Example #1
    def on_prune(self, fgraph, app, reason):
        Remove Apply instance from set which must be computed.

        if app not in self.debug_all_apps:
            raise ProtocolError("prune without import")

        # UPDATE self.clients
        for i, input in enumerate(OrderedSet(app.inputs)):
            del self.clients[input][app]

        if getattr(app.op, 'destroy_map', OrderedDict()):

        # Note: leaving empty client dictionaries in the struct.
        # Why? It's a pain to remove them. I think they aren't doing any harm, they will be
        # deleted on_detach().

        # UPDATE self.view_i, self.view_o
        for o_idx, i_idx_list in iteritems(
                getattr(app.op, 'view_map', OrderedDict())):
            if len(i_idx_list) > 1:
                # destroying this output invalidates multiple inputs
                raise NotImplementedError()
            o = app.outputs[o_idx]
            i = app.inputs[i_idx_list[0]]

            del self.view_i[o]

            if not self.view_o[i]:
                del self.view_o[i]

        self.stale_droot = True
Example #2
    def register(self, name, obj, *tags):
        # N.B. obj is not an instance of class Optimizer.
        # It is an instance of a DB.In the tests for example,
        # this is not always the case.
        if not isinstance(obj, (DB, opt.Optimizer, opt.LocalOptimizer)):
            raise TypeError('Object cannot be registered in OptDB', obj)
        if name in self.__db__:
            raise ValueError(
                'The name of the object cannot be an existing'
                ' tag or the name of another existing object.', obj, name)

        if self.name is not None:
            tags = tags + (self.name, )
        obj.name = name
        # This restriction is there because in many place we suppose that
        # something in the DB is there only once.
        if obj.name in self.__db__:
            raise ValueError('''You can\'t register the same optimization
multiple time in a DB. Tryed to register "%s" again under the new name "%s".
 Use theano.gof.ProxyDB to work around that''' % (obj.name, name))
        self.__db__[name] = OrderedSet([obj])
        self.add_tags(name, *tags)
    def orderings(self, fgraph):
        Return orderings induced by destructive operations.

        Raise InconsistencyError when
        a) attempting to destroy indestructable variable, or
        b) attempting to destroy a value multiple times, or
        c) an Apply destroys (illegally) one of its own inputs by aliasing

        rval = OrderedDict()

        if self.destroyers:
            # CHECK for multiple destructions during construction of variables

            droot, impact, __ignore = self.refresh_droot_impact()

            # check for destruction of constants
            illegal_destroy = [r for r in droot if
                               getattr(r.tag, 'indestructible', False) or
                               isinstance(r, graph.Constant)]
            if illegal_destroy:
                raise InconsistencyError(
                    "Attempting to destroy indestructible variables: %s" %

            # add destroyed variable clients as computational dependencies
            for app in self.destroyers:
                # for each destroyed input...
                for output_idx, input_idx_list in iteritems(app.op.destroy_map):
                    destroyed_idx = input_idx_list[0]
                    destroyed_variable = app.inputs[destroyed_idx]
                    root = droot[destroyed_variable]
                    root_impact = impact[root]
                    # we generally want to put all clients of things which depend on root
                    # as pre-requisites of app.
                    # But, app is itself one such client!
                    # App will always be a client of the node we're destroying
                    # (destroyed_variable, but the tricky thing is when it is also a client of
                    # *another variable* viewing on the root.  Generally this is illegal, (e.g.,
                    # add_inplace(x, x.T).  In some special cases though, the in-place op will
                    # actually be able to work properly with multiple destroyed inputs (e.g,
                    # add_inplace(x, x).  An Op that can still work in this case should declare
                    # so via the 'destroyhandler_tolerate_same' attribute or
                    # 'destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased' attribute.
                    # destroyhandler_tolerate_same should be a list of pairs of the form
                    # [(idx0, idx1), (idx0, idx2), ...]
                    # The first element of each pair is the input index of a destroyed
                    # variable.
                    # The second element of each pair is the index of a different input where
                    # we will permit exactly the same variable to appear.
                    # For example, add_inplace.tolerate_same might be [(0,1)] if the destroyed
                    # input is also allowed to appear as the second argument.
                    # destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased is the same sort of list of
                    # pairs.
                    # op.destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased = [(idx0, idx1)] tells the
                    # destroyhandler to IGNORE an aliasing between a destroyed
                    # input idx0 and another input idx1.
                    # This is generally a bad idea, but it is safe in some
                    # cases, such as
                    # - the op reads from the aliased idx1 before modifying idx0
                    # - the idx0 and idx1 are guaranteed not to overlap (e.g.
                    #   they are pointed at different rows of a matrix).

                    # CHECK FOR INPUT ALIASING
                    # OPT: pre-compute this on import
                    tolerate_same = getattr(app.op,
                                            'destroyhandler_tolerate_same', [])
                    assert isinstance(tolerate_same, list)
                    tolerated = OrderedSet(idx1 for idx0, idx1 in tolerate_same
                                           if idx0 == destroyed_idx)
                    tolerate_aliased = getattr(
                        app.op, 'destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased', [])
                    assert isinstance(tolerate_aliased, list)
                    ignored = OrderedSet(idx1 for idx0, idx1 in tolerate_aliased
                                         if idx0 == destroyed_idx)
                    # print 'tolerated', tolerated
                    # print 'ignored', ignored
                    for i, input in enumerate(app.inputs):
                        if i in ignored:
                        if input in root_impact \
                                and (i not in tolerated or
                                     input is not destroyed_variable):
                            raise InconsistencyError("Input aliasing: %s (%i, %i)"
                                                     % (app, destroyed_idx, i))

                    # add the rule: app must be preceded by all other Apply instances that
                    # depend on destroyed_input
                    root_clients = OrderedSet()
                    for r in root_impact:
                        assert not [a for a, c in self.clients[r].items() if not c]
                        root_clients.update([a for a, c in self.clients[r].items() if c])
                    if root_clients:
                        rval[app] = root_clients

        return rval
Example #4
        def on_attach(self, fgraph):
            When attaching to a new fgraph, check that
            1) This DestroyHandler wasn't already attached to some fgraph
               (its data structures are only set up to serve one)
            2) The FunctionGraph doesn't already have a DestroyHandler.
               This would result in it validating everything twice, causing
               compilation to be slower.

            TODO: WRITEME: what does this do besides the checks?

            ####### Do the checking ###########
            already_there = False
            if self.fgraph is fgraph:
                already_there = True
            if self.fgraph not in [None, fgraph]:
                raise Exception("A DestroyHandler instance can only serve"
                                " one FunctionGraph. (Matthew 6:24)")
            for attr in ('destroyers', 'destroy_handler'):
                if hasattr(fgraph, attr):
                    already_there = True

            if already_there:
                # FunctionGraph.attach_feature catches AlreadyThere
                # and cancels the attachment
                raise toolbox.AlreadyThere(
                    "DestroyHandler feature is already present or in"
                    " conflict with another plugin.")

            ####### end of checking ############

            def get_destroyers_of(r):
                droot, impact, root_destroyer = self.refresh_droot_impact()
                    return [root_destroyer[droot[r]]]
                except Exception:
                    return []

            fgraph.destroyers = get_destroyers_of
            fgraph.destroy_handler = self

            self.fgraph = fgraph
            self.destroyers = OrderedSet(
            )  #set of Apply instances with non-null destroy_map
            self.view_i = {}  # variable -> variable used in calculation
            self.view_o = {
            }  # variable -> set of variables that use this one as a direct input
            #clients: how many times does an apply use a given variable
            self.clients = {}  # variable -> apply -> ninputs
            self.stale_droot = True

            # IG: It's unclear if this is meant to be included in deployed code. It looks like
            # it is unnecessary if FunctionGraph is working correctly, so I am commenting uses
            # of it (for speed) but leaving the commented code in place so it is easy to restore
            # for debugging purposes.
            # Note: is there anything like the C preprocessor for python? It would be useful to
            # just ifdef these things out
            # self.debug_all_apps = set()
            if self.do_imports_on_attach:
                toolbox.Bookkeeper.on_attach(self, fgraph)
Example #5
def get_impact(root, view_o):
    impact = OrderedSet()
    add_impact(root, view_o, impact)
    return impact