def remove_undesirable_configs(self, res): """Removes undesirable configurations or performs other postprocessing adjustments to the list of configurations. For example, if we want to have the LDST filter and LGC algorithms to have the same parameter MU, we can remove configs where they do not match. Moreover, if we want to have the number of tuning iterations of LDST to be a fraction of the amount of noise, we can manually instanstiate this number over each list element. Args: res (List[Dict]): A list of all possible configs Returns: `List[dict]` An updated list of all possible configs. """ if self.FORCE_GTAM_LDST_SAME_MU: old_len = len(res) res = [x for x in res if \ not (x[ALG_PREFIX+"algorithm"]=="GTAM" and \ x[FILTER_PREFIX+"filter"]=="LDST" and x[ALG_PREFIX+"mu"] != x[FILTER_PREFIX+"mu"])] res = [x for x in res if \ not (x[ALG_PREFIX+"algorithm"]=="LGC" and \ x[FILTER_PREFIX+"filter"]in["LDST","LGC_LVO"] and np.round((1-x[ALG_PREFIX+"alpha"])/x[ALG_PREFIX+"alpha"],4) != np.round(x[FILTER_PREFIX+"mu"],4))] LOG.debug("Number of configurations removed due to forcing GTAM have same mu param as filter: {}"\ .format(old_len-len(res)),LOG.ll.SPECIFICATION) if self.TUNING_ITER_AS_NOISE_PCT: for x in res: if not FILTER_PREFIX + "tuning_iter" in x.keys(): pass else: x[FILTER_PREFIX + "tuning_iter" ] = x[INPUT_PREFIX+"labeled_percent"] *\ x[NOISE_PREFIX+"corruption_level"] *\ x[FILTER_PREFIX+"tuning_iter"] x[FILTER_PREFIX + "tuning_iter_as_pct"] = True return res
def run_all(self): CSV_PATH = os.path.join(CSV_FOLDER, self.get_spec_name() + '.csv') JOINED_CSV_PATH = os.path.join(CSV_FOLDER, self.get_spec_name() + '_joined.csv') cfgs = self.get_all_configs() cfgs_keys = set() for x in cfgs: cfgs_keys.update(x.keys()) #List of produced output dicts output_dicts = list() cfgs_size = len(cfgs) has_written_already = False bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=cfgs_size) counter = 0 bar.start() bar.update(0) for i in range(cfgs_size): print("PROGRESS: {}".format(i / cfgs_size)) #Maybe suppress output nullwrite = open(os.devnull, 'w') oldstdout = sys.stdout if not self.DEBUG_MODE: sys.stdout = nullwrite output_dicts.append([i])) sys.stdout = oldstdout #Append to csv if conditions are met if i == cfgs_size - 1 or i % self.WRITE_FREQ == 0:"appending csv...", LOG.ll.SPECIFICATION) csv_exists = os.path.isfile(CSV_PATH) if self.OVERWRITE: if csv_exists and has_written_already: f_mode = 'a' else: f_mode = 'w' else: if csv_exists: f_mode = 'a' else: f_mode = 'w' LOG.debug("f_mode={}".format(f_mode), LOG.ll.SPECIFICATION) self._append_to_csv(output_dicts, CSV_PATH, f_mode, cfgs_keys) has_written_already = True output_dicts.clear() bar.update(i + 1)"CSV saved at f{CSV_PATH}", LOG.ll.SPECIFICATION) aggregate_csv([CSV_PATH], JOINED_CSV_PATH)
def _add_remaining_vars(f, kwargs, experiment): if isinstance(f, partial): f = f.func f_vars = [k for k, v in signature(f).parameters.items()] LOG.debug("FUNCTION NECESSARY VARS:{}".format(f_vars), LOG.ll.HOOK) for k in f_vars: if not k in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[k] = getattr(experiment, k) return kwargs
def createVideo(self): if not self.create_video: return if self.steps_taken == 0: return"Creating video...", LOG.ll.HOOK) video_command = "ffmpeg -r {} -y -pattern_type glob -i '{}' -c:v libx264 -vf fps=25 -pix_fmt yuv420p '{}'".format(\ self.steps_taken/(15.0*5.0), os.path.join(self.filename_dir,self.temp_subfolder_name,"*.png".format(self.str_len)), os.path.join(self.filename_dir,self.video_path) ) LOG.debug(video_command, LOG.ll.HOOK) os.system(video_command)"Created video...", LOG.ll.HOOK)
def LGC_iter_TF(X,W,Y,labeledIndexes, alpha = 0.1,num_iter = 1000, hook=None): c = time.time() """ Set W to sparse if necessary, make copy of Y """ W = sparse.csr_matrix(W) Y = np.copy(Y) """ Convert W to tensor """ W = convert_sparse_matrix_to_sparse_tensor(W) LOG.debug(W,LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) """ Get degree Matrix """ D = tf.sparse.reduce_sum(W,axis=1) """ F_0 is a copy of the label matrix, but we erase the information on labeled Indexes """ F_0 = np.copy(Y).astype(np.float32) F_0[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes),:] = 0.0 """ CREATE S - Needed for LGC propagation """ S = get_S_fromtensor(W) """ CREATE F variable """ F = tf.Variable(np.copy(F_0).astype(np.float32),name="F") F_0 = tf.Variable(F_0) TOTAL_ITER = tf.constant(int(num_iter)) for _ in range(num_iter): F = (1-alpha)*F_0 + alpha*tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(S,F) elapsed = time.time() - c'Label Prop done in {:.2} seconds'.format(elapsed), LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) return F.numpy()
def __GTAM(self,X,W,Y,labeledIndexes,mu = 99.0,useEstimatedFreq=True,num_iter = None, constant_prop=False,hook=None): '''BEGIN initialization''' Y = self.CLEAN_UNLABELED_ROWS(Y, labeledIndexes) labeledIndexes = np.array(labeledIndexes) if not W.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("W,Y shape not compatible") num_labeled = Y[labeledIndexes].shape[0] num_unlabeled = Y.shape[0] - num_labeled num_classes = Y.shape[1] """ Estimate frequency of classes""" if isinstance(useEstimatedFreq,bool): if useEstimatedFreq == False: estimatedFreq = np.repeat(1/num_classes,num_classes) elif useEstimatedFreq == True: estimatedFreq = np.sum(Y[labeledIndexes],axis=0) / num_labeled LOG.debug("Estimated frequency: {}".format(estimatedFreq),LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) D = gutils.deg_matrix(W, flat=True) #Identity matrix I = np.identity(W.shape[0]) #Get graph laplacian L = gutils.lap_matrix(W, which_lap='sym') #Propagation matrix from scipy.linalg import inv as invert P = invert( I- 1/(1+mu) *(I-L) )*mu/(1+mu) P_t = P.transpose() #Matrix A A = ((P_t @ L) @ P) + mu* ((P_t - I) @ (P - I)) A = 0.5*(A + A.transpose()) if not hook is None: W = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(W) Z = [] Q = None #Determine nontuning iter if num_iter is None: num_iter = num_unlabeled else: num_iter = min(num_iter,num_unlabeled) id_min_line, id_min_col = -1,-1 '''END initialization''' ####################################################################################### '''BEGIN iterations''' for i in np.arange(num_iter): '''Z matrix - The binary values of current Y are replaced with their corresponding D entries. Then, we normalize each row so that row sums to its estimated influence ''' ul = np.logical_not(labeledIndexes) Z = gutils.calc_Z(Y, labeledIndexes, D, estimatedFreq,weigh_by_degree=True) if Q is None: #Compute graph gradient Q = np.matmul(A,Z) if not hook is None: Q_pure = np.copy(Q) Q[labeledIndexes,:] = np.inf else: Q[id_min_line,:] = np.inf d_sj = np.sum(Z[labeledIndexes,id_min_col]) d_sj1 = d_sj + Z[id_min_line,id_min_col] Q[ul,id_min_col] =\ (d_sj/(d_sj1) * Q[ul,id_min_col]) + (Z[id_min_line,id_min_col]/d_sj1 * A[ul,id_min_line]) #Find minimum unlabeled index if constant_prop: expectedNumLabels = estimatedFreq * sum(labeledIndexes) actualNumLabels = np.sum(Y[labeledIndexes],axis=0) class_to_label = np.argmax(expectedNumLabels-actualNumLabels) id_min_col = class_to_label id_min_line = np.argmin(Q[:,class_to_label]) else: id_min = np.argmin(Q) id_min_line = id_min // num_classes id_min_col = id_min % num_classes #Update Y and labeledIndexes labeledIndexes[id_min_line] = True Y[id_min_line,id_min_col] = 1 #Maybe plot current iteration if not hook is None: hook._step(step=i,Y=Y,labeledIndexes=labeledIndexes,P=P,Z=Z,Q=Q_pure, id_min_line=id_min_line,id_min_col=id_min_col) '''END iterations''' ###################################################################################################### if self.return_labels: return np.asarray(Z) else: return np.asarray(P@Z) return np.asarray(P@Z)
def __MR(self, X, W, Y, labeledIndexes, p, optimize_labels, hook=None): """ ------------------------------------------------------------- INITIALIZATION -------------------------------------------------------------- """ ORACLE_Y = Y.copy() Y = np.copy(Y) if Y.ndim == 1: Y = gutils.init_matrix(Y, labeledIndexes) Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes), :] = 0 if not W.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("W,Y shape not compatible") l = np.reshape(np.array(np.where(labeledIndexes)), (-1)) num_lab = l.shape[0] if not isinstance(p, int): p = int(p * num_lab) if p > Y.shape[0]: p = Y.shape[0] LOG.warn("Warning: p greater than the number of labeled indexes", LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) #W = gutils.scipy_to_np(W) #W = 0.5* (W + W.T) L = gutils.lap_matrix(W, which_lap='sym') D = gutils.deg_matrix(W, flat=True, pwr=-1.0) L = 0.5 * (L + L.T) def check_symmetric(a, tol=1e-8): return np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=tol) def is_pos_sdef(x): return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) >= -1e-06) import scipy.sparse sym_err = L - L.T sym_check_res = np.all(np.abs( < 1e-7) # tune this value assert sym_check_res """--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIGENFUNCTION EXTRACTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ import time start_time = time.time() import os.path as osp from tf_labelprop.settings import INPUT_FOLDER cache_eigvec = osp.join(INPUT_FOLDER, 'eigenVectors.npy') cache_eigval = osp.join(INPUT_FOLDER, 'eigenValues.npy') if False: eigenValues, eigenVectors = np.load(cache_eigval), np.load( cache_eigvec) eigenVectors = eigenVectors[:, :p] eigenValues = eigenValues[:p] else: eigenVectors, eigenValues = W.load_eigenfunctions(p) time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time"Took {} seconds to calculate eigenvectors".format( int(time_elapsed))) idx = eigenValues.argsort() eigenValues = eigenValues[idx] LOG.debug(eigenValues) assert eigenValues[0] <= eigenValues[eigenValues.shape[0] - 1] eigenVectors = eigenVectors[:, idx], arr=eigenValues), arr=eigenVectors) U = eigenVectors LAMBDA = eigenValues U = U[:, np.argsort(LAMBDA)] LAMBDA = LAMBDA[np.argsort(LAMBDA)] import tensorflow as tf gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') #tf.config.experimental.set_virtual_device_configuration(gpus[0], [tf.config.experimental.VirtualDeviceConfiguration(memory_limit=1024*8)]) for gpu in gpus: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define Constants on GPU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ U, X, Y = [tf.constant(x.astype(np.float32)) for x in [U, X, Y]] _U_times_U = tf.multiply(U, U) N = X.shape[0] def to_sp_diag(x): n = tf.cast(x.shape[0], tf.int64) indices = tf.concat([ tf.range(n, dtype=tf.int64)[None, :], tf.range(n, dtype=tf.int64)[None, :] ], axis=0) return tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices=tf.transpose(indices), values=x, dense_shape=[n, n]) @tf.function def smooth_labels(labels, factor=0.001): # smooth the labels labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.float32) labels *= (1 - factor) labels += (factor / tf.cast(tf.shape(labels)[0], tf.float32)) # returned the smoothed labels return labels @tf.function def divide_by_row(x, eps=1e-07): x = tf.maximum(x, 0 * x) x = x + eps # [N,C] [N,1] return x / (tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=-1)[:, None]) def spd_matmul(x, y): return tf.sparse.sparse_dense_matmul(x, y) def mult_each_row_by(X, by): """ Elementwise multiplies each row by a given row vector. For a 2D tensor, also correponds to multiplying each column by the respective scalar in the given row vector Args: X (Tensor) by (Tensor[shape=(N,)]): row vector """ #[N,C] [N,1] return X * by[None, :] def mult_each_col_by(X, by): #[N,C] [1,C] return X * by[:, None] @tf.function def accuracy(y_true, y_pred): acc = tf.cast( tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_true, axis=-1), tf.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)), tf.float32) acc = tf.cast(acc, tf.float32) return tf.reduce_mean(acc) """ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE VARS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ MU = tf.Variable(0.1, name="MU") LAMBDA = tf.constant(LAMBDA.astype(np.float32), name="LAMBDA") PI = tf.Variable(tf.ones(shape=(tf.shape(Y)[0], ), dtype=tf.float32), name="PI") _l = LAMBDA.numpy() CUTOFF = tf.Variable(0.0, name='CUTOFF') CUTOFF_K = tf.Variable(1.0) @tf.function def get_alpha(MU): return tf.pow(2.0, -tf.math.reciprocal(tf.abs(100 * MU))) @tf.function def to_prob(x): return tf.nn.softmax(x, axis=1) @tf.function def cutoff(x): return 1.0 / (1.0 + tf.exp(-CUTOFF_K * (CUTOFF - x))) model = tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(8, kernel_size=5, padding='same')) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(8, kernel_size=5, padding='same')) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(1, kernel_size=3, padding='same')) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Flatten()) """ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE FORWARD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ @tf.function def forward(Y, U, PI, mode='train', remove_diag=True): if mode == 'train': U = tf.gather(U, indices=np.where(labeledIndexes)[0], axis=0) Y = tf.gather(Y, indices=np.where(labeledIndexes)[0], axis=0) #F = tf.gather(F,indices=np.where(labeledIndexes)[0],axis=0) PI = tf.gather(PI, indices=np.where(labeledIndexes)[0], axis=0) pi_Y = spd_matmul(to_sp_diag(tf.abs(PI)), Y) alpha = get_alpha(MU) """ Maybe apply custom convolution to LAMBDA, otherwise just fit LGC's alpha using the corresponding filter 1/(1-alpha + alpha*lambda) """ if not self.custom_conv: lambda_tilde = tf.math.reciprocal(1 - alpha + alpha * LAMBDA) else: #lambda_tilde = tf.math.reciprocal(1-alpha + alpha*LAMBDA) _lambda = (LAMBDA - tf.reduce_mean(LAMBDA)) / tf.math.reduce_std(LAMBDA) lambda_tilde = tf.clip_by_value( 2 * tf.nn.sigmoid( tf.reshape(model(_lambda[None, :, None]), (-1, ))), 0, 1) lambda_tilde = tf.sort(lambda_tilde, direction='DESCENDING') lambda_tilde = tf.reshape(divide_by_row(lambda_tilde[None, :]), (-1, )) _self_infl = mult_each_row_by( tf.square(U), by=lambda_tilde ) #Square each element of U, then dot product of each row with lambda_tilde _self_infl = tf.reduce_sum(_self_infl, axis=1) _P_op = U @ (mult_each_col_by( (tf.transpose(U) @ pi_Y), by=lambda_tilde)) if not remove_diag: _diag_P_op = tf.zeros_like( mult_each_col_by(pi_Y, by=_self_infl)) else: _diag_P_op = mult_each_col_by(pi_Y, by=_self_infl) return divide_by_row(_P_op - _diag_P_op), lambda_tilde, pi_Y """ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE LOSSES and learning schedule -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ losses = { 'xent': lambda y_, y: tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.cast( tf.math.log(smooth_labels(y, factor=0.01)), tf.float32), axis=[1])), 'sq_loss': lambda y_, y: tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y_ - y), axis=[1])), 'abs_loss': lambda y_, y: tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(y_ - y), axis=[1])), 'hinge': lambda y_, y: tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.maximum(1. - y_ * y, tf.zeros_like(y)), axis=1)) } NUM_ITER = 700 lr_schedule = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay( 0.5, decay_steps=200, decay_rate=0.9, staircase=False) opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.05) Y_l = tf.gather(Y, indices=np.where(labeledIndexes)[0], axis=0) #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('tkagg') import pandas as pd """ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ L = [] df = pd.DataFrame() max_acc, min_loss = [0, np.inf] for i in range(NUM_ITER): #MU.assign(i) with tf.GradientTape() as t: # no need to watch a variable: # trainable variables are always watched pred_L, lambda_tilde, pi_Y = forward(Y, U, PI, mode='train') loss_sq = losses['sq_loss'](pred_L, Y_l) loss = losses['xent'](pred_L, Y_l) loss_xent = losses['xent'](pred_L, Y_l) acc = accuracy(Y_l, pred_L) _not_lab = np.where(np.logical_not(labeledIndexes))[0] acc_true = accuracy( tf.gather(ORACLE_Y, indices=_not_lab, axis=0), tf.gather(forward(Y, U, PI, mode='eval')[0], indices=_not_lab, axis=0)) L.append( np.array([i, loss_sq, loss, loss_xent, acc, acc_true])[None, :]) """ TRAINABLE VARIABLES GO HERE """ if self.custom_conv: trainable_variables = model.weights else: trainable_variables = [MU] if optimize_labels: trainable_variables.append(PI) if acc > max_acc: print(max_acc) best_trainable_variables = [ k.numpy() for k in trainable_variables ] max_acc = acc min_loss = loss counter_since_best = 0 elif acc <= max_acc: counter_since_best += 1 if counter_since_best > 2000: break """ Apply gradients """ gradients = t.gradient(loss, trainable_variables) opt.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, trainable_variables)) """ Project labels such that they sum up to the original amount """ pi = PI.numpy() pi[labeledIndexes] = np.sum( labeledIndexes) * pi[labeledIndexes] / (np.sum( pi[labeledIndexes])) PI.assign(pi) if i % 10 == 0: """ Print info """ if not hook is None: if self.hook_iter_mode == "labeled": plot_y = np.zeros_like(Y) plot_y[labeledIndexes] = Y_l.numpy() else: plot_y = tf.clip_by_value( forward(Y, U, PI, mode='eval')[0], 0, 999999).numpy() hook._step(step=i, X=X, W=W, Y=plot_y, labeledIndexes=labeledIndexes) alpha = get_alpha(MU) PI_l = tf.gather(PI, indices=np.where(labeledIndexes)[0], axis=0) f"Acc: {acc.numpy():.3f}; ACC_TRUE:{acc_true.numpy():.3f} Loss: {loss.numpy():.3f}; alpha = {alpha.numpy():.3f}; PI mean = {tf.reduce_mean(PI_l).numpy():.3f} " ) #plt.scatter(range(lambda_tilde.shape[0]),np.log10(lambda_tilde/LAMBDA),s=2) for k in range(len(trainable_variables)): trainable_variables[k].assign(best_trainable_variables[k]) return tf.clip_by_value(forward(Y, U, PI, mode='eval')[0], 0, 999999).numpy()
def run(self,hook_list=PLOT_HOOKS): for k,v in self.args.items():"{}:{}".format(k,v),LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) #Multiplex the arguments, allocating each to the correct step mplex = postprocess(keys_multiplex(self.args)) #Get Hooks: hooks = select_and_add_hook(hook_list, mplex, self)"Step 1: Read Dataset",LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) #Select Input self.X,self.W, self.Y_true, self.labeledIndexes = select_input(**mplex["INPUT"]) if self.W is None: self.W = select_affmat(**mplex["AFFMAT"]).generateAffMat(self.X,hook=hooks["AFFMAT"]) if "know_estimated_freq" in mplex["ALG"].keys(): if mplex["ALG"]['know_estimated_freq']: mplex["ALG"]["use_estimated_freq"] = np.sum(self.Y_true,axis=0) / self.Y_true.shape[0] mplex["ALG"].pop("know_estimated_freq") if "know_estimated_freq" in mplex["FILTER"].keys(): if mplex["ALG"]['know_estimated_freq']: mplex["FILTER"]["use_estimated_freq"] = np.sum(self.Y_true,axis=0) / self.Y_true.shape[0] mplex["FILTER"].pop("know_estimated_freq")"Step 2: Apply Noise",LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) #Apply Noise self.Y_noisy = select_noise(**mplex["NOISE"]).corrupt(self.Y_true, self.labeledIndexes,hook=hooks["NOISE"])"Step 3: Create Affinity Matrix",LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) #Generate Affinity Matrix self.W = select_affmat(**mplex["AFFMAT"]).generateAffMat(self.X,hook=hooks["AFFMAT"])"Step 4: Filtering",LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) #Create Filter ft = select_filter(**mplex["FILTER"]) self.ft = ft noisyIndexes = (np.argmax(self.Y_true,axis=1) != np.argmax(self.Y_noisy,axis=1)) self.Y_filtered, self.labeledIndexes_filtered =, self.Y_noisy, self.labeledIndexes, self.W, hook=hooks["FILTER"])"Step 5: Classification",LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) #Select Classifier alg = select_classifier(**mplex["ALG"]) #Get Classification self.F =,self.W,self.Y_filtered,self.labeledIndexes_filtered,hook=hooks["ALG"])"Step 6: Evaluation",LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) LOG.debug("ALGORITHM settings:{}".format(mplex["ALG"]["algorithm"]),LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) """ Accuracy. """ acc = gutils.accuracy(gutils.get_pred(self.F), gutils.get_pred(self.Y_true)) acc_unlabeled = gutils.accuracy(gutils.get_pred(self.F)[np.logical_not(self.labeledIndexes)],\ gutils.get_pred(self.Y_true)[np.logical_not(self.labeledIndexes)]) acc_labeled = gutils.accuracy(gutils.get_pred(self.F)[self.labeledIndexes],\ gutils.get_pred(self.Y_true)[self.labeledIndexes]) CMN_acc = gutils.accuracy(gutils.get_pred(gutils.class_mass_normalization(self.F,self.Y_filtered,self.labeledIndexes,normalize_rows=True)), gutils.get_pred(self.Y_true)) """ Log accuracy results and update output dictionary """ def _log(msg):,LOG.ll.EXPERIMENT) _log("Accuracy: {:.3%} | {:.3%}".format(acc,1-acc)) _log("Accuracy (unlabeled): {:.3%} |{:.3%}".format(acc_unlabeled,1-acc_unlabeled)) _log("Accuracy (labeled): {:.3%} | {:.3%}".format(acc_labeled,1-acc_labeled)) _log("Accuracy w/ CMN: {:.3%} | {:.3%}".format(CMN_acc,1-CMN_acc)) self.out_dict.update({OUTPUT_PREFIX + "acc" :acc}) self.out_dict.update({OUTPUT_PREFIX + "acc_unlabeled" :acc_unlabeled}) self.out_dict.update({OUTPUT_PREFIX + "acc_labeled" :acc_labeled}) self.out_dict.update({OUTPUT_PREFIX + "CMN_acc" :CMN_acc}) return self.out_dict
def __MR(self, X, W, Y, labeledIndexes, p, tuning_iter, hook=None): Y = np.copy(Y) if Y.ndim == 1: Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes)] = 0 Y = gutils.init_matrix(Y, labeledIndexes) Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes), :] = 0 if not W.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("W,Y shape not compatible") l = np.reshape(np.array(np.where(labeledIndexes)), (-1)) num_lab = l.shape[0] if not isinstance(p, int): p = int(p * num_lab) if p > Y.shape[0]: p = Y.shape[0] LOG.warn("Warning: p greater than the number of labeled indexes", LOG.ll.FILTER) W = scipy_to_np(W) L = gutils.lap_matrix(W, which_lap='sym') D = gutils.deg_matrix(W) def check_symmetric(a, tol=1e-8): return np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=tol) if check_symmetric(L): E = sp.eigh(L, D, eigvals=(1, p))[1] else: LOG.warn("Warning: Laplacian not symmetric", LOG.ll.FILTER) eigenValues, eigenVectors = sp.eig(L, D) idx = eigenValues.argsort() eigenValues = eigenValues[idx] assert eigenValues[0] <= eigenValues[eigenValues.shape[0] - 1] eigenVectors = eigenVectors[:, idx] E = eigenVectors[:, 1:(p + 1)] e_lab = E[labeledIndexes, :] """ TIKHONOV REGULARIZATION. Currently set to 0.""" TIK = np.zeros(shape=e_lab.shape) try: A = np.linalg.inv(e_lab.T @ e_lab + TIK.T @ TIK) @ e_lab.T except: A = np.linalg.pinv(e_lab.T @ e_lab + TIK.T @ TIK) @ e_lab.T F = np.zeros(shape=Y.shape) y_m = np.argmax(Y, axis=1)[labeledIndexes] for i in range(Y.shape[1]): c = np.ones(num_lab) c[y_m != i] = -1 a = A @ np.transpose(c) LOG.debug(a, LOG.ll.FILTER) for j in np.arange(F.shape[0]): F[j, i] =, E[j, :]) ERmat = -1 * np.ones((Y.shape[0], )) Y_amax = np.argmax(Y, axis=1) for i in np.where(labeledIndexes): ERmat[i] = np.square(Y[i, Y_amax[i]] - F[i, Y_amax[i]]) removed_Lids = np.argsort(ERmat) removed_Lids = removed_Lids[::-1] labeledIndexes = np.array(labeledIndexes) Y = np.copy(Y) for i in range(tuning_iter): labeledIndexes[removed_Lids[i]] = False if not hook is None: hook._step(step=i, X=X, W=W, Y=Y, labeledIndexes=labeledIndexes) return Y, labeledIndexes
def apply_noise(Y, labeledIndexes, A, seed=None, deterministic=True): """ Corrupts a set percentage of initial labels with noise. Args: Y (`[NDArray[int].shape[N,C]`) : Matrix encoding initial beliefs. A (`[NDArray[int].shape[C,C]`): Transition probabilities between each class. labeledIndexes (`NDArray[bool].shape[N]`) : determines which indices are to be considered as labeled. seed (float) : Optional. Used to reproduce results. Returns: `NDArray[int].shape[N,C]` : Belief matrix after corruption. """ np.random.seed(seed) old_A = np.copy(np.asarray(A)) if not np.all(old_A <= 1): LOG.debug(old_A, LOG.ll.NOISE) raise Exception("trans. mat has value >1") old_Y = np.copy(Y) is_flat = np.ndim(Y) == 1 if is_flat: Y = gutils.init_matrix(Y, labeledIndexes) c = Y.shape[1] n = Y.shape[0] Y = Y[labeledIndexes, :] Y_flat = np.argmax(Y, axis=1) vec = np.random.RandomState(seed).permutation(Y.shape[0]) assert not vec is None cursor = np.zeros((c), dtype=np.int32) if deterministic == True: A = transition_count_mat(Y, A) else: class_freq = [int(np.sum(Y[:, i])) for i in range(c)] num_clean = np.sum(labeledIndexes) * sum( [old_A[i, i] for i in range(c)]) / c num_clean = int(np.round(num_clean)) num_noisy = np.sum(labeledIndexes) - num_clean ##########3 perm = np.random.permutation(Y.shape[0])[0:num_noisy] A = np.zeros((c, c)) for i in range(c): A[i, i] = class_freq[i] for my_id in perm: j = np.argmax(Y[my_id, :]) A[j, j] -= 1 new_j = j while new_j == j: new_j = np.random.choice(c) A[j, new_j] += 1 assert np.sum(A) == np.sum(labeledIndexes) LOG.debug(A, LOG.ll.NOISE) ############### for i in np.arange(Y_flat.shape[0]): current_class = Y_flat[vec[i]] while A[current_class, cursor[current_class]] == 0: cursor[current_class] += 1 assert cursor[current_class] < c Y_flat[vec[i]] = cursor[current_class] A[current_class, cursor[current_class]] -= 1 noisy_Y = np.zeros(shape=(n, c)) labeledIndexes_where = np.where(labeledIndexes)[0] for l in range(Y_flat.shape[0]): noisy_Y[labeledIndexes_where[l], Y_flat[l]] = 1 noisy_Y[np.logical_not(labeledIndexes), :] = old_Y[ np.logical_not(labeledIndexes), :] "Changed {} percent of entries".format( np.round(1 - gutils.accuracy(np.argmax(Y, axis=1), Y_flat), 6)), LOG.ll.NOISE) if is_flat: old_Y[labeledIndexes] = np.argmax(noisy_Y[labeledIndexes], axis=1) return old_Y else: return noisy_Y
def __SIIS(self,X,W,Y,labeledIndexes,m,alpha,beta,rho,max_iter,hook=None): Y = self.CLEAN_UNLABELED_ROWS(Y, labeledIndexes) if not W.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("W,Y shape not compatible") if m is None: m = W.shape[0] c = Y.shape[1] D = gutils.deg_matrix(W, pwr=1.0) L = gutils.lap_matrix(W, which_lap='sym') U, SIGMA = W.load_eigenfunctions(m=m,remove_first_eig=False) U = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(U) SIGMA = _to_np(scipy.sparse.diags([SIGMA],[0])) J = gutils.labels_indicator(labeledIndexes) """ !!! """ P = SIISClassifier.edge_mat(W) """ Initialize params """ LAMB_1 = np.ones((P.shape[0],c)) LAMB_2 = np.ones((Y.shape[0],c)) mu = 1.0 mu_max = 10000000.0 eps = 1/(10000) """ Reusable matrices """ JU = _to_np(J@U) PU = _to_np(P@U) PU_T = PU.transpose() JU_T = JU.transpose() A = np.zeros((m,c)) Q = None B = None improvement = 1 iter = 0 """ TODO: Tensorflow version import tensorflow as tf with tf.Session() as sess: A = tf.Variable(1e-06*tf.ones((m,c),dtype=tf.float64)) C = tf.reduce_sum(tf.linalg.norm(tf.matmul(PU,A),axis=1)) +\ alpha*tf.reduce_sum(tf.linalg.norm(tf.matmul(_to_np(U)[labeledIndexes,:],A)-Y[labeledIndexes,:],axis=1)) +\ beta* tf.trace(tf.matmul(tf.matmul(tf.transpose(A),SIGMA),A)) opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.5*1e-02) opt_min = opt.minimize(C) for i in range(2000): LOG.debug(,LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) LOG.debug(,LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) F = _to_np(U) LOG.debug(F.shape,LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) """ A = np.zeros((m,c)) while iter <= max_iter and improvement > eps: """ Update Q """ N = PU@A - (1/mu)*LAMB_1 N_norm = np.linalg.norm(N, axis=1) to_zero = N_norm <= (1/mu) mult = ((N_norm - (1/mu))/N_norm) N = N * mult[:,np.newaxis] N[to_zero,:] = 0.0 Q = N """ Update B """ M = JU@A - Y - (1/mu)*LAMB_2 M_norm = np.linalg.norm(M,axis=1) to_zero = M_norm <= (alpha/mu) mult = ((M_norm - (alpha/mu))/M_norm) M = M * mult[:,np.newaxis] M[to_zero,:] = 0.0 B = M old_A = A """ Update A """ A_inv_term = 2*beta*SIGMA + mu*PU_T@PU + mu*JU_T@JU A_inv_term = np.linalg.inv(A_inv_term) A = A_inv_term @ \ (PU_T@ LAMB_1 + JU_T@LAMB_2 +\ mu * PU_T@Q + mu* JU_T @ (B + Y) ) """ Update Lagrangian coeffs """ LAMB_1 = LAMB_1 + mu* (Q - PU@A) LAMB_2 = LAMB_2 + mu*(B- JU@A + Y) """ Update penalty coeffficients """ mu = min(rho*mu,mu_max) if not old_A is None: improvement = (np.max(np.abs(A-old_A)))/np.max(np.abs(old_A)) LOG.debug("Iter {}".format(iter),LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) iter += 1 C = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(PU@A,axis=1)) + alpha*np.sum(np.linalg.norm(JU@A - Y,axis=1)) +\ beta*np.trace(A.T@SIGMA@A) LOG.debug("Iter {} - Cost {}".format(iter,C),LOG.ll.CLASSIFIER) F = U@A for i in range(F.shape[0]): mx = np.argmax(F[i,:]) F[i,:] = 0.0 F[i,mx] = 1.0 return F
def calculate_statistics(df): """ Obtains a dataframe which 'merges' runs that share the same configuration but different ``'id'``. For each output variable (as in, one that uses the prefix :const:`experiment.prefixes.OUTPUT_PREFIX`), a few summary statistics are calculated: * A string with the comma-separated values. * The mean of the attribute. * The standard deviation of the attribute. * The median of the attribute. * The minimum value of the attribute. * The maximum value of the attribute. Args: df (pd.Dataframe): The original dataframe Returns: pd.Dataframe: A dataframe with statistics about runs that share same configuration. """ ''' out_dict (dict) : A dictionary with k,v pairs: k (str): a string uniquely identifying the runs that differ only in id v (dict): A dictionary with k1, v1 pairs: k1 (str): some output attribute v1: The value of the output attribute ''' out_dict = {} freq_dict = {} index_dict = {} rel_cols = [x for x in df.columns if not (x.startswith(OUTPUT_PREFIX) or x == "id" or x == "index") ] out_cols = [x for x in df.columns if x.startswith(OUTPUT_PREFIX) ] LOG.debug("rows:{}".format(df.shape[0]),LOG.ll.SPECIFICATION) for i in range(df.shape[0]): debug(i) k = str(df.loc[df.index[i],rel_cols].values) #Initialize with empty dicts if not k in out_dict.keys(): out_dict[k] = {} freq_dict[k] = 0 if index_dict.get(k,None) is None: index_dict[k] = i freq_dict[k] += 1 for k1 in out_cols: v1 = df.loc[df.index[i],k1] L = (out_dict[k]).get(k1,[]) L.append(v1) (out_dict[k])[k1] = L agg_cols = [[x + "_mean", x + "_sd", x + "_values",\ x + "_min", x + "_max", x + "_median"] for x in out_cols] agg_cols = [item for sublist in agg_cols for item in sublist] agg_cols += ["out_num_experiments"] + rel_cols key_list = list(index_dict.keys()) new_df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(key_list)),columns=agg_cols) debug("Num keys:{}".format(len(key_list))) for i in range(len(key_list)): debug(i) k = key_list[i] new_df.loc[df.index[i],"out_num_experiments"] = freq_dict[k] new_df.loc[df.index[i],rel_cols] = df.loc[df.index[index_dict[k]],rel_cols] for k1 in out_cols: vals = out_dict[k][k1] new_df[k1+ "_mean"].iloc[i] = np.mean(vals) new_df[k1+ "_sd"].iloc[i] = np.std(vals) new_df[k1 + "_values"].iloc[i] = ','.join([str(x) for x in vals]) new_df[k1 + "_min"].iloc[i] = min(vals) new_df[k1 + "_max"].iloc[i] = max(vals) new_df[k1 + "_median"].iloc[i] = np.median(vals) new_df = new_df.loc[:,[x not in ['acc','id','index'] for x in new_df.columns]] new_df = new_df.reindex(sorted(new_df.columns), axis=1) new_df = new_df.sort_values(by = list(new_df.columns)) return(new_df)
def info(msg): LOG.debug(msg,LOG.ll.OUTPUT)
def debug(msg): LOG.debug(msg,LOG.ll.OUTPUT)