Example #1
    def get_tgdb(self):
        tgdb = self.bot.get_cog("TGDB")
        if not tgdb:
            raise TGUnrecoverableError(
                "TGDB must exist and be configured for tgverify cog to work")

        return tgdb
Example #2
    async def query_database(self, ctx, query: str, parameters: list):
        Use our active pool to pass in the given query
        if not self.pool:
            await self.reconnect_to_db_with_guild_context_config(ctx)
            raise TGUnrecoverableError(
                "The database was not connected,  a reconnect was attempted")

            log.debug(f"Executing query {query}, with parameters {parameters}")
            async with self.pool.acquire() as conn:
                async with conn.cursor(aiomysql.DictCursor) as cur:
                    await cur.execute(query, parameters)
                    rows = cur.fetchall()
                    # WRITE TO STORAGE LOL
                    await conn.commit()
                    return rows.result()

Example #3
    async def verify(self, ctx, *, one_time_token: str = None):
        Attempt to verify the user, based on the passed in one time code
        This command is rated limited to two attempts per user every 60 seconds, and 6 attempts per entire discord every 60 seconds
        #Get the minimum required living minutes
        min_required_living_minutes = await self.config.guild(
        instructions_link = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild
        role = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).verified_role()
        role = ctx.guild.get_role(role)
        tgdb = self.get_tgdb()
        ckey = None

        # First lets try to remove their message, since the one time token is technically a secret if something goes wrong
            await ctx.message.delete()
        except (discord.DiscordException):
            await ctx.send(
                "I do not have the required permissions to delete messages, please remove/edit the one time token manually."
        if not role:
            raise TGUnrecoverableError(
                "No verification role is configured, configure it with .config role"

        if role in ctx.author.roles:
            return await ctx.send("You already are verified")

        message = await ctx.send("Attempting to verify you....")
        async with ctx.typing():

            if one_time_token:
                # Attempt to find the user based on the one time token passed in.
                ckey = await tgdb.lookup_ckey_by_token(ctx, one_time_token)

            # they haven't specified a one time token or it didn't match, see if we already have a linked ckey for the user id that is still valid
            if ckey is None:
                discord_link = await tgdb.discord_link_for_discord_id(
                    ctx, ctx.author.id)
                if (discord_link and discord_link.valid > 0):
                    # we have a fast path, just reapply the linked role and bail
                    await ctx.author.add_roles(
                        "User has re-verified against their in game living minutes"
                    return await message.edit(
                        f"Congrats {ctx.author} your verification is complete")

                raise TGRecoverableError(
                    f"Sorry {ctx.author} it looks like we don't recognise this one use token or it has expired or you don't have a ckey linked to this discord account, go back into game and try generating one another! See {instructions_link} for more information. \n\nIf it's still failing after a few tries, ask for support from the verification team, "

                f"Verification request by {ctx.author.id}, for ckey {ckey}")
            # Now look for the user based on the ckey
            player = await tgdb.get_player_by_ckey(ctx, ckey)

            if player is None:
                raise TGRecoverableError(
                    f"Sorry {ctx.author} looks like we couldn't look up your user, ask the verification team for support!"

            if player['living_time'] < min_required_living_minutes:
                return await message.edit(
                    f"Sorry {ctx.author} you only have {player['living_time']} minutes as a living player on our servers, and you require at least {min_required_living_minutes}! You will need to play more on our servers to access all the discord channels, see {instructions_link} for more information"

            # clear any/all previous valid links for ckey or the discord id (in case they have decided to make a new ckey)
            await tgdb.clear_all_valid_discord_links_for_ckey(ctx, ckey)
            await tgdb.clear_all_valid_discord_links_for_discord_id(
                ctx, ctx.author.id)
            # Record that the user is linked against a discord id
            await tgdb.update_discord_link(ctx, one_time_token, ctx.author.id)
            if role:
                await ctx.author.add_roles(
                    "User has verified against their in game living minutes")

            return await message.edit(
                content=f"Congrats {ctx.author} your verification is complete",
Example #4
    async def verify(self, ctx, *, one_time_token: str = None):
        Attempt to verify the user, based on the passed in one time code
        This command is rated limited to two attempts per user every 60 seconds, and 6 attempts per entire discord every 60 seconds
        # Get the minimum required living minutes
        min_required_living_minutes = await self.config.guild(
        instructions_link = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild
        role = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).verified_role()
        verified_role = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild
        role = ctx.guild.get_role(role)
        verified_role = ctx.guild.get_role(verified_role)
        tgdb = self.get_tgdb()
        ckey = None

        # First lets try to remove their message, since the one time token is technically a secret if something goes wrong
            await ctx.message.delete()
        except (discord.DiscordException):
            await ctx.send(
                "I do not have the required permissions to delete messages, please remove/edit the one time token manually."
        if not role:
            raise TGUnrecoverableError(
                "No verification role is configured, configure it with the config command"
        if not verified_role:
            raise TGUnrecoverableError(
                "No verification role is configured for living minutes, configure it with config command"

        if role in ctx.author.roles and verified_role in ctx.author.roles:
            return await ctx.send("You are already verified")

        message = await ctx.send("Attempting to verify you....")
        async with ctx.typing():

            if one_time_token:
                # Attempt to find the user based on the one time token passed in.
                ckey = await tgdb.lookup_ckey_by_token(ctx, one_time_token)

            prexisting = False
            # they haven't specified a one time token or it didn't match, see if we already have a linked ckey for the user id that is still valid
            if ckey is None:
                discord_link = await tgdb.discord_link_for_discord_id(
                    ctx, ctx.author.id)
                if discord_link and discord_link.valid > 0:
                    prexisting = True
                    ckey = discord_link.ckey
                    # Now look for the user based on the ckey
                    # player = await tgdb.get_player_by_ckey(ctx, discord_link.ckey)
                    # if player and player['living_time'] >= min_required_living_minutes:
                    #    await ctx.author.add_roles(verified_role, reason="User has verified against their in game living minutes")
                    # we have a fast path, just reapply the linked role and bail
                    # await ctx.author.add_roles(role, reason="User has verified in game")
                    # return await message.edit(content=f"Congrats {ctx.author} your verification is complete")
                    raise TGRecoverableError(
                        f"Sorry {ctx.author} it looks like you don't have a ckey linked to this discord account, go back into game and try generating another! See {instructions_link} for more information. \n\nIf it's still failing after a few tries, ask for support from the verification team, "

                f"Verification request by {ctx.author.id}, for ckey {ckey}, token was: {one_time_token}"
            # Now look for the user based on the ckey
            player = await tgdb.get_player_by_ckey(ctx, ckey)

            if player is None:
                raise TGRecoverableError(
                    f"Sorry {ctx.author} looks like we couldn't look up your user, ask the verification team for support!"

            if not prexisting:
                # clear any/all previous valid links for ckey or the discord id (in case they have decided to make a new ckey)
                await tgdb.clear_all_valid_discord_links_for_ckey(ctx, ckey)
                await tgdb.clear_all_valid_discord_links_for_discord_id(
                    ctx, ctx.author.id)
                # Record that the user is linked against a discord id
                await tgdb.update_discord_link(ctx, one_time_token,

            successful = False
            if role:
                await ctx.author.add_roles(role,
                                           reason="User has verified in game")
            if player["living_time"] >= min_required_living_minutes:
                successful = True
                await ctx.author.add_roles(
                    "User has verified against their in game living minutes",

            f**k = f"Congrats {ctx.author} your verification is complete, but you do not have {min_required_living_minutes} minutes in game as a living crew member (you have {player['living_time']}), so you may not have access to all channels. You can always verify again later by simply doing `?verify` and if you have enough minutes, you will gain access to the remaining channels"
            if successful:
                f**k = f"Congrats {ctx.author} your verification is complete"
            return await message.edit(content=f**k, color=0xFF0000)