Example #1
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if kwargs:
         # The call to list is needed for Python 3
         assert list(kwargs.keys()) == ["variable"]
         error_msg = get_variable_trace_string(kwargs["variable"])
         if error_msg:
             args = args + (error_msg, )
     s = "\n".join(args)  # Needed to have the new line print correctly
     Exception.__init__(self, s)
Example #2
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if kwargs:
         # The call to list is needed for Python 3
         assert list(kwargs.keys()) == ["variable"]
         error_msg = get_variable_trace_string(kwargs["variable"])
         if error_msg:
             args = args + (error_msg,)
     s = '\n'.join(args)  # Needed to have the new line print correctly
     Exception.__init__(self, s)
Example #3
    def get_test_value(self):
        """Get the test value.


        if not hasattr(self.tag, "test_value"):
            detailed_err_msg = get_variable_trace_string(self)
            raise TestValueError(f"{self} has no test value {detailed_err_msg}")

        return self.tag.test_value
Example #4
    def __import__(self, apply_node, check=True, reason=None):
        Given an apply_node, recursively search from this node to know graph,
        and then add all unknown variables and apply_nodes to this graph.
        node = apply_node

        # We import the nodes in topological order. We only are interested
        # in new nodes, so we use all variables we know of as if they were the input set.
        # (the functions in the graph module only use the input set to
        # know where to stop going down)
        new_nodes = graph.io_toposort(self.variables, apply_node.outputs)

        if check:
            for node in new_nodes:
                if hasattr(node, 'fgraph') and node.fgraph is not self:
                    raise Exception("%s is already owned by another fgraph" %
                for r in node.inputs:
                    if hasattr(r, 'fgraph') and r.fgraph is not self:
                        raise Exception(
                            "%s is already owned by another fgraph" % r)
                    if (r.owner is None and not isinstance(r, graph.Constant)
                            and r not in self.inputs):
                        # Standard error message
                        error_msg = ("Input %d of the graph (indices start "
                                     "from 0), used to compute %s, was not "
                                     "provided and not given a value. Use the "
                                     "Theano flag exception_verbosity='high', "
                                     "for more information on this error." %
                                     (node.inputs.index(r), str(node)))
                        error_msg += get_variable_trace_string(r)
                        raise MissingInputError(error_msg, variable=r)

        for node in new_nodes:
            assert node not in self.apply_nodes
            if not hasattr(node.tag, 'imported_by'):
                node.tag.imported_by = []
            for output in node.outputs:
            for i, input in enumerate(node.inputs):
                if input not in self.variables:
                self.__add_client__(input, (node, i))
            assert node.fgraph is self
            self.execute_callbacks('on_import', node, reason)
Example #5
    def __import__(self, apply_node, check=True, reason=None):
        Given an apply_node, recursively search from this node to know graph,
        and then add all unknown variables and apply_nodes to this graph.
        node = apply_node

        # We import the nodes in topological order. We only are interested
        # in new nodes, so we use all variables we know of as if they were the input set.
        # (the functions in the graph module only use the input set to
        # know where to stop going down)
        new_nodes = graph.io_toposort(self.variables, apply_node.outputs)

        if check:
            for node in new_nodes:
                if hasattr(node, 'fgraph') and node.fgraph is not self:
                    raise Exception("%s is already owned by another fgraph" % node)
                for r in node.inputs:
                    if hasattr(r, 'fgraph') and r.fgraph is not self:
                        raise Exception("%s is already owned by another fgraph" % r)
                    if (r.owner is None and
                            not isinstance(r, graph.Constant) and
                            r not in self.inputs):
                        # Standard error message
                        error_msg = ("Input %d of the graph (indices start "
                                     "from 0), used to compute %s, was not "
                                     "provided and not given a value. Use the "
                                     "Theano flag exception_verbosity='high', "
                                     "for more information on this error."
                                     % (node.inputs.index(r), str(node)))
                        error_msg += get_variable_trace_string(r)
                        raise MissingInputError(error_msg, variable=r)

        for node in new_nodes:
            assert node not in self.apply_nodes
            if not hasattr(node.tag, 'imported_by'):
                node.tag.imported_by = []
            for output in node.outputs:
            for i, input in enumerate(node.inputs):
                if input not in self.variables:
                self.__add_client__(input, (node, i))
            assert node.fgraph is self
            self.execute_callbacks('on_import', node, reason)
Example #6
def compute_test_value(node):
    """Computes the test value of a node.

    node : Apply
        The `Apply` node for which the test value is computed.

        The `tag.test_value`s are updated in each `Variable` in `node.outputs`.

    # Gather the test values for each input of the node
    storage_map = {}
    compute_map = {}
    for i, ins in enumerate(node.inputs):
            storage_map[ins] = [ins.get_test_value()]
            compute_map[ins] = [True]
        except TestValueError:
            # no test-value was specified, act accordingly
            if config.compute_test_value == "warn":
                    f"Warning, Cannot compute test value: input {i} ({ins}) of Op {node} missing default value",
            elif config.compute_test_value == "raise":
                detailed_err_msg = get_variable_trace_string(ins)

                raise ValueError(
                    f"Cannot compute test value: input {i} ({ins}) of Op {node} missing default value. {detailed_err_msg}"
            elif config.compute_test_value == "ignore":
            elif config.compute_test_value == "pdb":
                import pdb

                raise ValueError(
                    f"{config.compute_test_value} is invalid for option config.compute_test_value"

    # All inputs have test-values; perform the `Op`'s computation

    # The original values should not be destroyed, so we copy the values of the
    # inputs in `destroy_map`
    destroyed_inputs_idx = set()
    if getattr(node.op, "destroy_map", None):
        for i_pos_list in node.op.destroy_map.values():
    for inp_idx in destroyed_inputs_idx:
        inp = node.inputs[inp_idx]
        storage_map[inp] = [copy.copy(storage_map[inp][0])]

    # Prepare `storage_map` and `compute_map` for the outputs
    for o in node.outputs:
        storage_map[o] = [None]
        compute_map[o] = [False]

    # Create a thunk that performs the computation
    thunk = node.op.make_thunk(node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling=[])
    thunk.inputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.inputs]
    thunk.outputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.outputs]

    required = thunk()
    assert not required  # We provided all inputs

    for output in node.outputs:
        # Check that the output has been computed
        assert compute_map[output][0], (output, storage_map[output][0])

        # Add 'test_value' to output tag, so that downstream `Op`s can use
        # these numerical values as test values
        output.tag.test_value = storage_map[output][0]