Example #1
 def __process_molecule_design_pools(self):
     self.add_debug('Processing molecule design pools.')
     md_pool_agg = get_root_aggregate(IMoleculeDesignPool)
     mdpri_hash_map = {}
     hash_func = MoleculeDesignPool.make_member_hash
     new_mdpri_map = {}
     new_mds = self.return_value['molecule_designs']
     for mdpri in self.registration_items:
         # By definition, any mdpri that contains one or more new designs
         # must be new. We must treat this as a special case because
         # building member hash values with the new designs does not work
         # reliably since they may not have been flushed yet.
         mds = [mdri.molecule_design
                for mdri in mdpri.molecule_design_registration_items]
         if any(md in new_mds for md in mds):
             # We use the *structure* as key for the new pools map here
             # as this is always available (unlike the design IDs, which
             # may not have been generated at this point).
             key = self.__make_new_mdpri_key(mdpri)
             new_mdpri_map.setdefault(key, []).append(mdpri)
             # For pools that consist only of existing designs, we build
             # a map with member hashes as keys so we can query with a
             # single DB call.
             hash_val = \
                                for mdri in
             mdpri_hash_map.setdefault(hash_val, []).append(mdpri)
     if len(mdpri_hash_map) > 0:
         md_pool_agg.filter = cntd(member_hash=mdpri_hash_map.keys())
         existing_mdp_map = dict([(mdp.member_hash, mdp)
                                  for mdp in md_pool_agg.iterator()])
         # Update existing molecule design pool registration items.
         for hash_val, mdp in existing_mdp_map.iteritems():
             mdpris = mdpri_hash_map[hash_val]
             for mdpri in mdpris:
                 if not mdpri.molecule_design_pool is None \
                    and mdp.id != mdpri.molecule_design_pool.id:
                     msg = 'The molecule design pool ID (%s) specified ' \
                           'in the sample data does not match the ID ' \
                           'of the pool that retrieved for the design ' \
                           'structure information associated with it.'
                 mdpri.molecule_design_pool = mdp
         existing_mdp_map = {}
     # Determine non-existing molecule design pool registration items and
     # build up a map (this makes sure the same design is registered at
     # most once.
     new_mdp_hashes = \
     for new_mdp_hash in new_mdp_hashes:
         mdpris = mdpri_hash_map[new_mdp_hash]
         for mdpri in mdpris:
             if not mdpri.molecule_design_pool is None:
                 # This is a case where we supplied both design pool ID *and*
                 # structure information in the data file and the two do not
                 # match (i.e., the structures were not found).
                 msg = 'The molecule design pool ID (%s) specified in the ' \
                       'sample data does not match the design structure ' \
                       'information associated with it.'
             key = self.__make_new_mdpri_key(mdpri)
             new_mdpri_map.setdefault(key, []).append(mdpri)
     if len(new_mdpri_map) > 0:
         new_md_pools = []
         for mdpris in new_mdpri_map.values():
             # We use the first mdp registration item to create a
             # new pool and update all with the latter.
             md_pool = MoleculeDesignPool(
                          for mdri in
             for mdpri in mdpris:
                 mdpri.molecule_design_pool = md_pool
         self.return_value['molecule_design_pools'] = new_md_pools