def export_tensor(tensor, dtype=None): assert isinstance(tensor, Tensor), type(value) dtype = dtype or tf.string if dtype not in [tf.int32, tf.string]: raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype '{}'".format(dtype)) return ops.big_export(tensor._raw, dtype=dtype)
def test_matmul(self, run_eagerly): a = np.array([[5, 5], [5, 5]]).astype(np.int32) b = np.array([[6, 6], [6, 6]]).astype(np.int32) expected = context = tf_execution_context(run_eagerly) with context.scope(): a_var = big_import(a) b_var = big_import(b) c_var = big_matmul(a_var, b_var) c_str = big_export(c_var, tf.int32) np.testing.assert_equal(context.evaluate(c_str), expected)
def test_add(self, run_eagerly): a = "5453452435245245245242534" b = "1424132412341234123412341234134" expected = int(a) + int(b) context = tf_execution_context(run_eagerly) with context.scope(): a_var = big_import([[a]]) b_var = big_import([[b]]) c_var = big_add(a_var, b_var) c_str = big_export(c_var, tf.string) np.testing.assert_equal(int(context.evaluate(c_str)), expected)
def test_mod(self, run_eagerly): x = np.array([[123, 234], [345, 456]]).astype(np.int32) n = np.array([[37]]).astype(np.int32) expected = x % n context = tf_execution_context(run_eagerly) with context.scope(): x_big = big_import(x) n_big = big_import(n) y_big = big_mod(x_big, n_big) y_str = big_export(y_big, tf.int32) np.testing.assert_equal(context.evaluate(y_str), expected)
def test_pow(self, run_eagerly, secure): base = "54" exp = "3434" modulus = "35" expected = pow(54, 3434, 35) context = tf_execution_context(run_eagerly) with context.scope(): base_var = big_import([[base]]) exp_var = big_import([[exp]]) mod_var = big_import([[modulus]]) out = big_pow(base_var, exp_var, mod_var, secure=secure) out_str = big_export(out, tf.string) np.testing.assert_equal(int(context.evaluate(out_str)), expected)
def test_import_export(self, run_eagerly, raw, dtype): context = tf_execution_context(run_eagerly) with context.scope(): variant = big_import(raw) output = big_export(variant, dtype) assert context.evaluate(output) == raw