [m/cell] = 288 = 288
        = [[0 for _ in range(] for _ in range(] 
        for row in range(
  [0][row] = 1
  [][row] = 1
        for col in range(
  [col][0] = 1
  [col][ -1] = 1

        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        if self.test:
            print "Initialized"
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose (level 2)
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution) (level 1)
        if self.test:
            print "updating robot's pose"

        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        total_x = 0.0
        total_y = 0.0
        total_theta = 0.0

    	#calculates mean position of particle cloud according to particle weight
	    #particles are normalized so sum of multiples will return mean
        for particle in self.particle_cloud: 
            total_x += particle.x * particle.w
            total_y += particle.y * particle.w
            total_theta += particle.theta * particle.w
        total_theta = math.cos(total_theta/2)

        #set the robot pose to new position
        self.robot_pose =  Pose(position=Point(x= +total_x, y=total_y,z=0), orientation=Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=total_theta))

        if self.test:
            print "updated pose:"
            print self.robot_pose

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Implement a simple version of this (Level 1) or a more complex one (Level 2) """

        if self.test:
            print "Updating particles from odom"
        new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1], new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

    	#function moves the particle cloud according to the odometry data
    	#particle noise is added using gaussian distribution
    	#standard deviation of gaussian dist was experimentally measured

        x_sd = .001
        y_sd = .001
        theta_sd = .1

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.x += np.random.normal(particle.x + delta[0], x_sd)
            particle.y += np.random.normal(particle.y + delta[1], y_sd)
            particle.theta += np.random.normal(particle.theta + delta[2], theta_sd)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights """
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        if self.test:
            print "Resampling Particles"
	    #draw a random sample of particles from particle cloud
	    #then normalize the remaining particles
        weights = [particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud]
        self.particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(
            self.particle_cloud, weights, self.n_particles) 

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        if self.test:
            print "Updating particles from laser scan"
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            #for each particle, get closest object distance and theta
            closest_particle_object_distance, closest_particle_object_theta = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(particle.x, particle.y) 
            closest_actual_object_distance = 1000 
            for i in range(1, 360):
                if msg.ranges[i] > 0.0 and msg.ranges[i] < closest_actual_object_distance:
                    closest_actual_object_distance = msg.ranges[i]
                    closest_actual_object_theta = (i/360.0)*2*math.pi
            #update the particle's weight and theta 
            particle.w = self.gauss_particle_probability(closest_particle_object_distance-closest_actual_object_distance)
            particle.theta =  closest_actual_object_theta - closest_particle_object_theta
    def gauss_particle_probability(self, difference):
        """ Takes the difference between the actual closest object and the closest object to the particle guess and, based on the variance, returns the weight """
        return (1/(self.variance*self.gauss_constant))*math.exp(-.5*((difference - self.expected_value)/self.variance)**2)

    def angle_normalize(z):
        """ convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """
        return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

    def angle_diff(a, b):
        """ Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should be in radians)
            the difference is always based on the closest rotation from angle a to angle b
                angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1
                angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2
                angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1
        a = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(a)
        b = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(b)
        d1 = a-b
        d2 = 2*math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
        if d1 > 0:
            d2 *= -1.0
        if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
            return d1
            return d2

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements form the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
          choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
          probabilities: the probability of selecting each index represented as a list
          n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = [deepcopy(choices[ind]) for ind in inds]
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        if self.test:
            print "Updating Initial Pose"
        xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if self.test:
            print "Initializing Cloud"
	if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.robot_pose)
            print self.robot_pose
            print xy_theta
            # raw_input()
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # TODO create particles

	#create a normal distribution of particles around starting position
	#then normalize and update pose accordingly
        x_vals = np.random.normal(xy_theta[0], self.lin_spread, self.n_particles)
        y_vals = np.random.normal(xy_theta[1], self.lin_spread, self.n_particles)
        t_vals = np.random.normal(xy_theta[2], self.ang_spread, self.n_particles)
        self.particle_cloud = [Particle(x_vals[i], y_vals[i], t_vals[i], 1)
                               for i in xrange(self.n_particles)]
        # TODO(mary): create particles

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        total_weight = sum([particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud]) * 1.0
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
          particle.w /= total_weight 
    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        self.scan_count +=1
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.  Feel free to modify this, however,
            I hope it will provide a good guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id=self.base_frame), pose=Pose())
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
                    # if self.test or self.scan_count % 1 is 0:
            print "updated pose:"
            print self.robot_pose
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
        (translation, rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=TransformHelpers.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id=self.base_frame))
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
            This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame, self.map_frame)
Example #33
class GazeEstimatorROS(GazeEstimatorBase):
    def __init__(self, device_id_gaze, model_files):
        super(GazeEstimatorROS, self).__init__(device_id_gaze, model_files)
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.subjects_bridge = SubjectListBridge()

        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()

        self.tf_prefix = rospy.get_param("~tf_prefix", "gaze")
        self.headpose_frame = self.tf_prefix + "/head_pose_estimated"
        self.ros_tf_frame = rospy.get_param("~ros_tf_frame",

        self.image_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("/subjects/images",
        self.subjects_gaze_img = rospy.Publisher("/subjects/gazeimages",

        self.visualise_eyepose = rospy.get_param("~visualise_eyepose",

        self._last_time = rospy.Time().now()

    def publish_image(self, image, image_publisher, timestamp):
        """This image publishes the `image` to the `image_publisher` with the given `timestamp`."""
        image_ros = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(image, "rgb8")
        image_ros.header.stamp = timestamp

    def image_callback(self, subject_image_list):
        """This method is called whenever new input arrives. The input is first converted in a format suitable
        for the gaze estimation network (see :meth:`input_from_image`), then the gaze is estimated (see
        :meth:`estimate_gaze`. The estimated gaze is overlaid on the input image (see :meth:`visualize_eye_result`),
        and this image is published along with the estimated gaze vector (see :meth:`publish_image` and
        timestamp = subject_image_list.header.stamp

        subjects_dict = self.subjects_bridge.msg_to_images(subject_image_list)
        input_r_list = []
        input_l_list = []
        input_head_list = []
        valid_subject_list = []
        for subject_id, s in subjects_dict.items():
                (trans_head, rot_head) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(
                    self.ros_tf_frame, self.headpose_frame + str(subject_id),
                euler_angles_head = list(
                euler_angles_head = gaze_tools.limit_yaw(euler_angles_head)

                phi_head, theta_head = gaze_tools.get_phi_theta_from_euler(
                input_head_list.append([theta_head, phi_head])
            except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
                    tf.ExtrapolationException, tf.Exception):

        if len(valid_subject_list) == 0:

        gaze_est = self.estimate_gaze_twoeyes(

        subjects_gaze_img_list = []
        for subject_id, gaze in zip(valid_subject_list, gaze_est.tolist()):
            self.publish_gaze(gaze, timestamp, subject_id)

            if self.visualise_eyepose:
                s = subjects_dict[subject_id]
                r_gaze_img = self.visualize_eye_result(s.right, gaze)
                l_gaze_img = self.visualize_eye_result(s.left, gaze)
                s_gaze_img = np.concatenate((r_gaze_img, l_gaze_img), axis=1)

        if len(subjects_gaze_img_list) > 0:
            gaze_img_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(
                np.hstack(subjects_gaze_img_list).astype(np.uint8), "bgr8")
            gaze_img_msg.header.stamp = timestamp

        _now = rospy.Time().now()
        _freq = 1.0 / (_now - self._last_time).to_sec()
        self._last_time = _now
            '\033[2K\033[1;32mTime now: {:.2f} message color: {:.2f} diff: {:.2f}s for {} subjects {:.0f}Hz\033[0m'
            .format((_now.to_sec()), timestamp.to_sec(),
                    _now.to_sec() - timestamp.to_sec(),
                    len(valid_subject_list), _freq),

    def publish_gaze(self, est_gaze, msg_stamp, subject_id):
        """Publish the gaze vector as a PointStamped."""
        theta_gaze = est_gaze[0]
        phi_gaze = est_gaze[1]
        euler_angle_gaze = gaze_tools.get_euler_from_phi_theta(
            phi_gaze, theta_gaze)
        quaternion_gaze = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
            (0, 0,
             0.05),  # publish it 5cm above the head pose's origin (nose tip)
            self.tf_prefix + "/world_gaze" + str(subject_id),
            self.headpose_frame + str(subject_id))
Example #34
class World:
    '''Object recognition and localization related stuff'''

    tf_listener = None
    objects = []

    def __init__(self):

        if World.tf_listener == None:
            World.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self.surface = None
        self._tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self._im_server = InteractiveMarkerServer('world_objects')
        bb_service_name = 'find_cluster_bounding_box'
        self._bb_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(bb_service_name,
            GraspableObjectList, self.receive_object_info)
        self._object_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'object_detection_user_command', UserCommandAction)
        rospy.loginfo('Interactive object detection action ' +
                      'server has responded.')
        # The following is to get the table information
                         Marker, self.receive_table_marker)

                         AlvarMarkers, self.receive_ar_markers)
        self.marker_dims = Vector3(0.04, 0.04, 0.01)

    def receive_ar_markers(self, data):
        '''Callback function to receive marker info'''
        if len(data.markers) > 0:
            rospy.loginfo('Received non-empty marker list.')
            for i in range(len(data.markers)):
                marker = data.markers[i]
                self._add_new_object(marker.pose.pose, self.marker_dims,

    def _reset_objects(self):
        '''Function that removes all objects'''
        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
        if self.surface != None:
        World.objects = []

    def get_tool_id(self):
        if (len(self.objects) == 0):
            rospy.warning('There are no fiducials, cannot get tool ID.')
            return None
        elif (len(self.objects) > 1):
            rospy.warning('There are more than one fiducials, returning the first as tool ID.')
        return World.objects[0].marker_id

    def get_surface(self):
        if (len(self.objects) < 4):
            rospy.warning('There are not enough fiducials to detect surface.')
            return None
        elif (len(self.objects) > 4):
            rospy.warning('There are more than four fiducials for surface, will use first four.')

        points = [World.objects[0].position, World.objects[1].position,
                    World.objects[2].position, World.objects[3].position]
        s = Surface(points)
        return s

    def receive_table_marker(self, marker):
        '''Callback function for markers to determine table'''
        if (marker.type == Marker.LINE_STRIP):
            if (len(marker.points) == 6):
                rospy.loginfo('Received a TABLE marker.')
                xmin = marker.points[0].x
                ymin = marker.points[0].y
                xmax = marker.points[2].x
                ymax = marker.points[2].y
                depth = xmax - xmin
                width = ymax - ymin

                pose = Pose(marker.pose.position, marker.pose.orientation)
                pose.position.x = pose.position.x + xmin + depth / 2
                pose.position.y = pose.position.y + ymin + width / 2
                dimensions = Vector3(depth, width, 0.01)
                self.surface = World._get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions)

    def receive_object_info(self, object_list):
        '''Callback function to receive object info'''
        rospy.loginfo('Received recognized object list.')
        if (len(object_list.graspable_objects) > 0):
            for i in range(len(object_list.graspable_objects)):
                models = object_list.graspable_objects[i].potential_models
                if (len(models) > 0):
                    object_pose = None
                    best_confidence = 0.0
                    for j in range(len(models)):
                        if (best_confidence < models[j].confidence):
                            object_pose = models[j].pose.pose
                            best_confidence = models[j].confidence
                    if (object_pose != None):
                        rospy.logwarn('Adding the recognized object ' +
                                      'with most confident model.')
                            Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), i,
                    rospy.logwarn('... this is not a recognition result, ' +
                                  'it is probably just segmentation.')
                    cluster = object_list.graspable_objects[i].cluster
                    bbox = self._bb_service(cluster)
                    cluster_pose = bbox.pose.pose
                    if (cluster_pose != None):
                        rospy.loginfo('Adding unrecognized object with pose:' +
                            World.pose_to_string(cluster_pose) + '\n' +
                            'In ref frame' + str(bbox.pose.header.frame_id))
                        self._add_new_object(cluster_pose, bbox.box_dims, i)
            rospy.logwarn('... but the list was empty.')

    def get_pose_from_transform(transform):
        '''Returns pose for transformation matrix'''
        pos = transform[:3, 3].copy()
        rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(transform)
        return Pose(Point(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]),
                    Quaternion(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]))

    def get_matrix_from_pose(pose):
        '''Returns the transformation matrix for given pose'''
        rotation = [pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                    pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w]
        transformation = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(rotation)
        position = [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z]
        transformation[:3, 3] = position
        return transformation

    def get_absolute_pose(arm_state):
        '''Returns absolute pose of an end effector state'''
        if (arm_state.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT):
            arm_state_copy = ArmState(arm_state.refFrame,
            World.convert_ref_frame(arm_state_copy, ArmState.ROBOT_BASE)
            return arm_state_copy.ee_pose
            return arm_state.ee_pose

    def _get_mesh_marker(marker, mesh):
        '''Function that generated a marker from a mesh'''
        marker.type = Marker.TRIANGLE_LIST
        index = 0
        marker.scale = Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        while (index + 2 < len(mesh.triangles)):
            if ((mesh.triangles[index] < len(mesh.vertices))
                    and (mesh.triangles[index + 1] < len(mesh.vertices))
                    and (mesh.triangles[index + 2] < len(mesh.vertices))):
                marker.points.append(mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[index + 1]])
                marker.points.append(mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[index + 2]])
                index += 3
                rospy.logerr('Mesh contains invalid triangle!')
        return marker

    def _add_new_object(self, pose, dimensions, id=None, mesh=None):
        '''Function to add new objects'''
        dist_threshold = 0.02
        to_remove = None

        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
            if (World.pose_distance(World.objects[i].object.pose, pose)
                    < dist_threshold):
                rospy.loginfo('Previously detected object at the same' +
                              'location, will not add this object.')
                return False

        n_objects = len(World.objects)
        World.objects.append(WorldObject(pose, n_objects,
                                        dimensions, id))
        int_marker = self._get_object_marker(len(World.objects) - 1)
        World.objects[-1].int_marker = int_marker
        self._im_server.insert(int_marker, self.marker_feedback_cb)
        return True

    def _remove_object(self, to_remove):
        '''Function to remove object by index'''
        obj = World.objects.pop(to_remove)
        rospy.loginfo('Removing object ' +

    def _remove_surface(self):
        '''Function to request removing surface'''
        rospy.loginfo('Removing surface')
        self.surface = None

    def _get_object_marker(self, index, mesh=None):
        '''Generate a marker for world objects'''
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker() = World.objects[index].get_name()
        int_marker.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
        int_marker.pose = World.objects[index].object.pose
        int_marker.scale = 1

        button_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        button_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON
        button_control.always_visible = True

        object_marker = Marker(type=Marker.CUBE, id=index,
                color=ColorRGBA(0.2, 0.8, 0.0, 0.6),

        if (mesh != None):
            object_marker = World._get_mesh_marker(object_marker, mesh)

        text_pos = Point()
        text_pos.x = World.objects[index].object.pose.position.x
        text_pos.y = World.objects[index].object.pose.position.y
        text_pos.z = (World.objects[index].object.pose.position.z +
                     World.objects[index].object.dimensions.z / 2 + 0.06)
                id=index, scale=Vector3(0, 0, 0.03),
      , color=ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
                pose=Pose(text_pos, Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))))
        return int_marker

    def _get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions):
        ''' Function that generates a surface marker'''
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker() = 'surface'
        int_marker.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
        int_marker.pose = pose
        int_marker.scale = 1
        button_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        button_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON
        button_control.always_visible = True
        object_marker = Marker(type=Marker.CUBE, id=2000,
                            color=ColorRGBA(0.8, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4),
        text_pos = Point()
        position = pose.position
        dimensions = dimensions
        text_pos.x = position.x + dimensions.x / 2 - 0.06
        text_pos.y = position.y - dimensions.y / 2 + 0.06
        text_pos.z = position.z + dimensions.z / 2 + 0.06
        text_marker = Marker(type=Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING, id=2001,
                scale=Vector3(0, 0, 0.03),,
                color=ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
                pose=Pose(text_pos, Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)))
        return int_marker

    def get_frame_list():
        '''Function that returns the list of ref. frames'''
        objects = []
        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
        return objects

    def has_objects():
        '''Function that checks if there are any objects'''
        return len(World.objects) > 0

    def get_ref_from_name(ref_name):
        '''Ref. frame type from ref. frame name'''
        if ref_name == 'base_link':
            return ArmState.ROBOT_BASE
            return ArmState.OBJECT

    def convert_ref_frame(arm_frame, ref_frame, ref_frame_obj=Object()):
        '''Transforms an arm frame to a new ref. frame'''
        if ref_frame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE:
            if (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE):
                #rospy.logwarn('No reference frame transformations ' +
                              #'needed (both absolute).')
            elif (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT):
                abs_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,
                      , 'base_link')
                arm_frame.ee_pose = abs_ee_pose
                arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.ROBOT_BASE
                arm_frame.refFrameObject = Object()
                rospy.logerr('Unhandled reference frame conversion:' +
                    str(arm_frame.refFrame) + ' to ' + str(ref_frame))
        elif ref_frame == ArmState.OBJECT:
            if (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE):
                rel_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,
                arm_frame.ee_pose = rel_ee_pose
                arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.OBJECT
                arm_frame.refFrameObject = ref_frame_obj
            elif (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT):
                if ( ==
                    #rospy.logwarn('No reference frame transformations ' +
                                  #'needed (same object).')
                    rel_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,
                    arm_frame.ee_pose = rel_ee_pose
                    arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.OBJECT
                    arm_frame.refFrameObject = ref_frame_obj
                rospy.logerr('Unhandled reference frame conversion:' +
                    str(arm_frame.refFrame) + ' to ' + str(ref_frame))
        return arm_frame

    def has_object(object_name):
        '''Checks if the world contains the object'''
        for obj in World.objects:
            if == object_name:
                return True
        return False

    def is_frame_valid(object_name):
        '''Checks if the frame is valid for transforms'''
        return (object_name == 'base_link') or World.has_object(object_name)

    def transform(pose, from_frame, to_frame):
        ''' Function to transform a pose between two ref. frames
        if there is a TF exception or object does not exist it
        will return the pose back without any transforms'''
        if World.is_frame_valid(from_frame) and World.is_frame_valid(to_frame):
            pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
                common_time = World.tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime(from_frame,
                pose_stamped.header.stamp = common_time
                pose_stamped.header.frame_id = from_frame
                pose_stamped.pose = pose
                rel_ee_pose = World.tf_listener.transformPose(to_frame,
                return rel_ee_pose.pose
            except tf.Exception:
                rospy.logerr('TF exception during transform.')
                return pose
            except rospy.ServiceException:
                rospy.logerr('Exception during transform.')
                return pose
            rospy.logwarn('One of the frame objects might not exist: ' +
                          from_frame + ' or ' + to_frame)
            return pose

    def pose_to_string(pose):
        '''For printing a pose to stdout'''
        return ('Position: ' + str(pose.position.x) + ", " +
                str(pose.position.y) + ', ' + str(pose.position.z) + '\n' +
                'Orientation: ' + str(pose.orientation.x) + ", " +
                str(pose.orientation.y) + ', ' + str(pose.orientation.z) +
                ', ' + str(pose.orientation.w) + '\n')

    def _publish_tf_pose(self, pose, name, parent):
        ''' Publishes a TF for object pose'''
        if (pose != None):
            pos = (pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z)
            rot = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                        pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
            self._tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(pos, rot,
                              , name, parent)

    def update_object_pose(self):
        ''' Function to externally update an object pose'''
        while (Response.gaze_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING or
               Response.gaze_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE):

        if (Response.gaze_client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED):
            rospy.logerr('Could not look down to take table snapshot')
            return False

        rospy.loginfo('Looking at table now.')
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.RESET, False)
        while (self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE or
               self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING):
        rospy.loginfo('Object recognition has been reset.')
        rospy.loginfo('STATUS: ' +

        if (self._object_action_client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED):
            rospy.logerr('Could not reset recognition.')
            return False

        # Do segmentation
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.SEGMENT, False)
        while (self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE or
               self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING):
        rospy.loginfo('Table segmentation is complete.')
        rospy.loginfo('STATUS: ' +

        if (self._object_action_client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED):
            rospy.logerr('Could not segment.')
            return False

        # Do recognition
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.RECOGNIZE, False)
        while (self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE or
               self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING):
        rospy.loginfo('Objects on the table have been recognized.')
        rospy.loginfo('STATUS: ' +

        # Record the result
        if (self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED):
            wait_time = 0
            total_wait_time = 5
            while (not World.has_objects() and wait_time < total_wait_time):
                wait_time += 0.1

            if (not World.has_objects()):
                rospy.logerr('Timeout waiting for a recognition result.')
                return False
                rospy.loginfo('Got the object list.')
                return True
            rospy.logerr('Could not recognize.')
            return False

    def clear_all_objects(self):
        '''Removes all objects from the world'''
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.RESET, False)
        while (self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE or
               self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING):
        rospy.loginfo('Object recognition has been reset.')
        rospy.loginfo('STATUS: ' +
        if (self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED):
            rospy.loginfo('Successfully reset object localization pipeline.')

    def get_nearest_object(self, arm_pose):
        '''Gives a pointed to the nearest object'''
        dist_threshold = 0.4
        def chObj(cur, obj):
            dist = World.pose_distance(obj.object.pose, arm_pose)
            return (dist, obj.object) if (dist < cur[0]) else cur
        return reduce(chObj, World.objects, (dist_threshold, None))[1]

    def pose_distance(pose1, pose2, is_on_table=True):
        '''Distance between two world poses'''
        if pose1 == [] or pose2 == []:
            return 0.0
            if (is_on_table):
                arr1 = array([pose1.position.x, pose1.position.y])
                arr2 = array([pose2.position.x, pose2.position.y])
                arr1 = array([pose1.position.x,
                              pose1.position.y, pose1.position.z])
                arr2 = array([pose2.position.x,
                              pose2.position.y, pose2.position.z])
            dist = norm(arr1 - arr2)
            if dist < 0.0001:
                dist = 0
            return dist

    def marker_feedback_cb(self, feedback):
        '''Callback for when feedback from a marker is received'''
        if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.BUTTON_CLICK:
            rospy.loginfo('Clicked on object ' + str(feedback.marker_name))
            rospy.loginfo('Number of objects ' + str(len(World.objects)))
            rospy.loginfo('Unknown event' + str(feedback.event_type))

    def update(self):
        '''Update function called in a loop'''
        # Visualize the detected object
        is_world_changed = False
        if (World.has_objects()):
            to_remove = None
            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
                    World.objects[i].get_name(), 'base_link')
                if (World.objects[i].is_removed):
                    to_remove = i
            if to_remove != None:
                is_world_changed = True

        return is_world_changed
Example #35
class PublishTf:
    def __init__(self):
        self.listener = TransformListener() = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.pub_freq = 100.0
        self.parent_frame_id = "world"
        self.child1_frame_id = "reference1"
        self.child2_frame_id = "reference2"
        self.child3_frame_id = "reference3"
        self.child4_frame_id = "reference4"
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.pub_freq), self.reference2)
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.pub_freq), self.reference3)
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.pub_freq), self.reference4)

        recorder_0 = RecordingManager("all")
        recorder_1 = RecordingManager("test1")
        recorder_2 = RecordingManager("test2")
        recorder_3 = RecordingManager("test3")

        self.pub_line(length=1, time=5)
        self.pub_quadrat(length=2, time=10)
        self.pub_circ(radius=2, time=5)

    def reference2(self, event):
        self.pub_tf(self.child1_frame_id, self.child2_frame_id, [1, 0, 0])

    def reference3(self, event):
        self.pub_tf(self.child1_frame_id, self.child3_frame_id, [math.sin(, 0, 0])

    def reference4(self, event):
        self.pub_tf(self.child1_frame_id, self.child4_frame_id, [math.sin(,
                                                                 math.cos(, 0])

    def pub_tf(self, parent_frame_id, child1_frame_id, xyz=[0, 0, 0], rpy=[0, 0, 0]):
        self.check_for_ctrlc()[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]), transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
            rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2]),, child1_frame_id, parent_frame_id)

    def pub_line(self, length=1, time=1):
        rate = rospy.Rate(int(self.pub_freq))

        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 2) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 2
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [t * length, 0, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 2) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 2
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [(1 - t) * length, 0, 0])

    def pub_circ(self, radius=1, time=1):
        rate = rospy.Rate(int(self.pub_freq))

        for i in range(int(self.pub_freq * time) + 1):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [-radius * math.cos(2 * math.pi * t) + radius,
                                                                     -radius * math.sin(2 * math.pi * t),

    def pub_quadrat(self, length=1, time=1):
        rate = rospy.Rate(int(self.pub_freq))

        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [t * length, 0, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [length, t * length, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [(1 - t) * length, length, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [0, (1 - t) * length, 0])

    def check_for_ctrlc():
        if rospy.is_shutdown():
Example #36
class World:
    '''Object recognition and localization related stuff'''

    tf_listener = None
    objects = []
    world = None
    segmentation_service = rospy.get_param("/pr2_pbd_interaction/tabletop_segmentation_service")

    def __init__(self):
        if World.tf_listener is None:
            World.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self.surface = None
        self._tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self._im_server = InteractiveMarkerServer('world_objects')
        self.relative_frame_threshold = 0.4
        # rospy.Subscriber("ar_pose_marker",
        #                  AlvarMarkers, self.receive_ar_markers)
        self.is_looking_for_markers = False
        self.marker_dims = Vector3(0.04, 0.04, 0.01) = self

    def get_world():
        if is None:
   = World()

    def _reset_objects(self):
        '''Function that removes all objects'''
        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
        if self.surface != None:
        World.objects = []

    def receieve_table_marker(self, marker):
        '''Callback function for markers to determine table'''
        if (marker.type == Marker.LINE_STRIP):
            if (len(marker.points) == 6):
                rospy.loginfo('Received a TABLE marker.')
                xmin = marker.points[0].x
                ymin = marker.points[0].y
                xmax = marker.points[2].x
                ymax = marker.points[2].y
                depth = xmax - xmin
                width = ymax - ymin

                pose = Pose(marker.pose.position, marker.pose.orientation)
                pose.position.x = pose.position.x + xmin + depth / 2
                pose.position.y = pose.position.y + ymin + width / 2
                dimensions = Vector3(depth, width, 0.01)
                self.surface = World._get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions)

    def receive_ar_markers(self, data):
        '''Callback function to receive marker info'''
        if self.is_looking_for_markers:
            if len(data.markers) > 0:
                rospy.loginfo('Received non-empty marker list.')
                for i in range(len(data.markers)):
                    marker = data.markers[i]
                    self._add_new_object(marker.pose.pose, self.marker_dims, False,

    def receieve_object_info(self, object_list):
        '''Callback function to receive object info'''
        rospy.loginfo('Received recognized object list.')
        if (len(object_list.graspable_objects) > 0):
            for i in range(len(object_list.graspable_objects)):
                models = object_list.graspable_objects[i].potential_models
                if (len(models) > 0):
                    object_pose = None
                    best_confidence = 0.0
                    for j in range(len(models)):
                        if (best_confidence < models[j].confidence):
                            object_pose = models[j].pose.pose
                            best_confidence = models[j].confidence
                    if (object_pose != None):
                        rospy.logwarn('Adding the recognized object ' +
                                      'with most confident model.')
                                             Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), True,
                    rospy.logwarn('... this is not a recognition result, ' +
                                  'it is probably just segmentation.')
                    cluster = object_list.graspable_objects[i].cluster
                    bbox = self._bb_service(cluster)
                    cluster_pose = bbox.pose.pose
                    if (cluster_pose != None):
                        rospy.loginfo('Adding unrecognized object with pose:' +
                                      World.pose_to_string(cluster_pose) + '\n' +
                                      'In ref frame' + str(bbox.pose.header.frame_id))
                        self._add_new_object(cluster_pose, bbox.box_dims,
            rospy.logwarn('... but the list was empty.')

    def get_pose_from_transform(transform):
        '''Returns pose for transformation matrix'''
        pos = transform[:3, 3].copy()
        rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(transform)
        return Pose(Point(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]),
                    Quaternion(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]))

    def get_matrix_from_pose(pose):
        '''Returns the transformation matrix for given pose'''
        rotation = [pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                    pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w]
        transformation = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(rotation)
        position = [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z]
        transformation[:3, 3] = position
        return transformation

    def get_absolute_pose(arm_state):
        '''Returns absolute pose of an end effector state'''
        if (arm_state.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT):
            arm_state_copy = ArmState(arm_state.refFrame,
            World.convert_ref_frame(arm_state_copy, ArmState.ROBOT_BASE)
            return arm_state_copy.ee_pose
            return arm_state.ee_pose

    def get_most_similar_obj(ref_object, ref_frame_list, threshold=0.075):
        '''Finds the most similar object in the world'''
        best_dist = 10000
        chosen_obj_index = -1
        for i in range(len(ref_frame_list)):
            dist = World.object_dissimilarity(ref_frame_list[i], ref_object)
            if (dist < best_dist):
                best_dist = dist
                chosen_obj_index = i
        if chosen_obj_index == -1:
            rospy.logwarn('Did not find a similar object..')
            return None
            print 'Object dissimilarity is --- ', best_dist
            if best_dist > threshold:
                rospy.logwarn('Found some objects, but not similar enough.')
                return None
                rospy.loginfo('Most similar to object '
                              + ref_frame_list[chosen_obj_index].name)
                return ref_frame_list[chosen_obj_index]

    def get_map_of_most_similar_obj(object_list, ref_frame_list, threshold=0.075):
        if None in object_list:
        if len(object_list) == 0 or len(ref_frame_list) == 0:
            return None
        markers_dict = {}
        marker_names = []
        for obj in object_list:
            object_name =
            if object_name.startswith("marker"):
                found_match = False
                for ref_frame in ref_frame_list:
                    if == object_name:
                        markers_dict[object_name] = ref_frame
                        found_match = True
                if not found_match:
                    return None
        ref_frame_list = [x for x in ref_frame_list if not in marker_names]
        object_list = [x for x in object_list if not in marker_names]
        if len(object_list) == 0 or len(ref_frame_list) == 0:
            return markers_dict if len(markers_dict) > 0 else None
        orderings = []
        World.permute(object_list, orderings)
        costs = []
        assignments = []
        for ordering in orderings:
            cur_cost = 0
            cur_ref_frame_list = ref_frame_list[:]
            cur_assignment = []
            for object in ordering:
                most_similar_object = World.get_most_similar_obj(object, cur_ref_frame_list, threshold)
                if most_similar_object is None:
                    return None
                cur_cost += World.object_dissimilarity(object, most_similar_object)
        min_cost, min_idx = min((val, idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(costs))
        names = [ for x in orderings[min_idx]]
        object_dict = dict(zip(names, assignments[min_idx]))
        return object_dict

    def permute(a, results):
        if len(a) == 1:
            results.insert(len(results), a)

            for i in range(0, len(a)):
                element = a[i]
                a_copy = [a[j] for j in range(0, len(a)) if j != i]
                subresults = []
                World.permute(a_copy, subresults)
                for subresult in subresults:
                    result = [element] + subresult
                    results.insert(len(results), result)

    def _get_mesh_marker(marker, mesh):
        '''Function that generated a marker from a mesh'''
        marker.type = Marker.TRIANGLE_LIST
        index = 0
        marker.scale = Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        while (index + 2 < len(mesh.triangles)):
            if ((mesh.triangles[index] < len(mesh.vertices))
                and (mesh.triangles[index + 1] < len(mesh.vertices))
                and (mesh.triangles[index + 2] < len(mesh.vertices))):
                marker.points.append(mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[index + 1]])
                marker.points.append(mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[index + 2]])
                index += 3
                rospy.logerr('Mesh contains invalid triangle!')
        return marker

    def _add_new_object(self, pose, dimensions, is_recognized, mesh=None, id=None):
        '''Function to add new objects'''
        dist_threshold = 0.02
        to_remove = None
        if (is_recognized):
            # Temporary HACK for testing.
            # Will remove all recognition completely if this works.
            return False
            # Check if there is already an object
            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
                distance = World.pose_distance(World.objects[i].object.pose,
                if (distance < dist_threshold):
                    if (World.objects[i].is_recognized):
                        rospy.loginfo('Previously recognized object at ' +
                                      'the same location, will not add this object.')
                        return False
                        rospy.loginfo('Previously unrecognized object at ' +
                                      'the same location, will replace it with the ' +
                                      'recognized object.')
                        to_remove = i

            if (to_remove != None):

            n_objects = len(World.objects)
            new_object = WorldObject(pose, n_objects,
                                     dimensions, is_recognized)
            if id is not None:
                new_object.assign_name("marker" + str(id))
                new_object.is_marker = True
            int_marker = self._get_object_marker(len(World.objects) - 1, mesh)
            World.objects[-1].int_marker = int_marker
            self._im_server.insert(int_marker, self.marker_feedback_cb)
            return True
            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
                if (World.pose_distance(World.objects[i].object.pose, pose)
                        < dist_threshold):
                    rospy.loginfo('Previously detected object at the same' +
                                  'location, will not add this object.')
                    return False
                if id is not None and World.objects[i].get_name() == "marker" + str(id):
                    rospy.loginfo('Previously added marker with the same id, will not add this object.')
                    return False
            n_objects = len(World.objects)
            new_object = WorldObject(pose, n_objects,
                                     dimensions, is_recognized)
            if id is not None:
                new_object.assign_name("marker" + str(id))
                new_object.is_marker = True
            int_marker = self._get_object_marker(len(World.objects) - 1)
            World.objects[-1].int_marker = int_marker
            self._im_server.insert(int_marker, self.marker_feedback_cb)
            return True

    def _add_new_marker(self, id, pose):
        '''Function to add new markers'''
        #dist_threshold = 0.01
        #to_remove = None
        #for i in range(len(World.markers)):
        #    if (World.pose_distance(World.markers[i].pose, pose)
        #            < dist_threshold):
        #        rospy.loginfo('Previously detected marker at the same' +
        #                      'location, will not add this marker.')
        #        return False
        #n_markers = len(World.markers)
        #World.markers.append(WorldMarker(id, pose))
        #int_marker = self._get_object_marker(len(World.objects) - 1)
        #World.markers[-1].int_marker = int_marker
        #self._im_server.insert(int_marker, self.marker_feedback_cb)
        return True

    def _remove_object(self, to_remove):
        '''Function to remove object by index'''
        obj = World.objects.pop(to_remove)
        rospy.loginfo('Removing object ' +

    #        if (obj.is_recognized):
    #            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
    #                if ((World.objects[i].is_recognized)
    #                    and World.objects[i].index>obj.index):
    #                    World.objects[i].decrease_index()
    #            self.n_recognized -= 1
    #        else:
    #            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
    #                if ((not World.objects[i].is_recognized) and
    #                    World.objects[i].index>obj.index):
    #                    World.objects[i].decrease_index()
    #            self.n_unrecognized -= 1

    def _remove_surface(self):
        '''Function to request removing surface'''
        rospy.loginfo('Removing surface')
        self.surface = None

    def _get_object_reachability_marker(self, world_object):
        radius = self.relative_frame_threshold
        pointsList = []
        nx = 8
        ny = 8
        pointsList.append(Point(0, 0, radius))
        pointsList.append(Point(0, 0, -radius))
        for x in range(nx):
            theta = 2 * pi * (x * 1.0 / nx)
            for y in range(1, ny):
                phi = pi * (y * 1.0 / ny)
                destx = radius * cos(theta) * sin(phi)
                desty = radius * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
                destz = radius * cos(phi)
                pointsList.append(Point(destx, desty, destz))
        id = abs(hash(world_object.get_name() + "_reachability")) % (10 ** 8)
        marker = Marker(type=Marker.SPHERE_LIST, id=id,
                        lifetime=rospy.Duration(nsecs=10 ** 8),
                        scale=Vector3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
                        color=ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.5),
        return marker

    def _get_object_marker(self, index, mesh=None):
        '''Generate a marker for world objects'''
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker() = World.objects[index].get_name()
        int_marker.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
        int_marker.pose = World.objects[index].object.pose
        int_marker.scale = 1

        button_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        button_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON
        button_control.always_visible = True

        color = WorldObject.default_color if not World.objects[index].is_fake else WorldObject.fake_color
        object_marker = Marker(type=Marker.CUBE, id=index,
                               pose=Pose(Point(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)))
        if (mesh != None):
            object_marker = World._get_mesh_marker(object_marker, mesh)

        text_pos = Point()
        text_pos.x = 0
        text_pos.y = 0
        text_pos.z = World.objects[index].object.dimensions.z / 2 + 0.06
                                             id=index, scale=Vector3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
                                   , color=ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
                                             pose=Pose(text_pos, Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))))
        return int_marker

    def _get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions):
        ''' Function that generates a surface marker'''
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker() = 'surface'
        int_marker.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
        int_marker.pose = pose
        int_marker.scale = 1
        button_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        button_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON
        button_control.always_visible = True
        object_marker = Marker(type=Marker.CUBE, id=2000,
                               color=ColorRGBA(0.8, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4),
                               pose=Pose(Point(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)))
        text_pos = Point()
        dimensions = dimensions
        text_pos.x = dimensions.x / 2 - 0.06
        text_pos.y = - dimensions.y / 2 + 0.06
        text_pos.z = dimensions.z / 2 + 0.06
        text_marker = Marker(type=Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING, id=2001,
                             scale=Vector3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05),,
                             color=ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
                             pose=Pose(text_pos, Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)))
        return int_marker

    def get_frame_list(self):
        '''Function that returns the list of ref. frames'''
        objects = []
        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
        return objects

    def has_objects():
        '''Function that checks if there are any objects'''
        return len(World.objects) > 0

    def has_marker_objects():
        '''Function that checks if there are any markers'''
        for o in World.objects:
            if o.is_marker:
                return True
        return False

    def has_non_marker_objects():
        '''Function that checks if there are any objects'''
        for o in World.objects:
            if not o.is_marker:
                return True
        return False

    def object_dissimilarity(obj1, obj2):
        '''Distance between two objects'''
        dims1 = obj1.dimensions
        dims2 = obj2.dimensions
        return norm(array([dims1.x, dims1.y, dims1.z]) -
                    array([dims2.x, dims2.y, dims2.z]))

    def get_ref_from_name(ref_name):
        '''Ref. frame type from ref. frame name'''
        if ref_name == 'base_link':
            return ArmState.ROBOT_BASE
            return ArmState.OBJECT

    def convert_ref_frame(arm_frame, ref_frame, ref_frame_obj=Object()):
        '''Transforms an arm frame to a new ref. frame'''
        if ref_frame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE:
            if (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE):
                rospy.logwarn('No reference frame transformations ' +
                              'needed (both absolute).')
            elif (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT):
                abs_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,
                                    , 'base_link')
                arm_frame.ee_pose = abs_ee_pose
                arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.ROBOT_BASE
                arm_frame.refFrameObject = Object()
                rospy.logerr('Unhandled reference frame conversion:' +
                             str(arm_frame.refFrame) + ' to ' + str(ref_frame))
        elif ref_frame == ArmState.OBJECT:
            if (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE):
                rel_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,
                arm_frame.ee_pose = rel_ee_pose
                arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.OBJECT
                arm_frame.refFrameObject = ref_frame_obj
            elif (arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT):
                if ( ==
                    rospy.logwarn('No reference frame transformations ' +
                                  'needed (same object).')
                    rel_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,
                    arm_frame.ee_pose = rel_ee_pose
                    arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.OBJECT
                    arm_frame.refFrameObject = ref_frame_obj
                rospy.logerr('Unhandled reference frame conversion:' +
                             str(arm_frame.refFrame) + ' to ' + str(ref_frame))
        return arm_frame

    def has_object(object_name):
        '''Checks if the world contains the object'''
        for obj in World.objects:
            if == object_name:
                return True
        return False

    def is_frame_valid(object_name):
        '''Checks if the frame is valid for transforms'''
        return (object_name == 'base_link') or World.has_object(object_name)

    def transform(pose, from_frame, to_frame):
        ''' Function to transform a pose between two ref. frames
        if there is a TF exception or object does not exist it
        will return the pose back without any transforms'''
        if World.is_frame_valid(from_frame) and World.is_frame_valid(to_frame):
            pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
                common_time = World.tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime(from_frame,
                pose_stamped.header.stamp = common_time
                pose_stamped.header.frame_id = from_frame
                pose_stamped.pose = pose
                rel_ee_pose = World.tf_listener.transformPose(to_frame,
                return rel_ee_pose.pose
            except tf.Exception:
                rospy.logerr('TF exception during transform.')
                return pose
            except rospy.ServiceException:
                rospy.logerr('Exception during transform.')
                return pose
            # rospy.logwarn('One of the frame objects might not exist: ' +
            #               from_frame + ' or ' + to_frame)
            return pose

    def pose_to_string(pose):
        '''For printing a pose to stdout'''
        return ('Position: ' + str(pose.position.x) + ", " +
                str(pose.position.y) + ', ' + str(pose.position.z) + '\n' +
                'Orientation: ' + str(pose.orientation.x) + ", " +
                str(pose.orientation.y) + ', ' + str(pose.orientation.z) +
                ', ' + str(pose.orientation.w) + '\n')

    def _publish_tf_pose(self, pose, name, parent):
        ''' Publishes a TF for object pose'''
        if (pose != None):
            pos = (pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z)
            rot = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                   pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
            self._tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(pos, rot,
                                     , name, parent)

    def update_object_pose(self):
        ''' Function to externally update an object pose'''
        rospy.loginfo("waiting for segmentation service")
            get_segmentation = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.segmentation_service, TabletopSegmentation)
            resp = get_segmentation()
            rospy.loginfo("Adding landmarks")


            # add the table
            xmin = resp.table.x_min
            ymin = resp.table.y_min
            xmax = resp.table.x_max
            ymax = resp.table.y_max
            depth = xmax - xmin
            width = ymax - ymin

            pose = resp.table.pose.pose
            pose.position.x = pose.position.x + xmin + depth / 2
            pose.position.y = pose.position.y + ymin + width / 2
            dimensions = Vector3(depth, width, 0.01)
            self.surface = World._get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions)

            for cluster in resp.clusters:
                points = cluster.points
                if (len(points) == 0):
                    return Point(0, 0, 0)
                [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ] = [
                    points[0].x, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[0].y,
                    points[0].z, points[0].z]
                for pt in points:
                    minX = min(minX, pt.x)
                    minY = min(minY, pt.y)
                    minZ = min(minZ, pt.z)
                    maxX = max(maxX, pt.x)
                    maxY = max(maxY, pt.y)
                    maxZ = max(maxZ, pt.z)
                self._add_new_object(Pose(Point((minX + maxX) / 2, (minY + maxY) / 2,
                                                (minZ + maxZ) / 2), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)),
                                     Point(maxX - minX, maxY - minY, maxZ - minZ), False)
            return True
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Call to segmentation service failed: %s" % e
            return False
Example #37
class MyAMCL:
	def __init__(self):
		self.initialized = False
		print "MY AMCL initialized"
		# todo make this static
		self.n_particles = 100
		self.alpha1 = 0.2
		self.alpha2 = 0.2
		self.alpha3 = 0.2
		self.alpha4 = 0.2

		self.d_thresh = 0.2
		self.a_thresh = math.pi/6

		self.z_hit = 0.5
		self.z_rand = 0.5
		self.sigma_hit = 0.2

		self.laser_max_distance = 2.0

		self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.scan_received);
		self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
		self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
		self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray)
		self.particle_cloud = []
		self.last_transform_valid = False
		self.particle_cloud_initialized = False
		self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

		# request the map
		static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy("static_map", GetMap)
		try: = static_map().map
			print "error receiving map"

		self.initialized = True

	def create_occupancy_field(self):
		X = np.zeros((*,2))
		total_occupied = 0

		curr = 0
		for i in range(
			for j in range(
				# occupancy grids are stored in row major order, if you go through this right, you might be able to use curr
				ind = i + j*
				if[ind] > 0:
					total_occupied += 1
				X[curr,0] = float(i)
				X[curr,1] = float(j)
				curr += 1

		O = np.zeros((total_occupied,2))
		curr = 0
		for i in range(
			for j in range(
				# occupancy grids are stored in row major order, if you go through this right, you might be able to use curr
				ind = i + j*
				if[ind] > 0:
					O[curr,0] = float(i)
					O[curr,1] = float(j)
					curr += 1
		t = time.time()
		nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1,algorithm="ball_tree").fit(O)
		distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X)
		print time.time() -t
		closest_occ = {}
		curr = 0
		for i in range(
			for j in range(
				ind = i + j*
				closest_occ[ind] = distances[curr]*
				curr += 1
		# this is a bit adhoc, could probably integrate into an internal map structure
		self.closest_occ = closest_occ

	def update_robot_pose(self):
		# first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
		use_mean = True
		if use_mean:
			mean_x = 0.0
			mean_y = 0.0
			mean_theta = 0.0
			theta_list = []
			weighted_orientation_vec = np.zeros((2,1))
			for p in self.particle_cloud:
				mean_x += p.x*p.w
				mean_y += p.y*p.w
				weighted_orientation_vec[0] += p.w*math.cos(p.theta)
				weighted_orientation_vec[1] += p.w*math.sin(p.theta)
			mean_theta = math.atan2(weighted_orientation_vec[1],weighted_orientation_vec[0])
			self.robot_pose = Particle(x=mean_x,y=mean_y,theta=mean_theta).as_pose()
			weights = []
			for p in self.particle_cloud:
			best_particle = np.argmax(weights)
			self.robot_pose = self.particle_cloud[best_particle].as_pose()

	def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
		new_odom_xy_theta = MyAMCL.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
		if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
			old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
			delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1], new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
		# Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)
		# Avoid computing a bearing from two poses that are extremely near each
		# other (happens on in-place rotation).
		delta_trans = math.sqrt(delta[0]*delta[0] + delta[1]*delta[1])
		if delta_trans < 0.01:
			delta_rot1 = 0.0
			delta_rot1 = MyAMCL.angle_diff(math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]), old_odom_xy_theta[2])

		delta_rot2 = MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta[2], delta_rot1)
    	# We want to treat backward and forward motion symmetrically for the
    	# noise model to be applied below.  The standard model seems to assume
    	# forward motion.
		delta_rot1_noise = min(math.fabs(MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta_rot1,0.0)), math.fabs(MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta_rot1, math.pi)));
		delta_rot2_noise = min(math.fabs(MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta_rot2,0.0)), math.fabs(MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta_rot2, math.pi)));

		for sample in self.particle_cloud:
			# Sample pose differences
			delta_rot1_hat = MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta_rot1, gauss(0, self.alpha1*delta_rot1_noise*delta_rot1_noise + self.alpha2*delta_trans*delta_trans))
			delta_trans_hat = delta_trans - gauss(0, self.alpha3*delta_trans*delta_trans + self.alpha4*delta_rot1_noise*delta_rot1_noise + self.alpha4*delta_rot2_noise*delta_rot2_noise)
			delta_rot2_hat = MyAMCL.angle_diff(delta_rot2, gauss(0, self.alpha1*delta_rot2_noise*delta_rot2_noise + self.alpha2*delta_trans*delta_trans))

			# Apply sampled update to particle pose
			sample.x += delta_trans_hat * math.cos(sample.theta + delta_rot1_hat)
			sample.y += delta_trans_hat * math.sin(sample.theta + delta_rot1_hat)
			sample.theta += delta_rot1_hat + delta_rot2_hat

	def get_map_index(self,x,y):
		x_coord = int((x -
		y_coord = int((y -

		# check if we are in bounds
		if x_coord > or x_coord < 0:
			return float('nan')
		if y_coord > or y_coord < 0:
			return float('nan')

		ind = x_coord + y_coord*
		if ind >=* or ind < 0:
			return float('nan')
		return ind

	def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
		''' this is for a beam model... this is pretty damn slow...'''
		(x_curr,y_curr) = (x,y)
		ind = self.get_map_index(x_curr, y_curr)

		while not(math.isnan(ind)):
			if[ind] > 0:
				return math.sqrt((x - x_curr)**2 + (y - y_curr)**2)

			x_curr +=*0.5*math.cos(theta)
			y_curr +=*0.5*math.sin(theta)
			ind = self.get_map_index(x_curr, y_curr)

		if math.isnan(ind):
			return float('nan')

	def resample_particles(self):
		values = np.empty(self.n_particles)
		probs = np.empty(self.n_particles)
		for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
			values[i] = i
			probs[i] = self.particle_cloud[i].w

		new_particle_indices = MyAMCL.weighted_values(values,probs,self.n_particles)
		new_particles = []
		for i in new_particle_indices:
			idx = int(i)
			s_p = self.particle_cloud[idx]

		self.particle_cloud = new_particles

	def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
		laser_xy_theta = MyAMCL.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.laser_pose.pose)
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
			adjusted_pose = (p.x+laser_xy_theta[0], p.y+laser_xy_theta[1], p.theta+laser_xy_theta[2])
			# Pre-compute a couple of things
			z_hit_denom = 2*self.sigma_hit**2
			z_rand_mult = 1.0/msg.range_max

			# This assumes quite a bit about the weights beforehand (TODO: could base this on p.w)
			new_prob = 1.0
			for i in range(5,len(msg.ranges),10):
				pz = 1.0

				obs_range = msg.ranges[i]
				obs_bearing = i*msg.angle_increment+msg.angle_min

				if math.isnan(obs_range):

				if obs_range >= msg.range_max:

				# compute the endpoint of the laser
				end_x = p.x + obs_range*math.cos(p.theta+obs_bearing)
				end_y = p.y + obs_range*math.sin(p.theta+obs_bearing)
				ind = self.get_map_index(end_x,end_y)
				if math.isnan(ind):
					z = self.laser_max_distance
					z = self.closest_occ[ind]

				pz += self.z_hit * math.exp(-(z * z) / z_hit_denom)
				pz += self.z_rand * z_rand_mult

				new_prob += pz**3
			p.w = new_prob

	def normalize(z):
		return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

	def angle_diff(a, b):
		a = MyAMCL.normalize(a)
		b = MyAMCL.normalize(b)
		d1 = a-b
		d2 = 2*math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
		if d1 > 0:
			d2 *= -1.0
		if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
			return d1
			return d2

	def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
		bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
		return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

	def convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(pose):
		orientation_tuple = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
		angles = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_tuple)
		return (pose.position.x, pose.position.y, angles[2])

	def initialize_particle_cloud(self):
		self.particle_cloud_initialized = True
		(x,y,theta) = MyAMCL.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

		for i in range(self.n_particles):

	def normalize_particles(self):
		z = 0.0
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
			z += p.w
		for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
			self.particle_cloud[i].w /= z

	def publish_particles(self, msg):
		particles_conv = []
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
		# actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

	def scan_received(self, msg):
		if not(self.initialized):

		if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform("base_footprint",msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):

		if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform("base_footprint","odom",msg.header.stamp)):

		p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
		self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose("base_footprint",p)

		p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id="base_footprint"), pose=Pose())
		#p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id="base_footprint"), pose=Pose(position=Point(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0),orientation=Quaternion(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,w=0.0)))
		self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose("odom", p)
		new_odom_xy_theta = MyAMCL.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

		if not(self.particle_cloud_initialized):
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
			delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1], new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
			if math.fabs(delta[0]) > self.d_thresh or math.fabs(delta[1]) > self.d_thresh or math.fabs(delta[2]) > self.a_thresh:
				self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg, False)


	def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg, recompute_odom_to_map=True):
		if recompute_odom_to_map:
			(translation, rotation) = MyAMCL.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
			p = PoseStamped(pose=MyAMCL.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id="base_footprint"))
			self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose("odom", p)
		(translation, rotation) = MyAMCL.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)
		self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(translation, rotation, msg.header.stamp+rospy.Duration(1.0), "odom", "map")

	def convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation):
		return Pose(position=Point(x=translation[0],y=translation[1],z=translation[2]), orientation=Quaternion(x=rotation[0],y=rotation[1],z=rotation[2],w=rotation[3]))

	def convert_pose_inverse_transform(pose):
		translation = np.zeros((4,1))
		translation[0] = -pose.position.x
		translation[1] = -pose.position.y
		translation[2] = -pose.position.z
		translation[3] = 1.0

		rotation = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
		euler_angle = euler_from_quaternion(rotation)
		rotation = np.transpose(rotation_matrix(euler_angle[2], [0,0,1]))		# the angle is a yaw
		transformed_translation =

		translation = (transformed_translation[0], transformed_translation[1], transformed_translation[2])
		rotation = quaternion_from_matrix(rotation)
		return (translation, rotation)
Example #38
class World:
    """Object recognition and localization related stuff"""

    tf_listener = None
    objects = []

    def __init__(self):

        if World.tf_listener == None:
            World.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self.surface = None
        self._tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        self._im_server = InteractiveMarkerServer("world_objects")
        bb_service_name = "find_cluster_bounding_box"
        self._bb_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(bb_service_name, FindClusterBoundingBox)
        rospy.Subscriber("interactive_object_recognition_result", GraspableObjectList, self.receieve_object_info)
        self._object_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("object_detection_user_command", UserCommandAction)
        rospy.loginfo("Interactive object detection action " + "server has responded.")
        # The following is to get the table information
        rospy.Subscriber("tabletop_segmentation_markers", Marker, self.receieve_table_marker)

    def _reset_objects(self):
        """Function that removes all objects"""
        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
        if self.surface != None:
        World.objects = []

    def receieve_table_marker(self, marker):
        """Callback function for markers to determine table"""
        if marker.type == Marker.LINE_STRIP:
            if len(marker.points) == 6:
                rospy.loginfo("Received a TABLE marker.")
                xmin = marker.points[0].x
                ymin = marker.points[0].y
                xmax = marker.points[2].x
                ymax = marker.points[2].y
                depth = xmax - xmin
                width = ymax - ymin

                pose = Pose(marker.pose.position, marker.pose.orientation)
                pose.position.x = pose.position.x + xmin + depth / 2
                pose.position.y = pose.position.y + ymin + width / 2
                dimensions = Vector3(depth, width, 0.01)
                self.surface = World._get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions)
                self._im_server.insert(self.surface, self.marker_feedback_cb)

    def receieve_object_info(self, object_list):
        """Callback function to receive object info"""
        rospy.loginfo("Received recognized object list.")
        if len(object_list.graspable_objects) > 0:
            for i in range(len(object_list.graspable_objects)):
                models = object_list.graspable_objects[i].potential_models
                if len(models) > 0:
                    object_pose = None
                    best_confidence = 0.0
                    for j in range(len(models)):
                        if best_confidence < models[j].confidence:
                            object_pose = models[j].pose.pose
                            best_confidence = models[j].confidence
                    if object_pose != None:
                        rospy.logwarn("Adding the recognized object " + "with most confident model.")
                        self._add_new_object(object_pose, Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), True, object_list.meshes[i])
                    rospy.logwarn("... this is not a recognition result, " + "it is probably just segmentation.")
                    cluster = object_list.graspable_objects[i].cluster
                    bbox = self._bb_service(cluster)
                    cluster_pose = bbox.pose.pose
                    if cluster_pose != None:
                            "Adding unrecognized object with pose:"
                            + World.pose_to_string(cluster_pose)
                            + "\n"
                            + "In ref frame"
                            + str(bbox.pose.header.frame_id)
                        self._add_new_object(cluster_pose, bbox.box_dims, False)
            rospy.logwarn("... but the list was empty.")

    def get_pose_from_transform(transform):
        """Returns pose for transformation matrix"""
        pos = transform[:3, 3].copy()
        rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(transform)
        return Pose(Point(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]), Quaternion(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]))

    def get_matrix_from_pose(pose):
        """Returns the transformation matrix for given pose"""
        rotation = [pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w]
        transformation = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(rotation)
        position = [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z]
        transformation[:3, 3] = position
        return transformation

    def get_absolute_pose(arm_state):
        """Returns absolute pose of an end effector state"""
        if arm_state.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT:
            arm_state_copy = ArmState(
                Pose(arm_state.ee_pose.position, arm_state.ee_pose.orientation),
            World.convert_ref_frame(arm_state_copy, ArmState.ROBOT_BASE)
            return arm_state_copy.ee_pose
            return arm_state.ee_pose

    def get_most_similar_obj(ref_object, ref_frame_list):
        """Finds the most similar object in the world"""
        best_dist = 10000
        chosen_obj_index = -1
        for i in range(len(ref_frame_list)):
            dist = World.object_dissimilarity(ref_frame_list[i], ref_object)
            if dist < best_dist:
                best_dist = dist
                chosen_obj_index = i
        if chosen_obj_index == -1:
            rospy.logwarn("Did not find a similar object..")
            return None
            print "Object dissimilarity is --- ", best_dist
            if best_dist > 0.075:
                rospy.logwarn("Found some objects, but not similar enough.")
                return None
                rospy.loginfo("Most similar to new object " + str(chosen_obj_index))
                return ref_frame_list[chosen_obj_index]

    def _get_mesh_marker(marker, mesh):
        """Function that generated a marker from a mesh"""
        marker.type = Marker.TRIANGLE_LIST
        index = 0
        marker.scale = Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        while index + 2 < len(mesh.triangles):
            if (
                (mesh.triangles[index] < len(mesh.vertices))
                and (mesh.triangles[index + 1] < len(mesh.vertices))
                and (mesh.triangles[index + 2] < len(mesh.vertices))
                marker.points.append(mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[index + 1]])
                marker.points.append(mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[index + 2]])
                index += 3
                rospy.logerr("Mesh contains invalid triangle!")
        return marker

    def _add_new_object(self, pose, dimensions, is_recognized, mesh=None):
        """Function to add new objects"""
        dist_threshold = 0.02
        to_remove = None
        if is_recognized:
            # Temporary HACK for testing.
            # Will remove all recognition completely if this works.
            return False
            # Check if there is already an object
            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
                distance = World.pose_distance(World.objects[i].object.pose, pose)
                if distance < dist_threshold:
                    if World.objects[i].is_recognized:
                            "Previously recognized object at " + "the same location, will not add this object."
                        return False
                            "Previously unrecognized object at "
                            + "the same location, will replace it with the "
                            + "recognized object."
                        to_remove = i

            if to_remove != None:

            n_objects = len(World.objects)
            World.objects.append(WorldObject(pose, n_objects, dimensions, is_recognized))
            int_marker = self._get_object_marker(len(World.objects) - 1, mesh)
            World.objects[-1].int_marker = int_marker
            self._im_server.insert(int_marker, self.marker_feedback_cb)
            return True
            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
                if World.pose_distance(World.objects[i].object.pose, pose) < dist_threshold:
                    rospy.loginfo("Previously detected object at the same" + "location, will not add this object.")
                    return False

            n_objects = len(World.objects)
            World.objects.append(WorldObject(pose, n_objects, dimensions, is_recognized))
            int_marker = self._get_object_marker(len(World.objects) - 1)
            World.objects[-1].int_marker = int_marker
            self._im_server.insert(int_marker, self.marker_feedback_cb)
            return True

    def _remove_object(self, to_remove):
        """Function to remove object by index"""
        obj = World.objects.pop(to_remove)
        rospy.loginfo("Removing object " +

    #        if (obj.is_recognized):
    #            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
    #                if ((World.objects[i].is_recognized)
    #                    and World.objects[i].index>obj.index):
    #                    World.objects[i].decrease_index()
    #            self.n_recognized -= 1
    #        else:
    #            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
    #                if ((not World.objects[i].is_recognized) and
    #                    World.objects[i].index>obj.index):
    #                    World.objects[i].decrease_index()
    #            self.n_unrecognized -= 1

    def _remove_surface(self):
        """Function to request removing surface"""
        rospy.loginfo("Removing surface")
        self.surface = None

    def _get_object_marker(self, index, mesh=None):
        """Generate a marker for world objects"""
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker() = World.objects[index].get_name()
        int_marker.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        int_marker.pose = World.objects[index].object.pose
        int_marker.scale = 1

        button_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        button_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON
        button_control.always_visible = True

        object_marker = Marker(
            color=ColorRGBA(0.2, 0.8, 0.0, 0.6),

        if mesh != None:
            object_marker = World._get_mesh_marker(object_marker, mesh)

        text_pos = Point()
        text_pos.x = World.objects[index].object.pose.position.x
        text_pos.y = World.objects[index].object.pose.position.y
        text_pos.z = World.objects[index].object.pose.position.z + World.objects[index].object.dimensions.z / 2 + 0.06
                scale=Vector3(0, 0, 0.03),
                color=ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
                pose=Pose(text_pos, Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)),
        return int_marker

    def _get_surface_marker(pose, dimensions):
        """ Function that generates a surface marker"""
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker() = "surface"
        int_marker.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        int_marker.pose = pose
        int_marker.scale = 1
        button_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        button_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON
        button_control.always_visible = True
        object_marker = Marker(
            color=ColorRGBA(0.8, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4),
        text_pos = Point()
        position = pose.position
        dimensions = dimensions
        text_pos.x = position.x + dimensions.x / 2 - 0.06
        text_pos.y = position.y - dimensions.y / 2 + 0.06
        text_pos.z = position.z + dimensions.z / 2 + 0.06
        text_marker = Marker(
            scale=Vector3(0, 0, 0.03),
            color=ColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
            pose=Pose(text_pos, Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)),
        return int_marker

    def get_frame_list():
        """Function that returns the list of ref. frames"""
        objects = []
        for i in range(len(World.objects)):
        return objects

    def has_objects():
        """Function that checks if there are any objects"""
        return len(World.objects) > 0

    def object_dissimilarity(obj1, obj2):
        """Distance between two objects"""
        dims1 = obj1.dimensions
        dims2 = obj2.dimensions
        return norm(array([dims1.x, dims1.y, dims1.z]) - array([dims2.x, dims2.y, dims2.z]))

    def get_ref_from_name(ref_name):
        """Ref. frame type from ref. frame name"""
        if ref_name == "base_link":
            return ArmState.ROBOT_BASE
            return ArmState.OBJECT

    def convert_ref_frame(arm_frame, ref_frame, ref_frame_obj=Object()):
        """Transforms an arm frame to a new ref. frame"""
        if ref_frame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE:
            if arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE:
                # rospy.logwarn('No reference frame transformations ' +
                #'needed (both absolute).')
            elif arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT:
                abs_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,, "base_link")
                arm_frame.ee_pose = abs_ee_pose
                arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.ROBOT_BASE
                arm_frame.refFrameObject = Object()
                    "Unhandled reference frame conversion:" + str(arm_frame.refFrame) + " to " + str(ref_frame)
        elif ref_frame == ArmState.OBJECT:
            if arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.ROBOT_BASE:
                rel_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose, "base_link",
                arm_frame.ee_pose = rel_ee_pose
                arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.OBJECT
                arm_frame.refFrameObject = ref_frame_obj
            elif arm_frame.refFrame == ArmState.OBJECT:
                if ==
                    # rospy.logwarn('No reference frame transformations ' +
                    #'needed (same object).')
                    rel_ee_pose = World.transform(arm_frame.ee_pose,,
                    arm_frame.ee_pose = rel_ee_pose
                    arm_frame.refFrame = ArmState.OBJECT
                    arm_frame.refFrameObject = ref_frame_obj
                    "Unhandled reference frame conversion:" + str(arm_frame.refFrame) + " to " + str(ref_frame)
        return arm_frame

    def has_object(object_name):
        """Checks if the world contains the object"""
        for obj in World.objects:
            if == object_name:
                return True
        return False

    def is_frame_valid(object_name):
        """Checks if the frame is valid for transforms"""
        return (object_name == "base_link") or World.has_object(object_name)

    def transform(pose, from_frame, to_frame):
        """ Function to transform a pose between two ref. frames
        if there is a TF exception or object does not exist it
        will return the pose back without any transforms"""
        if World.is_frame_valid(from_frame) and World.is_frame_valid(to_frame):
            pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
                common_time = World.tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime(from_frame, to_frame)
                pose_stamped.header.stamp = common_time
                pose_stamped.header.frame_id = from_frame
                pose_stamped.pose = pose
                rel_ee_pose = World.tf_listener.transformPose(to_frame, pose_stamped)
                return rel_ee_pose.pose
            except tf.Exception:
                rospy.logerr("TF exception during transform.")
                return pose
            except rospy.ServiceException:
                rospy.logerr("Exception during transform.")
                return pose
            rospy.logwarn("One of the frame objects might not exist: " + from_frame + " or " + to_frame)
            return pose

    def pose_to_string(pose):
        """For printing a pose to stdout"""
        return (
            "Position: "
            + str(pose.position.x)
            + ", "
            + str(pose.position.y)
            + ", "
            + str(pose.position.z)
            + "\n"
            + "Orientation: "
            + str(pose.orientation.x)
            + ", "
            + str(pose.orientation.y)
            + ", "
            + str(pose.orientation.z)
            + ", "
            + str(pose.orientation.w)
            + "\n"

    def _publish_tf_pose(self, pose, name, parent):
        """ Publishes a TF for object pose"""
        if pose != None:
            pos = (pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z)
            rot = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
            self._tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(pos, rot,, name, parent)

    def update_object_pose(self):
        """ Function to externally update an object pose"""
        while (
            Response.gaze_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING
            or Response.gaze_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE

        if Response.gaze_client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr("Could not look down to take table snapshot")
            return False

        rospy.loginfo("Looking at table now.")
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.RESET, False)
        while (
            self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE
            or self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING
        rospy.loginfo("Object recognition has been reset.")
        rospy.loginfo("STATUS: " + self._object_action_client.get_goal_status_text())

        if self._object_action_client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr("Could not reset recognition.")
            return False

        # Do segmentation
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.SEGMENT, False)
        while (
            self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE
            or self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING
        rospy.loginfo("Table segmentation is complete.")
        rospy.loginfo("STATUS: " + self._object_action_client.get_goal_status_text())

        if self._object_action_client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr("Could not segment.")
            return False

        # Do recognition
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.RECOGNIZE, False)
        while (
            self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE
            or self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING
        rospy.loginfo("Objects on the table have been recognized.")
        rospy.loginfo("STATUS: " + self._object_action_client.get_goal_status_text())

        # Record the result
        if self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            wait_time = 0
            total_wait_time = 5
            while not World.has_objects() and wait_time < total_wait_time:
                wait_time += 0.1

            if not World.has_objects():
                rospy.logerr("Timeout waiting for a recognition result.")
                return False
                rospy.loginfo("Got the object list.")
                return True
            rospy.logerr("Could not recognize.")
            return False

    def clear_all_objects(self):
        """Removes all objects from the world"""
        goal = UserCommandGoal(UserCommandGoal.RESET, False)
        while (
            self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE
            or self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.PENDING
        rospy.loginfo("Object recognition has been reset.")
        rospy.loginfo("STATUS: " + self._object_action_client.get_goal_status_text())
        if self._object_action_client.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.loginfo("Successfully reset object localization pipeline.")

    def get_nearest_object(self, arm_pose):
        """Gives a pointed to the nearest object"""
        dist_threshold = 0.4

        def chObj(cur, obj):
            dist = World.pose_distance(obj.object.pose, arm_pose)
            return (dist, obj.object) if (dist < cur[0]) else cur

        return reduce(chObj, World.objects, (dist_threshold, None))[1]

    def pose_distance(pose1, pose2, is_on_table=True):
        """Distance between two world poses"""
        if pose1 == [] or pose2 == []:
            return 0.0
            if is_on_table:
                arr1 = array([pose1.position.x, pose1.position.y])
                arr2 = array([pose2.position.x, pose2.position.y])
                arr1 = array([pose1.position.x, pose1.position.y, pose1.position.z])
                arr2 = array([pose2.position.x, pose2.position.y, pose2.position.z])
            dist = norm(arr1 - arr2)
            if dist < 0.0001:
                dist = 0
            return dist

    def marker_feedback_cb(self, feedback):
        """Callback for when feedback from a marker is received"""
        if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.BUTTON_CLICK:
            rospy.loginfo("Clicked on object " + str(feedback.marker_name))
            rospy.loginfo("Number of objects " + str(len(World.objects)))
            rospy.loginfo("Unknown event" + str(feedback.event_type))

    def update(self):
        """Update function called in a loop"""
        # Visualize the detected object
        is_world_changed = False
        if World.has_objects():
            to_remove = None
            for i in range(len(World.objects)):
                self._publish_tf_pose(World.objects[i].object.pose, World.objects[i].get_name(), "base_link")
                if World.objects[i].is_removed:
                    to_remove = i
            if to_remove != None:
                is_world_changed = True

        return is_world_changed
Example #39
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from 

        self.n_particles = 300          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField

        gettingMap = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map',GetMap)
        myMap = gettingMap().map
        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(myMap)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        self.robot_pose = Pose()
        best_particle = Particle(0,0,0,0)
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            if particle.w > best_particle.w:
                best_particle = particle
        self.robot_pose = best_particle.as_pose()
        #print "updated pose" + str(self.robot_pose)

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
        for particle in self.particle_cloud: 
              psi = math.atan2(delta[1],delta[0])- old_odom_xy_theta[2]
              r = math.sqrt((delta[0])**2 + (delta[1])**2)
              particle.x=particle.x+ r*math.cos(old_odom_xy_theta[2]+psi)
              particle.y = particle.y + r*math.sin(old_odom_xy_theta[2]+psi)
              particle.theta = old_odom_xy_theta[2] + delta[2]

        # TODO: modify particles using delta
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        # TODO: fill out the rest of the implementation
        new_particles = []
        probabilities = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
        new_particles = ParticleFilter.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud, probabilities, len(self.particle_cloud))
        self.particle_cloud = new_particles
        print 'Particle cloud element 0' + '%s' %str(self.particle_cloud[0].x) + str(self.particle_cloud[0].y)
        print 'Particle cloud element 1' + '%s' %str(self.particle_cloud[1].x) + str(self.particle_cloud[1].y)

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        # TODO: implement this
        #print str(msg.range[0])
        #We ctually need to go through all of the range so a for loop form 0 to 360
        #We also need to delete any ranges that return 0 because that is a false reading and causes problems
        #print msg

        for part in self.particle_cloud:
            total_distace = 0
            average_distance = 0
            count = 0
            for angle in range(359):
                distance_in_front = msg.ranges[angle]
                if distance_in_front == 0:
                    count +=1
                    rad = angle/360 * 2 * math.pi
                    part.x = part.x + distance_in_front*math.cos(part.theta + rad)
                    part.y = part.y + distance_in_front*math.sin(part.theta + rad)
                    distance = OccupancyField.get_closest_obstacle_distance(self.occupancy_field, part.x, part.y)
                    total_distace += distance
            average_distance = total_distace/count

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []

        #one particle at origin
        # TODO create particles

        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(randn(), randn(),randn()))     #add robot location guess to each number

        #print self.particle_cloud

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        # TODO: implement this
        #add up all weights of all particles, divide each particle by this number 
        sumWeight = 0
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
          sumWeight += particle.w
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
          particle.w /=sumWeight

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
Example #40
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from 

        self.n_particles = 500          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.1
        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy("static_map", GetMap)
            map = static_map().map
            print("Could not receive map")

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        mean_x = 0
        mean_y = 0
        mean_theta = 0
        mean_x_vector = 0
        mean_y_vector = 0

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            mean_x += p.x*p.w
            mean_y += p.y*p.w
            mean_x_vector += math.cos(p.theta)*p.w
            mean_y_vector += math.sin(p.theta)*p.w
        mean_theta = math.atan2(mean_y_vector, mean_x_vector)
        self.robot_pose = Particle(x=mean_x,y=mean_y,theta=mean_theta).as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = {'x': new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     'y': new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     'theta': new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]}
            delta['r'] = math.sqrt(delta['x']**2 + delta['y']**2)
            delta['rot'] = angle_diff(math.atan2(delta['y'],delta['x']), old_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            p.x += delta['r']*math.cos(delta['rot'] + p.theta)
            p.y += delta['r']*math.sin(delta['rot'] + p.theta)
            p.theta += delta['theta']

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO(NOPE): nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        indices = [i for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud))]
        probs = [p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]
        # print('b')
        # print(probs)
        new_indices = self.draw_random_sample(choices=indices, probabilities=probs, n=(self.n_particles))
        new_particles = []
        for i in new_indices:
            clean_index = int(i)
            old_particle = self.particle_cloud[clean_index]
        self.particle_cloud = new_particles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            weight_sum = 0
            for i in range(360):
                n_o = p.nearest_obstacle(i, msg.ranges[i])
                error = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(n_o[0], n_o[1])
                weight_sum += math.exp(-error*error/(2*self.sigma**2))
            p.w = weight_sum / 360
            # print(p.w)

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []

        for i in range(self.n_particles):

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        w = [deepcopy(p.w) for p in self.particle_cloud]
        z = sum(w)
        if z > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
                self.particle_cloud[i].w = w[i] / z
            for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
                self.particle_cloud[i].w = 1/len(self.particle_cloud)
        print(sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud]))

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
class MarkerProcessor(object):
    def __init__(self, use_dummy_transform=False):
        if use_dummy_transform:
            self.odom_frame_name = ROBOT_NAME+"_odom_dummy"
            self.odom_frame_name = ROBOT_NAME+"_odom"

        self.marker_locators = {}

        self.pose_correction = rospy.get_param('~pose_correction',0.0)
        self.phase_offset = rospy.get_param('~phase_offset',0.0)
        self.is_flipped = rospy.get_param('~is_flipped',False)

        srv = Server(STARPoseConfig, self.config_callback)

        self.marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("ar_pose_marker",
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ROBOT_NAME+"/odom", Odometry, self.process_odom, queue_size=10)
        self.star_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(ROBOT_NAME+"/STAR_pose",PoseStamped,queue_size=10)
        self.continuous_pose = rospy.Publisher(ROBOT_NAME+"/STAR_pose_continuous",PoseStamped,queue_size=10)
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

    def add_marker_locator(self, marker_locator):
        self.marker_locators[] = marker_locator

    def config_callback(self, config, level):
        self.phase_offset = config.phase_offset
        self.pose_correction = config.pose_correction
        return config

    def process_odom(self, msg):
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=self.odom_frame_name),
            STAR_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose("STAR", p)
            STAR_pose.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
        except Exception as inst:
            print "error is", inst

    def process_markers(self, msg):
        for marker in msg.markers:
            # do some filtering basd on prior knowledge
            # we know the approximate z coordinate and that all angles but yaw should be close to zero
            euler_angles = euler_from_quaternion((marker.pose.pose.orientation.x,
            angle_diffs = TransformHelpers.angle_diff(euler_angles[0],pi), TransformHelpers.angle_diff(euler_angles[1],0)
            print angle_diffs, marker.pose.pose.position.z
            if ( in self.marker_locators and
                3.0 <= marker.pose.pose.position.z <= 3.6 and
                fabs(angle_diffs[0]) <= .4 and
                fabs(angle_diffs[1]) <= .4):
                print "FOUND IT!"
                locator = self.marker_locators[]
                xy_yaw = list(locator.get_camera_position(marker))
                if self.is_flipped:
                    print "WE ARE FLIPPED!!!"
                    xy_yaw[2] += pi
                print self.pose_correction
                print self.phase_offset
                xy_yaw[0] += self.pose_correction*cos(xy_yaw[2]+self.phase_offset)
                xy_yaw[1] += self.pose_correction*sin(xy_yaw[2]+self.phase_offset)

                orientation_tuple = quaternion_from_euler(0,0,xy_yaw[2])
                pose = Pose(position=Point(x=-xy_yaw[0],y=-xy_yaw[1],z=0),
                            orientation=Quaternion(x=orientation_tuple[0], y=orientation_tuple[1], z=orientation_tuple[2], w=orientation_tuple[3]))
                # TODO: use markers timestamp instead of now() (unfortunately, not populated currently by ar_pose)
                pose_stamped = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id="STAR"),pose=pose)
                # TODO: use frame timestamp instead of now()

    def fix_STAR_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
        (translation, rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(msg.pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=TransformHelpers.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(),frame_id=ROBOT_NAME+"_base_link"))
        except Exception as inst:
            print "whoops", inst
        print "got transform"
        self.odom_to_STAR = self.tf_listener.transformPose(ROBOT_NAME+"_odom", p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_STAR.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
            This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame_name, "STAR")

    def run(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(10)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
class FlyerViz(object):
    The main purpose of this node is to listen to telemetry from the flyer and use it to generate
    messages for the various rviz display types (in most cases, Marker or MarkerArray).

    # latest_llstatus = None
    latest_odom = None
    latest_controller_status = None

    def __init__(self):
        rospy.loginfo("Initialization complete")

    def init_params(self):
        self.publish_freq = rospy.get_param("~publish_freq", 20.0)
        self.subscriber_topic_prefix = rospy.get_param("~subscriber_topic_prefix", "downlink/")

    def init_publishers(self):
        self.mpub = rospy.Publisher("flyer_viz", Marker)
        self.mapub = rospy.Publisher("flyer_viz_array", MarkerArray)
        self.tfbr = TransformBroadcaster()

    def init_vars(self):
        self.trajectory = np.empty((1000, 3))
        self.n_trajectory = 0

    def init_viz(self):
        self.mode_t = TextMarker("mode", "", (0, 0, 0))
        self.heading_marker = HeadingMarker("heading", (0, 0, 0))
        self.vlm = VerticalLineMarker("altitude", (1, 1), color=Colors.WHITE + Alpha(0.5))
        self.alt_t = TextMarker("altitude", "0.0", (0, 0, 0))
        self.pos_t = TextMarker("position", "0.0,0.0", (0, 0, 0))
        self.trail = TrailMarker("trail", [], colors=[], color=Colors.BLUE + Alpha(0.8))
        self.ground_trail = TrailMarker("ground_track", [], color=Colors.WHITE + Alpha(0.2))
        self.boundary = PolygonMarker(
            ((1.5, 1.5, 0), (-1.5, 1.5, 0), (-1.5, -1.5, 0), (1.5, -1.5, 0)),
            color=Colors.RED + Alpha(0.5),
        ) = MarkerGroup(self.mapub)

    def init_subscribers(self):
        prefix = self.subscriber_topic_prefix
        # self.llstatus_sub = rospy.Subscriber(prefix+'autopilot/LL_STATUS', LLStatus, self.llstatus_callback) # AscTec specific.. how to make more generic?
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(prefix + "estimator/output", Odometry, self.odom_callback)
        self.controller_status_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
            prefix + "controller/status", controller_status, self.controller_status_callback

    def init_timers(self):
        self.publish_timer = Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.publish_freq), self.publish_timer_callback)

    def publish_timer_callback(self, event):
        now =
        if self.latest_controller_status is not None:
        if self.latest_odom is not None:
            pos = self.latest_odom.pose.pose.position
            loppo = self.latest_odom.pose.pose.orientation
            ori_ypr = tft.euler_from_quaternion((loppo.x, loppo.y, loppo.z, loppo.w), "rzyx")
            self.vlm.set((pos.x, pos.y), zend=pos.z)
            self.mode_t.set(pos=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 0.1))
            self.alt_t.set(text="%.3f" % -pos.z, pos=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z / 2))
            self.pos_t.set(text="%.2f, %.2f" % (pos.x, pos.y), pos=(pos.x, pos.y, 0.02))
            self.heading_marker.set(pos=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), heading=degrees(ori_ypr[0]))
                (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), (loppo.x, loppo.y, loppo.z, loppo.w), now, "/viz/flyer_axes", "/ned"
            self.tfbr.sendTransform((pos.y, pos.x, -pos.z), (0, 0, 0, 1), now, "/viz/chase", "/enu")
                (0, 0, 0), tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, radians(180), 0, "rzyx"), now, "/viz/onboard", "/viz/flyer_axes"

    #    def llstatus_callback(self, msg):
    #        self.latest_llstatus = msg

    def controller_status_callback(self, msg):
        self.latest_controller_status = msg

    def odom_callback(self, msg):
        self.latest_odom = msg
        pos = self.latest_odom.pose.pose.position
        self.trajectory[self.n_trajectory, :] = (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
        self.n_trajectory += 1
        if self.n_trajectory == self.trajectory.shape[0]:
            self.trajectory.resize((self.n_trajectory + 1000, 3))
        self.trail.append_points([(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)], [alt_color(-pos.z)])
        self.ground_trail.append_points([(pos.x, pos.y, 0)])
        mindist = min([a - b for a, b in ((XMAX, pos.x), (pos.x, XMIN), (YMAX, pos.y), (pos.y, YMIN))])
        if mindist <= 0:
            bcolor = Colors.RED + Alpha(1.0)
        elif mindist <= WARN_DIST:
            bcolor = Colors.YELLOW + Alpha(1.0)
            bcolor = Colors.GREEN + Alpha(1.0)
class NormalApproach():
    standoff = 0.368 #0.2 + 0.168 (dist from wrist to fingertips)
    frame = 'base_footprint'
    px = py = pz = 0;
    qx = qy = qz = 0;
    qw = 1;

    def __init__(self):
        rospy.Subscriber('norm_approach_right', PoseStamped, self.update_frame)
        rospy.Subscriber('r_hand_pose', PoseStamped, self.update_curr_pose)
        rospy.Subscriber('wt_lin_move_right',Float32, self.linear_move)
        self.goal_out = rospy.Publisher('wt_right_arm_pose_commands', PoseStamped)
        self.move_arm_out = rospy.Publisher('wt_move_right_arm_goals', PoseStamped) = TransformListener()
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.wt_log_out = rospy.Publisher('wt_log_out', String )

    def update_curr_pose(self, msg):
        self.currpose = msg;

    def update_frame(self, pose):

        self.standoff = 0.368
        self.frame = pose.header.frame_id
        self.px = pose.pose.position.x    = pose.pose.position.y    
        self.pz = pose.pose.position.z    
        self.qx = pose.pose.orientation.x
        self.qy = pose.pose.orientation.y
        self.qz = pose.pose.orientation.z
        self.qw = pose.pose.orientation.w

        self.tfb.sendTransform((self.px,,self.pz),(self.qx,self.qy,self.qz,self.qw),, "pixel_3d_frame", self.frame)

    def find_approach(self, msg):
        self.pose_in = msg'pixel_3d_frame','base_footprint', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(3.0))
        self.tfb.sendTransform((self.pose_in.pose.position.x, self.pose_in.pose.position.y, self.pose_in.pose.position.z),(self.pose_in.pose.orientation.x, self.pose_in.pose.orientation.y, self.pose_in.pose.orientation.z, self.pose_in.pose.orientation.w),, "pixel_3d_frame", self.pose_in.header.frame_id)'pixel_3d_frame','r_wrist_roll_link',, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        goal = PoseStamped()
        goal.header.frame_id = 'pixel_3d_frame'
        goal.header.stamp =
        goal.pose.position.z = self.standoff
        goal.pose.orientation.x = 0
        goal.pose.orientation.y = 0.5*math.sqrt(2)
        goal.pose.orientation.z = 0
        goal.pose.orientation.w = 0.5*math.sqrt(2)
        #print "Goal:\r\n %s" %goal   , 'torso_lift_link',, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        appr ='torso_lift_link', goal)
        #    print "Appr: \r\n %s" %appr    
        self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Normal Approach with right hand: Trying to move WITH motion planning")

    def linear_move(self, msg):
        print "Linear Move: Right Arm: %s m Step", 'r_wrist_roll_link', self.currpose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        newpose ='r_wrist_roll_link', self.currpose)
        newpose.pose.position.x +=
        step_goal =, newpose)
Example #44
class ParticleFilter:
	""" The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
		Attributes list:
			initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
			base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
			map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
			odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
			scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
			n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
			d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
			a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
			laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
			pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
			particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
			laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
			tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
			tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
			particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
			current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
								   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
			map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
	def __init__(self):
		self.initialized = False		# make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
		rospy.init_node('pf')			# tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

		self.base_frame = "base_link"	# the frame of the robot base
		self.map_frame = "map"			# the name of the map coordinate frame
		self.odom_frame = "odom"		# the name of the odometry coordinate frame
		self.scan_topic = "scan"		# the topic where we will get laser scans from 

		self.n_particles = 300			# the number of particles to use

		self.d_thresh = 0.2				# the amount of linear movement before performing an update
		self.a_thresh = math.pi/6		# the amount of angular movement before performing an update

		self.laser_max_distance = 2.0	# maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

		# TODO: define additional constants if needed

		self.alpha1 = 0.2
		self.alpha2 = 0.2
		self.alpha3 = 0.2
		self.alpha4 = 0.2
		self.z_hit = 0.5
		self.z_rand = 0.5
		self.sigma_hit = 0.1

		# Setup pubs and subs

		# pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
		self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
		# publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
		self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray)

		# laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
		self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

		# enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
		self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
		self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

		self.particle_cloud = []

		self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

		# request the map
		# Difficulty level 2

		static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy("static_map", GetMap)
			map = static_map().map
			print "error receiving map"

		self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
		self.initialized = True

	def update_robot_pose(self):
		""" Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
			There are two logical methods for this:
				(1): compute the mean pose
				(2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
		""" Difficulty level 2 """
		# first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
		use_mean = True
		if use_mean:
			mean_x = 0.0
			mean_y = 0.0
			mean_theta = 0.0
			theta_list = []
			weighted_orientation_vec = np.zeros((2,1))
			for p in self.particle_cloud:
				mean_x += p.x*p.w
				mean_y += p.y*p.w
				weighted_orientation_vec[0] += p.w*math.cos(p.theta)
				weighted_orientation_vec[1] += p.w*math.sin(p.theta)
			mean_theta = math.atan2(weighted_orientation_vec[1],weighted_orientation_vec[0])
			self.robot_pose = Particle(x=mean_x,y=mean_y,theta=mean_theta).as_pose()
			weights = []
			for p in self.particle_cloud:
			best_particle = np.argmax(weights)
			self.robot_pose = self.particle_cloud[best_particle].as_pose()

	def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
		""" Implement a simple version of this (Level 1) or a more complex one (Level 2) """
		new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
		if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
			old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
			delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1], new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
		# Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)
		# Avoid computing a bearing from two poses that are extremely near each
		# other (happens on in-place rotation).
		delta_trans = math.sqrt(delta[0]*delta[0] + delta[1]*delta[1])
		if delta_trans < 0.01:
			delta_rot1 = 0.0
			delta_rot1 = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]), old_odom_xy_theta[2])

		delta_rot2 = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta[2], delta_rot1)
    	# We want to treat backward and forward motion symmetrically for the
    	# noise model to be applied below.  The standard model seems to assume
    	# forward motion.
		delta_rot1_noise = min(math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot1, 0.0)), math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot1, math.pi)));
		delta_rot2_noise = min(math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot2, 0.0)), math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot2, math.pi)));

		for sample in self.particle_cloud:
			# Sample pose differences
			delta_rot1_hat = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot1, gauss(0, self.alpha1*delta_rot1_noise*delta_rot1_noise + self.alpha2*delta_trans*delta_trans))
			delta_trans_hat = delta_trans - gauss(0, self.alpha3*delta_trans*delta_trans + self.alpha4*delta_rot1_noise*delta_rot1_noise + self.alpha4*delta_rot2_noise*delta_rot2_noise)
			delta_rot2_hat = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot2, gauss(0, self.alpha1*delta_rot2_noise*delta_rot2_noise + self.alpha2*delta_trans*delta_trans))

			# Apply sampled update to particle pose
			sample.x += delta_trans_hat * math.cos(sample.theta + delta_rot1_hat)
			sample.y += delta_trans_hat * math.sin(sample.theta + delta_rot1_hat)
			sample.theta += delta_rot1_hat + delta_rot2_hat

	def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
		""" Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """

	def resample_particles(self):
		values = np.empty(self.n_particles)
		probs = np.empty(self.n_particles)
		for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
			values[i] = i
			probs[i] = self.particle_cloud[i].w

		new_particle_indices = ParticleFilter.weighted_values(values,probs,self.n_particles)
		new_particles = []
		for i in new_particle_indices:
			idx = int(i)
			s_p = self.particle_cloud[idx]

		self.particle_cloud = new_particles

	# Difficulty level 1
	def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
		""" Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
		laser_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.laser_pose.pose)
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
			adjusted_pose = (p.x+laser_xy_theta[0], p.y+laser_xy_theta[1], p.theta+laser_xy_theta[2])
			# Pre-compute a couple of things
			z_hit_denom = 2*self.sigma_hit**2
			z_rand_mult = 1.0/msg.range_max

			# This assumes quite a bit about the weights beforehand (TODO: could base this on p.w)
			new_prob = 1.0	# more agressive DEBUG, was 1.0
			for i in range(0,len(msg.ranges),6):
				pz = 1.0

				obs_range = msg.ranges[i]
				obs_bearing = i*msg.angle_increment+msg.angle_min

				if math.isnan(obs_range):

				if obs_range >= msg.range_max:

				# compute the endpoint of the laser
				end_x = p.x + obs_range*math.cos(p.theta+obs_bearing)
				end_y = p.y + obs_range*math.sin(p.theta+obs_bearing)
				z = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(end_x,end_y)
				if math.isnan(z):
					z = self.laser_max_distance
					z = z[0]	# not sure why this is happening

				pz += self.z_hit * math.exp(-(z * z) / z_hit_denom) / (math.sqrt(2*math.pi)*self.sigma_hit)
				pz += self.z_rand * z_rand_mult

				new_prob += pz**3
			p.w = new_prob

	def angle_normalize(z):
		""" convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """
		return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

	def angle_diff(a, b):
		""" Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should be in radians)
			the difference is always based on the closest rotation from angle a to angle b
				angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1
				angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2
				angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1
		a = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(a)
		b = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(b)
		d1 = a-b
		d2 = 2*math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
		if d1 > 0:
			d2 *= -1.0
		if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
			return d1
			return d2

	def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
		""" Return a random sample of size elements form the set values with the specified probabilities
			values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
			probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
			size: the number of samples
		bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
		return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

	def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
		""" Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
			These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
		xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

	def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
		""" Initialize the particle cloud.
			xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
					  particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
		if xy_theta == None:
			xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
		self.particle_cloud = []
		for i in range(self.n_particles):

	""" Level 1 """
	def normalize_particles(self):
		""" Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
		z = 0.0
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
			z += p.w
		for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
			self.particle_cloud[i].w /= z

	def publish_particles(self, msg):
		particles_conv = []
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
		# actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

	def scan_received(self, msg):
		""" This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.  Feel free to modify this, however,
			I hope it will provide a good guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
		if not(self.initialized):
			# wait for initialization to complete

		if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
			# need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
			# this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

		if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
			# need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
			# this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

		# calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
		p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
		self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

		# find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
		p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id=self.base_frame), pose=Pose())
		self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
		# store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
		new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

		if not(self.particle_cloud):
			# now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
			# cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
			# update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
		elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
			  math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
			  math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
			# we have moved far enough to do an update!
			self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)	# update based on odometry
			self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)	# update based on laser scan
			self.resample_particles()				# resample particles to focus on areas of high density
			self.update_robot_pose()				# update robot's pose
			self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)		# update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
		# publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

	def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
		""" Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
		(translation, rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
		p = PoseStamped(pose=TransformHelpers.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id=self.base_frame))
		self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
		(self.translation, self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

	def broadcast_last_transform(self):
		""" Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
			This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
		if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
		self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame, self.map_frame)
Example #45
class TransformLearner(object):
    def __init__(self):

        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.possible_base_link_poses = []
        self.baselink_averages = []

        self.rate = rospy.Rate(20)

        self.markers = { "/PATTERN_1": Pose( [-0.56297, 0.11, 0.0035],
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ),
                         "/PATTERN_2": Pose( [-0.45097, 0.11, 0.0035],
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ),
                         "/PATTERN_3": Pose( [-0.34097, 0.0, 0.0035],
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ),
                         "/PATTERN_4": Pose( [-0.34097, -0.11, 0.0035],
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ),
                         "/PATTERN_5": Pose( [-0.45097, -0.11, 0.0035],
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ),
                         "/PATTERN_6": Pose( [-0.56297, 0.0, 0.0035],
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] )

    def run(self):
        calibration_complete = False
        while ( not rospy.is_shutdown()) and (not calibration_complete):
            for index, marker in enumerate( self.markers.items() ):
                pose_tmp = self.publish_and_get_pose( marker[0], marker[1], index )
                if pose_tmp != None:
                    self.possible_base_link_poses.append( pose_tmp )

            if len( self.possible_base_link_poses ) != 0:
                best_guess_base_link_to_camera = self.average_poses()
                self.baselink_averages.append( best_guess_base_link_to_camera )
                calibration_complete = self.check_end_of_calibration()

                #print best_guess_base_link_to_camera
                print str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.position.x) + " " + str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.position.y) + " " +str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.position.z) + " " + str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.x) + " " + str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.y) + " " + str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.z) + " " + str(best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.w)

                self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform( (best_guess_base_link_to_camera.position.x, best_guess_base_link_to_camera.position.y,
                                                   (best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.x, best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.y,
                                                    best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.z, best_guess_base_link_to_camera.orientation.w),
                                                   "/computed_base_link" )


    def average_poses(self):
        Average the list of poses for the different guesses of where the kinect
        is compared to the base_link
        averaged_pose = Pose()
        for pose in self.possible_base_link_poses:
            averaged_pose.position.x += pose.position.x
            averaged_pose.position.y += pose.position.y
            averaged_pose.position.z += pose.position.z

            averaged_pose.orientation.x += pose.orientation.x
            averaged_pose.orientation.y += pose.orientation.y
            averaged_pose.orientation.z += pose.orientation.z
            averaged_pose.orientation.w += pose.orientation.w

        size = len( self.possible_base_link_poses )
        averaged_pose.position.x /= size
        averaged_pose.position.y /= size
        averaged_pose.position.z /= size

        averaged_pose.orientation.x /= size
        averaged_pose.orientation.y /= size
        averaged_pose.orientation.z /= size
        averaged_pose.orientation.w /= size

        return averaged_pose

    def publish_and_get_pose(self, marker_name, transform_marker_to_base_link, index):
        Publishes a transform between the given marker and the base link, then
        listen for the transform from /base_link to /camera_link.

        The transform between the marker and the base link is known.

        trans = None
        rot = None

        #try to get the pose of the given link_name
        # in the base_link frame.
        success = False

        base_link_name = "/base_link_" + str(index)

        for i in range (0, 500):
            self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform( transform_marker_to_base_link.position ,
                                               marker_name )
                (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform( base_link_name, '/camera_link',
                                                                 rospy.Time(0) )
                success = True

        pose = None

        if success == False:
            return pose

        pose = Pose()
        pose.position.x = trans[0]
        pose.position.y = trans[1]
        pose.position.z = trans[2]
        pose.orientation.x = rot[0]
        pose.orientation.y = rot[1]
        pose.orientation.z = rot[2]
        pose.orientation.w = rot[3]

        return pose

    def check_end_of_calibration(self):
        #Simple version: difference between the two last averages
        if len(self.baselink_averages) > 1:
            if ((math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].position.x - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].position.x)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].position.x - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].position.x)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD) and
                (math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].position.y - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].position.y)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].position.y - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].position.y)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD) and
                (math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].position.z - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].position.z)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].position.z - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].position.z)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD) and
                (math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.x - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.x)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.x - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.x)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD) and
                (math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.y - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.y)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.y - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.y)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD) and
                (math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.z - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.z)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.z - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.z)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD) and
                (math.sqrt((self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.w - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.w)
                           * (self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 1].orientation.w - self.baselink_averages[len(self.baselink_averages) - 2].orientation.w)) < CONVERGE_THRESHOLD)):
                print "This is the calibrated kinect transform value:"
                return True
                return False
            return False
class MarkerProcessor(object):
    def __init__(self, use_dummy_transform=False):
        if use_dummy_transform:
            self.odom_frame_name = "odom_dummy"
            self.odom_frame_name = "odom"

        self.marker_locators = {}

        self.marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("ar_pose_marker",
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.process_odom, queue_size=10)
        self.star_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("STAR_pose",PoseStamped,queue_size=10)
        self.continuous_pose = rospy.Publisher("STAR_pose_continuous",PoseStamped,queue_size=10)
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

    def add_marker_locator(self, marker_locator):
        self.marker_locators[] = marker_locator

    def process_odom(self, msg):
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=self.odom_frame_name),
            STAR_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose("STAR", p)
            STAR_pose.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
        except Exception as inst:
            print "error is", inst

    def process_markers(self, msg):
        for marker in msg.markers:
            # do some filtering basd on prior knowledge
            # we know the approximate z coordinate and that all angles but yaw should be close to zero
            euler_angles = euler_from_quaternion((marker.pose.pose.orientation.x,
            angle_diffs = TransformHelpers.angle_diff(euler_angles[0],pi), TransformHelpers.angle_diff(euler_angles[1],0)
            if ( in self.marker_locators and
                2.4 <= marker.pose.pose.position.z <= 2.6 and
                fabs(angle_diffs[0]) <= .2 and
                fabs(angle_diffs[1]) <= .2):
                locator = self.marker_locators[]
                xy_yaw = locator.get_camera_position(marker)
                orientation_tuple = quaternion_from_euler(0,0,xy_yaw[2])
                pose = Pose(position=Point(x=xy_yaw[0],y=xy_yaw[1],z=0),
                            orientation=Quaternion(x=orientation_tuple[0], y=orientation_tuple[1], z=orientation_tuple[2], w=orientation_tuple[3]))
                # TODO: use markers timestamp instead of now() (unfortunately, not populated currently by ar_pose)
                pose_stamped = PoseStamped(header=Header(,frame_id="STAR"),pose=pose)
                    offset, quaternion = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform("/base_link", "/base_laser_link", rospy.Time(0))
                except Exception as inst:
                    print "Error", inst
                # TODO: use frame timestamp instead of now()
                pose_stamped_corrected = deepcopy(pose_stamped)
                pose_stamped_corrected.pose.position.x -= offset[0]*cos(xy_yaw[2])
                pose_stamped_corrected.pose.position.y -= offset[0]*sin(xy_yaw[2])

    def fix_STAR_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
        (translation, rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(msg.pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=TransformHelpers.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(),frame_id="base_link"))
        except Exception as inst:
            print "whoops", inst
        print "got transform"
        self.odom_to_STAR = self.tf_listener.transformPose("odom", p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_STAR.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
            This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame_name, "STAR")

    def run(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(10)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
Example #47
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    xy_theta = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 250         # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.model_noise_rate = 0.15
        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField
        grid = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map',GetMap)
        my_map = grid().map
        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.field = OccupancyField(my_map)
        self.initialized = True

    def create_initial_particle_list(self,xy_theta):
        init_particle_list = []
        n = self.n_particles
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            w = 1.0/n
            x = gauss(xy_theta[0],0.5)
            y = gauss(xy_theta[1],0.5)
            theta = gauss(xy_theta[2],((math.pi)/2))
            particle = Particle(x,y,theta,w)
        return init_particle_list

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        x = 0
        y = 0
        theta = 0
        angles = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            x += particle.x * particle.w
            y += particle.y * particle.w
            v = [particle.w * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta)), particle.w * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta))]
        theta = sum_vectors(angles)
        orientation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,theta)
        self.robot_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=x,y=y),orientation=Quaternion(x=orientation[0], y=orientation[1], z=orientation[2], w=orientation[3]))

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.

        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update 
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

            for particle in self.particle_cloud:
                parc = (math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]) % 360
                particle.x += (math.sqrt((delta[0]**2) + (delta[1]**2)))* math.cos(parc)
                particle.y += (math.sqrt((delta[0]**2) + (delta[1]**2))) * math.sin(parc)
                particle.theta += delta[2]
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
        # TODO: modify particles using delta
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        values = np.empty(self.n_particles)
        probs = np.empty(self.n_particles)
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            values[i] = i
            probs[i] = self.particle_cloud[i].w
        new_random_particle = ParticleFilter.weighted_values(values,probs,self.n_particles)
        new_particles = []
        for i in new_random_particle:
            idx = int(i)
            s_p = self.particle_cloud[idx]
        self.particle_cloud = new_particles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        readings = msg.ranges
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            for read in range(0,len(readings),3):


    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)-1]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        #self.particle_cloud = []
        # TODO create particles
        self.particle_cloud = self.create_initial_particle_list(xy_theta)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        w_sum = sum([p.w for p in self.particle_cloud])

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= w_sum
        # TODO: implement this

    def publish_particles(self, msg):

        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """

        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):

class MirrorPointer(object):
    def __init__(self): = TransformListener()
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster() = True
        self.head_pose = PoseStamped()
        self.goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('goal_pose', PoseStamped)
        rospy.Subscriber('/head_center', PoseStamped, self.head_pose_cb)
        rospy.Service('/point_mirror', PointMirror, self.point_mirror_cb)

    def head_pose_cb(self, msg):
        """Save update head pose, transforming to torso frame if necessary"""
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
        if not (msg.header.frame_id.lstrip('/') == 'torso_lift_link'):
            self.head_pose ='/torso_lift_link', msg)
            self.head_pose = msg

    def get_current_mirror_pose(self):
        """Get the current pose of the mirror (hardcoded relative to tool frame"""
        mp = PoseStamped()
        mp.header.frame_id = "/r_gripper_tool_frame"
        mp.pose.position = Point(0.15, 0, 0)
        mp.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1)
        mirror_pose ="torso_lift_link", mp)
        return mirror_pose

    def get_pointed_mirror_pose(self):
        """Get the pose of the mirror pointet at the goal location"""
        target_pt = PointStamped(self.head_pose.header, self.head_pose.pose.position)
        mp = self.get_current_mirror_pose()
        pu.aim_pose_to(mp, target_pt, (0,1,0))
        return mp

    def trans_mirror_to_wrist(self, mp):
        """Get the wrist location from a mirror pose"""
        mp.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
            mp_in_mf ='mirror',mp)
        mp_in_mf.pose.position.x -= 0.15
            wp ='torso_lift_link',mp_in_mf)
        return wp

    def head_pose_sensible(self, ps):
        """Set a bounding box on reasonably expected head poses"""
        if ((ps.pose.position.x < 0.35) or
            (ps.pose.position.x > 1.0) or
            (ps.pose.position.y < -0.2) or
            (ps.pose.position.y > 0.85) or
            (ps.pose.position.z < -0.3) or
            (ps.pose.position.z > 1) ):
            return False
            return True

    def point_mirror_cb(self, req):
        rospy.loginfo("Mirror Adjust Request Received")
        if not self.head_pose_sensible(self.head_pose):
            rospy.logwarn("Registered Head Position outside of expected region: %s" %self.head_pose)
            return PoseStamped()
        mp = self.get_pointed_mirror_pose()
        goal = self.trans_mirror_to_wrist(mp)
        goal.header.stamp =
        resp = PointMirrorResponse()
        resp.wrist_pose = goal
        #print "Head Pose: "
        #print self.head_pose
        return resp

    def broadcast_mirror_tf(self):
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
            robot_pose: estimated position of the robot of type geometry_msgs/Pose

    # some constants! :) -emily and franz
    TAU = math.pi * 2.0
    # to be used in update_particles_with_odom
    RADIAL_SIGMA = .03 # meters

    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 30  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed
        #set self.visualize_weights to True if you want to see a plot of xpos vs weights every time the particles are updated
        self.visualize_weights = True 

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.rawcloud_pub = rospy.Publisher("rawcloud", PoseArray, queue_size=1)
        self.odomcloud_pub = rospy.Publisher("odomcloud", PoseArray, queue_size=1)
        self.lasercloud_pub = rospy.Publisher("lasercloud", PoseArray, queue_size=1)
        self.resamplecloud_pub = rospy.Publisher("resamplecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=1)
        self.finalcloud_pub = rospy.Publisher("finalcloud", PoseArray, queue_size=1)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        get_static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(get_static_map().map)
        self.robot_pose = Pose()
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose (level 2)
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution) (level 1)

        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # compute mean pose by calculating the weighted average of each position and angle
        mean_x = 0
        mean_y = 0
        mean_theta = 0
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            mean_x += particle.w * particle.x
            mean_y += particle.w * particle.y
            mean_theta += particle.w * particle.theta
        mean_particle = Particle(mean_x, mean_y, mean_theta)
        self.robot_pose = mean_particle.as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Implement a simple version of this (Level 1) or a more complex one (Level 2) """
        new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (
                new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        r1 = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
        delta_distance = np.linalg.norm([delta[0], delta[1]])
        r2 = delta[2] - r1

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            # randomly pick the deltas for radial distance, mean angle, and orientation angle
            delta_random_radius = np.random.normal(0, ParticleFilter.RADIAL_SIGMA)
            delta_random_mean_angle = random_sample() * ParticleFilter.TAU / 2.0
            delta_random_orient_angle = np.random.normal(0, ParticleFilter.ORIENTATION_SIGMA)

            # calculate the deltas
            delta_random_x = delta_random_radius * math.cos(delta_random_mean_angle)
            delta_random_y = delta_random_radius * math.sin(delta_random_mean_angle)

            # update the mean (add deltas)
            particle.theta += r1
            particle.x += math.cos(particle.theta) * delta_distance + delta_random_x
            particle.y += math.sin(particle.theta) * delta_distance + delta_random_y
            particle.theta += r2 + delta_random_orient_angle

        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights """
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        probabilities = [particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud]

        new_particle_cloud = []
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            random_particle = deepcopy(np.random.choice(self.particle_cloud, p=probabilities))

        self.particle_cloud = new_particle_cloud

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """

        # compare the distance to the closest occupied location
        # of the hypothesis and laser scan measurement
        # give it a weight inversely proportional to the error

        valid_ranges = self.filter_laser(msg.ranges)

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            total_probability_density = 1

            for angle in valid_ranges:
                radius = valid_ranges[angle]
                angle = (angle+.25*ParticleFilter.TAU) % ParticleFilter.TAU
                x = math.cos(angle+particle.theta) * radius + particle.x
                y = math.sin(angle+particle.theta) * radius + particle.y
                dist_to_nearest_neighbor = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x, y)

                # calculate probability of nearest neighbor's distance
                probability_density = normal(dist_to_nearest_neighbor, .05)
                total_probability_density *= 1 + probability_density #the 1+ is hacky
                # TODO: make the total_probability_density function more legit

            particle.w = total_probability_density
            # rospy.loginfo(particle.w)

    def visualize_p_weights(self):
        """ Produces a plot of particle weights vs. x position """
        # close any figures that are open

        # initialize the things
        xpos = np.zeros(len(self.particle_cloud))
        weights = np.zeros(len(self.particle_cloud))
        x_i = 0
        weights_i = 0

        # grab the current values
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            xpos[x_i] = p.x 
            weights[weights_i] = p.w

            x_i += 1
            weights_i += 1

        # plotting current xpos and weights
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.title('xpos vs weights')
        plt.plot(xpos, weights, 'ro') 

    def angle_normalize(z):
        """ convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """
        return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

    def angle_diff(a, b):
        """ Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should be in radians)
            the difference is always based on the closest rotation from angle a to angle b
                angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1
                angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2
                angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1
        a = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(a)
        b = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(b)
        d1 = a - b
        d2 = 2 * math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
        if d1 > 0:
            d2 *= -1.0
        if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
            return d1
            return d2

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements form the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
        rospy.loginfo("initialize particle cloud")
        self.particle_cloud = []
        map_info =
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
            x = random_sample()* map_info.width * map_info.resolution * 0.1
            if random_sample() > 0.5:
                x = -x
            y = random_sample()* map_info.height * map_info.resolution * 0.1 
            if random_sample() > 0.5:
                y = -y
            theta = random_sample() * math.pi*2
            self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(x, y, theta))


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e.
            sum to 1.0) """
        sum = 0
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            sum += particle.w
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= sum

    def publish_particles(self, pub):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz
            PoseArray(header=Header(, frame_id=self.map_frame), poses=particles_conv))

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.  Feel free to modify this, however,
            I hope it will provide a good guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not self.initialized:
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(0))):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node
            rospy.logwarn("can't transform to laser scan")

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame, rospy.Time(0))):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node
            rospy.logwarn("can't transform to base frame")

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header = Header(stamp = rospy.Time(0),
                                        frame_id = msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header = Header(stamp = rospy.Time(0),
                                        frame_id = self.base_frame))
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not self.particle_cloud:
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
                      math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
                      math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan

            self.resample_particles()  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
            if self.visualize_weights:

        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
        (translation, rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=TransformHelpers.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation, rotation),
                        header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=self.base_frame))
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
            This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,

    def filter_laser(self, ranges):
        """ Takes the message from a laser scan as an array and returns a dictionary of angle:distance pairs"""
        valid_ranges = {}
        for i in range(len(ranges)):
            if ranges[i] > 0.0 and ranges[i] < 3.5:
                valid_ranges[i] = ranges[i]
        return valid_ranges
Example #50
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            number_of_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from 

        self.number_of_particles = 1000          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # Fetch map using OccupancyField
        static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(static_map().map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        avg_x = 0
        avg_y = 0
        theta_x = 0
        theta_y = 0
        # Multiple x and y by particle weights to find new robot pose
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            avg_x += particle.x * particle.w
            avg_y += particle.y * particle.w
            theta_x += math.cos(particle.theta) * particle.w
            theta_y += math.sin(particle.theta) * particle.w
        # Calculate theta using arc tan of x and y components of all thetas multiplied by particle weights
        avg_theta = math.atan2(theta_y, theta_x)
        avg_particle = Particle(x=avg_x, y=avg_y, theta=avg_theta)
        # Update robot pose based on average particle
        self.robot_pose = avg_particle.as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
        temp = []
        # Use trigonometry to update particles based on new odometry pose
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            psy = math.atan2(delta[1],delta[0])-old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            intermediate_theta = particle.theta + psy
            # Calculate radius based on change in x and y
            r = math.sqrt(delta[0]**2 + delta[1]**2)
            # Update x and y based on radius and new angle
            new_x = particle.x + r*math.cos(intermediate_theta) + np.random.randn()*0.1
            new_y = particle.y + r*math.sin(intermediate_theta) + np.random.randn()*0.1
            # Add change in angle to old angle
            new_theta = delta[2]+particle.theta + np.random.randn()*0.1
        self.particle_cloud = temp

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        probabilities = []
        # create list of particle weights to pass into draw_random_sample for resampling
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            print particle.w
        print '\n'
        temp_particle_cloud = self.draw_random_sample(self.particle_cloud, probabilities, 100)
        self.particle_cloud = []
        for particle in temp_particle_cloud:
            for i in range(10):

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        temp = 0
        ranges = []
        min_range = 5

        for item in msg.ranges:
            # set ranges to 5 if the laser scan is 0
            if item == 0:
        # do weighted averages for cleaner data
        for i in range(355):
            avg = sum(ranges[i:i+5]) / len(ranges[i:i+5])
            if avg < min_range:
                min_range = avg
                min_theta = (i + 2.5)*math.pi / 180.0
        # find the minimum range across 360 angles, this probably caused an issue
        r = min_range

        # Update particle x, y, theta based on min range, previous particles
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            x = particle.x+r*math.cos(particle.theta + min_theta)
            y = particle.y+r*math.sin(particle.theta + min_theta)
            temp = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
            # Update particle weights using a sharp Gaussian
            particle.w = np.exp(-np.power(temp, 2.) / (2 * np.power(0.3, 2.)))

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # Initialize particle cloud with a decent amount of noise
        for i in range (0,self.number_of_particles):

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        particle_sum = 0
        # Sum up particle weights to divide by for normalization
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle_sum += particle.w
        # Make all particle weights add to 1
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w /= particle_sum

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
Example #51
class MirrorPointer(object):
    def __init__(self): = TransformListener()
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster() = True
        self.head_pose = PoseStamped()
        self.goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('goal_pose', PoseStamped)
        rospy.Subscriber('/head_center', PoseStamped, self.head_pose_cb)
        rospy.Service('/point_mirror', PointMirror, self.point_mirror_cb)

    def head_pose_cb(self, msg):
        """Save update head pose, transforming to torso frame if necessary"""
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
        if not (msg.header.frame_id.lstrip('/') == 'torso_lift_link'):
            self.head_pose ='/torso_lift_link', msg)
            self.head_pose = msg

    def get_current_mirror_pose(self):
        """Get the current pose of the mirror (hardcoded relative to tool frame"""
        mp = PoseStamped()
        mp.header.frame_id = "/r_gripper_tool_frame"
        mp.pose.position = Point(0.15, 0, 0)
        mp.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)
        mirror_pose ="torso_lift_link", mp)
        return mirror_pose

    def get_pointed_mirror_pose(self):
        """Get the pose of the mirror pointet at the goal location"""
        target_pt = PointStamped(self.head_pose.header,
        mp = self.get_current_mirror_pose()
        pu.aim_pose_to(mp, target_pt, (0, 1, 0))
        return mp

    def trans_mirror_to_wrist(self, mp):
        """Get the wrist location from a mirror pose"""
        mp.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
            mp_in_mf ='mirror', mp)
        mp_in_mf.pose.position.x -= 0.15
            wp ='torso_lift_link', mp_in_mf)
        return wp

    def head_pose_sensible(self, ps):
        """Set a bounding box on reasonably expected head poses"""
        if ((ps.pose.position.x < 0.35) or (ps.pose.position.x > 1.0)
                or (ps.pose.position.y < -0.2) or (ps.pose.position.y > 0.85)
                or (ps.pose.position.z < -0.3) or (ps.pose.position.z > 1)):
            return False
            return True

    def point_mirror_cb(self, req):
        rospy.loginfo("Mirror Adjust Request Received")
        if not self.head_pose_sensible(self.head_pose):
                "Registered Head Position outside of expected region: %s" %
            return PoseStamped()
        mp = self.get_pointed_mirror_pose()
        goal = self.trans_mirror_to_wrist(mp)
        goal.header.stamp =
        resp = PointMirrorResponse()
        resp.wrist_pose = goal
        #print "Head Pose: "
        #print self.head_pose
        return resp

    def broadcast_mirror_tf(self):
        self.tfb.sendTransform((0.15, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1),,
                               "mirror", "r_gripper_tool_frame")
Example #52
class ArmUtils():
    wipe_started = False 
    standoff = 0.368 #0.2 + 0.168 (dist from wrist to fingertips)
    torso_min = 0.0115 
    torso_max = 0.295 
    dist = 0. 

    move_arm_error_dict = {
         -1 : "PLANNING_FAILED: Could not plan a clear path to goal.", 
          0 : "Move Arm Action Aborted on Internal Failure.", 
          1 : "SUCCEEDED", 
         -2 : "TIMED_OUT",
         -3 : "START_STATE_IN_COLLISION: Try freeing the arms manually.",
         -5 : "GOAL_IN_COLLISION",
         -7 : "INVALID_ROBOT_STATE",
         -9 : "INVALID_PLANNER_ID",
         -12 : "INVALID_GROUP_NAME",
         -19 : "INVALID_TRAJECTORY",
         -20 : "INVALID_INDEX",
         -21 : "JOINT_LIMITS_VIOLATED",
         -25 : "JOINTS_NOT_MOVING",
         -29 : "ROBOT_STATE_STALE",
         -30 : "SENSOR_INFO_STALE",
         -31 : "NO_IK_SOLUTION: Cannot reach goal configuration.",
         -32 : "INVALID_LINK_NAME",
         -33 : "IK_LINK_IN_COLLISION: Cannot reach goal configuration without contact.",
         -34 : "NO_FK_SOLUTION",
         -36 : "INVALID_TIMEOUT"

    def __init__(self, tfListener=None):

        self.move_left_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_left_arm', arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmAction)
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_left_arm server")
        if self.move_left_arm_client.wait_for_server():
            rospy.loginfo("Found move_left_arm server")
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot find move_left_arm server")

        self.l_arm_traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action', JointTrajectoryAction)
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action server")
        if self.l_arm_traj_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
            rospy.loginfo("Found l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action server")
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot find l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action server")

        self.l_arm_follow_traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('l_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for l_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server")
        if self.l_arm_follow_traj_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
            rospy.loginfo("Found l_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server")
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot find l_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory server")

        self.torso_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction)
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for  torso_controller/position_joint_action server")
        if self.torso_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
            rospy.loginfo("Found torso_controller/position_joint_action server")
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot find torso_controller/position_joint_action server")

        self.l_gripper_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('l_gripper_controller/gripper_action', Pr2GripperCommandAction)
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for l_gripper_controller/gripper_action server")
        if self.l_gripper_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
            rospy.loginfo("Found l_gripper_controller/gripper_action server")
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot find l_gripper_controller/gripper_action server")
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for l_utility_frame_service")
            rospy.wait_for_service('/l_utility_frame_update', 7.0)
            self.update_frame = rospy.ServiceProxy('/l_utility_frame_update', FrameUpdate)
            rospy.loginfo("Found l_utility_frame_service")
            rospy.logwarn("Left Utility Frame Service Not available")
        #self.joint_state_lock = RLock()
        rospy.Subscriber('l_arm_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.update_joint_state)
        self.torso_state_lock = RLock()
        rospy.Subscriber('torso_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.update_torso_state)
        #self.l_arm_command = rospy.Publisher('/l_arm_controller/command', JointTrajectory )
        self.wt_log_out = rospy.Publisher('wt_log_out', String)

        if tfListener is None:
   = TransformListener()
   = tfListener
        self.tfb = TransformBroadcaster()
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for FK/IK Solver services")
            #self.fk_info_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_fk_solver_info',
            #                                        GetKinematicSolverInfo)
            #self.fk_info = self.fk_info_proxy()
            #self.fk_pose_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_fk', GetPositionFK, True)    
            self.ik_info_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_ik_solver_info',
            self.ik_info = self.ik_info_proxy()
            self.ik_pose_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pr2_left_arm_kinematics/get_ik', GetPositionIK, True)    
            rospy.loginfo("Found FK/IK Solver services")
            rospy.logerr("Could not find FK/IK Solver services")
        self.set_planning_scene_diff_name = '/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff'
        self.set_planning_scene_diff = rospy.ServiceProxy('/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff', SetPlanningSceneDiff)
    def update_joint_state(self, jtcs):
        self.joint_state_time = jtcs.header.stamp
        self.joint_state_act = jtcs.actual
        self.joint_state_des = jtcs.desired
        self.joint_state_err = jtcs.error

    def update_torso_state(self, jtcs):
        self.torso_state = jtcs
    def curr_pose(self):
        print "getting current pose"
        (trans,rot) ='/torso_lift_link', '/l_wrist_roll_link', rospy.Time(0))
        cp = PoseStamped()
        cp.header.stamp =
        cp.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
        cp.pose.position = Point(*trans)
        cp.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*rot)
        print cp
        return cp
    def wait_for_stop(self, wait_time=1, timeout=60):
        end_time =
        while not self.is_stopped():

    def is_stopped(self):
        time = self.joint_state_time
        vels = self.joint_state_act.velocities
        if np.allclose(vels, np.zeros(7)) and (<rospy.Duration(0.1):
            return True
            return False

  #  def get_fk(self, msg, frame='/torso_lift_link', link=-1): # get FK pose of a list of joint angles for the arm
  #      fk_request = GetPositionFKRequest()
  #      fk_request.header.frame_id = frame
  #      #fk_request.header.stamp =
  #      fk_request.fk_link_names =  self.fk_info.kinematic_solver_info.link_names
  #      fk_request.robot_state.joint_state.position = msg #self.joint_state_act.positions
  # = self.fk_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
  #      try:
  #          return self.fk_pose_proxy(fk_request).pose_stamped[link]
  #      except rospy.ServiceException, e:
  #          rospy.loginfo("FK service did not process request: %s" %str(e))

    def adjust_elbow(self, f32):
        request = self.form_ik_request(self.curr_pose())
        angs =  list(request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position)
        if == 1:
            angs[2] += 0.25
            angs[2] -= 0.25
        request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = angs 
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
        if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
            rospy.loginfo("Cannot adjust elbow position further")
            self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Cannot adjust elbow position further")

    def gripper(self, position, effort=30):
        pos = np.clip(position,0.0, 0.09)
        goal = Pr2GripperCommandGoal()
        goal.command.position = pos
        goal.command.max_effort = effort
        finished_within_time = self.l_gripper_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(15))
        if not (finished_within_time):
            rospy.loginfo("Timed out moving left gripper")
            return False
            state = self.l_gripper_client.get_state()
            result = self.l_gripper_client.get_result()
            if (state == 3): #3 == SUCCEEDED
                rospy.loginfo("Gripper Action Succeeded")
                return True
                rospy.loginfo("Gripper Action Failed")
                rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
                return False

    def find_approach(self, msg, stdoff=0.15):
        stdoff += 0.217#+0.09 #adjust fingertip standoffs for distance to wrist link
        self.pose_in = msg'lh_utility_frame','base_footprint', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(3.0))
        self.tfb.sendTransform((self.pose_in.pose.position.x, self.pose_in.pose.position.y,
                                (self.pose_in.pose.orientation.x, self.pose_in.pose.orientation.y,
                                self.pose_in.pose.orientation.z, self.pose_in.pose.orientation.w),
                                self.pose_in.header.frame_id)'lh_utility_frame','l_wrist_roll_link',, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        goal = PoseStamped()
        goal.header.frame_id = 'lh_utility_frame'
        goal.header.stamp =
        goal.pose.position.z = stdoff
        goal.pose.orientation.x = 0
        goal.pose.orientation.y = 0.5*math.sqrt(2)
        goal.pose.orientation.z = 0
        goal.pose.orientation.w = 0.5*math.sqrt(2), 'torso_lift_link',, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        appr ='torso_lift_link', goal)
        appr.pose.position.z -= 0.01
        appr.pose.position.y += 0.0085
        return appr

    def hand_frame_move(self, x, y=0, z=0, pose = None):
        #print "Left Hand Frame Move"
        if pose is None:
            pose = self.curr_pose(), '/l_wrist_roll_link', pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        newpose ='/l_wrist_roll_link', pose)
        newpose.pose.position.x += x
        newpose.pose.position.y += y
        newpose.pose.position.z += z
        self.dist = math.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
        return, newpose)

    def pose_frame_move(self, pose, x, y=0, z=0):
        pose.header.stamp =, 'lh_utility_frame', pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        framepose ='lh_utility_frame', pose)
        framepose.pose.position.x += x
        framepose.pose.position.y += y
        framepose.pose.position.z += z
        self.dist = math.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)'lh_utility_frame', pose.header.frame_id, pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        return, framepose)

    def send_angles_wrap(self, angles_in):
        cur = list(self.joint_state_act.positions)
        diff = np.subtract(angles_in, cur)
        risks = np.nonzero(diff>math.pi)
        angles_in[risks] -= 2*math.pi
        if angles_in[risks] < -4.095:
            angles_in[risks] += 4*math.pi
        if angles_in[risks] >3.821:
            angles_in[risks] -= 2*math.pi
        print "Adjusting joint angles!"
        print "Current: ", cur
        print "Sending: ", angles_in
        raw_input('Confirm Joint Angles')

    def build_trajectory(self, finish, start=None, ik_space = 0.015, duration = None, tot_points=None, jagged=False):
        if start == None: # if given one pose, use current position as start, else, assume (start, finish)
            start = self.curr_pose()
        # Based upon distance to travel, determine the number of intermediate poses required
        # find linear increments of position.

        dist = self.calc_dist(start,finish)     #Total distance to travel
        ik_steps = math.ceil(dist/ik_space)     
        print "IK Steps: %s" %ik_steps
        ik_fracs = np.linspace(0, 1, ik_steps)   #A list of fractional positions along course to evaluate ik

        x_gap = finish.pose.position.x - start.pose.position.x
        y_gap = finish.pose.position.y - start.pose.position.y
        z_gap = finish.pose.position.z - start.pose.position.z

        qs = [start.pose.orientation.x, start.pose.orientation.y,
              start.pose.orientation.z, start.pose.orientation.w] 
        qf = [finish.pose.orientation.x, finish.pose.orientation.y,
              finish.pose.orientation.z, finish.pose.orientation.w] 

        #For each step between start and finish, find a complete pose (linear position changes, and quaternion slerp)
        poses = [PoseStamped() for i in range(len(ik_fracs))]
        for i,frac in enumerate(ik_fracs):
            poses[i].header.stamp =
            poses[i].header.frame_id = start.header.frame_id
            poses[i].pose.position.x = start.pose.position.x + x_gap*frac
            poses[i].pose.position.y = start.pose.position.y + y_gap*frac
            poses[i].pose.position.z = start.pose.position.z + z_gap*frac
            new_q = transformations.quaternion_slerp(qs,qf,frac)
            poses[i].pose.orientation = Quaternion(*new_q)
        rospy.loginfo("Planning straight-line path, please wait")
        self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Planning straight-line path, please wait")
        if jagged:
            for i,p in enumerate(poses):
                if i%2 == 0:
                    poses[i] = self.pose_frame_move(poses[i], 0, 0.007,0)
                    poses[i] = self.pose_frame_move(poses[i], 0, -0.007,0)
        #return poses
        return self.fill_ik_traj(poses, dist, duration, tot_points)

    def check_trajectory(self, traj):
        traj_angles = [list(traj.points[i].positions) for i in range(len(traj.points))]
        for i in range(7):
            traj_max = max(np.abs(np.diff(traj_angles,axis=0)[i]))
            traj_mean = 4*np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(traj_angles,axis=0)[i]))
            print 'traj: max: ', traj_max, 'mean: ', traj_mean 
            if traj_max >= traj_mean:
                self.wt_log_out.publish(data="The path requested required large movements (IK Limits cause angle wrapping)")
                self.say.publish(data="Large motion detected, cancelling. Please try again.")
                return False
                return True

    def fill_ik_traj(self, poses, dist=None, duration=None, tot_points=None):
        if dist is None:
            dist = self.calc_dist(poses[0], poses[-1])
        if duration is None:
            duration = dist*30
        if tot_points is None:
           tot_points = 500*dist
        ik_fracs = np.linspace(0, 1, len(poses))   #A list of fractional positions along course to evaluate ik

        req = self.form_ik_request(poses[0])
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
        seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position

        ik_points = [[0]*7 for i in range(len(poses))]
        for i, p in enumerate(poses):
            request = self.form_ik_request(p)
            request.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = seed
            ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
            ik_points[i] = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
            seed = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position # seed the next ik w/previous points results
            ik_points = np.array(ik_points)
            print "Value error"
            print 'ik_points: ', ik_points
        print 'ik_points_array: ', ik_points
        ang_fracs = np.linspace(0,1, tot_points)  
        diff = np.max(np.abs(np.diff(ik_points,1,0)),0)
        print 'diff: ', diff
        for i in xrange(len(ik_points)):
            if ik_points[i,4]<0.:
                ik_points[i,4] += 2*math.pi
        if any(ik_points[:,4]>3.8):
            print "OVER JOINT LIMITS!"
            ik_points[:,4] -= 2*math.pi

        # Linearly interpolate angles between ik-defined points (non-linear in cartesian space, but this is reduced from dense ik sampling along linear path.  Used to maintain large number of trajectory points without running IK on every one.    
        angle_points = np.zeros((7, tot_points))
        for i in xrange(7):
            angle_points[i,:] = np.interp(ang_fracs, ik_fracs, ik_points[:,i])

        #Build Joint Trajectory from angle positions
        traj = JointTrajectory()
        traj.header.frame_id = poses[0].header.frame_id
        traj.joint_names = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
        #print 'angle_points', len(angle_points[0]), angle_points
        for i in range(len(angle_points[0])):
            traj.points[i].positions = angle_points[:,i]
            traj.points[i].velocities = [0]*7
            traj.points[i].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(ang_fracs[i]*duration)
        angles_safe = self.check_trajectory(traj)
        if angles_safe:
            print "Check Passed: Angles Safe"
            return traj
            print "Check Failed: Unsafe Angles"
            return None

    def build_follow_trajectory(self, traj):
        # Build 'Follow Joint Trajectory' goal from trajectory (includes tolerances for error)
        traj_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
        traj_goal.trajectory = traj
        tolerance = JointTolerance()
        tolerance.position = 0.05
        tolerance.velocity = 0.1
        traj_goal.path_tolerance = [tolerance for i in range(len(traj.points))]
        traj_goal.goal_tolerance = [tolerance for i in range(len(traj.points))]
        traj_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(3)
        return traj_goal

    def move_torso(self, pos):
        rospy.loginfo("Moving Torso to reach arm goal")
        goal_out = SingleJointPositionGoal()
        goal_out.position = pos
        finished_within_time = False
        finished_within_time = self.torso_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(45))
        if not (finished_within_time):
            self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Timed out moving torso")
            rospy.loginfo("Timed out moving torso")
            return False
            state = self.torso_client.get_state()
            result = self.torso_client.get_result()
            if (state == 3): #3 == SUCCEEDED
                rospy.loginfo("Torso Action Succeeded")
                self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Move Torso Succeeded")
                return True
                rospy.loginfo("Move Torso Failed")
                rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
                self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Move Torso Failed")
                return False

    def check_torso(self, request):
        rospy.loginfo("Checking Torso")
        goal_z = request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z
        #print "Goal z: %s" %goal_z
        torso_pos = self.torso_state.actual.positions[0]
        spine_range = [self.torso_min - torso_pos, self.torso_max - torso_pos]
        rospy.loginfo("Spine Range: %s" %spine_range)
        #Check for exact solution if goal can be made level with spine (possible known best case first)
        if goal_z >= spine_range[0] and goal_z <= spine_range[1]: 
            rospy.loginfo("Goal within spine movement range")
            request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0;
            streach_goal = goal_z
        elif goal_z > spine_range[1]:#Goal is above possible shoulder height
            rospy.loginfo("Goal above spine movement range")
            request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z -= spine_range[1]
            streach_goal = spine_range[1]
        else:#Goal is below possible shoulder height
            rospy.loginfo("Goal below spine movement range")
            request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z -= spine_range[0]
            streach_goal = spine_range[0]
        #print "Checking optimal position, which gives: \r\n %s" %request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
        if ik_goal.error_code.val ==1:
            rospy.loginfo("Goal can be reached by moving spine")
            self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Goal can be reached by moving spine")
            #print "Streach Goal: %s" %streach_goal
            rospy.loginfo("Goal cannot be reached, even using spine movement")
            return [False, request.ik_request.pose_stamped]

        #Find nearest working solution (so you don't wait for full-range spine motions all the time, but move incrementally
        trial = 1
        while True:
            request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = goal_z - 0.1*trial*streach_goal
            ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(request)
            if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
                self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Using torso to reach goal")
                rospy.loginfo("Using Torso to reach goal")
                #print "Acceptable modified Pose: \r\n %s" %request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position
                streached = self.move_torso(torso_pos + 0.1*trial*streach_goal)
                return [True, request.ik_request.pose_stamped]
                if trial < 10:
                    trial += 1
                    print "Trial %s" %trial
                    return [False, request.ik_request.pose_stamped]
    def fast_move(self, ps, time=0.):
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(self.form_ik_request(ps))
        if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            point.positions = ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position
            self.send_traj_point(point, time)
            rospy.logerr("FAST MOVE IK FAILED!")

    def blind_move(self, ps, duration = None):
        (reachable, ik_goal) = self.full_ik_check(ps)
        if reachable:
            self.send_joint_angles(ik_goal.solution.joint_state.position, duration)

    def ik_check(self, ps):
        req = self.form_ik_request(ps)
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
        if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
            return (True, ik_goal)
            return (False, ik_goal)

    def full_ik_check(self, ps):
        #print "Blind Move Command Received:\r\n %s" %ps.pose.position
        req = self.form_ik_request(ps)
        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
        if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
            self.dist = self.calc_dist(ps)
            #print "Initial IK Good, sending goal: %s" %ik_goal
            return (True, ik_goal)
         #   print "Initial IK Bad, finding better solution"
            (torso_succeeded, pos) = self.check_torso(req)
            if torso_succeeded:
          #      print "Successful with Torso, sending new position"
           #     print "Fully reachable with torso adjustment: New Pose:\r\n %s" %pos
                self.dist = self.calc_dist(pos)
                ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(self.form_ik_request(pos))# From pose, get request, get ik
                return (True, ik_goal)
                rospy.loginfo("Incrementing Reach")
                percent = 0.9
                while percent > 0.01:
                    print "Percent: %s" %percent
                    #print "Trying to move %s percent of the way" %percent
                    goal_pos = req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position
                    #print "goal_pos: \r\n %s" %goal_pos
                    curr_pos = self.curr_pose()
                    curr_pos = curr_pos.pose.position
                    #print "curr_pos: \r\n %s" %curr_pos
                    req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = curr_pos.x + percent*(goal_pos.x-curr_pos.x)
                    req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = curr_pos.y + percent*(goal_pos.y-curr_pos.y)
                    req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = curr_pos.z + percent*(goal_pos.z-curr_pos.z)
                    #print "Check torso for part-way pose:\r\n %s" %req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position
                    (torso_succeeded, pos) = self.check_torso(req)
                    #print "Pos: %s" %pos
                    if torso_succeeded:
                        print "Successful with Torso, sending new position"
                        self.dist = self.calc_dist(pos)
                        #print "new pose from torso movement: \r\n %s" %pos.pose.position
                        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(self.form_ik_request(pos))# From pose, get request, get ik
                        return (True, ik_goal)
                        rospy.loginfo("Torso Could not reach goal")
                        ik_goal = self.ik_pose_proxy(req)
                        if ik_goal.error_code.val == 1:
                            rospy.loginfo("Initial Goal Out of Reach, Moving as Far as Possible")
                            self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Initial Goal Out of Reach, Moving as Far as Possible")
                            self.dist = self.calc_dist(req.ik_request.pose_stamped)
                            return (True, ik_goal)
                            percent -= 0.1
                rospy.loginfo("IK Failed: Error Code %s" %str(ik_goal.error_code))
                self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Inverse Kinematics Failed: Goal Out of Reach.")    
                return (False, ik_goal)

    def calc_dist(self, ps1, ps2=None):
        if ps2 is None:
            ps2 = self.curr_pose()

        p1 = ps1.pose.position
        p2 = ps2.pose.position
        wrist_dist = math.sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)**2 + (p1.y-p2.y)**2 + (p1.z-p2.z)**2)

        np2 ='lh_utility_frame', ps2)
        np2.pose.position.x += 0.21, 'torso_lift_link',, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        p2 ='torso_lift_link', np2)
        np1 ='lh_utility_frame', ps1)
        np1.pose.position.x += 0.21, 'torso_lift_link',, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        p1 ='torso_lift_link', np1)
        p1 = p1.pose.position
        p2 = p2.pose.position
        finger_dist = math.sqrt((p1.x-p2.x)**2 + (p1.y-p2.y)**2 + (p1.z-p2.z)**2)
        dist = max(wrist_dist, finger_dist)
        print 'Calculated Distance: ', dist
        return dist 

    def form_ik_request(self, ps):
        #print "forming IK request for :%s" %ps
        req = GetPositionIKRequest()
        req.timeout = rospy.Duration(5)
        req.ik_request.pose_stamped = ps 
        req.ik_request.ik_link_name = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.link_names[-1] =  self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
        req.ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position =  self.joint_state_act.positions
        return req
    def send_joint_angles(self, angles, duration = None):
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = angles
        self.send_traj_point(point, duration)

    def send_traj_point(self, point, time=None):
        if time is None: 
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(max(20*self.dist, 4))
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time)
        joint_traj = JointTrajectory()
        joint_traj.header.stamp =
        joint_traj.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
        joint_traj.joint_names = self.ik_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names
        joint_traj.points[0].velocities = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
        #print joint_traj
        rarm_goal = JointTrajectoryGoal()
        rarm_goal.trajectory = joint_traj


    def move_arm_to(self, goal_in):
        rospy.loginfo("composing move_left_arm goal")

        goal_out = arm_navigation_msgs.msg.MoveArmGoal()

        goal_out.motion_plan_request.group_name = "left_arm"
        goal_out.motion_plan_request.num_planning_attempts = 1
        goal_out.motion_plan_request.planner_id = ""
        goal_out.planner_service_name = "ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path"
        goal_out.motion_plan_request.allowed_planning_time = rospy.Duration(5.0)
        pos = arm_navigation_msgs.msg.PositionConstraint()
        pos.header.frame_id = goal_in.header.frame_id 
        pos.position = goal_in.pose.position

        pos.constraint_region_shape.type = 0 

        pos.constraint_region_orientation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1)
        pos.weight = 1

        ort = arm_navigation_msgs.msg.OrientationConstraint()    
        ort.orientation = goal_in.pose.orientation
        ort.absolute_roll_tolerance = ort.absolute_pitch_tolerance = ort.absolute_yaw_tolerance = 0.02
        ort.weight = 0.5
        rospy.loginfo("Sending command to move arm with planning")
        self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Sending command to move arm with planning.")

        finished_within_time = False
        finished_within_time = self.move_left_arm_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(60))
        if not (finished_within_time):
            self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Timed out achieving left arm goal pose")
            rospy.loginfo("Timed out achieving left arm goal pose")
            return False
            state = self.move_left_arm_client.get_state()
            result = self.move_left_arm_client.get_result()
            if (state == 3): #3 == SUCCEEDED
                rospy.loginfo("Action Finished: %s" %state)
                self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Move Left Arm with Motion Planning: %s" %self.move_arm_error_dict[result.error_code.val])
                return True
                if result.error_code.val == 1:
                    rospy.loginfo("Move_left_arm_action failed: Unable to plan a path to goal")
                    self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Move Left Arm with Motion Planning: Failed: Unable to plan a path to the goal")
                elif result.error_code.val == -31:
                    (torso_succeeded, pos) = self.check_torso(self.form_ik_request(goal_in))
                    if torso_succeeded:
                        rospy.loginfo("IK Failed in Current Position. Adjusting Height and Retrying")
                        self.wt_log_out.publish(data="IK Failed in Current Position. Adjusting Height and Retrying")
                        rospy.loginfo("Move_left_arm action failed: %s" %state)
                        rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
                        self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Move Left Arm with Motion Planning and Torso Check Failed: %s" %self.move_arm_error_dict[result.error_code.val])
                    rospy.loginfo("Move_left_arm action failed: %s" %state)
                    rospy.loginfo("Failure Result: %s" %result)
                    self.wt_log_out.publish(data="Move Left  Arm with Motion Planning: Failed: %s" %self.move_arm_error_dict[result.error_code.val])
            return False
Example #53
rospy.loginfo('loading calibration parameters into namespace {}'.format(

orig = calib.transformation.header.frame_id  # tool or base link
dest = calib.transformation.child_frame_id  # tracking_base_frame

transformer = TransformerROS()
result_tf = calib.transformation.transform
transl = result_tf.translation.x, result_tf.translation.y, result_tf.translation.z
rot = result_tf.rotation.x, result_tf.rotation.y, result_tf.rotation.z, result_tf.rotation.w
cal_mat = transformer.fromTranslationRotation(transl, rot)
if inverse:
    cal_mat = tfs.inverse_matrix(cal_mat)
    orig, dest = dest, orig
translation = tfs.translation_from_matrix(cal_mat)
rotation = tfs.quaternion_from_matrix(cal_mat)

rospy.loginfo('publishing transformation ' + orig + ' -> ' + dest + ':\n' +
              str((translation, rotation)))

broad = TransformBroadcaster()

rate = rospy.Rate(50)

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    broad.sendTransform(translation, rotation,, dest,
                        orig)  # takes ..., child, parent
Example #54
class PublishTf:
    def __init__(self): = TransformBroadcaster()
        self.pub_freq = 20.0
        self.parent_frame_id = "world"
        self.child1_frame_id = "reference1"
        self.child2_frame_id = "reference2"
        self.child3_frame_id = "reference3"
        self.child4_frame_id = "reference4"
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.pub_freq), self.reference2)
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.pub_freq), self.reference3)
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / self.pub_freq), self.reference4)

    def reference2(self, event):
        self.pub_tf(self.child1_frame_id, self.child2_frame_id, [1, 0, 0])

    def reference3(self, event):
        self.pub_tf(self.child1_frame_id, self.child3_frame_id, [math.sin(, 0, 0])

    def reference4(self, event):
        self.pub_tf(self.child1_frame_id, self.child4_frame_id, [math.sin(,
                                                                 math.cos(, 0])

    def pub_tf(self, parent_frame_id, child1_frame_id, xyz=[0, 0, 0], rpy=[0, 0, 0]):
        start =
  [0], xyz[1], xyz[2]), transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
                rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2]),, child1_frame_id, parent_frame_id)
        except rospy.ROSException:
            rospy.logdebug("could not send transform")
        stop =
        if (stop-start).to_sec() > 1/self.pub_freq:
            rospy.logwarn("Publishing tf took longer than specified loop rate " + str((stop-start).to_sec()) + ", should be less than " + str(1/self.pub_freq))

    def pub_line(self, length=1, time=1):
        rate = rospy.Rate(int(self.pub_freq))

        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 2) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 2
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [t * length, 0, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 2) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 2
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [(1 - t) * length, 0, 0])

    def pub_circ(self, radius=1, time=1):
        rate = rospy.Rate(int(self.pub_freq))

        for i in range(int(self.pub_freq * time) + 1):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [-radius * math.cos(2 * math.pi * t) + radius,
                                                                     -radius * math.sin(2 * math.pi * t),

    def pub_quadrat(self, length=1, time=1):
        rate = rospy.Rate(int(self.pub_freq))

        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [t * length, 0, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [length, t * length, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [(1 - t) * length, length, 0])
        for i in range((int(self.pub_freq * time / 4) + 1)):
            t = i / self.pub_freq / time * 4
            self.pub_tf(self.parent_frame_id, self.child1_frame_id, [0, (1 - t) * length, 0])

    def check_for_ctrlc(self):
        if rospy.is_shutdown():
Example #55
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
		Attributes list:
			initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
			base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
			map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
			odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
			scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
			n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
			d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
			a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
			laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
			pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
			particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
			laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
			tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
			tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
			particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
			current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
								   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
			map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 300  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        self.alpha1 = 0.2
        self.alpha2 = 0.2
        self.alpha3 = 0.2
        self.alpha4 = 0.2
        self.z_hit = 0.5
        self.z_rand = 0.5
        self.sigma_hit = 0.1

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose",
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan,

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map
        # Difficulty level 2

        static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy("static_map", GetMap)
            map = static_map().map
            print "error receiving map"

        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
			There are two logical methods for this:
				(1): compute the mean pose
				(2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        """ Difficulty level 2 """
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized
        use_mean = True
        if use_mean:
            mean_x = 0.0
            mean_y = 0.0
            mean_theta = 0.0
            theta_list = []
            weighted_orientation_vec = np.zeros((2, 1))
            for p in self.particle_cloud:
                mean_x += p.x * p.w
                mean_y += p.y * p.w
                weighted_orientation_vec[0] += p.w * math.cos(p.theta)
                weighted_orientation_vec[1] += p.w * math.sin(p.theta)
            mean_theta = math.atan2(weighted_orientation_vec[1],
            self.robot_pose = Particle(x=mean_x, y=mean_y,
            weights = []
            for p in self.particle_cloud:
            best_particle = np.argmax(weights)
            self.robot_pose = self.particle_cloud[best_particle].as_pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Implement a simple version of this (Level 1) or a more complex one (Level 2) """
        new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
        # Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)
        # Avoid computing a bearing from two poses that are extremely near each
        # other (happens on in-place rotation).
        delta_trans = math.sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1])
        if delta_trans < 0.01:
            delta_rot1 = 0.0
            delta_rot1 = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(
                math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]), old_odom_xy_theta[2])

        delta_rot2 = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta[2], delta_rot1)
        # We want to treat backward and forward motion symmetrically for the
        # noise model to be applied below.  The standard model seems to assume
        # forward motion.
        delta_rot1_noise = min(
            math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot1, 0.0)),
            math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot1, math.pi)))
        delta_rot2_noise = min(
            math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot2, 0.0)),
            math.fabs(ParticleFilter.angle_diff(delta_rot2, math.pi)))

        for sample in self.particle_cloud:
            # Sample pose differences
            delta_rot1_hat = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(
                    0, self.alpha1 * delta_rot1_noise * delta_rot1_noise +
                    self.alpha2 * delta_trans * delta_trans))
            delta_trans_hat = delta_trans - gauss(
                0, self.alpha3 * delta_trans * delta_trans +
                self.alpha4 * delta_rot1_noise * delta_rot1_noise +
                self.alpha4 * delta_rot2_noise * delta_rot2_noise)
            delta_rot2_hat = ParticleFilter.angle_diff(
                    0, self.alpha1 * delta_rot2_noise * delta_rot2_noise +
                    self.alpha2 * delta_trans * delta_trans))

            # Apply sampled update to particle pose
            sample.x += delta_trans_hat * math.cos(sample.theta +
            sample.y += delta_trans_hat * math.sin(sample.theta +
            sample.theta += delta_rot1_hat + delta_rot2_hat

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """

    def resample_particles(self):
        values = np.empty(self.n_particles)
        probs = np.empty(self.n_particles)
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            values[i] = i
            probs[i] = self.particle_cloud[i].w

        new_particle_indices = ParticleFilter.weighted_values(
            values, probs, self.n_particles)
        new_particles = []
        for i in new_particle_indices:
            idx = int(i)
            s_p = self.particle_cloud[idx]
                Particle(x=s_p.x + gauss(0, .025),
                         y=s_p.y + gauss(0, .025),
                         theta=s_p.theta + gauss(0, .025)))

        self.particle_cloud = new_particles

    # Difficulty level 1
    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        laser_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            adjusted_pose = (p.x + laser_xy_theta[0], p.y + laser_xy_theta[1],
                             p.theta + laser_xy_theta[2])
            # Pre-compute a couple of things
            z_hit_denom = 2 * self.sigma_hit**2
            z_rand_mult = 1.0 / msg.range_max

            # This assumes quite a bit about the weights beforehand (TODO: could base this on p.w)
            new_prob = 1.0  # more agressive DEBUG, was 1.0
            for i in range(0, len(msg.ranges), 6):
                pz = 1.0

                obs_range = msg.ranges[i]
                obs_bearing = i * msg.angle_increment + msg.angle_min

                if math.isnan(obs_range):

                if obs_range >= msg.range_max:

                # compute the endpoint of the laser
                end_x = p.x + obs_range * math.cos(p.theta + obs_bearing)
                end_y = p.y + obs_range * math.sin(p.theta + obs_bearing)
                z = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(
                    end_x, end_y)
                if math.isnan(z):
                    z = self.laser_max_distance
                    z = z[0]  # not sure why this is happening

                pz += self.z_hit * math.exp(-(z * z) / z_hit_denom) / (
                    math.sqrt(2 * math.pi) * self.sigma_hit)
                pz += self.z_rand * z_rand_mult

                new_prob += pz**3
            p.w = new_prob

    def angle_normalize(z):
        """ convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """
        return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

    def angle_diff(a, b):
        """ Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should be in radians)
			the difference is always based on the closest rotation from angle a to angle b
				angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1
				angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2
				angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1
        a = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(a)
        b = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(b)
        d1 = a - b
        d2 = 2 * math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
        if d1 > 0:
            d2 *= -1.0
        if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
            return d1
            return d2

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements form the set values with the specified probabilities
			values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
			probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
			size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
			These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
			xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
					  particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(
        self.particle_cloud = []
        for i in range(self.n_particles):
                Particle(x=xy_theta[0] + gauss(0, .25),
                         y=xy_theta[1] + gauss(0, .25),
                         theta=xy_theta[2] + gauss(0, .25)))

    """ Level 1 """

    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        z = 0.0
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
            z += p.w
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            self.particle_cloud[i].w /= z

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.  Feel free to modify this, however,
			I hope it will provide a good guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            )  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
         rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(
        p = PoseStamped(
                translation, rotation),
            header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp, frame_id=self.base_frame))
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
         self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
			This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,
Example #56
class ParticleFilter:
	""" The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
		Attributes list:
			initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
			base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
			map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
			odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
			scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
			n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
			d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
			a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
			laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
			pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
			particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
			laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
			tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
			tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
			particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
			current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
								   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
			map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
	def __init__(self):
		self.initialized = False		# make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
		rospy.init_node('pf')			# tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

		self.base_frame = "base_link"	# the frame of the robot base
		self.map_frame = "map"			# the name of the map coordinate frame
		self.odom_frame = "odom"		# the name of the odometry coordinate frame
		self.scan_topic = "scan"		# the topic where we will get laser scans from 

		self.n_particles = 300			# the number of particles to use

		self.d_thresh = 0.2				# the amount of linear movement before performing an update
		self.a_thresh = math.pi/6		# the amount of angular movement before performing an update

		self.laser_max_distance = 2.0	# maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

		# TODO: define additional constants if needed

		# Setup pubs and subs

		# pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
		self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
		# publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
		self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray)

		# laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
		self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

		# enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
		self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
		self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

		self.particle_cloud = []

		self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

		# request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
		# TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
		#		into the init method for OccupancyField

		self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
		self.initialized = True

	def update_robot_pose(self):
		""" Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
			There are two logical methods for this:
				(1): compute the mean pose (level 2)
				(2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution) (level 1)
		# TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object

		# first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

	def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
		""" Implement a simple version of this (Level 1) or a more complex one (Level 2) """
		new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
		# compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
		if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
			old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
			delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0], new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1], new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

		# TODO: modify particles using delta
		# For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

	def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
		""" Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
		# TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

	def resample_particles(self):
		""" Resample the particles according to the new particle weights """
		# make sure the distribution is normalized
		# TODO: fill out the rest of the implementation

	def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
		""" Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
		# TODO: implement this

	def angle_normalize(z):
		""" convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """
		return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

	def angle_diff(a, b):
		""" Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should be in radians)
			the difference is always based on the closest rotation from angle a to angle b
				angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1
				angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2
				angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1
		a = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(a)
		b = ParticleFilter.angle_normalize(b)
		d1 = a-b
		d2 = 2*math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
		if d1 > 0:
			d2 *= -1.0
		if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
			return d1
			return d2

	def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
		""" Return a random sample of size elements form the set values with the specified probabilities
			values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
			probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
			size: the number of samples
		bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
		return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

	def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
		""" Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
			These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
		xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

	def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
		""" Initialize the particle cloud.
			xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
					  particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
		if xy_theta == None:
			xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
		self.particle_cloud = []
		# TODO create particles


	def normalize_particles(self):
		""" Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
		# TODO: implement this

	def publish_particles(self, msg):
		particles_conv = []
		for p in self.particle_cloud:
		# actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

	def scan_received(self, msg):
		""" This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.  Feel free to modify this, however,
			I hope it will provide a good guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
		if not(self.initialized):
			# wait for initialization to complete

		if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
			# need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
			# this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

		if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
			# need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
			# this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

		# calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
		p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
		self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

		# find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
		p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id=self.base_frame), pose=Pose())
		self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
		# store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
		new_odom_xy_theta = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

		if not(self.particle_cloud):
			# now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
			# cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
			self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
			# update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
		elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
			  math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
			  math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
			# we have moved far enough to do an update!
			self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)	# update based on odometry
			self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)	# update based on laser scan
			self.resample_particles()				# resample particles to focus on areas of high density
			self.update_robot_pose()				# update robot's pose
			self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)		# update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
		# publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

	def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
		""" Super tricky code to properly update map to odom transform... do not modify this... Difficulty level infinity. """
		(translation, rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
		p = PoseStamped(pose=TransformHelpers.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,frame_id=self.base_frame))
		self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
		(self.translation, self.rotation) = TransformHelpers.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

	def broadcast_last_transform(self):
		""" Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map to odom transformation.
			This is necessary so things like move_base can work properly. """
		if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
		self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame, self.map_frame)
Example #57
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False  # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
            'pf')  # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"  # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"  # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"  # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "scan"  # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 300  # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2  # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi / 6  # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0  # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        # TODO: define additional constants if needed

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose",
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud",

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan,

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        # TODO: fill in the appropriate service call here.  The resultant map should be assigned be passed
        #       into the init method for OccupancyField

        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        #self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(map)
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            There are two logical methods for this:
                (1): compute the mean pose
                (2): compute the most likely pose (i.e. the mode of the distribution)
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        # TODO: assign the lastest pose into self.robot_pose as a geometry_msgs.Pose object
        # just to get started we will fix the robot's pose to always be at the origin
        self.robot_pose = Pose()

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        # TODO: modify particles using delta
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self, x, y, theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """
        # TODO: nothing unless you want to try this alternate likelihood model

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized
        # TODO: fill out the rest of the implementation

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        # TODO: implement this

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        self.particle_cloud = []
        # TODO create particles


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        # TODO: implement this

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not (self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(
                self.base_frame, msg.header.frame_id, msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not (self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame, self.odom_frame,
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(
            header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0), frame_id=msg.header.frame_id))
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame, p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not (self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) >
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh
              or math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] -
                           self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)  # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)  # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()  # update robot's pose
            )  # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            )  # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and 
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer
            TODO: if you want to learn a lot about tf, reimplement this... I can provide
                  you with some hints as to what is going on here. """
         rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(
            translation, rotation),
                                          self.odom_frame, msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
         self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), self.odom_frame,
Example #58
class ParticleFilter:
    """ The class that represents a Particle Filter ROS Node
        Attributes list:
            initialized: a Boolean flag to communicate to other class methods that initializaiton is complete
            base_frame: the name of the robot base coordinate frame (should be "base_link" for most robots)
            map_frame: the name of the map coordinate frame (should be "map" in most cases)
            odom_frame: the name of the odometry coordinate frame (should be "odom" in most cases)
            scan_topic: the name of the scan topic to listen to (should be "scan" in most cases)
            n_particles: the number of particles in the filter
            d_thresh: the amount of linear movement before triggering a filter update
            a_thresh: the amount of angular movement before triggering a filter update
            laser_max_distance: the maximum distance to an obstacle we should use in a likelihood calculation
            pose_listener: a subscriber that listens for new approximate pose estimates (i.e. generated through the rviz GUI)
            particle_pub: a publisher for the particle cloud
            laser_subscriber: listens for new scan data on topic self.scan_topic
            tf_listener: listener for coordinate transforms
            tf_broadcaster: broadcaster for coordinate transforms
            particle_cloud: a list of particles representing a probability distribution over robot poses
            current_odom_xy_theta: the pose of the robot in the odometry frame when the last filter update was performed.
                                   The pose is expressed as a list [x,y,theta] (where theta is the yaw)
            map: the map we will be localizing ourselves in.  The map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialized = False        # make sure we don't perform updates before everything is setup
        rospy.init_node('pf')           # tell roscore that we are creating a new node named "pf"

        self.base_frame = "base_link"   # the frame of the robot base
        self.map_frame = "map"          # the name of the map coordinate frame
        self.odom_frame = "odom"        # the name of the odometry coordinate frame
        self.scan_topic = "base_scan"        # the topic where we will get laser scans from

        self.n_particles = 500          # the number of particles to use

        self.d_thresh = 0.2             # the amount of linear movement before performing an update
        self.a_thresh = math.pi/6       # the amount of angular movement before performing an update

        self.laser_max_distance = 2.0   # maximum penalty to assess in the likelihood field model

        self.sigma = 0.08                # guess for how inaccurate lidar readings are in meters

        # Setup pubs and subs

        # pose_listener responds to selection of a new approximate robot location (for instance using rviz)
        self.pose_listener = rospy.Subscriber("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)
        # publish the current particle cloud.  This enables viewing particles in rviz.
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("particlecloud", PoseArray, queue_size=10)
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("markers", MarkerArray, queue_size=10)

        # laser_subscriber listens for data from the lidar
        self.laser_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_received)

        # enable listening for and broadcasting coordinate transforms
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

        self.particle_cloud = []

        self.current_odom_xy_theta = []

        # request the map from the map server, the map should be of type nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
        self.map_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap) = self.map_server().map
        # for now we have commented out the occupancy field initialization until you can successfully fetch the map
        self.occupancy_field = OccupancyField(
        self.initialized = True

    def update_robot_pose(self):
        """ Update the estimate of the robot's pose given the updated particles.
            Computed by taking the weighted average of poses.
        # first make sure that the particle weights are normalized

        x = 0
        y = 0
        theta = 0
        angles = []
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            x += particle.x * particle.w
            y += particle.y * particle.w
            v = [particle.w * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta)), particle.w * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta))]
        theta = sum_vectors(angles)
        orientation_tuple = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,theta)
        self.robot_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=x,y=y),orientation=Quaternion(x=orientation_tuple[0], y=orientation_tuple[1], z=orientation_tuple[2], w=orientation_tuple[3]))

    def update_particles_with_odom(self, msg):
        """ Update the particles using the newly given odometry pose.
            The function computes the value delta which is a tuple (x,y,theta)
            that indicates the change in position and angle between the odometry
            when the particles were last updated and the current odometry.

            msg: this is not really needed to implement this, but is here just in case.
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        # compute the change in x,y,theta since our last update
        if self.current_odom_xy_theta:
            old_odom_xy_theta = self.current_odom_xy_theta
            delta = (new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1],
                     new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2])

            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta

        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            r1 = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - old_odom_xy_theta[2]
            d = math.sqrt((delta[0]**2) + (delta[1]**2))

            particle.theta += r1 % 360
            particle.x += d * math.cos(particle.theta) + normal(0,0.1)
            particle.y += d * math.sin(particle.theta) + normal(0,0.1)
            particle.theta += (delta[2] - r1 + normal(0,0.1)) % 360
        # For added difficulty: Implement sample_motion_odometry (Prob Rob p 136)

    def map_calc_range(self,x,y,theta):
        """ Difficulty Level 3: implement a ray tracing likelihood model... Let me know if you are interested """

    def resample_particles(self):
        """ Resample the particles according to the new particle weights.
            The weights stored with each particle should define the probability that a particular
            particle is selected in the resampling step.  You may want to make use of the given helper
            function draw_random_sample.
        # make sure the distribution is normalized

        newParticles = []
        for i in range(len(self.particle_cloud)):
            # resample the same # of particles
            choice = random_sample()
            # all the particle weights sum to 1
            csum = 0 # cumulative sum
            for particle in self.particle_cloud:
                csum += particle.w
                if csum >= choice:
                    # if the random choice fell within the particle's weight
        self.particle_cloud = newParticles

    def update_particles_with_laser(self, msg):
        """ Updates the particle weights in response to the scan contained in the msg """
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            tot_prob = 0
            for index, scan in enumerate(msg.ranges):
                x,y = self.transform_scan(particle,scan,index)
                # transform scan to view of the particle
                d = self.occupancy_field.get_closest_obstacle_distance(x,y)
                # calculate nearest distance to particle's scan (should be near 0 if it's on robot)
                tot_prob += math.exp((-d**2)/(2*self.sigma**2))
                # add probability (0 to 1) to total probability

            tot_prob = tot_prob/len(msg.ranges)
            # normalize total probability back to 0-1
            particle.w = tot_prob
            # assign particles weight

    def transform_scan(self, particle, distance, theta):
        """ Calculates the x and y of a scan from a given particle
        particle: Particle object
        distance: scan distance (from ranges)
        theta: scan angle (range index)
        return (particle.x + distance * math.cos(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)),
                particle.y + distance * math.sin(math.radians(particle.theta + theta)))

    def weighted_values(values, probabilities, size):
        """ Return a random sample of size elements from the set values with the specified probabilities
            values: the values to sample from (numpy.ndarray)
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in values (numpy.ndarray)
            size: the number of samples
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probabilities)
        return values[np.digitize(random_sample(size), bins)]

    def draw_random_sample(choices, probabilities, n):
        """ Return a random sample of n elements from the set choices with the specified probabilities
            choices: the values to sample from represented as a list
            probabilities: the probability of selecting each element in choices represented as a list
            n: the number of samples
        values = np.array(range(len(choices)))
        probs = np.array(probabilities)
        bins = np.add.accumulate(probs)
        inds = values[np.digitize(random_sample(n), bins)]
        samples = []
        for i in inds:
        return samples

    def update_initial_pose(self, msg):
        """ Callback function to handle re-initializing the particle filter based on a pose estimate.
            These pose estimates could be generated by another ROS Node or could come from the rviz GUI """
        xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(msg.pose.pose)

    def initialize_particle_cloud(self, xy_theta=None):
        """ Initialize the particle cloud.
            xy_theta: a triple consisting of the mean x, y, and theta (yaw) to initialize the
                      particle cloud around.  If this input is ommitted, the odometry will be used """
        if xy_theta == None:
            xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)
        rad = 1 # meters

        self.particle_cloud = []
        self.particle_cloud.append(Particle(xy_theta[0], xy_theta[1], xy_theta[2]))
        for i in range(self.n_particles-1):
            # initial facing of the particle
            theta = random.random() * 360

            # compute params to generate x,y in a circle
            other_theta = random.random() * 360
            radius = random.random() * rad
            # x => straight ahead
            x = radius * math.sin(other_theta) + xy_theta[0]
            y = radius * math.cos(other_theta) + xy_theta[1]
            particle = Particle(x,y,theta)


    def normalize_particles(self):
        """ Make sure the particle weights define a valid distribution (i.e. sum to 1.0) """
        tot_weight = sum([particle.w for particle in self.particle_cloud]) or 1
        for particle in self.particle_cloud:
            particle.w = particle.w/tot_weight;

    def publish_particles(self, msg):
        particles_conv = []
        for p in self.particle_cloud:
        # actually send the message so that we can view it in rviz

        marker_array = []
        for index, particle in enumerate(self.particle_cloud):
            marker = Marker(header=Header(,


    def scan_received(self, msg):
        """ This is the default logic for what to do when processing scan data.
            Feel free to modify this, however, I hope it will provide a good
            guide.  The input msg is an object of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan """
        if not(self.initialized):
            # wait for initialization to complete

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,msg.header.frame_id,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform the laser to the base frame
            # this will be given by either Gazebo or neato_node

        if not(self.tf_listener.canTransform(self.base_frame,self.odom_frame,msg.header.stamp)):
            # need to know how to transform between base and odometric frames
            # this will eventually be published by either Gazebo or neato_node

        # calculate pose of laser relative ot the robot base
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=rospy.Time(0),
        self.laser_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.base_frame,p)

        # find out where the robot thinks it is based on its odometry
        p = PoseStamped(header=Header(stamp=msg.header.stamp,
        self.odom_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        # store the the odometry pose in a more convenient format (x,y,theta)
        new_odom_xy_theta = convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self.odom_pose.pose)

        if not(self.particle_cloud):
            # now that we have all of the necessary transforms we can update the particle cloud
            # cache the last odometric pose so we can only update our particle filter if we move more than self.d_thresh or self.a_thresh
            self.current_odom_xy_theta = new_odom_xy_theta
            # update our map to odom transform now that the particles are initialized
        elif (math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[0] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[0]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[1] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[1]) > self.d_thresh or
              math.fabs(new_odom_xy_theta[2] - self.current_odom_xy_theta[2]) > self.a_thresh):
            # we have moved far enough to do an update!
            self.update_particles_with_odom(msg)    # update based on odometry
            self.update_particles_with_laser(msg)   # update based on laser scan
            self.update_robot_pose()                # update robot's pose
            self.resample_particles()               # resample particles to focus on areas of high density
            self.fix_map_to_odom_transform(msg)     # update map to odom transform now that we have new particles
        # publish particles (so things like rviz can see them)

    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, msg):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.robot_pose)
        p = PoseStamped(pose=convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation,rotation),
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.odom_frame, p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose)

    def broadcast_last_transform(self):
        """ Make sure that we are always broadcasting the last map
            to odom transformation.  This is necessary so things like
            move_base can work properly. """
        if not(hasattr(self,'translation') and hasattr(self,'rotation')):
Example #59
class TFHelper(object):
    """ TFHelper Provides functionality to convert poses between various
        forms, compare angles in a suitable way, and publish needed
        transforms to ROS """
    def __init__(self):
        self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
        self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()

    def convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(translation, rotation):
        """ Convert from representation of a pose as translation and rotation
            (Quaternion) tuples to a geometry_msgs/Pose message """
        return Pose(position=Point(x=translation[0],

    def convert_pose_inverse_transform(self, pose):
        """ This is a helper method to invert a transform (this is built into
            the tf C++ classes, but ommitted from Python) """
        transform = t.concatenate_matrices(
                [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z]),
                pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z,
        inverse_transform_matrix = t.inverse_matrix(transform)
        return (t.translation_from_matrix(inverse_transform_matrix),

    def convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self, pose):
        """ Convert pose (geometry_msgs.Pose) to a (x,y,yaw) tuple """
        orientation_tuple = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                             pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
        angles = t.euler_from_quaternion(orientation_tuple)
        return (pose.position.x, pose.position.y, angles[2])

    def convert_theta_to_quaternion(theta):
        return t.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta)

    def angle_normalize(z):
        """ convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """
        return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z))

    def angle_diff(self, a, b):
        """ Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should
            be in radians) the difference is always based on the closest
            rotation from angle a to angle b.
                angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1
                angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2
                angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1
        a = self.angle_normalize(a)
        b = self.angle_normalize(b)
        d1 = a - b
        d2 = 2 * math.pi - math.fabs(d1)
        if d1 > 0:
            d2 *= -1.0
        if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2):
            return d1
            return d2

    def rotate_2d_vector(self, vec, angle):
        # angle = math.radians(30)
        # vec = [1, 0]
        c, s = math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)
        R = np.array(((c, -s), (s, c)))


    def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, robot_pose, timestamp):
        """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and
            odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from
            the localizer """
        (translation, rotation) = \
        p = PoseStamped(pose=self.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(
            translation, rotation),
                        header=Header(stamp=timestamp, frame_id='base_link'))
        self.tf_listener.waitForTransform('base_link', 'odom', timestamp,
        self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose('odom', p)
        (self.translation, self.rotation) = \

    def send_last_map_to_odom_transform(self):
        if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')):
        self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation,
                                          rospy.get_rostime(), 'odom', 'map')
class FakeHuman(EventSimulator):
    Simulating the perceptual data we would get from a human.
    The human is symbolized by a red ball at roughly human size
    relative to the robot in the view.
    Given a schedule of poses for the human, instances of
    this class move the human through the scheduled timed poses. 
    A schedule looks like this:
		motionSchedule = OrderedDict();
		motionSchedule[3]  = {'target': [2,0], 'speed': [0.5,0.0]}; 
		motionSchedule[6]  = {'target': [3,0], 'speed': [0.5,0.0]}; 
		motionSchedule[9]  = {'target': [4,0], 'speed': [0.5,0.0]};
    Here the motionSchedule keys (3,6, and 9) are seconds from program start.
    the 'target' numbers are meters of distance from the robot, and the 
    two speed components are meters/sec in the x and y direction, respectively.
    When the scheduled pose sequence is completed, it starts over.
    Start the sequence with a call to a FakeHuman's start() method, passing
    it a schedule. Stop the motions via a call to the stop() method.
    def __init__(self):
        self.tfBroadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
        q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,pi)
        self.humanPose = Pose(Point(5, 0, 1.65), Quaternion(*q))
        self.markerPublisher = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker', Marker)
        self.startTime = time.time()
        rospy.init_node('fake_human_node', anonymous=True)

    def start(self, motionSchedule):

        self.motionSchedule = motionSchedule;
        self.motionScheduleKeys = motionSchedule.keys();
        # Current index into the motion schedule keys:
        self.motionScheduleIndex = 0;
        threadSchedule = OrderedDict();
        # Create a schedule that calls the callback function (i.e. self.update())
        # at 0.2 seconds, and then repeats. The None is the argument passed
        # to self.update().
        threadSchedule[0.2] = None;
        self.startTime = time.time();
        #******super(FakeHuman, self).start(threadSchedule, self.update, repeat=True, callbackInterval=FRAME_INTERVAL);
        super(FakeHuman, self).start(motionSchedule, self.update, repeat=True, callbackInterval=FRAME_INTERVAL);

    def publishTFPose(self, pose, name, parent):
        if (pose != None)  and (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
                self.tfBroadcaster.sendTransform((pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z),
                     (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w),
           , name, parent)
            except rospy.ROSException:
                rospy.loginfo("Fake human topic was closed during publish. Likely due to explicit shutdown request.")

    def getPlanarDistance(self, pose):
        Compute distance of a given pose from its origin in a 2d plane.
        @param pose: pose to examine
        @type pose: Pose
        @return: linear distance
        @rType: float
        vec = numpy.array((pose.position.x, pose.position.y))
        self.planarDistance = numpy.linalg.norm(vec) 
        return self.planarDistance

    def getDiff(self, target, current, speed):
    	diff = target - current
    	if diff > speed:
    		return speed, False
    	elif diff < -speed:
    		return -speed, False
    	return diff, True
    def moveTowardsTarget(self, speed):
        Called from update(). Moves the rviz representation of the human towards 
        a target position.
        @param speed: motion speed
        @type speed: float
        @return: whether fake human moved closer to the robot, or away from it
        @rtype: MotionDirection
        initialDistanceFromRobot = self.getPlanarDistance(self.humanPose);
    	xDiff, xReached = self.getDiff([0], self.humanPose.position.x, speed[0])
    	yDiff, yReached = self.getDiff([1], self.humanPose.position.y, speed[1])
    	self.humanPose.position.x += xDiff
    	self.humanPose.position.y += yDiff
        newDistanceFromRobot = self.getPlanarDistance(self.humanPose)
        if (newDistanceFromRobot - initialDistanceFromRobot) > 0:
            return MotionDirection.TOWARDS_ROBOT
            return MotionDirection.AWAY_FROM_ROBOT

    def update(self, dummy):
        Called repeatedly from the EventSimulator thread. Moves the Rviz human towards
        various locations in small increments. Locations, speed, and move times are
        taken from self.motionSchedule, which was passed into the start() method.
        Example schedule is the following dict (keys are fractional seconds):: 
                motionSchedule[2]  = None;
                motionSchedule[5]  = {target: [2,-1], speed: [0.1,0.03]}; 
                motionSchedule[10] = None;
                motionSchedule[12] = {target: [4,-2], speed: [.1,.055]}; 
                motionSchedule[16] = None;
                motionSchedule[20] = {target: [0.6,.5], speed: [.08,.1]};
                motionSchedule[27] = None;    
        @param dummy: EventSimulator calls with an argument, which is None in our case, and unused.
        @type dummy: None.

        timePassed = time.time() - self.startTime;        
        # Get current motion's upper time bound: 
        keyframeTime   = self.motionScheduleKeys[self.motionScheduleIndex];
        # Is time later than that end time of current motion?
        while timePassed >= keyframeTime:
            # Grab the next schedule entry:
            self.motionScheduleIndex += 1;
            if self.motionScheduleIndex >= len(self.motionSchedule):
                # Ran out of schedule entries. Start over:
                self.motionScheduleIndex = 0;
                self.startTime = time.time();
                timePassed = time.time() - self.startTime;
                # Grab the new schedule entry's upper time bound (the dict key):
                keyframeTime = self.motionScheduleKeys[self.motionScheduleIndex];
            # Get motion x/y and x/y speeds:
            keyframeTarget = self.motionSchedule[keyframeTime]['target'];
            keyframeSpeed  = self.motionSchedule[keyframeTime]['speed'];
        except TypeError:
            # Motion schedule value for this entry is None; do nothing:
        = keyframeTarget;
        targetPose  = Pose(Point(keyframeTarget[0],keyframeTarget[1],0), Quaternion(0,0,0,0))
        self.targetDistance = self.getPlanarDistance(targetPose);
        #print(str(timePassed) + "s. Target: " + str(self.targetDistance) + "m. CurrDist: " + str(self.getPlanarDistance(self.humanPose)));
        # Move the human a little bit (we ignore the move direction):
        motionDirection = self.moveTowardsTarget(keyframeSpeed);
        # Return a copy of the human pose (because self.humanPose
        # is continuously updated:
        return self.getHumanPose();
    def visualizeFakeHuman(self):
        # Visualize the fake human:
        if (self.humanPose is not None):
            self.publishTFPose(self.humanPose, 'fake_human', 'odom_combined')
        m = Marker(type=Marker.SPHERE, id=0, lifetime=rospy.Duration(2), pose=self.humanPose,
                    scale=Vector3(0.3,0.3,0.3), header=Header(frame_id='odom_combined'),
                    color=ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8))
        except rospy.ROSException:
            rospy.loginfo("Publish to a closed topic. Likely due to explicit shutdown request")
    def getHumanPose(self):
        Make a snapshot copy of the (constantly updated) human pose.
        humanPoint = Point(self.humanPose.position.x, self.humanPose.position.y, self.humanPose.position.z)
        humanQuat  = Quaternion(self.humanPose.orientation.x, self.humanPose.orientation.y, self.humanPose.orientation.z ,self.humanPose.orientation.w);
        return Pose(humanPoint, humanQuat)