Example #1
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    # If user is not set text and not reply a message
    if not msg.reply_to_message:
        if len(msg.text.split()) == 1:
            msg.reply_text(tld(chat.id, 'welcome_set_welcome_no_text'),
            return ""

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text(tld(chat.id, "welcome_set_welcome_no_datatype"))
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content, text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text(tld(chat.id, 'welcome_set_welcome_success'))

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #2
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom goodbye message!")
    return f"<b>{escape(chat.title)}:</b>" \
           f"\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           f"\n<b>Admin:</b> {mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)}" \
           f"\nSet the goodbye message."
Example #3
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat
    user = update.effective_user
    msg = update.effective_message
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom goodbye message!")
    return (f"<b>{html.escape(chat.title)}:</b>\n"
            f"<b>Admin:</b> {mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)}\n"
            f"Set the goodbye message.")
Example #4
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat
    user = update.effective_user
    msg = update.effective_message
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Anda tidak menentukan harus membalas dengan apa!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Berhasil menyetel pesan selamat tinggal!")
    return (f"<b>{html.escape(chat.title)}:</b>\n"
            f"<b>Admin:</b> {mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)}\n"
            f"Atur pesan selamat tinggal.")
Example #5
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Du hast nicht angegeben, mit was ich antworten soll!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Ich habe die Verabschiedungsnachricht gesetzt!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nVerabschiedungsnachricht setzen".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #6
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Bir mesaja reply verməlisiniz!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Sağol mesajı yadda saxlanıldı!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #7
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Nə cavab verəcəyinizi müəyyənləşdirməmisiniz!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Xüsusi vida mesajı müvəffəqiyyətlə quruldu!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSağollaşma ayarı.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #8
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Ne ile yanıt vereceğinizi belirtmediniz!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Özel hoşçakal mesajı başarıyla ayarlandı!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #9
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("답장할 대상을 지정하지 않았어요!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("성공적으로 작별인사 메시지를 설정했어요!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#작별인사_메시지_설정" \
           "\n<b>관리자:</b> {}" \
           "\n작별인사 메시지를 설정했어요.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #10
def set_goodbye(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!") # ERR_NO_ANSWER
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom goodbye message!") # MSG_SUCCESS_GOODBYE
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)) # MSG_SUCCESS_GOODBYE_HTML
Example #11
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Nie określiłeś, co odpowiedzieć!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Pomyślnie ustawiono wiadomość pożegnalną!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nUstawiono wiadomość pożegnalną.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #12
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Você não especificou o que responder com!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Definir com sucesso personalizado adeus mensagem!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\n Definir a mensagem de adeus.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #13
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("برام مشخص کن چی بهشون بگم خو.")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("بخان برن یه خدافظی مشتی باشون میکنم!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#متن_خدافظی" \
           "\n<b>توسط:</b> {}" \
           "\nتغییر کرد.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #14
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Non hai specificato come devo rispondere!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Ho impostato con successo il messaggio di goodbye!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #15
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("सफलतापूर्वक कस्टम गुडबाय संदेश सेट!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #16
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("لطفا بهم بگو چی میخوای بگم ؟")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("وقتی که برن ، همین چیزی که خواستید رو بهشون میگم")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#متن_خدافظی" \
           "\n<b>توسط:</b> {}" \
           "\nتغییر کرد.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #17
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom welcome message!")

    return (f"<b>{html.escape(chat.title)}:</b>\n"
            f"<b>Admin:</b> {mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)}\n"
            f"Set the welcome message.")
Example #18
def set_goodbye(update, context) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat
    user = update.effective_user
    msg = update.effective_message

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom goodbye message!")
    return ("<b>{}:</b>"
            "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}"
            "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(
                escape(chat.title), mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)))
Example #19
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Manasilayilleda mone onnude para. 🤔")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("ok da. iny aarelum kerivarumbol njan ithu paranjolaam. 😋")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #20
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Du hast nicht angegeben, mit was ich antworten soll!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Die Willkommensnachricht wurde erfolgreich gesetzt!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSetze die Willkommensnachricht".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #21
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Ne ile yanıt vereceğinizi belirtmediniz!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Özel karşılama mesajı başarıyla belirlendi!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nKarşılama mesajını ayarlayın.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #22
def set_welcome(update, context) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom welcome message!")

    return ("<b>{}:</b>"
            "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}"
            "\nSet the welcome message.".format(
                escape(chat.title), mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)))
Example #23
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("ඔබ පිළිතුරු දිය යුත්තේ කුමක් ද යන්න සඳහන් කර නැත!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("අභිරුචි පිළිගැනීමේ පණිවිඩය සාර්ථකව සකසන්න!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #24
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Nə cavab verəcəyinizi müəyyənləşdirməmisiniz!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Xüsusi qarşılama mesajı uğurla quruldu!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nXoş gəldin ayarı.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #25
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Welcome message സെറ്റ് ചെയ്‌തിട്ടുണ്ട്‌! 🤩")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #26
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
            "هیچ شتێکت دیارینەکردووە بۆ ئەوەی بەکارهێنەرە بەو بەکارهێنەرانە بوترێت کە دەردەچن!"
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("پەیامی خواحافیزیکردن سەرکەوتووانە هەڵگیرا!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #27
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
            "എന്ത് മറുപടി ആണ് പറയേണ്ടത് എന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ വ്യക്തമാക്കിയില്ല.")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("ഇഷ്ടാനുസൃത സ്വാഗത സന്ദേശം വിജയകരമായി സജ്ജീകരിച്ചു!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #28
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
            "هیچ شتێکت دیارینەکردووە بۆ ئەوەی بەکارهێنەرە نوێیەکانی پێبەخێرهاتنبکرێت!"
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("پەیامی بەخێرهاتن سەرکەوتووانە هەڵگیرا!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
Example #29
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    if data_type != sql.Types.TEXT and data_type != sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT:
        sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content, data_type, buttons, text)
        sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, text, data_type, buttons)

    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom welcome message!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))