def check(self): compounds = DBSession.query(Compound).all() pains1 = DBSession.query(PAINS1).all() pains2 = DBSession.query(PAINS2).all() pains3 = DBSession.query(PAINS3).all() ID = '' for compound in compounds: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(compound.structure)) mol = Chem.AddHs(m) for p1 in pains1: patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(str(p1.structure)) if patt: if mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt): compound.pains1 = p1 else: flash(l_(u'Pattern error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) for p2 in pains2: patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(str(p2.structure)) if patt: if mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt): compound.pains2 = p2 else: flash(l_(u'Pattern error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) for p3 in pains3: patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(str(p3.structure)) if patt: if mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt): compound.pains3 = p3 else: flash(l_(u'Pattern error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer'])
def editlist(self, *args, **kw): """Let the user know that's visiting a protected controller.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.user_name == userid).first() users = DBSession.query(User).order_by(User.display_name).all() id = args[0] mylist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(id) assert mylist.tg_user_id == user.user_id, u"Brak uprawnien edycji" if kw: if not (kw.has_key('name') and kw['name'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Name is required'), 'error') else: if kw.has_key('name') and kw['name'] !=['name'] # if kw.has_key('table') and kw['table'] != mylist.table: # mylist.table=kw['table'] if kw.has_key('notes') and kw['notes'] != mylist.notes: mylist.notes = kw['notes'] if kw.has_key('permitusers') and kw['permitusers'] != u'': if isinstance(kw['permitusers'], (list, tuple)): permitusers = [usr for usr in users if usr.user_name in kw['permitusers']] else: permitusers = [usr for usr in users if usr.user_name == kw['permitusers']] if permitusers != mylist.permitusers: mylist.permitusers = permitusers DBSession.flush() flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) return dict(mylist=mylist, user=user, users=users, page='index', pname=None)
class child(FormLayout): image_small_id = HiddenField() image_big_id = HiddenField() name = TextField(label=l_('Name'), css_class='form-control', validator=Required) description = TextArea(label=l_('Description'), rows=10, css_class='form-control', validator=Required) image_small = FileField(label=pluggable_config.get( 'image1_label', l_('Small Image')), css_class='form-control', attrs=dict(accept='image/*')) image_big = FileField(label=pluggable_config.get( 'image2_label', l_('Big Image')), css_class='form-control', attrs=dict(accept='image/*')) parent_id = SingleSelectField( css_class='form-control', options=Deferred(lambda: [(c._id, for c in model.provider. query(model.Category, filters={})[1]]))
class child(twf.TableLayout): inline_engine_name = 'kajiki' template = ''' <div style="padding-top:20px"> <py:for each="c in w.children_hidden"> ${c.display()} </py:for> <div class="col-md-12 ks-section-name"> Recover password <hr/> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="form-group col-md-4"> ${w.children.password.display()} <span class="help-block" py:content="w.children.password.error_msg"/> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="form-group col-md-4"> ${w.children.password_confirm.display()} <span class="help-block" py:content="w.children.password_confirm.error_msg"/> </div> </div> </div> ''' data = HiddenField() password = PasswordField(label=l_('New password'), validator=Validator(required=True), css_class='form-control', placeholder=l_('New password')) password_confirm = PasswordField(label=l_('Confirm new password'), validator=Validator(required=True), css_class='form-control', placeholder=l_('Confirm password')) validator = FieldsMatch('password', 'password_confirm')
class BuyProductForm(Form): child = CustomListLayout css_class = "form-horizontal" product = HiddenField(validator=Validator(required=True)) quantity = SingleSelectField(label=l_("Quantity"), options=[], validator=IntValidator(min=1, required=True), container_attrs={'class': 'form-group'}, label_attrs={'class': 'col-sm-12'}, wrapper_attrs={'class': 'col-sm-4'}, css_class="form-control -quantity") submit = None submit1 = SubmitButton(value=l_('Add to cart'), key='add_to_cart', name='action', css_class='btn btn-block btn-success stroller2-buy-product-submit-button') submit2 = SubmitButton(value=l_('Buy now'), key='buy_now', name='action', css_class='btn btn-block btn-success stroller2-buy-product-submit-button') def prepare(self): super(BuyProductForm, self).prepare() product_field = self.child.children.product quantity_field = self.child.children.quantity product = opts = [({'value': c}, c) for c in range(1, product.configurations[0].qty + 1)] quantity_field.grouped_options = [(None, opts)]
class ActionDescription(object): """ Allowed status are: - open - closed-validated - closed-invalidated - closed-deprecated """ ARCHIVING = 'archiving' COMMENT = 'content-comment' CREATION = 'creation' DELETION = 'deletion' EDITION = 'edition' # Default action if unknow REVISION = 'revision' STATUS_UPDATE = 'status-update' UNARCHIVING = 'unarchiving' UNDELETION = 'undeletion' MOVE = 'move' _ICONS = { 'archiving': 'fa fa-archive', 'content-comment': 'fa-comment-o', 'creation': 'fa-magic', 'deletion': 'fa-trash', 'edition': 'fa-edit', 'revision': 'fa-history', 'status-update': 'fa-random', 'unarchiving': 'fa-file-archive-o', 'undeletion': 'fa-trash-o', 'move': 'fa-arrows' } _LABELS = { 'archiving': l_('archive'), 'content-comment': l_('Item commented'), 'creation': l_('Item created'), 'deletion': l_('Item deleted'), 'edition': l_('item modified'), 'revision': l_('New revision'), 'status-update': l_('New status'), 'unarchiving': l_('Item unarchived'), 'undeletion': l_('Item undeleted'), 'move': l_('Item moved') } def __init__(self, id): assert id in ActionDescription.allowed_values() = id self.label = ActionDescription._LABELS[id] self.icon = ActionDescription._ICONS[id] self.css = '' @classmethod def allowed_values(cls): return [ cls.ARCHIVING, cls.COMMENT, cls.CREATION, cls.DELETION, cls.EDITION, cls.REVISION, cls.STATUS_UPDATE, cls.UNARCHIVING, cls.UNDELETION, cls.MOVE ]
def _admin_init_attrs(self): if 'child' not in self.__base_widget_args__: self.__base_widget_args__['child'] = _BootstrapFormLayout if 'submit' not in self.__base_widget_args__: if isinstance(self, AddRecordForm): submit_text = l_('Create') else: submit_text = l_('Save') self.__base_widget_args__['submit'] = SubmitButton(css_class='btn btn-primary', value=submit_text) for f in self.__fields__: try: field = self.__metadata__[f] except KeyError: continue field_options = self.FIELD_OPTIONS.copy() field_widget_type = self._do_get_field_widget_type(f, field) if field_widget_type in (SubDocument, SubDocumentsList): field_options.pop('css_class') field_options['children_attrs'] = self.FIELD_OPTIONS if field_widget_type == SubDocument: field_options['template'] = 'tgext.admin.templates.bootstrap_form_layout' if field_widget_type == SubDocumentsList: field_options['child'] = SubDocument(template='tgext.admin.templates.bootstrap_form_layout') self.__field_widget_args__[f] = _merge_dicts(field_options, self.__field_widget_args__.get(f, {}))
def tags(self, **kw): pname = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1] userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] alltags = [tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all()] if kw: try: usun = kw['button1'] except Exception: usun = None if usun: try: if isinstance(kw['deltags'], basestring): tagi = [DBSession.query(Tags).get(int(kw['deltags']))] else: tagi = [ DBSession.query(Tags).get(int(id)) for id in kw['deltags'] ] except Exception: tagi = None if tagi: for tag in tagi: for compound in DBSession.query(Compound).all(): if tag in compound.tags: compound.tags.remove(tag) history = History() history.user = userid history.status = u'Usuwanie tagu' history.changes = u'Usunieto tag %s ' % compound.history += [history] DBSession.add(history) DBSession.delete(tag) DBSession.flush() flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) alltags = [ tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by( 'name').all() ] else: try: if kw['addtag'] != '': tagname = kw['addtag'] else: tagname = None except Exception: tagname = None if tagname: tag = Tags() = tagname flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) DBSession.add(tag) DBSession.flush() alltags = [ tg for tg in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] else: flash(l_(u'Name required'), 'warning') return dict(alltags=alltags, page='kierownik', pname=pname)
def addlist(self, *args, **kw): """Let the user know that's visiting a protected controller.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.user_name == userid).first() users = DBSession.query(User).order_by(User.display_name).all() allproj = DBSession.query(Projects).order_by('id').all() if args and len(args) >= 2: ntable = args[0] get_args = args[1:] else: ntable, get_args = [None, ()] if kw: if not (kw.has_key('name') and kw['name'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Name is required'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif not (kw.has_key('table') and kw['table'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Table is required'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif not (kw.has_key('project') and kw['project'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Project is required'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lista = UserLists() = kw['name'] lista.table = kw['table'] lista.pname = kw['project'] if kw.has_key('notes') and kw['notes'] != u'': lista.notes = kw['notes'] if kw.has_key('permitusers') and kw['permitusers'] != u'': if isinstance(kw['permitusers'], (list, tuple)): permitusers = [ usr for usr in users if usr.user_name in kw['permitusers'] ] else: permitusers = [ usr for usr in users if usr.user_name == kw['permitusers'] ] lista.permitusers = permitusers if kw.has_key('argv') and kw['argv'] != u'': elements = [] for arg in kw['argv']: elements.append(arg) import pickle lista.elements = pickle.dumps(elements) user.lists.append(lista) DBSession.add(lista) DBSession.flush() flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) return dict(user=user, allproj=allproj, users=users, page='index', ntable=ntable, get_args=get_args, pname=None)
def mylists(self, page=1, *args, **kw): """Let the user know that's visiting a protected controller.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.user_name == userid).first() mylists = user.lists import pickle as pcl dsc = True tmpl = '' selection = None order = "id" try: if kw['search'] != u'': search_clicked = kw['search'] else: search_clicked = None except Exception: search_clicked = None if kw: delkw = [] for k, v in kw.iteritems(): if str(k) == 'desc' and str(v) != '1': dsc = None elif str(k) == 'order_by': order = v if str(k) != 'select' and str(k) != 'remove' and str(v) != u'': tmpl += str(k) + '=' + str(v) + '&' elif str(k) == 'select': try: if isinstance(kw['select'], basestring): selection = [kw['select']] else: selection = [id for id in kw['select']] except Exception: selection = None elif str(v) == u'': delkw.append(k) for k in delkw: del kw[k] mylists = sorted(mylists, key=lambda list: list.__getattribute__(order)) if dsc: mylists.reverse() if selection and not search_clicked: argv ='' for arg in selection: argv += '/' + arg if kw['akcja'] == u'edit': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/myaccount/editlist%s' %argv) else: flash(l_(u'Editing only one by one'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif kw['akcja'] == u'delete': redirect('/myaccount/removelist%s' % argv) else: flash(l_(u'Action error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) return dict(mylists=mylists, pcl=pcl, page='index', tmpl=tmpl, pname=None)
class NewPasswordForm(TableForm): data = HiddenField() password = PasswordField(label=l_('New password'), validator=Validator(required=True)) password_confirm = PasswordField(label=l_('Confirm new password'), validator=Validator(required=True)) validator = FieldsMatch('password', 'password_confirm') submit = SubmitButton(value=l_('Save new password'))
class NewCategoryForm(ListForm): name = TextField(label=l_('Name'), validator=Validator(required=True), css_class='form-control', container_attrs={'class': 'form-group'}) parent_id = SingleSelectField(label=l_('Parent'), css_class="form-control", container_attrs={'class': 'form-group'}, options=Deferred(lambda: [(c._id,[tg.config.lang]) for c in])) submit = SubmitButton(value=l_('Create'), css_class='btn btn-default')
class fields(WidgetsList): name = TextField( label_text=l_("Calendar Name"), validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)) events_type = SingleSelectField( label_text=l_('Events Type'), options=lambda: [ for e in config['_calendarevents']['event_types']], validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=False))
class NewCalendarForm(TableForm): name = TextField(label=l_("Calendar Name"), validator=Required) events_type = SingleSelectField( label=l_('Events Type'), prompt_text=None, validator=Required, options=Deferred( lambda: [ for e in config['_calendarevents']['event_types']]))
def _validate_python(self, value, state=None): document_accepted_type = ['output'] for cond in value: if cond['type'] == 'output': output = model.Output.query.get(_id=ObjectId(cond['content'])) if not output: raise ValidationError(l_(u'Output not found.'), self) else: raise ValidationError(l_(u'Invalid Filter.'), self)
class Details(twf.ListFieldSet): label = None key = 'details' email = twf.TextField(validator=twc.Validator(required=True), css_class="form-control", label=l_("Email")) phone = twf.TextField(validator=twc.Validator(), css_class="form-control", label=l_("Telefono"))
def index(self, workspace, **kw): return dict( page='precondition-index', fields={ 'columns_name': [l_('Label'), l_('Type'), l_('Owner')], 'fields_name': ['title', 'type', 'owner'] }, entities=model.Precondition.precondition_available_for_user(request.identity['user']._id, workspace=workspace), actions_content=[l_('New Output'),l_('New Q/A')], workspace=workspace )
def _validate_python(self, value, state=None): for cond in value: if cond['type'] == 'qa_response': qa = model.Qa.query.get(_id=ObjectId(cond['content'])) if not qa: raise ValidationError(l_(u'Question not found.'), self) elif cond['type'] == 'output': out = model.Output.query.get(_id=ObjectId(cond['content'])) if not out: raise ValidationError(l_(u'Output not found'), self) else: raise ValidationError(l_(u'Invalid Filter.'), self)
class fields(WidgetsList): user_name = TextField( label_text=l_('User Name'), validator=UniqueUserValidator(not_empty=True)) email_address = TextField( label_text=l_('Email'), validator=UniqueEmailValidator(not_empty=True)) password = PasswordField( label_text=l_('Password'), validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)) password_confirm = PasswordField( label_text=l_('Confirm Password'), validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True))
class child(KajikiBootstrapFormLayout): permission_name = TextField(label=l_('Name'), css_class='form-control', validator=UnicodeString(not_empty=True)) description = TextArea(label=l_('Description'), rows=10, css_class='form-control', validator=UnicodeString(not_empty=True)) groups = MultipleSelectField(label=l_('Groups'), css_class="form-control", options=Deferred(h.query_groups))
class RegistrationForm(TableForm): # set additional extra info here to bring them across the registration process # you might want to serialize the extra info in json or something similar extra = HiddenField() user_name = TextField(label=l_('User Name'), validator=UniqueUserValidator(not_empty=True)) email_address = TextField( label=l_('Email'), validator=UniqueEmailValidator(not_empty=True)) password = PasswordField(label=l_('Password'), validator=Required) password_confirm = PasswordField(label=l_('Confirm Password'), validator=Required) validator = validators.FieldsMatch('password', 'password_confirm')
class fields(WidgetsList): event = HiddenField() cal = HiddenField(validator=SQLAEntityConverter(model.Calendar)) name = TextField( label_text=l_('Event Name'), validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)) summary = TextArea( label_text=l_('Event short summary'), validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=False)) datetime = CalendarDateTimePicker(label_text=l_('Event date')) location = TextField( label_text=l_('Event Location (es: turin,it)'), validator=validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)) linked_entity = SingleSelectField(label_text=l_('Linked Entity'))
def tags(self, **kw): pname = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1] userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] alltags =[tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] if kw: try: usun = kw['button1'] except Exception: usun = None if usun: try: if isinstance(kw['deltags'], basestring): tagi = [DBSession.query( Tags ).get(int(kw['deltags']))] else: tagi = [DBSession.query( Tags ).get(int(id)) for id in kw['deltags']] except Exception: tagi = None if tagi: for tag in tagi: for compound in DBSession.query(Compound).all(): if tag in compound.tags: compound.tags.remove(tag) history = History() history.user = userid history.status = u'Usuwanie tagu' history.changes = u'Usunieto tag %s ' % compound.history += [history] DBSession.add(history) DBSession.delete(tag) DBSession.flush() flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) alltags =[tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] else: try: if kw['addtag'] != '': tagname = kw['addtag'] else: tagname = None except Exception: tagname = None if tagname: tag = Tags() = tagname flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) DBSession.add(tag) DBSession.flush() alltags =[tg for tg in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] else: flash(l_(u'Name required'), 'warning') return dict(alltags=alltags, page='kierownik', pname=pname)
class ManagementController(BaseController): # Uncomment this line if your controller requires an authenticated user allow_only = predicates.has_permission('administration', msg=l_('Only for administrators')) history = HistoryController() def _before(self, *args, **kw): tmpl_context.page_name = "Fortressd" @expose('') def index(self): """Handle the front-page.""" return dict(page='index') @expose('') def data_centers(self): """Handle the front-page.""" return dict(page='index') @expose('') def data_servers(self): """Handle the front-page.""" return dict(page='index') @expose('') def users(self): """Handle the front-page.""" return dict(page='index') @expose('') def authorizations(self): """Handle the front-page.""" return dict(page='index')
def login(self, came_from=lurl('/start')): """Start the user login.""" login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) if login_counter > 0: flash(l_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning') return dict(page='login', login_counter=str(login_counter), came_from=came_from)
def _admin_init_attrs(self): if 'child' not in self.__base_widget_args__: self.__base_widget_args__['child'] = _BootstrapFormLayout if 'submit' not in self.__base_widget_args__: if isinstance(self, AddRecordForm): submit_text = l_('Create') else: submit_text = l_('Save') self.__base_widget_args__['submit'] = SubmitButton(css_class='btn btn-primary', value=submit_text) for f in self.__fields__: self.__field_widget_args__[f] = _merge_dicts(self.FIELD_OPTIONS, self.__field_widget_args__.get(f, {}))
class SecureController(BaseController): """Sample controller-wide authorization""" # The predicate that must be met for all the actions in this controller: allow_only = has_permission( 'manage', msg=l_('Only for people with the "manage" permission')) @expose('addrbook.templates.index') def index(self): """Let the user know that's visiting a protected controller.""" flash(_("Secure Controller here")) try: username = self.username() except: username = "" return dict(page='index', contacts=[], user="******", total=0, partial=0) @expose('addrbook.templates.index') def some_where(self): """Let the user know that this action is protected too.""" return dict(page='some_where')
class UsersController(BaseController): """Subcontrollers for lookup. MAIN SITE FOR PROJECT INSTANCE. Parmission allowed only for logged user with added permision named as a project. """ # The predicate that must be met for all the actions in this controller: allow_only = has_permission( project_name, msg=l_('Permission is not sufficient for this user.')) molecules = MoleculesController() select = SelectController() synthesis = SynthesisController() library = LibraryController() results = ResultsController() @expose('molgears.templates.users.index') def index(self): """Main site for project.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] projects = DBSession.query(Projects).all() user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by( user_name=userid).first() perms = [p.permission_name for p in list(user.permissions)] return dict(page='index', userid=userid, projects=projects, perms=perms, pname=project_name)
class RootController(TGController): allow_only = in_any_group( 'voter', 'managers', msg=l_('Only for people with the "manage" permission')) invitation = InvitationController(model, model.DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig) voter = VoterController(model, model.DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig) publication = PublicationController(model, model.DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig) project = ProjectController(model, model.DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig) account = AccountController(model, model.DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig) script = LoadDataControllers(model, model.DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig) def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() @expose('managepoll.templates.index') def index(self): flash(_("Hello World!")) return dict(page='index', idproject=None)
class EditDescriptionForm(Form): action = 'update_description' class child(BaseLayout): inline_engine_name = 'kajiki' template = ''' <div py:strip=""> <py:for each="c in w.children_hidden"> ${c.display()} </py:for> <div class="form form-horizontal"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="mail-templates-title">Edit model description</div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div py:with="c=w.children.description" class="form-group ${c.error_msg and 'has-error' or ''}"> <label for="${c.compound_id}" class="col-md-2 control-label">${c.label}</label> <div class="col-md-10"> ${c.display()} <span class="help-block" py:content="c.error_msg"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ''' model_id = HiddenField() description = TextArea(label='Description', css_class='form-control') submit = SubmitButton(css_class='btn btn-primary pull-right', value=l_('Save'))
def _admin_init_attrs(self): if 'child' not in self.__base_widget_args__: self.__base_widget_args__['child'] = _BootstrapFormLayout if 'submit' not in self.__base_widget_args__: if isinstance(self, AddRecordForm): submit_text = l_('Create') else: submit_text = l_('Save') self.__base_widget_args__['submit'] = SubmitButton( css_class='btn btn-primary', value=submit_text) for f in self.__fields__: self.__field_widget_args__[f] = _merge_dicts( self.FIELD_OPTIONS, self.__field_widget_args__.get(f, {}))
def _convert_to_python(self, value, state=None): if value['field'] == 'status_changes.changed_at': try: value['filt'] = datetime.strptime(value['filt'], self.date_format) except: raise twc.ValidationError(l_('Date format must be dd/mm/yyyy')) return value
def addlist(self, *args, **kw): """Let the user know that's visiting a protected controller.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.user_name == userid).first() users = DBSession.query(User).order_by(User.display_name).all() allproj = DBSession.query(Projects).order_by('id').all() if args and len(args) >= 2: ntable = args[0] get_args = args[1:] else: ntable, get_args = [None, ()] if kw: if not (kw.has_key('name') and kw['name'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Name is required'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif not (kw.has_key('table') and kw['table'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Table is required'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif not (kw.has_key('project') and kw['project'] != u''): flash(l_(u'Project is required'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lista = UserLists() = kw['name'] lista.table = kw['table'] lista.pname = kw['project'] if kw.has_key('notes') and kw['notes'] != u'': lista.notes = kw['notes'] if kw.has_key('permitusers') and kw['permitusers'] != u'': if isinstance(kw['permitusers'], (list, tuple)): permitusers = [usr for usr in users if usr.user_name in kw['permitusers']] else: permitusers = [usr for usr in users if usr.user_name == kw['permitusers']] lista.permitusers = permitusers if kw.has_key('argv') and kw['argv'] != u'': elements = [] for arg in kw['argv']: elements.append(arg) import pickle lista.elements = pickle.dumps(elements) user.lists.append(lista) DBSession.add(lista) DBSession.flush() flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) return dict(user=user, allproj=allproj, users=users, page='index', ntable=ntable, get_args=get_args, pname=None)
class CategoryController(RestController): allow_only = predicates.has_any_permission('manage', 'lawyer', msg=l_('Only for admin or lawyer')) @expose('json') @validate({ 'id': CategoryExistValidator(required=True), }, error_handler=validation_errors_response) def get_one(self, id, **kw): qa = Category.query.get(_id=ObjectId(id)) return dict(qa=qa) @expose('json') def get_all(self): query = {'_owner': {'$in': [request.identity['user']._id, None]}, 'visible': True} categories = Category.query.find(query).sort('_id').all() return dict(categories=categories) @decode_params('json') @expose('json') @validate({ 'workspace_name': StringLengthValidator(min=2), }, error_handler=validation_errors_response) def create(self, workspace_name=None, **kw): user = request.identity['user'] ws = Category.query.find({'name': str(workspace_name), '_owner': user._id}).first() if ws: response.status_code = 412 return dict(errors={'workspace_name': 'This category already exists'}) workspace = Category( visible=True, name=str(workspace_name), _owner=user._id ) flash(_("Workspace %s successfully created!" % return dict(workspaces=self.get_all()) @decode_params('json') @expose('json') @validate({ 'workspace_id': CategoryExistValidator(required=True), }, error_handler=validation_errors_response) def delete(self, workspace_id=None, **kw): workspace = Category.query.get(_id=ObjectId(workspace_id)) if not workspace.owner: flash(_('This workspace can not be deleted'), 'warning') return dict(workspaces=self.get_all()) Qa.query.remove({'_category': ObjectId(workspace_id)}) Output.query.remove({'_category': ObjectId(workspace_id)}) Precondition.query.remove({'_category': ObjectId(workspace_id)}) documents = Document.query.find({'_category': ObjectId(workspace_id)}).all() doc = [document._id for document in documents] Questionary.query.remove({'_document': {'$in': doc}}) Document.query.remove({'_id': {'$in': doc}}) Category.query.remove({'_id': ObjectId(workspace_id)}) flash(_("Category and all entities associated deleted")) return dict(workspaces=self.get_all())
def post_logout(self, came_from=lurl('/')): """ Redirect the user to the initially requested page on logout and say goodbye as well. """ flash(l_('We hope to see you soon!')) return HTTPFound(location=came_from)
def get_user_data(user): user_data = get_profile_data( user, { 'display_name': (l_('Display Name'), user.display_name), 'email_address': (l_('Email Address'), user.email_address), }) user_avatar = user_data.pop('avatar', [None, None])[1] if user_avatar is None: fbauth_info = getattr(user, 'fbauth', None) if fbauth_info is not None: user_avatar = fbauth_info.profile_picture + '?type=large' else: user_avatar = _get_user_gravatar(user_data['email_address'][1]) return user_data, user_avatar
def removelist(self, *args, **kw): """Let the user know that's visiting a protected controller.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.user_name == userid).first() id = args[0] mylist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(id) if mylist.tg_user_id != user.user_id: flash(l_(u'Permission denied'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) assert mylist.tg_user_id == user.user_id, u"Brak uprawnien usuwania" if mylist: DBSession.delete(mylist) DBSession.flush() flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'List is required'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer'])
class UploadFileForm(twf.Form): class child(twf.TableLayout): inline_engine_name = 'kajiki' template = ''' ''' upload = FileField(label='') submit = SubmitButton(css_class="btn btn-primary", value=l_("Import")) action = lurl('/')
def save(self, **kw): order = Order.query.get(_id=ObjectId(kw['_id'])) if kw.get('bill'): for k, v in kw.get('bill_info').iteritems(): setattr(order.bill_info, k, v) for k, v in kw.get('shipment_info').iteritems(): setattr(order.shipment_info, k, v) for k, v in kw.get('details').iteritems(): setattr(order.details, k, v) flash(l_('Order successfully edited')) return redirect(self.mount_point + '/orders')
def deletefromlist(self, ulist_id, *args): """ Delete compound from User List. """ ulist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(ulist_id) # pname = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1] userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(user_name=userid).first() # ulists = [l for l in user.lists if l.table == 'Results'] if (ulist in user.lists) or (user in ulist.permitusers): if ulist.elements: import pickle elements = [int(el) for el in pickle.loads(ulist.elements)] for arg in args: if int(arg) in elements: elements.remove(int(arg)) ulist.elements = pickle.dumps(elements) flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) else: flash(l_(u'Permission denied'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer'])
def add_to_list(self, *args, **kw): if args: listid = args[0] # table = args[1] ulist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(listid) values = [] if args[2:]: for arg in args[2:]: values.append(arg) import pickle if ulist and ulist.elements and ulist.elements != u"": elements = pickle.loads(ulist.elements) else: elements = [] new_elements = set(elements + values) ulist.elements = pickle.dumps(list(new_elements)) flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'Args error'), 'error') redirect("/")
def post_login(self, came_from=lurl('/start')): """ Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed. """ if not request.identity: login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) + 1 redirect('/login', params=dict(came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter)) userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] flash(l_('Welcome back, %s!') % userid) redirect(came_from)
def remove_from_list(self, *args, **kw): ulistid = args[0] ulist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(ulistid) userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter(User.user_name == userid).first() if (ulist in user.lists): if ulist.elements: import pickle elements = pickle.loads(ulist.elements) if args[1:]: for arg in args[1:]: elements.remove(arg) ulist.elements = pickle.dumps(elements) flash(l_(u'Task completed successfully')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'Args error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'List error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'Permission denied'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer'])
def start(self): """ Home page for authorized users. """ from tg.predicates import not_anonymous if not not_anonymous(): flash(l_(u'Permission is not sufficient for this user'), 'error') redirect('/') userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] projects = DBSession.query(Projects).order_by('id').all() user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(user_name=userid).first() perms = list(user.permissions) perms_names = [p.permission_name for p in perms] user_projects = [project for project in projects if in perms_names] # flash(l_(u'Alpha version. Please send error reporting to: [email protected]. \t\t :)'), 'warning') return dict(page='start', projects=user_projects, pname=None)
def __actions__(self, obj): primary_fields = self.__provider__.get_primary_fields(self.__entity__) pklist = '/'.join(map(lambda x: str(getattr(obj, x)), primary_fields)) return Markup(''' <a href="%(pklist)s/edit" class="btn btn-primary"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> </a> <div class="hidden-lg hidden-md"> </div> <form method="POST" action="%(pklist)s" style="display: inline"> <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" /> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('%(msg)s')"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> </button> </form> ''' % dict(msg=l_('Are you sure?'), pklist=pklist))
def prefs(self, **kwargs): user = request.identity['user'] if kwargs: DBSession.add(user) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(user, key, value) flash(l_('Your settings have been updated.')) if not user.firstname or not user.lastname or not ldap_firstname, ldap_lastname, ldap_email = nimsutil.ldap_query(user.uid) firstname = user.firstname or ldap_firstname lastname = user.lastname or ldap_lastname email = or ldap_email prefs = OrderedDict() prefs['firstname'] = ('First Name', firstname) prefs['lastname'] = ('Last Name', lastname) prefs['email'] = ('Email Address', email) return dict(page='prefs', prefs=prefs)
def _lookup(self, project_name, *remainder): """ Project instance lookup. """ from tg.predicates import not_anonymous try: came_from = request.headers['Referer'] except Exception: came_from = request.path_url if not not_anonymous(): flash(l_('Permission is not sufficient for this user.'), 'error') redirect('/login?came_from=%s' % came_from) if DBSession.query(Projects).filter( class UsersController(BaseController): """Subcontrollers for lookup. MAIN SITE FOR PROJECT INSTANCE. Parmission allowed only for logged user with added permision named as a project. """ # The predicate that must be met for all the actions in this controller: allow_only = has_permission(project_name, msg=l_('Permission is not sufficient for this user.')) molecules = MoleculesController() select = SelectController() synthesis = SynthesisController() library = LibraryController() results = ResultsController() @expose('molgears.templates.users.index') def index(self): """Main site for project.""" userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] projects = DBSession.query(Projects).all() user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(user_name=userid).first() perms = [p.permission_name for p in list(user.permissions)] return dict(page='index', userid=userid, projects=projects, perms=perms, pname=project_name) users = UsersController() else: users = ErrorController() return users, remainder
def index(self, page=1, *args, **kw): """ Index controller for molecules """ pname = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1] project = DBSession.query(Projects).filter( alltags =[tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] from sqlalchemy import or_ compound = DBSession.query(Compound).filter(Compound.project.any( != None, Compound.lcompounds != None)) dsc = True tmpl = '' selection = None similarity = None userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(user_name=userid).first() threshold = float(user.threshold)/100.0 items = user.items_per_page order = "gid" try: if kw['search'] != u'': search_clicked = kw['search'] else: search_clicked = None except Exception: search_clicked = None if kw: delkw = [] for k, v in kw.iteritems(): if str(k) == 'desc' and str(v) != '1': dsc = None elif str(k) == 'order_by': order = v if str(k) != 'select' and str(k) != 'remove' and str(v) != u'': tmpl += str(k) + '=' + str(v) + '&' elif str(k) == 'select': try: if isinstance(kw['select'], basestring): selection = [kw['select']] else: selection = [id for id in kw['select']] except Exception: selection = None elif str(v) == u'': delkw.append(k) for k in delkw: del kw[k] if search_clicked: try: smiles = str(kw['smiles']) except Exception: smiles = None pass try: method = str(kw['method']) except Exception: method = None pass if smiles: if checksmi(smiles): from razi.functions import functions from razi.expression import TxtMoleculeElement if method == 'similarity': from razi.postgresql_rdkit import tanimoto_threshold DBSession.execute(tanimoto_threshold.set(threshold)) query_bfp = functions.morgan_b(TxtMoleculeElement(smiles), 2) constraint = Compound.morgan.tanimoto_similar(query_bfp) tanimoto_sml = Compound.morgan.tanimoto_similarity(query_bfp).label('tanimoto') limit = user.limit_sim search = DBSession.query(Compound, tanimoto_sml).filter(constraint).filter(Compound.project.any( compound = () similarity = () for row in search: compound += (row[0], ) similarity += (row[1], ) page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request) currentPage = paginate.Page(compound, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(length=len(compound), compound=currentPage.items, currentPage=currentPage, tmpl=tmpl, page='samples', pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity) elif method == 'substructure': constraint = Compound.structure.contains(smiles) compound = DBSession.query(Compound).filter(constraint).filter(Compound.project.any( elif method == 'identity': compound = DBSession.query(Compound).filter(Compound.structure.equals(smiles)).filter(Compound.project.any( else: flash(l_(u'Smiles error'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_GID') and kw['text_GID'] !=u'': try: gid = int(kw['text_GID']) compound = compound.filter_by(gid = gid ) except Exception as msg: flash(l_(u'GID should be a number: %s' % msg), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_name') and kw['text_name'] !=u'': compound = compound.filter(Compound.names.any(['text_name'].strip().replace('*', '%')))) if kw.has_key('text_creator') and kw['text_creator'] !=u'': compound = compound.filter(['text_creator'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_notes') and kw['text_notes'] !=u'': compound = compound.filter(['text_notes'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('date_from') and kw['date_from'] !=u'': date_from = datetime.strptime(str(kw['date_from']), '%Y-%m-%d') compound = compound.filter(Compound.create_date > date_from) else: date_from = None if kw.has_key('date_to') and kw['date_to'] !=u'': date_to = datetime.strptime(str(kw['date_to']), '%Y-%m-%d') if date_from: if date_to>date_from: compound = compound.filter(Compound.create_date < date_to) else: flash(l_(u'The End date must be later than the initial'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: compound = compound.filter(Compound.create_date < date_to) try: tags = kw['text_tags'] except Exception: tags = None pass if tags: if isinstance(tags, basestring): tagi = eval(tags) if type(tagi) != type([]): tagi = [int(tags)] else: tagi = [int(id) for id in tags] # import sqlalchemy compound = compound.filter(Compound.tags.any( if selection and not search_clicked: argv ='' for arg in selection: argv += '/' + arg if kw['akcja'] == u'edit': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/samples/edit%s' % (pname, argv)) else: redirect('/%s/samples/multiedit/index%s' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'accept': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/samples/accept%s' % (pname, argv)) else: redirect('/%s/samples/multiaccept/index%s' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'library': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/samples/library%s' % (pname, argv)) else: redirect('/%s/samples/multilibrary/index%s' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'pdf': redirect('/%s/samples/index/download%s/pdf/samples_selected.pdf' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'xls': redirect('/%s/samples/download%s/xls/samples_selected.xls' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'txt': redirect('/%s/samples/download%s/txt/samples_selected.txt' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'delete': redirect('/%s/samples/remove%s' % (pname, argv)) else: flash(l_(u'Action error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: try: akcja = kw['akcja'] except Exception: akcja = None if akcja: if akcja == u'pdf': redirect('/%s/samples/index/download/pdf/samples_all.pdf' % pname) elif akcja == u'xls': redirect('/%s/samples/download/xls/samples_all.xls' % pname) elif akcja == u'txt': redirect('/%s/samples/download/txt/samples_all.txt' % pname) if dsc: compound = compound.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: compound = compound.order_by((order)) page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request) currentPage = paginate.Page(compound, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(compound=currentPage.items, currentPage=currentPage, tmpl=tmpl, page='samples', pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity)
def index(self, page=1, *args, **kw): pname = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1] project = DBSession.query(Projects).filter_by(name=pname).first() page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request) import pickle try: cells = pickle.loads([test.cell_line for test in project.tests if == 'CT'][0]) except: cells = None lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( dsc = True order = tmpl = '' alltags =[tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] selection = None similarity = None userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(user_name=userid).first() ulist = None ulists = set([l for l in user.lists if l.table == 'Results'] + [l for l in user.tg_user_lists if l.table == 'Results']) items = user.items_per_page try: if kw['search'] != u'': search_clicked = kw['search'] else: search_clicked = None except Exception: search_clicked = None if kw: if kw.has_key('mylist'): try: ulist_id = int(kw['mylist']) ulist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(ulist_id) except Exception: flash(l_(u'List error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if (ulist in user.lists) or (user in ulist.permitusers): if ulist.elements: import pickle elements = [int(el) for el in pickle.loads(ulist.elements)] if ulist.table == 'Results': lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( else: flash(l_(u'Table error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'Permission denied'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) for k, v in kw.iteritems(): if str(k) == 'desc' and str(v) != '1': dsc = None elif str(k) == 'order_by': if v in ('gid', 'create_date', 'box', 'form', 'state', 'entry', 'source', 'MDM2', 'MDM4', 'lcode'): if v=='lcode': order = LCompound.lcode else: order = LCompound.__getattribute__(LCompound, v) else: if v=='last_point': lcompound=lcompound.join(LCompound.solubility) order = v elif hasattr(LCompound, v): order = LCompound.__getattribute__(LCompound, v) elif 'CTOX_' in v: v = v.replace('CTOX_', '') all_lcompounds = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( for l in all_lcompounds: l.avg_ct = v.replace('pp', '+') order = '_avg_ct' else: order = v if str(k) != 'select' and str(k) != 'remove' and str(v) != u'': tmpl += str(k) + '=' + str(v) + '&' elif str(k) == 'select': try: if isinstance(kw['select'], basestring): selection = [kw['select']] else: selection = [id for id in kw['select']] except Exception: selection = None if search_clicked: try: smiles = str(kw['smiles']) if 'pp' in smiles: smiles = smiles.replace('pp', '+') method = str(kw['method']) except Exception: smiles = None method = None if smiles: if checksmi(smiles): from razi.functions import functions from razi.expression import TxtMoleculeElement if method == 'similarity': # from razi.postgresql_rdkit import tanimoto_threshold query_bfp = functions.morgan_b(TxtMoleculeElement(smiles), 2) constraint = Compound.morgan.tanimoto_similar(query_bfp) tanimoto_sml = Compound.morgan.tanimoto_similarity(query_bfp).label('tanimoto') search = DBSession.query(LCompound, tanimoto_sml).join(LCompound.mol).join(LCompound.purity).filter(Compound.project.any( if order != if order == 'purity': order = LPurity.value if dsc: search = search.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: search = search.order_by(order) else: search = search.order_by(desc(tanimoto_sml)).all() lcompound = () similarity = () for row in search: lcompound += (row[0], ) similarity += (row[1], ) currentPage = paginate.Page(lcompound, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(currentPage=currentPage,tmpl=tmpl, page='results', pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity,htmlRgb=htmlRgb, htmlRgb100=htmlRgb100, Num2Rgb=Num2Rgb, cells=cells, ulists=ulists, ulist=ulist) elif method == 'substructure': constraint = Compound.structure.contains(smiles) lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( elif method == 'identity': lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).filter(Compound.project.any( else: if method == 'smarts': if dsc: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(order) search = lcompound.all() sub_lcompounds = () patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smiles) if not patt: flash(l_(u'SMARTS error'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) for row in search: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(row.mol.structure)) mol = Chem.AddHs(m) if mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt): sub_lcompounds += (row, ) currentPage = paginate.Page(sub_lcompounds, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(currentPage=currentPage,tmpl=tmpl, page='results', pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity,htmlRgb=htmlRgb, htmlRgb100=htmlRgb100, Num2Rgb=Num2Rgb, cells=cells, ulists=ulists, ulist=ulist) else: flash(l_(u'SMILES error'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_GID') and kw['text_GID'] !=u'': try: gid = int(kw['text_GID']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.gid == gid) except Exception as msg: flash(l_(u'GID should be a number: %s' % msg), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_ID') and kw['text_ID'] !=u'': try: id = int(kw['text_ID']) lcompound = lcompound.filter( == id) except Exception as msg: flash(l_(u'ID should be a number: %s' % msg), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_name') and kw['text_name'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(Compound.names.any(['text_name'].strip().replace('*', '%')))) if kw.has_key('text_notes') and kw['text_notes'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_notes'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_lso') and kw['text_lso'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_lso'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_entry') and kw['text_entry'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_entry'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_box') and kw['text_box'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_box'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('date_from') and kw['date_from'] !=u'': date_from = datetime.strptime(str(kw['date_from']), '%Y-%m-%d') lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.create_date > date_from) else: date_from = None if kw.has_key('date_to') and kw['date_to'] !=u'': date_to = datetime.strptime(str(kw['date_to']), '%Y-%m-%d') if date_from: if date_to>date_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.create_date < date_to) else: flash(l_(u'The End date must be later than the initial'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.create_date < date_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_hill_from') and kw['text_mdm2_hill_from'] !=u'': text_mdm2_hill_from = float(kw['text_mdm2_hill_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm2 >= text_mdm2_hill_from) else: text_mdm2_hill_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_hill_to') and kw['text_mdm2_hill_to'] !=u'': text_mdm2_hill_to = float(kw['text_mdm2_hill_to']) if text_mdm2_hill_from: if text_mdm2_hill_to>=text_mdm2_hill_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_hill_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_hill_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_fluor_from') and kw['text_mdm2_fluor_from'] !=u'': text_mdm2_fluor_from = float(kw['text_mdm2_fluor_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm2 >= text_mdm2_fluor_from) else: text_mdm2_fluor_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_fluor_to') and kw['text_mdm2_fluor_to'] !=u'': text_mdm2_fluor_to = float(kw['text_mdm2_fluor_to']) if text_mdm2_fluor_from: if text_mdm2_fluor_to>=text_mdm2_fluor_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_fluor_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_fluor_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_ki_from') and kw['text_mdm2_ki_from'] !=u'': text_mdm2_ki_from = float(kw['text_mdm2_ki_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm2 >= text_mdm2_ki_from) else: text_mdm2_ki_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_ki_to') and kw['text_mdm2_ki_to'] !=u'': text_mdm2_ki_to = float(kw['text_mdm2_ki_to']) if text_mdm2_ki_from: if text_mdm2_ki_to>=text_mdm2_ki_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_ki_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_ki_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_hill_from') and kw['text_mdm4_hill_from'] !=u'': text_mdm4_hill_from = float(kw['text_mdm4_hill_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm4 >= text_mdm4_hill_from) else: text_mdm4_hill_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_hill_to') and kw['text_mdm4_hill_to'] !=u'': text_mdm4_hill_to = float(kw['text_mdm4_hill_to']) if text_mdm4_hill_from: if text_mdm4_hill_to>=text_mdm4_hill_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_hill_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_hill_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_fluor_from') and kw['text_mdm4_fluor_from'] !=u'': text_mdm4_fluor_from = float(kw['text_mdm4_fluor_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm4 >= text_mdm4_fluor_from) else: text_mdm4_fluor_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_fluor_to') and kw['text_mdm4_fluor_to'] !=u'': text_mdm4_fluor_to = float(kw['text_mdm4_fluor_to']) if text_mdm4_fluor_from: if text_mdm4_fluor_to>=text_mdm4_fluor_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_fluor_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_fluor_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_ki_from') and kw['text_mdm4_ki_from'] !=u'': text_mdm4_ki_from = float(kw['text_mdm4_ki_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm4 >= text_mdm4_ki_from) else: text_mdm4_ki_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_ki_to') and kw['text_mdm4_ki_to'] !=u'': text_mdm4_ki_to = float(kw['text_mdm4_ki_to']) if text_mdm4_ki_from: if text_mdm4_ki_to>=text_mdm4_ki_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_ki_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_ki_to) try: tags = kw['text_tags'] except Exception: tags = None pass if tags: if isinstance(tags, basestring): tagi = eval(tags) if type(tagi) != type([]): tagi = [int(tags)] else: tagi = [int(tid) for tid in tags] lcompound = lcompound.filter(Compound.tags.any( if dsc: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(order) if search_clicked and kw['search'] == "Download": if kw['file_type'] and kw['file_type'] != u'' and kw['sell_type'] and kw['sell_type'] != u'': if kw['sell_type'] == u'all': lcompounds = lcompound.all() elif kw['sell_type'] == u'selected': if selection: lcompounds = () for el in selection: lcompounds += (DBSession.query(LCompound).get(el), ) else: flash(l_(u'Lack of selected structures for download'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif kw['sell_type'] == u'range': lcompounds = lcompound.all() if kw.has_key('select_from') and kw['select_from'] != u'': try: select_from = int(kw['select_from']) -1 if select_from<1 or select_from>len(lcompounds): select_from = 0 except Exception: select_from = 0 else: select_from = 0 if kw.has_key('select_to') and kw['select_to'] != u'': try: select_to = int(kw['select_to']) if select_to<2 or select_to>len(lcompounds): select_to = len(lcompounds) except Exception: select_to = len(lcompounds) else: select_to = len(lcompounds) lcompounds_new = () for el in range(select_from, select_to): lcompounds_new += (lcompounds[el], ) lcompounds = lcompounds_new else: flash(l_(u'Lack of items to download'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) try: if isinstance(kw['options'], basestring): options = [kw['options']] else: options = kw['options'] except Exception: flash(l_('Choose download options'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if 'getsize' in kw: size = int(kw['getsize']), int(kw['getsize']) else: size = 100, 100 if kw['file_type'] == 'pdf': filename = userid + '_selected.pdf' from xhtml2pdf.pisa import CreatePDF from tg.render import render as render_template import cStringIO html = render_template({"length":len(lcompounds), "lcompound":lcompounds, "cells":cells, "options":options, "size":size}, "genshi", "molgears.templates.users.results.print2", doctype=None) dest = './molgears/files/pdf/' + filename result = file(dest, "wb") CreatePDF(cStringIO.StringIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), result, encoding="utf-8") result.close() import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp('./molgears/files/pdf/'+ filename) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) elif kw['file_type'] == 'xls': filename = userid + '_selected.xls' filepath = os.path.join('./molgears/files/download/', filename) from PIL import Image import xlwt wbk = xlwt.Workbook() sheet = wbk.add_sheet('sheet1') j=0 if 'nr' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Nr.') j+=1 if 'gid' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'GID') j+=1 if 'id' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'ID') j+=1 if 'name' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Name') j+=1 if 'names' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Names') j+=1 if 'image' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Image') j+=1 if 'smiles' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'SMILES') j+=1 if 'inchi' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'InChi') j+=1 if 'lso' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'LSO') j+=1 if 'num_atoms' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Atoms') j+=1 if 'mw' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'MW') j+=1 if 'hba' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'hba') j+=1 if 'hbd' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'hbd') j+=1 if 'tpsa' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'tpsa') j+=1 if 'logp' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'logP') j+=1 if 'purity' in options: sheet.write(0,j, u'Purity') j+=1 if 'create_date' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Date') j+=1 if 'box' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Box') j+=1 if 'entry' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Entry') j+=1 if 'source' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Source') j+=1 if 'content' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Content') j+=1 if 'tags' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Tags') j+=1 if 'notes' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Notes') j+=1 for cell_line in cells: if '_CT_%s' % cell_line in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'CT %s' % cell_line) j+=1 i = 1 for row in lcompounds: j=0 if 'nr' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(i)) j+=1 if 'gid' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.gid) j+=1 if 'id' in options: sheet.write(i,j, j+=1 if 'name' in options: sheet.write(i,j, j+=1 if 'names' in options: names = u'' for n in row.mol.names: names += + u', ' sheet.write(i,j, names) j+=1 if 'image' in options: file_in = './molgears/public/img/%s.png' % row.gid img = file_out = './molgears/public/img/bitmap/thumb%s.bmp' %row.gid img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) sheet.insert_bitmap(file_out , i,j, 5, 5) j+=1 if 'smiles' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.structure)) j+=1 if 'inchi' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.inchi)) j+=1 if 'lso' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.lso) j+=1 if 'num_atoms' in options: sheet.write(i,j,str(row.mol.num_hvy_atoms)+'/'+str(row.mol.num_atoms)) j+=1 if 'mw' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str( j+=1 if 'hba' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.hba)) j+=1 if 'hbd' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.hbd)) j+=1 if 'tpsa' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.tpsa)) j+=1 if 'logp' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.logp)) j+=1 if 'state' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.state)) j+=1 if 'purity' in options: pur = u'' for p in sorted(row.purity, key=lambda p: p.value, reverse=True): pur += u'%s : %s\n' % (p.value, p.type) sheet.write(i,j, pur) j+=1 if 'create_date' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.create_date)) j+=1 if 'owner' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.owner) j+=1 if 'box' in options: sheet.write(i,j, j+=1 if 'entry' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.entry) j+=1 if 'source' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.source) j+=1 if 'content' in options: if row.content: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.content.value)) else: sheet.write(i,j, 'None') j+=1 if 'tags' in options: tagsy=u'' for tag in row.mol.tags: tagsy += + u', ' sheet.write(i,j,tagsy) j+=1 if 'notes' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.notes) j+=1 for cell_line in cells: if '_CT_%s' % cell_line in options: res = [] if row.ctoxicity: for ct in sorted(row.ctoxicity, key=lambda ct: if ct.cell_line==cell_line: res.append(ct.ic50) if len(res)>0: sheet.write(i,j, str(round(sum(res)/len(res), 3))) else: sheet.write(i,j, '') j+=1 i += 1 import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp(filepath) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) elif kw['file_type'] == 'sdf': filepath = './molgears/files/download/out.sdf' ww = Chem.SDWriter(filepath) from rdkit.Chem import AllChem for row in lcompounds: m2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(row.mol.structure)) AllChem.Compute2DCoords(m2) AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m2) AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(m2) if 'smiles' in options: m2.SetProp("smiles", str(row.mol.structure)) if 'name' in options: m2.SetProp("_Name", str('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'nr' in options: m2.SetProp("Nr", str(lcompounds.index(row)+1)) if 'gid' in options: m2.SetProp("GID", str(row.gid)) if 'names' in options: names = u'' for n in row.mol.names: names += + ', ' m2.SetProp("names", str(names.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'inchi' in options: m2.SetProp("InChi", str(row.mol.inchi)) if 'lso' in options: m2.SetProp("LSO", str(row.lso)) if 'num_atoms' in options: m2.SetProp("atoms", str(row.mol.num_hvy_atoms)+'/'+str(row.mol.num_atoms)) if 'mw' in options: m2.SetProp("mw", str( if 'hba' in options: m2.SetProp("hba", str(row.mol.hba)) if 'hbd' in options: m2.SetProp("hbd", str(row.mol.hbd)) if 'tpsa' in options: m2.SetProp("TPSA", str(row.mol.tpsa)) if 'logp' in options: m2.SetProp("logP", str(row.mol.tpsa)) if 'create_date' in options: m2.SetProp("create_date", str(row.create_date)) if 'owner' in options: m2.SetProp("owner", str(row.owner)) if 'tags' in options: tagsy=u'' for tag in row.mol.tags: tagsy += + u', ' m2.SetProp("tagi", str(tagsy.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'purity' in options: pur = u'' for p in sorted(row.purity, key=lambda p: p.value, reverse=True): pur += u'%s : %s \n' % (p.value, p.type) m2.SetProp("purity", str(pur.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'content' in options: if row.content: m2.SetProp("content", str(row.content.value)) else: m2.SetProp("content", "None") j+=1 if 'box' in options: m2.SetProp("box", str( if 'entry' in options: m2.SetProp("entry", str(row.entry)) if 'notes' in options: if row.notes: m2.SetProp("notes", str(row.notes.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) else: m2.SetProp("notes", " ") for cell_line in cells: if '_CT_%s' % cell_line in options: res = [] if row.ctoxicity: for ct in sorted(row.ctoxicity, key=lambda ct: if ct.cell_line==cell_line: res.append(ct.ic50) if len(res)>0: m2.SetProp('CT_%s' % cell_line, str(round(sum(res)/len(res), 3))) else: m2.SetProp('CT_%s' % cell_line, ' ') ww.write(m2) ww.close() import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp(filepath) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) elif kw['file_type'] == 'csv' or 'txt': filename = userid + '_selected.' + kw['file_type'] filepath = os.path.join('./molgears/files/download/', filename) from molgears.widgets.unicodeCSV import UnicodeWriter import csv if kw['file_type'] == u'csv': delimiter = ';' else: delimiter = ' ' with open(filepath, 'wb') as csvfile: spamwriter = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in lcompounds: line =[] if 'smiles' in options: line.append(str(row.mol.structure)) if 'name' in options: line.append( if 'nr' in options: line.append(unicode(lcompounds.index(row)+1)) if 'gid' in options: line.append(unicode(row.gid)) if 'names' in options: names = u'' for n in row.mol.names: names += + u', ' line.append(names) if 'inchi' in options: line.append(row.mol.inchi) if 'lso' in options: line.append(row.lso) if 'num_atoms' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.num_hvy_atoms)+'/'+unicode(row.mol.num_atoms)) if 'mw' in options: line.append(unicode( if 'hba' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.hba)) if 'hbd' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.hbd)) if 'tpsa' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.tpsa)) if 'logp' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.logp)) if 'purity' in options: pur = u'' for p in sorted(row.purity, key=lambda p: p.value, reverse=True): pur += u'%s : %s\n' % (p.value, p.type) line.append(pur) if 'create_date' in options: line.append(unicode(row.create_date)) if 'owner' in options: line.append(row.owner) if 'box' in options: line.append( if 'entry' in options: line.append(row.entry) if 'source' in options: line.append(row.source) if 'content' in options: if row.content: line.append(unicode(row.content.value)) else: line.append(u'None') if 'tags' in options: tagsy= '' for tag in row.mol.tags: tagsy += + ', ' line.append(tagsy) if 'notes' in options: line.append(row.notes) spamwriter.writerow(line) import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp(filepath) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) if selection and not search_clicked: argv ='' gids = '' for arg in selection: argv += '/' + arg tmp_result = DBSession.query(LCompound).get(arg) gids += '/' + str(tmp_result.gid) if kw['akcja'] == u'edit': redirect('/%s/molecules/multiedit/index%s' % (pname, gids)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'results': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/results/new_result%s' % (pname, argv)) else: redirect('/%s/results/multiresults/index%s' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'htrf': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/results/htrf/add_result2%s' % (pname, argv)) currentPage = paginate.Page(lcompound, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(currentPage=currentPage,tmpl=tmpl, page='results', htmlRgb=htmlRgb, htmlRgb100=htmlRgb100, Num2Rgb=Num2Rgb, pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity, cells=cells, ulists=ulists, ulist=ulist)
from tg.i18n import lazy_ugettext as l_ from tw.forms.validators import FieldStorageUploadConverter from skylines.forms import BootstrapForm, MultiFileField, pilot file_field_validator = FieldStorageUploadConverter( not_empty=True, messages=dict(empty=l_("Please add one or more IGC or ZIP files")), accept_iterator=True ) file_field = MultiFileField( 'file', label_text=l_("IGC or ZIP file(s)"), validator=file_field_validator) form = BootstrapForm('upload_form', submit_text="Upload", action='do', children=[ file_field, pilot.SelectField('pilot', label_text=l_("Pilot")) ])
# on login: base_config.sa_auth.post_login_url = '/post_login' # You may optionally define a page where you want users to be redirected to # on logout: base_config.sa_auth.post_logout_url = '/post_logout' # INFO - This is the way to specialize the resetpassword email properties # plug(base_config, 'resetpassword', None, mail_subject=reset_password_email_subject) plug(base_config, 'resetpassword', 'reset_password') replace_template(base_config, 'resetpassword.templates.index', 'tracim.templates.reset_password_index') replace_template(base_config, 'resetpassword.templates.change_password', 'mako:tracim.templates.reset_password_change_password') # Note: here are fake translatable strings that allow to translate messages for reset password email content duplicated_email_subject = l_('Password reset request') duplicated_email_body = l_(''' We've received a request to reset the password for this account. Please click this link to reset your password: %(password_reset_link)s If you no longer wish to make the above change, or if you did not initiate this request, please disregard and/or delete this e-mail. ''') ####### # # INFO - D.A. - 2014-10-31 # The following code is a dirty way to integrate translation for resetpassword tgapp in tracim # TODO - Integrate these translations into tgapp-resetpassword #
def edit(self, **kw): order = Order.query.get(_id=ObjectId(kw.get('order_id', kw.get('_id')))) if order.status == 'shipped': flash(l_('Is not possible to edit a shipped Order'), 'error') return redirect(self.mount_point + '/orders') return dict(form=get_edit_order_form(), value=order)
"""This method showcases how you can use the same controller for a data page and a display page""" seishub_stations = "" req = urllib2.Request(seishub_stations) opener = urllib2.build_opener() f = json = loads( #return dict(params=kw) return dict(params=dict(args=kw, json=json)) @expose('portal.templates.authentication') def auth(self): """Display some information about auth* on this application.""" return dict(page='auth') @expose('portal.templates.index') @require(predicates.has_permission('manage', msg=l_('Permitido apenas para funcionários'))) def manage_permission_only(self, **kw): """Illustrate how a page for managers only works.""" return dict(page='managers stuff') @expose('portal.templates.index') @require(predicates.is_user('editor', msg=l_('Permitido apenas para editor'))) def editor_user_only(self, **kw): """Illustrate how a page exclusive for the editor works.""" return dict(page='editor stuff') @expose('portal.templates.login') def login(self, came_from=url('/')): """Start the user login.""" login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] if login_counter > 0:
(u'mph', lambda value: format_decimal(value * 2.23693629, format=u'0.0 mph')), ) lift_units = ( (u'm/s', lambda value: format_decimal(value, format=u'0.0 m/s')), (u'kt', lambda value: format_decimal(value * 1.94384449, format=u'0.0 kt')), (u'ft/min', lambda value: format_decimal(value * 196.850394, format=u'0 ft/min')), ) altitude_units = ( (u'm', lambda value: "%d m" % value), (u'ft', lambda value: "%d ft" % (value * 3.2808399)) ) unit_presets = ( (l_("Custom"), {}), (l_("European (metric)"), {'distance_unit': u'km', 'speed_unit': u'km/h', 'lift_unit': u'm/s', 'altitude_unit': u'm' }), (l_("British (imperial, distance in km)"), {'distance_unit': u'km', 'speed_unit': u'kt', 'lift_unit': u'kt', 'altitude_unit': u'ft' }),
continue fixes = map(lambda x: (x.longitude, x.latitude), contest_trace.locations) times = [] for time in contest_trace.times: times.append(flight.takeoff_time.hour * 3600 + flight.takeoff_time.minute * 60 + flight.takeoff_time.second + \ (time - flight.takeoff_time).days * 86400 + (time - flight.takeoff_time).seconds) contest_traces.append(dict(name=contest['contest_type'] + " " + contest['trace_type'], turnpoints=encoder.encode(fixes, [0] * len(fixes))['points'], times=encoder.encodeList(times))) return contest_traces CIRCDIR_NAMES = {None: "", FlightPhase.CD_LEFT: l_("Left"), FlightPhase.CD_MIXED: l_("Mixed"), FlightPhase.CD_RIGHT: l_("Right"), FlightPhase.CD_TOTAL: l_("Total")} PHASETYPE_NAMES = {None: "", FlightPhase.PT_POWERED: l_("Powered"), FlightPhase.PT_CIRCLING: l_("Circling"), FlightPhase.PT_CRUISE: l_("Cruise")} def format_phase(phase): """Format phase properties to human readable format """ is_circling = phase.phase_type == FlightPhase.PT_CIRCLING r = dict(start="%s" % format_time(phase.start_time),
class NewClubForm(AddRecordForm): __base_widget_type__ = BootstrapForm __model__ = Club __limit_fields__ = ['name'] __field_widget_args__ = { 'name': dict(label_text=l_('Name')) } name = TextField new_club_form = NewClubForm(DBSession) user_validator = Schema(chained_validators=(FieldsMatch('password', 'verify_password', messages={'invalidNoMatch': l_('Passwords do not match')}),)) class NewUserForm(AddRecordForm): __base_widget_type__ = BootstrapForm __model__ = User __required_fields__ = ['password'] __limit_fields__ = ['email_address', 'display_name', 'password', 'verify_password', 'club'] __base_validator__ = user_validator __field_widget_args__ = { 'email_address': dict(label_text=l_('eMail Address')), 'display_name': dict(label_text=l_('Name')), 'club': dict(label_text=l_('Club')), 'password': dict(label_text=l_('Password')), 'verify_password': dict(label_text=l_('Verify Password')), }
# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from datetime import date, datetime from itertools import groupby from bson import ObjectId from tg import TGController, expose, validate, lurl, redirect, request, tmpl_context, config, flash, predicates from tg.i18n import lazy_ugettext as l_ import tw2.core as twc import tw2.forms as twf from tw2.forms.widgets import BaseLayout from tgext.ecommerce.lib import get_edit_order_form from tgext.ecommerce.model import Order FILTER_FIELDS = [('status_changes.changed_at', l_('date')), ('status', l_('status')), ('user', l_('user'))] class MaybeDateValidator(twc.Validator): date_format = '%d/%m/%Y' def _convert_to_python(self, value, state=None): if value['field'] == 'status_changes.changed_at': try: value['filt'] = datetime.strptime(value['filt'], self.date_format) except: raise twc.ValidationError(l_('Date format must be dd/mm/yyyy')) return value def _convert_from_python(self, value, state=None): if value['field'] == 'status_changes.changed_at': value['filt'] = value['filt'].strftime(self.date_format)