Example #1
def test_match(ext, tar_error, filename, unquoted, quoted, script, fixed):
    assert match(Command(script.format(filename.format(ext)), ""))
def test_not_match(script):
    assert not match(Command(script, ''))
Example #3
import pytest
from mock import patch
from thefuck.rules import pacman_not_found
from thefuck.rules.pacman_not_found import match, get_new_command
from thefuck.types import Command

PKGFILE_OUTPUT_LLC = '''extra/llvm 3.6.0-5      /usr/bin/llc
extra/llvm35 3.5.2-13/usr/bin/llc'''

@pytest.mark.skipif(not getattr(pacman_not_found, 'enabled_by_default', True),
                    reason='Skip if pacman is not available')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('yaourt -S llc', 'error: target not found: llc'),
    Command('pacman llc', 'error: target not found: llc'),
    Command('sudo pacman llc', 'error: target not found: llc')
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('yaourt -S llc', 'error: target not found: llc'),
    Command('pacman llc', 'error: target not found: llc'),
    Command('sudo pacman llc', 'error: target not found: llc')
def test_match_mocked(subp_mock, command):
    subp_mock.check_output.return_value = PKGFILE_OUTPUT_LLC
    assert match(command)
Example #4
def test_get_new_command(output):
    command = Command('touch /a/b/c', output)
    fixed_command = get_new_command(command)
    assert fixed_command == 'mkdir -p /a/b && touch /a/b/c'
Example #5
def test_match(script, result):
    output = get_output("source")
    assert match(Command(script, output))
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, output)) == result
Example #6
def test_match(option):
    assert match(Command("pacman -{}v meat".format(option), bad_output))
Example #7
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.touch import match, get_new_command
from thefuck.types import Command

def output():
    return "touch: cannot touch '/a/b/c':" \
           " No such file or directory"

def test_match(output):
    command = Command('touch /a/b/c', output)
    assert match(command)

    'command', [Command('touch /a/b/c', ''),
                Command('ls /a/b/c', output())])
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)

def test_get_new_command(output):
    command = Command('touch /a/b/c', output)
    fixed_command = get_new_command(command)
    assert fixed_command == 'mkdir -p /a/b && touch /a/b/c'
import pytest

from thefuck.rules.yarn_command_replaced import get_new_command
from thefuck.rules.yarn_command_replaced import match
from thefuck.types import Command

output = ("error `install` has been replaced with `add` to add new "
          'dependencies. Run "yarn add {}" instead.').format

        Command("yarn install redux", output("redux")),
        Command("yarn install moment", output("moment")),
        Command("yarn install lodash", output("lodash")),
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("command", [Command("yarn install", "")])
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)

    "command, new_command",
        (Command("yarn install redux", output("redux")), "yarn add redux"),
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.git_merge import match, get_new_command
from thefuck.types import Command

def output():
    return 'merge: local - not something we can merge\n\n' \
        'Did you mean this?\n\tremote/local'

def test_match(output):
    assert match(Command('git merge test', output))
    assert not match(Command('git merge master', ''))
    assert not match(Command('ls', output))

    'command, new_command',
    [(Command('git merge local', output()), 'git merge remote/local'),
     (Command('git merge -m "test" local',
              output()), 'git merge -m "test" remote/local'),
     (Command('git merge -m "test local" local',
              output()), 'git merge -m "test local" remote/local')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
    assert get_new_command(command) == new_command
Example #10
def test_not_match():
    assert not match(Command('aws dynamodb invalid', no_suggestions))
import pytest

from thefuck.rules.quotation_marks import get_new_command
from thefuck.rules.quotation_marks import match
from thefuck.types import Command

        Command("git commit -m 'My Message\"", ""),
        Command("git commit -am \"Mismatched Quotation Marks'", ""),
        Command("echo \"hello'", ""),
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

    "command, new_command",
        (Command("git commit -m 'My Message\"",
                 ""), 'git commit -m "My Message"'),
            Command("git commit -am \"Mismatched Quotation Marks'", ""),
            'git commit -am "Mismatched Quotation Marks"',
        (Command("echo \"hello'", ""), 'echo "hello"'),
Example #12
misspelled_subcommand = '''\
ERROR: (gcloud.compute) Invalid choice: 'instance'.
Maybe you meant:
  gcloud compute instance-groups
  gcloud compute instance-templates
  gcloud compute instances
  gcloud compute target-instances

To search the help text of gcloud commands, run:
  gcloud help -- SEARCH_TERMS

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('gcloud comute instances list', misspelled_subcommand),
    Command('gcloud compute instance list', misspelled_subcommand)
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

def test_not_match():
    assert not match(Command('aws dynamodb invalid', no_suggestions))

    'command, result',
    [(Command('gcloud comute instances list',
              misspelled_subcommand), ['gcloud compute instance-groups']),
     (Command('gcloud compute instance list',
Example #13
no_website_long = """

No Domain list found for website: a_website_that_does_not_exist

Please raise a Issue here: https://github.com/dhilipsiva/hostscli/issues/new
if you think we should add domains for this website.

type `hostscli websites` to see a list of websites that you can block/unblock

    [Command("hostscli block a_website_that_does_not_exist", no_website_long)],
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

    "command, result",
        Command("hostscli block a_website_that_does_not_exist",
        ["hostscli websites"],
def test_get_new_command(command, result):
    assert get_new_command(command) == result
Example #14
def test_side_effect(ext, tar_error, filename, unquoted, quoted, script,
    side_effect(Command(script.format(filename.format(ext)), ""), None)
    assert set(os.listdir(".")) == {unquoted.format(ext), "d"}
def test_match():
    assert match(Command("apt list --upgradable", match_output))
    assert match(Command("sudo apt list --upgradable", match_output))
Example #16
def test_match(output):
    assert match(Command('git merge test', output))
    assert not match(Command('git merge master', ''))
    assert not match(Command('ls', output))
Example #17
def test_not_match_good_output(option):
    assert not match(Command("pacman -{}s meat".format(option), good_output))
import pytest

from thefuck.rules.yarn_alias import get_new_command
from thefuck.rules.yarn_alias import match
from thefuck.types import Command

output_remove = "error Did you mean `yarn remove`?"
output_etl = 'error Command "etil" not found. Did you mean "etl"?'
output_list = "error Did you mean `yarn list`?"

        Command("yarn rm", output_remove),
        Command("yarn etil", output_etl),
        Command("yarn ls", output_list),
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

    "command, new_command",
        (Command("yarn rm", output_remove), "yarn remove"),
        (Command("yarn etil", output_etl), "yarn etl"),
        (Command("yarn ls", output_list), "yarn list"),
Example #19
def test_get_new_command(option):
    new_command = get_new_command(
        Command("pacman -{}v meat".format(option), ""))
    assert new_command == "pacman -{}v meat".format(option.upper())
def test_match(output, script, target):
    assert match(Command(script, output))
Example #21
def test_match(output):
    command = Command('touch /a/b/c', output)
    assert match(command)
Example #22
def test_get_new_command(set_help, output, script, help_text, result):
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, output))[0] == result
Example #23
def test_not_match(file_exists, script, output, exists):
    file_exists.return_value = exists
    assert not match(Command(script, output))
Example #24
def test_get_new_command(script, output, new_command):
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, output)) == new_command
Example #25
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.java import match, get_new_command
from thefuck.types import Command

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('java foo.java', ''),
    Command('java bar.java', '')])
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
    (Command('java foo.java', ''), 'java foo'),
    (Command('java bar.java', ''), 'java bar')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
    assert get_new_command(command) == new_command
Example #26
def test_match(script, output):
    assert match(Command(script, output))
def test_get_new_command(script, result):
    assert get_new_command(Command(script, '')) == result

no_match_output = """
Listing... Done

def test_match():
    assert match(Command("apt list --upgradable", match_output))
    assert match(Command("sudo apt list --upgradable", match_output))

        Command("apt list --upgradable", no_match_output),
        Command("sudo apt list --upgradable", no_match_output),
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)

def test_get_new_command():
    new_command = get_new_command(
        Command("apt list --upgradable", match_output))
    assert new_command == "apt upgrade"

    new_command = get_new_command(
        Command("sudo apt list --upgradable", match_output))
    assert new_command == "sudo apt upgrade"
Example #29
from thefuck.types import Command

def output(is_bsd):
    if is_bsd:
        return "touch: /a/b/c: No such file or directory"
    return "touch: cannot touch '/a/b/c': No such file or directory"

@pytest.mark.parametrize("script, is_bsd", [("touch /a/b/c", False),
                                            ("touch /a/b/c", True)])
def test_match(script, is_bsd):
    command = Command(script, output(is_bsd))
    assert match(command)

    [Command("touch /a/b/c", ""),
     Command("ls /a/b/c", output(False))])
def test_not_match(command):
    assert not match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("script, is_bsd", [("touch /a/b/c", False),
                                            ("touch /a/b/c", True)])
def test_get_new_command(script, is_bsd):
    command = Command(script, output(is_bsd))
    fixed_command = get_new_command(command)
    assert fixed_command == "mkdir -p /a/b && touch /a/b/c"
Example #30
def test_get_new_command():
    assert get_new_command(Command('git clone git clone foo',
                                   output_clean)) == 'git clone foo'