def main(args): compare_to_client = TreeherderClient(server_url=HOSTS[]) production_client = TreeherderClient(server_url=HOSTS["production"]) # Support comma separated projects projects = args.projects.split(',') for _project in projects:"Comparing {} against production.".format(_project)) # Remove properties that are irrelevant for the comparison pushes = compare_to_client.get_pushes(_project, count=50) for _push in sorted(pushes, key=lambda push: push["revision"]): del _push["id"] for _rev in _push["revisions"]: del _rev["result_set_id"] production_pushes = production_client.get_pushes(_project, count=50) for _push in sorted(production_pushes, key=lambda push: push["revision"]): del _push["id"] for _rev in _push["revisions"]: del _rev["result_set_id"] for index in range(0, len(pushes)): assert pushes[index]["revision"] == production_pushes[index]["revision"] difference = DeepDiff(pushes[index], production_pushes[index]) if difference:"{}/#/jobs?repo={}&revision={}".format( compare_to_client.server_url, _project, pushes[index]["revision"]))"{}/#/jobs?repo={}&revision={}".format( production_client.server_url, _project, production_pushes[index]["revision"]))
"Compare a push from a Treeherder instance to the production instance." ) parser.add_argument( "--host", default="localhost", help="Host to compare. It defaults to localhost" ) parser.add_argument("--revision", required=True, help="Revision to compare") parser.add_argument( "--project", default="mozilla-central", help="Project to compare. It defaults to mozilla-central", ) args = parser.parse_args() th_instance = TreeherderClient(server_url=HOSTS[]) th_instance_pushid = th_instance.get_pushes(args.project, revision=args.revision)[0]["id"] th_instance_jobs = ( th_instance.get_jobs(args.project, push_id=th_instance_pushid, count=None) or [] ) production = TreeherderClient(server_url=HOSTS["production"]) production_pushid = production.get_pushes(args.project, revision=args.revision)[0]["id"] production_jobs = production.get_jobs(args.project, push_id=production_pushid, count=None) production_dict = {} for job in production_jobs: production_dict[job["job_guid"]] = job th_instance_dict = {} th_instance_not_found = [] for job in th_instance_jobs:
def retrieve_test_logs(repo, revision, platform='linux64', cache_dir=None, use_cache=True, warning_re=WARNING_RE): """ Retrieves and processes the test logs for the given revision. Returns list of processed files. """ if not cache_dir: cache_dir = "%s-%s-%s" % (repo, revision, platform) cache = logspam.cache.Cache(cache_dir, warning_re) cache_dir_exists = os.path.isdir(cache_dir) if cache_dir_exists and use_cache: # We already have logs for this revision. print "Using cached data" try: return cache.read_results() except logspam.cache.CacheFileNotFoundException as e: print "Cache file for %s not found" % warning_re print e client = TreeherderClient() print "getting result set" pushes = client.get_pushes(repo, revision=revision) print "pushes = client.get_pushes('%s', revision='%s')" % (repo, revision) print "got pushes" if not pushes: print "Failed to find %s in %s" % (revision, repo) return None print "getting jobs" for x in range(5): try: # option_collection_hash is just the convoluted way of specifying # we want a debug build. print "jobs = client.get_jobs('%s',result_set_id=%d, count=5000, platform='%s', option_collection_hash='%s')" % ( repo, pushes[0]['id'], platform, DEBUG_OPTIONHASH) jobs = client.get_jobs(repo, result_set_id=pushes[0]['id'], count=5000, # Just make this really large to avoid pagination platform=platform, option_collection_hash=DEBUG_OPTIONHASH, state='completed') break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass if not jobs: print "No jobs found for %s %s" % (revision, platform) import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None print "got jobs" print "getting %d job log urls" % len(jobs) job_ids = [ job['id'] for job in jobs ] print job_ids for x in range(5): logs = [] try: for y in range(0, len(job_ids), 100): logs = logs + client.get_job_log_url(repo, job_id=job_ids[y:y+100]) job_logs = logs break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, e: pass
class Treeherder(object): """Wrapper class for TreeherderClient to ease the use of its API.""" def __init__(self, application, branch, platform, server_url=TREEHERDER_URL): """Create a new instance of the Treeherder class. :param application: The name of the application to download. :param branch: Name of the branch. :param platform: Platform of the application. :param server_url: The URL of the Treeherder instance to access. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.client = TreeherderClient(server_url=server_url) self.application = application self.branch = branch self.platform = platform def get_treeherder_platform(self, platform): """Return the internal Treeherder platform identifier. :param platform: Platform of the application. """ try: return PLATFORM_MAP[platform] except KeyError: raise NotSupportedError('Platform "{}" is not supported.'.format(platform)) def query_builds_by_revision(self, revision, job_type_name='Build', debug_build=False): """Retrieve build folders for a given revision with the help of Treeherder. :param revision: Revision of the build to download. :param job_type_name: Name of the job to look for. For builds it should be 'Build', 'Nightly', and 'L10n Nightly'. Defaults to `Build`. :param debug_build: Download a debug build. """ builds = set() try:'Querying {url} for list of builds for revision: {revision}'.format( url=self.client.server_url, revision=revision)) # Retrieve the option hash to filter for type of build (opt, and debug for now) option_hash = None for key, values in self.client.get_option_collection_hash().iteritems(): for value in values: if value['name'] == ('debug' if debug_build else 'opt'): option_hash = key break if option_hash: break resultsets = self.client.get_pushes(self.branch, revision=revision) # Set filters to speed-up querying jobs kwargs = { 'option_collection_hash': option_hash, 'job_type_name': job_type_name, 'exclusion_profile': False, } kwargs.update(self.get_treeherder_platform(self.platform)) for resultset in resultsets: kwargs.update({'result_set_id': resultset['id']}) jobs = self.client.get_jobs(self.branch, **kwargs) for job in jobs: log_urls = self.client.get_job_log_url(self.branch, job_id=job['id']) for log_url in log_urls: if self.application in log_url['url']: self.logger.debug('Found build folder: {}'.format(log_url['url'])) builds.update([log_url['url']]) except Exception: self.logger.exception('Failure occurred when querying Treeherder for builds') return list(builds)
class GetBuild(object): ARCHIVE_URL = "" NIGHTLY_LATEST_URL_FOLDER = "/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/" PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING = { 'linux32': { 'key': 'linux-i686', 'ext': 'tar.bz2', 'trydl': 'linux', 'job': ['linux32'] }, 'linux64': { 'key': 'linux-x86_64', 'ext': 'tar.bz2', 'trydl': 'linux64', 'job': ['linux64'] }, 'mac': { 'key': 'mac', 'ext': 'dmg', 'trydl': 'macosx64', 'job': ['osx'] }, 'win32': { 'key': 'win32', 'ext': 'zip', 'trydl': 'win32', 'job': ['windows', '32'] }, 'win64': { 'key': 'win64', 'ext': 'zip', 'trydl': 'win64', 'job': ['windows', '64'] } } def __init__(self, repo, platform, status_check): self.repo = repo self.platform = platform self.platform_option = 'opt' self.pushes = [] self.skip_status_check = status_check self.thclient = TreeherderClient() def fetch_push(self, user_email, build_hash, default_count=500): tmp_pushes = self.thclient.get_pushes(self.repo, count=default_count) for push in tmp_pushes: if push['author'].lower() == user_email.lower(): self.pushes.append(push) if build_hash is None: return push elif push['revision'] == build_hash: return push print "Can't find the specify build hash [%s] in resultsets!!" % build_hash return None def get_job(self, resultset, platform_keyword_list): jobs = self.thclient.get_jobs(self.repo, result_set_id=resultset['id']) for job in jobs: cnt = 0 for platform_keyword in platform_keyword_list: if platform_keyword in job['platform']: cnt += 1 if job['platform_option'] == self.platform_option and cnt == len( platform_keyword_list): return job print "Can't find the specify platform [%s] and platform_options [%s] in jobs!!!" % ( self.platform, self.platform_option) return None def get_files_from_remote_url_folder(self, remote_url_str): return_dict = {} try: response_obj = urllib2.urlopen(remote_url_str) if response_obj.getcode() == 200: for line in response_obj.readlines(): match ='(?<=href=").*?(?=")', line) if match: href_link = f_name = href_link.split("/")[-1] return_dict[f_name] = href_link else: print "ERROR: fetch remote file list error with code [%s]" % str( response_obj.getcode()) except Exception as e: print "ERROR: [%s]" % e.message return return_dict def download_file(self, output_dp, download_link): print "Prepare to download the build from link [%s]" % download_link response = requests.get(download_link, verify=False, stream=True) download_fn = download_link.split("/")[-1] if os.path.exists(output_dp) is False: os.makedirs(output_dp) download_fp = os.path.join(output_dp, download_fn) try: try: total_len = int(response.headers['content-length']) except: total_len = None with open(download_fp, 'wb') as fh: for data in tqdm(response.iter_content(chunk_size=512 * 1024), total=total_len / (512 * 1024)): fh.write(data) return download_fp except Exception as e: print "ERROR: [%s]" % e.message return None def download_from_remote_url_folder(self, remote_url_str, output_dp): # get latest nightly build list from remote url folder remote_file_dict = self.get_files_from_remote_url_folder( remote_url_str) # filter with platform, and return file name with extension if len(remote_file_dict.keys()) == 0: print "ERROR: can't get remote file list, could be the network error, or url path[%s] wrong!!" % remote_url_str return False else: if self.platform not in self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING: print "ERROR: we are currently not support the platform[%s] you specified!" % self.platform print "We are currently support the platform tag: [%s]" % self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING.keys( ) return False else: matched_keyword = self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[ self.platform]['key'] + "." + self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[ self.platform]['ext'] matched_file_list = [ fn for fn in remote_file_dict.keys() if matched_keyword in fn and "firefox" in fn ] if len(matched_file_list) != 1: print "WARN: the possible match file list is not equal 1, list as below: [%s]" % matched_file_list if len(matched_file_list) < 1: return False matched_file_list = sorted(matched_file_list)[-1:] print "WARN: select following file [%s]" % matched_file_list # combine file name with json matched_file_name = matched_file_list[0] json_file_name = matched_file_name.replace( self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['key'] + "." + self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['ext'], self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['key'] + ".json") if json_file_name not in remote_file_dict: print "ERROR: can't find the json file[%s] in remote file list[%s]!" % ( json_file_name, remote_file_dict) return False else: print "DEBUG: matched file name: [%s], json_file_name: [%s]" % ( matched_file_name, json_file_name) # download files download_fx_url = self.ARCHIVE_URL + remote_file_dict[matched_file_name] download_fx_fp = self.download_file(output_dp, download_fx_url) download_json_url = self.ARCHIVE_URL + remote_file_dict[json_file_name] download_json_fp = self.download_file(output_dp, download_json_url) # check download status if download_fx_fp and download_json_fp: print "SUCCESS: build files download in [%s], [%s] " % ( download_fx_fp, download_json_fp) return True else: print "ERROR: build files download in [%s,%s] " % ( download_fx_fp, download_json_fp) return False def get_try_build(self, user_email, build_hash, output_dp): resultset = self.fetch_push(user_email, build_hash) # check result set if resultset: # if build hash is not porvided, use the latest revision as build hash value if build_hash is None: build_hash = resultset['revision'] print "Resultset is found, and build hash is [%s]" % build_hash # compose remote folder url build_folder_url_template = "%s/pub/firefox/%s-builds/%s-%s/%s-%s/" build_folder_url = build_folder_url_template % ( self.ARCHIVE_URL, self.repo, user_email, build_hash, self.repo, self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['trydl']) # skip status check will retrieve the files list from remote folder url if self.skip_status_check: return self.download_from_remote_url_folder( build_folder_url, output_dp) else: job = self.get_job( resultset, self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['job']) if job: if job['result'].lower() == "success": return self.download_from_remote_url_folder( build_folder_url, output_dp) else: "Current job status is [%s] !!" % job['result'].lower() return False else: print "ERROR: can't find the job!" return False else: print "ERROR: can't get result set! skip download build from try server, [%s, %s]" % ( user_email, build_hash) return False def get_nightly_build(self, output_dp): remote_url_str = self.ARCHIVE_URL + self.NIGHTLY_LATEST_URL_FOLDER return self.download_from_remote_url_folder(remote_url_str, output_dp)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="test against Thunderbird version", default=None, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() tb_version = args.version tb_branch = branches[tb_version] with open("testapps.json", "r") as jf: data = json.load(jf) nightly_data = data[tb_version] pushes = client.get_pushes(tb_branch, ) # gets last 10 by default for platform in nightly_data: platform_data = nightly_data[platform] found_artifacts = False platform_data['testzip'] = \ platform_data['testzip'].replace('.zip', '').replace('.tar.gz', '') for push in pushes: jobs = client.get_jobs(tb_branch, push_id=push['id']) for job in jobs: logging.debug(job['job_type_name']) if ( job['state'] == 'completed' and job['job_type_name'] == mapping_builds[tb_version][platform]
class TriggerBuild(object): ARCHIVE_URL = "" NIGHTLY_LATEST_URL_FOLDER = "/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/" PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING = { 'linux32': { 'key': 'linux-i686', 'ext': 'tar.bz2', 'trydl': 'linux', 'job': ['linux32'] }, 'linux64': { 'key': 'linux-x86_64', 'ext': 'tar.bz2', 'trydl': 'linux64', 'job': ['linux64'] }, 'mac': { 'key': 'mac', 'ext': 'dmg', 'trydl': 'macosx64', 'job': ['osx'] }, 'win32': { 'key': 'win32', 'ext': 'zip', 'trydl': 'win32', 'job': ['windows', '32'] }, 'win64': { 'key': 'win64', 'ext': 'zip', 'trydl': 'win64', 'job': ['windows', '64'] } } ENV_KEY_TRY_REPO_USER_EMAIL = "EMAIL" ENV_KEY_ENABLE_WIN32 = "WIN32_FLAG" ENV_KEY_SKIP_STATUS_CHECK = "SKIP_STATUS_CHECK" ENV_KEY_OUTPUT_DP = "OUTPUT_DP" ENV_KEY_BUILD_HASH = "BUILD_HASH" ENV_KEY_BUILD_TAG = "BUILD_TAG" REPO_NAME = {'TRY': "try", "NIGHTLY": "nightly"} DEFAULT_AGENT_CONF_DIR_LINUX = "/home/hasal/Hasal/agent" DEFAULT_AGENT_CONF_DIR_MAC = "/Users/hasal/Hasal/agent" DEFAULT_AGENT_CONF_DIR_WIN = "C:\\Users\\user\\Hasal\\agent" DEFAULT_AGENT_STATUS_DIR = "agent_status" DEFAULT_AGENT_JOB_STATUS = { 'BEGIN': 'begin', 'FINISH': 'finish', 'EXCEPTION': 'exception' } DEFAULT_AGENT_JOB_WACTH_TIMEOUT = 180 def __init__(self, input_env_data): self.platform_option = 'opt' self.thclient = TreeherderClient() self.pushes = [] self.env_data = { key.upper(): value for key, value in input_env_data.items() } self.dispatch_variables(self.env_data) def dispatch_variables(self, input_env_data): # if user email not in environment data, repo will be the nightly if self.ENV_KEY_TRY_REPO_USER_EMAIL in input_env_data.keys(): self.user_email = input_env_data[self.ENV_KEY_TRY_REPO_USER_EMAIL] self.repo = self.REPO_NAME['TRY'] else: self.repo = self.REPO_NAME['NIGHTLY'] # check current platform, widnows will double check the --win32 flag enabled or not if sys.platform == "linux2": self.platform = "linux64" elif sys.platform == "darwin": self.platform = "mac" else: if self.ENV_KEY_ENABLE_WIN32 in input_env_data.keys( ) and input_env_data[self.ENV_KEY_ENABLE_WIN32] == 'true': self.platform = "win32" else: self.platform = "win64" # assign skip status check to variable if self.ENV_KEY_SKIP_STATUS_CHECK in input_env_data.keys( ) and input_env_data[self.ENV_KEY_SKIP_STATUS_CHECK] == 'true': self.skip_status_check = True else: self.skip_status_check = False # assign build hash to variable if self.ENV_KEY_BUILD_HASH in input_env_data.keys(): self.build_hash = input_env_data[self.ENV_KEY_BUILD_HASH] else: self.build_hash = None # assign output dp to variable if self.ENV_KEY_OUTPUT_DP in input_env_data.keys(): self.output_dp = input_env_data[self.ENV_KEY_OUTPUT_DP] else: self.output_dp = os.getcwd() # assign build number to variable if self.ENV_KEY_BUILD_TAG in input_env_data.keys(): self.jenkins_build_tag = input_env_data[self.ENV_KEY_BUILD_TAG] else: self.jenkins_build_tag = "jenkins-unknown-0" self.HASAL_JSON_FN = str(self.jenkins_build_tag) + ".json" def check_agent_status(self): for i in range(0, self.DEFAULT_AGENT_JOB_WACTH_TIMEOUT): # extract job id from agent_status dir agent_status_dir_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.DEFAULT_AGENT_STATUS_DIR) print "INFO: housekeeping the agent status folder [%s]" % agent_status_dir_path if not os.path.exists(agent_status_dir_path): os.mkdir(agent_status_dir_path) agent_status_file_list = os.listdir(agent_status_dir_path) print "DEBUG: current agent status file list [%s]" % agent_status_file_list # get latest agent id job_id_list = [ os.path.splitext(id)[0] for id in agent_status_file_list ] job_id_list.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.rsplit('-', 1)[1])) if len(job_id_list) > 0: current_id = job_id_list[-1] else: current_id = 0 # get latest agent status # agent status will sort by alphabetical, so the last one will be the latest status job_status_list = [ os.path.splitext(status)[1].split(os.path.extsep)[1] for status in agent_status_file_list if os.path.splitext(status)[0] == str(current_id) ] job_status_list.sort() if len(job_status_list) > 0: current_job_status = job_status_list[-1] else: return True if current_job_status == self.DEFAULT_AGENT_JOB_STATUS['FINISH']: for target_name in agent_status_file_list: check_target = os.path.join(agent_status_dir_path, target_name) os.remove(check_target) return True else: time.sleep(10) return False def trigger(self): # check agent status folder if self.check_agent_status() is False: sys.exit(1) # download build if self.repo == self.REPO_NAME['TRY']: download_fx_fp, download_json_fp = self.get_try_build( self.user_email, self.build_hash, self.output_dp) else: download_fx_fp, download_json_fp = self.get_nightly_build( self.output_dp) if download_fx_fp is None or download_json_fp is None: print "ERROR: something wrong with your build download process, please check the setting and job status." sys.exit(1) else: current_platform_release = platform.release().strip() # generate hasal.json data with open(download_json_fp) as dl_json_fh: dl_json_data = json.load(dl_json_fh) perfherder_revision = dl_json_data['moz_source_stamp'] build_pkg_platform = dl_json_data['moz_pkg_platform'] # mapping the perfherder pkg platform to nomenclature of builddot builddot_mapping_platform = { "linux-i686": { "_": "linux32" }, "linux-x86_64": { "_": "linux64" }, "mac": { "_": "osx-10-10" }, "win32": { "_": "windows7-32" }, "win64": { "_": "windows8-64", "7": "windows8-64", "10": "windows10-64" } } with open(self.HASAL_JSON_FN, "w") as write_fh: write_data = copy.deepcopy(self.env_data) write_data['FX-DL-PACKAGE-PATH'] = download_fx_fp write_data['FX-DL-JSON-PATH'] = download_json_fp write_data['PERFHERDER-REVISION'] = perfherder_revision if current_platform_release in builddot_mapping_platform[ build_pkg_platform].keys(): write_data[ 'PERFHERDER-PKG-PLATFORM'] = builddot_mapping_platform[ build_pkg_platform][current_platform_release] else: write_data[ 'PERFHERDER-PKG-PLATFORM'] = builddot_mapping_platform[ build_pkg_platform]["_"] json.dump(write_data, write_fh) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.HASAL_JSON_FN)): print "INFO: current json file created at [%s]" % os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.HASAL_JSON_FN) else: print "ERROR: json file not exist in expected path [%s]" % os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.HASAL_JSON_FN) # create agent status folder if os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.DEFAULT_AGENT_STATUS_DIR)) is False: os.mkdir( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.DEFAULT_AGENT_STATUS_DIR)) # move to agent config folder if sys.platform == "linux2": new_hasal_json_fp = os.path.join( self.DEFAULT_AGENT_CONF_DIR_LINUX, self.HASAL_JSON_FN) elif sys.platform == "darwin": new_hasal_json_fp = os.path.join( self.DEFAULT_AGENT_CONF_DIR_MAC, self.HASAL_JSON_FN) else: new_hasal_json_fp = os.path.join( self.DEFAULT_AGENT_CONF_DIR_WIN, self.HASAL_JSON_FN) os.rename(self.HASAL_JSON_FN, new_hasal_json_fp) if os.path.exists(new_hasal_json_fp): print "INFO: hasal json file move to new location [%s]" % new_hasal_json_fp else: print "ERROR: hasal json file in not in new location [%s]" % new_hasal_json_fp sys.exit(0) def fetch_push(self, user_email, build_hash, default_count=500): tmp_pushes = self.thclient.get_pushes(self.repo, count=default_count) for push in tmp_pushes: if push['author'].lower() == user_email.lower(): self.pushes.append(push) if build_hash is None: return push elif push['revision'] == build_hash: return push print "Can't find the specify build hash [%s] in resultsets!!" % build_hash return None def get_job(self, resultset, platform_keyword_list): jobs = self.thclient.get_jobs(self.repo, result_set_id=resultset['id']) for job in jobs: cnt = 0 for platform_keyword in platform_keyword_list: if platform_keyword in job['platform']: cnt += 1 if job['platform_option'] == self.platform_option and cnt == len( platform_keyword_list): return job print "Can't find the specify platform [%s] and platform_options [%s] in jobs!!!" % ( self.platform, self.platform_option) return None def get_files_from_remote_url_folder(self, remote_url_str): return_dict = {} try: response_obj = urllib2.urlopen(remote_url_str) if response_obj.getcode() == 200: for line in response_obj.readlines(): match ='(?<=href=").*?(?=")', line) if match: href_link = f_name = href_link.split("/")[-1] return_dict[f_name] = href_link else: print "ERROR: fetch remote file list error with code [%s]" % str( response_obj.getcode()) except Exception as e: print "ERROR: [%s]" % e.message return return_dict def download_file(self, output_dp, download_link): print "Prepare to download the build from link [%s]" % download_link response = requests.get(download_link, verify=False, stream=True) download_fn = download_link.split("/")[-1] if os.path.exists(output_dp) is False: os.makedirs(output_dp) download_fp = os.path.join(output_dp, download_fn) try: try: total_len = int(response.headers['content-length']) except: total_len = None with open(download_fp, 'wb') as fh: for data in tqdm(response.iter_content(chunk_size=512 * 1024), total=total_len / (512 * 1024)): fh.write(data) return download_fp except Exception as e: print "ERROR: [%s]" % e.message return None def download_from_remote_url_folder(self, remote_url_str, output_dp): # get latest nightly build list from remote url folder remote_file_dict = self.get_files_from_remote_url_folder( remote_url_str) # filter with platform, and return file name with extension if len(remote_file_dict.keys()) == 0: print "ERROR: can't get remote file list, could be the network error, or url path[%s] wrong!!" % remote_url_str return False else: if self.platform not in self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING: print "ERROR: we are currently not support the platform[%s] you specified!" % self.platform print "We are currently support the platform tag: [%s]" % self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING.keys( ) return False else: matched_keyword = self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[ self.platform]['key'] + "." + self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[ self.platform]['ext'] matched_file_list = [ fn for fn in remote_file_dict.keys() if ((matched_keyword in fn) and ('firefox' in fn) and ( not fn.endswith('.asc'))) ] if len(matched_file_list) != 1: print "WARN: the possible match file list is not equal 1, list as below: [%s]" % matched_file_list if len(matched_file_list) < 1: return False matched_file_list = sorted(matched_file_list)[-1:] print "WARN: select following file [%s]" % matched_file_list # combine file name with json matched_file_name = matched_file_list[0] json_file_name = matched_file_name.replace( self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['key'] + "." + self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['ext'], self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['key'] + ".json") if json_file_name not in remote_file_dict: print "ERROR: can't find the json file[%s] in remote file list[%s]!" % ( json_file_name, remote_file_dict) return False else: print "DEBUG: matched file name: [%s], json_file_name: [%s]" % ( matched_file_name, json_file_name) # download files download_fx_url = self.ARCHIVE_URL + remote_file_dict[matched_file_name] download_fx_fp = self.download_file(output_dp, download_fx_url) download_json_url = self.ARCHIVE_URL + remote_file_dict[json_file_name] download_json_fp = self.download_file(output_dp, download_json_url) # check download status if download_fx_fp and download_json_fp: print "SUCCESS: build files download in [%s], [%s] " % ( download_fx_fp, download_json_fp) return (download_fx_fp, download_json_fp) else: print "ERROR: build files download in [%s,%s] " % ( download_fx_fp, download_json_fp) return None def get_try_build(self, user_email, build_hash, output_dp): resultset = self.fetch_push(user_email, build_hash) # check result set if resultset: # if build hash is not porvided, use the latest revision as build hash value if build_hash is None: build_hash = resultset['revision'] print "Resultset is found, and build hash is [%s]" % build_hash # compose remote folder url build_folder_url_template = "%s/pub/firefox/%s-builds/%s-%s/%s-%s/" build_folder_url = build_folder_url_template % ( self.ARCHIVE_URL, self.repo, user_email, build_hash, self.repo, self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['trydl']) # skip status check will retrieve the files list from remote folder url if self.skip_status_check: return self.download_from_remote_url_folder( build_folder_url, output_dp) else: job = self.get_job( resultset, self.PLATFORM_FN_MAPPING[self.platform]['job']) if job: if job['result'].lower() == "success": return self.download_from_remote_url_folder( build_folder_url, output_dp) else: print "WARNING: Current job status is [%s] !! Your build will download when job status is success" % job[ 'result'].lower() return (None, None) else: print "ERROR: can't find the job!" return (None, None) else: print "ERROR: can't get result set! skip download build from try server, [%s, %s]" % ( user_email, build_hash) return (None, None) def get_nightly_build(self, output_dp): remote_url_str = self.ARCHIVE_URL + self.NIGHTLY_LATEST_URL_FOLDER return self.download_from_remote_url_folder(remote_url_str, output_dp)