Example #1
    def tf_scatter(self, v):
        Scatter the given direction tensor v.

        v : TF tensor, shape(?, 3)
            Direction vectors of the photons which are being scattered.

        The scattered direction tensor of shape(?, 3).
        # sample cos(theta)
        cosTs = 2 * self._uni_pdf.sample(tf.shape(v)[0])**(1 / 19) - 1
        cosT2s = tf.sqrt((cosTs + 1) / 2)
        sinT2s = tf.sqrt((1 - cosTs) / 2)

        ns = tf.transpose(
            self.tf_sample_normal_vectors(v) * tf.expand_dims(sinT2s, axis=-1))
        # ignore the fact that n could be parallel to v, what's the probability
        # of that happening?

        q = tfq.Quaternion(tf.transpose([cosT2s, ns[0], ns[1], ns[2]]))
        return tfq.rotate_vector_by_quaternion(q, v)
Example #2
 def test_rotate_vector_by_quaternion(self):
     v = [3., 4., 5.]
     qs_np, qs_tf = get_quaternions()
     with self.test_session():
         for q in qs_tf[QS_FINITENONZERO]:
             rotated = q * tfq.vector3d_to_quaternion(v) * q.inverse()
             rotated = tfq.quaternion_to_vector3d(rotated)
             self.assertAllClose(tfq.rotate_vector_by_quaternion(q, v),
 def augment(points, segment_ids, training_batch_size):
     """Rotate a full scene around the z axis and scale on each axis."""
     scene_ids = segment_ids // 2
     bs = training_batch_size * 3
     rand_angle = tf.random_uniform([bs], maxval=(2 * pi))
     rot = tf.stack([[1.] * bs, [0.] * bs, [0.] * bs, rand_angle], axis=1)
     rotations = tfq.Quaternion(tf.gather(rot, scene_ids))
     points = tfq.rotate_vector_by_quaternion(rotations, points, 2, 2)
     return points
Example #4
    def _input_fn(self, obj_ids, translations, rotations, train_batch_size,
                  num_objs, do_augmentation):
        """The input function 's part that is shared.

        This function creates the scene point clouds from scene descriptions.

        Returns: Two tf.Tensors, the first contains all points of the
            objects in the batch with shape (N, 3) and the second contains the
            corresponding segment ids, the shape is (N,).
        batch_size = tf.shape(obj_ids)[0]
        # flatten all inputs
        obj_ids = tf.reshape(obj_ids, (-1, ))
        translations = tf.reshape(translations, (-1, 3))
        rotations = tf.reshape(rotations, (-1, 4))
        clouds_num_points = (self.cloud_slice_indices[1:] -
        # vector with the number of points of each cloud
        num_points = tf.gather(clouds_num_points, obj_ids)
        # vector with a range where each number i is num_points[i] repeated
        segment_ids = self._repeat(tf.range(tf.shape(num_points)[0]),
                                   tf.to_int32(num_points), batch_size,
        segment_ids = tf.to_int32(segment_ids)
        # repeat translations[i] and rotations[i] num_points[i] times
        translations = tf.gather(translations, segment_ids)
        rotations = tf.gather(rotations, segment_ids)
        rotations = tfq.Quaternion(rotations)
        obj_ids = tf.gather(tf.to_float(obj_ids), segment_ids)
        # indices of points consist of the start index plus range(num_points)
        start = tf.gather(self.cloud_slice_indices, tf.to_int32(obj_ids))
        ranges = tf.cond(
            tf.equal(batch_size, 1),
            lambda: tf.concat([tf.range(num_points[i]) for i in range(2)],
                              axis=0), lambda: tf.
            concat([tf.range(num_points[i]) for i in range(num_objs)], axis=0))
        point_ids = tf.to_int32(start + ranges)
        points = tf.gather(self.clouds_tensor, point_ids)
        # Rotate objects. Note that the quaternions are relative to the object
        # clouds' origins, so no centering using the mean is required.
        points = tfq.rotate_vector_by_quaternion(rotations, points, 2, 2)
        points = tf.squeeze(points) + translations
        # if we're training, randomly rotate around the z_axis
        if do_augmentation:
            points = augment.pointcloud(points, segment_ids, batch_size,
        return points, tf.to_float(segment_ids)
Example #5
def z_rotate():
    global central_angle
    central_angle = tfq.rotate_vector_by_quaternion(z_rotation, central_angle)