Example #1
def normal_lccdf(mu, sigma, x):
    z = (x - mu) / sigma
    return tt.switch(
        tt.gt(z, 1.0),
        tt.log(tt.erfcx(z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0) - tt.sqr(z) / 2.0,
        tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(-z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0),
Example #2
def normal_lccdf(mu, sigma, x):
    z = (x - mu) / sigma
    return tt.switch(
        tt.gt(z, 1.0),
        tt.log(tt.erfcx(z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) - tt.sqr(z) / 2.,
        tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(-z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.)
Example #3
def normal_lcdf(mu, sigma, x):
    z = (x - mu) / sigma
    return tt.switch(
        tt.lt(z, -1.0),
        tt.log(tt.erfcx(-z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) - tt.sqr(z) / 2,
        tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.)
Example #4
def normal_lcdf(mu, sigma, x):
    """Compute the log of the cumulative density function of the normal."""
    z = (x - mu) / sigma
    return tt.switch(
        tt.lt(z, -1.0),
        tt.log(tt.erfcx(-z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0) - tt.sqr(z) / 2.0,
        tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0),
Example #5
def normal_lcdf(mu, sigma, x):
    """Compute the log of the cumulative density function of the normal."""
    z = (x - mu) / sigma
    return tt.switch(
        tt.lt(z, -1.0),
        tt.log(tt.erfcx(-z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) - tt.sqr(z) / 2.,
        tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.)
Example #6
def log_diff_normal_cdf(mu, sigma, x, y):
    Compute :math:`\\log(\\Phi(\frac{x - \\mu}{\\sigma}) - \\Phi(\frac{y - \\mu}{\\sigma}))` safely in log space.

    mu: float
    sigma: float

    x: float

    y: float
        must be strictly less than x.

    log (\\Phi(x) - \\Phi(y))

    x = (x - mu) / sigma / tt.sqrt(2.0)
    y = (y - mu) / sigma / tt.sqrt(2.0)

    # To stabilize the computation, consider these three regions:
    # 1) x > y > 0 => Use erf(x) = 1 - e^{-x^2} erfcx(x) and erf(y) =1 - e^{-y^2} erfcx(y)
    # 2) 0 > x > y => Use erf(x) = e^{-x^2} erfcx(-x) and erf(y) = e^{-y^2} erfcx(-y)
    # 3) x > 0 > y => Naive formula log( (erf(x) - erf(y)) / 2 ) works fine.
    return tt.log(0.5) + tt.switch(
        tt.gt(y, 0),
        -tt.square(y) + tt.log(tt.erfcx(y) - tt.exp(tt.square(y) - tt.square(x)) * tt.erfcx(x)),
            tt.lt(x, 0),  # 0 > x > y
            + tt.log(tt.erfcx(-x) - tt.exp(tt.square(x) - tt.square(y)) * tt.erfcx(-y)),
            tt.log(tt.erf(x) - tt.erf(y)),  # x >0 > y