nbins = [rbins, zbins]

print 'calculating z-r plots'
for varname in varnames:
    print 'loading', varname
    vari = varis3D[varname]
    field = varis3D[varname][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
    field_tave = np.mean(field, axis=0)
    #calculate relative humidity
    if varname == 'TABS':
        varname = 'RH'
        QV = varis3D['QV'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
        QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
        RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
        for i, plev in enumerate(p):
            wsat_tave = 1000 * wsat(field_tave[i, :, :],
                                    plev)  #convert to g/kg
            RH_tave[i, :, :] = 100 * (QV_tave[i, :, :] / wsat_tave
                                      )  #convert to percent
        field_tave = RH_tave
    #calculate wind speed
    if varname == 'U':
        V = varis3D['V'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
        #V = V[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
        #U = varis3D['U'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
        #U = U[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
        field = np.sqrt(np.power(V, 2) + np.power(field, 2))
    #field_tmp = field.reshape(nt3D/ntave3D, ntave3D, nz, nx, ny)
    #field_tave = np.mean(field_tmp, axis=1)
    print 'calculating temporal averages'
    #average over nave days
    #field_t = np.mean(field[t-nave3D:t,:,:,:], axis=0)
nbins=[rbins, zbins]

print 'calculating z-r plots'
for varname in varnames:
    print 'loading', varname
    vari = varis3D[varname]
    field = varis3D[varname][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
    field_tave = np.mean(field, axis=0)
    #calculate relative humidity 
    if varname == 'TABS':
        varname = 'RH'
        QV = varis3D['QV'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
        QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
        RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
        for i, plev in enumerate(p):
            wsat_tave = 1000*wsat(field_tave[i,:,:], plev) #convert to g/kg
            RH_tave[i,:,:] = 100*(QV_tave[i,:,:]/wsat_tave) #convert to percent
        field_tave = RH_tave
    #calculate wind speed
    if varname == 'U':
       V = varis3D['V'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
       #V = V[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
       #U = varis3D['U'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
       #U = U[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
       field = np.sqrt(np.power(V, 2) + np.power(field, 2))
    #field_tmp = field.reshape(nt3D/ntave3D, ntave3D, nz, nx, ny)
    #field_tave = np.mean(field_tmp, axis=1)
    print 'calculating temporal averages'
    #average over nave days 
    #field_t = np.mean(field[t-nave3D:t,:,:,:], axis=0)
    #calculate adiabatic warming + QRAD balance 
 nbins=[rbins, zBL]
 print 'calculating z-r plots'
 for varname in varnames:
     print 'loading', varname
     vari = varis3D[varname]
     field = varis3D[varname][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     field_tave = np.mean(field, axis=0)
     #calculate relative humidity 
     if varname == 'TABS':
         varname = 'RH'
         QV = varis3D['QV'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
         QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
         RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
         for i, plev in enumerate(p):
             wsat_tave = 1000*wsat(field_tave[i,:,:], plev) #convert to g/kg
             RH_tave[i,:,:] = 100*(QV_tave[i,:,:]/wsat_tave) #convert to percent
         field_tave = RH_tave
     #calculate wind speed
     if varname == 'U':
         V = varis3D['V'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
         #V = V[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
         #U = varis3D['U'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
         #U = U[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
         field = np.sqrt(np.power(V, 2) + np.power(field, 2))
         #field_tmp = field.reshape(nt3D/ntave3D, ntave3D, nz, nx, ny)
         #field_tave = np.mean(field_tmp, axis=1)
         print 'calculating temporal averages'
         #average over nave days 
         #field_t = np.mean(field[t-nave3D:t,:,:,:], axis=0)
         #calculate adiabatic warming + QRAD balance 
     dsdz = (s[1:,:,:] - s[:-1,:,:])/(diffz3D)
     W_adb = (c.cp*QRAD_tave[:-1,:,:])/(dsdz*3600*24)
     W_diab = W_tave[:-1,:,:] - blockave3D(W_adb, db)
     field_tave = W_diab
 #calculate RH
 elif varname == 'TABS':
     varname = 'RH'
     QV = varis3D['QV'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
     TABS = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     TABS_tave = np.mean(TABS, axis=0)
     RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
     for pi, plev in enumerate(p):
         wsat_tave = 1000*wsat(TABS_tave[pi,:,:], plev) #convert to g/kg
         RH_tave[pi,:,:] = 100*(QV_tave[pi,:,:]/wsat_tave) #convert to percent
     field_tave = RH_tave
     field_tave = blockave3D(field_tave, db)
 elif varname == 'VERTMASSFLUX':
     w = varis3D['W'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     T = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     nt = T.shape[0]
     p3D = np.zeros((ny, nx, nz))
     p3D[:,:,:] = p
     p3D = p3D[:,:,:,np.newaxis]
     p4D = np.tile(p3D,nt)
     p4D = p4D.T
     rho = p4D/(T*c.Rd)
Example #5
    y = varis2D['y'][:]
    p = varis3D['p'][:]
    p = p * 1e2
    #z = varis3D['z'][:]
    #p = varis3D['p'][:]
    #p = p*1e2
    W = varis3D['W'][t - aveperiod3D:t, :, :, :]
    W_tave = np.mean(W, axis=0)
    QV = varis3D['QV'][t - aveperiod3D:t, :, :, :]
    QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
    TABS = varis3D['TABS'][t - aveperiod3D:t, :, :, :]
    TABS_tave = np.mean(TABS, axis=0)
    RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)

    for pi, plev in enumerate(p):
        wsat_tave = 1000 * wsat(TABS_tave[pi, :, :], plev)  #convert to g/kg
        RH_tave[pi, :, :] = 100 * (QV_tave[pi, :, :] / wsat_tave
                                   )  #convert to percent

    RH_tave = blockave3D(RH_tave, db)
    W_tave = blockave3D(W_tave, db)

    #Wvertbar = np.mean(np.mean(W, axis=0),axis=0)
    #Wblock = blockave2D(Wvertbar, db)

    #W500 = varis2D['W500'][t-aveperiod:t,:,:]
    #W500_tave = np.mean(W500, axis=0)
    #W500_block = blockave2D(W500_tave, db)

    #nt3D = t3D.size
    #nz = z.size
p = varis3D['p'][:]
z = varis3D['z'][:]
x = varis['x'][:]
y = varis['y'][:]

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)

nz = z.size
nx = x.size
ny = y.size

t = -1

p_s = p[0]
T_s = varisSTAT['TABS'][t, 0]
q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s * 1e2)

Tenv = varis3D['TABS'][t, :, :, :]

QV = varis3D['QV'][t, :, :, :]
QV = QV * 1e-3

Tenv_ave = np.mean(np.mean(Tenv, axis=2), axis=1)

thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s * 1e2, q_sat, 0)  #theta_e in moist region

Tadiabat = findTmoist(thetae0, p * 1e2)

qvadiabat = []

for i, plev in enumerate(p * 1e2):
Example #7
 nbins=[rbins, zBL]
 print 'calculating z-r plots'
 for varname in varnames:
     print 'loading', varname
     vari = varis3D[varname]
     field = varis3D[varname][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     field_tave = np.mean(field, axis=0)
     #calculate relative humidity 
     if varname == 'TABS':
         varname = 'RH'
         QV = varis3D['QV'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
         QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
         RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
         for j, plev in enumerate(p):
             wsat_tave = 1000*wsat(field_tave[j,:,:], plev) #convert to g/kg
             RH_tave[j,:,:] = 100*(QV_tave[j,:,:]/wsat_tave) #convert to percent
         field_tave = RH_tave
     #calculate wind speed
     if varname == 'U':
         V = varis3D['V'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
         #V = V[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
         #U = varis3D['U'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
         #U = U[ntrunc:,:,:,:]
         field = np.sqrt(np.power(V, 2) + np.power(field, 2))
         #field_tmp = field.reshape(nt3D/ntave3D, ntave3D, nz, nx, ny)
         #field_tave = np.mean(field_tmp, axis=1)
         print 'calculating temporal averages'
         #average over nave days 
         #field_t = np.mean(field[t-nave3D:t,:,:,:], axis=0)
         #calculate adiabatic warming + QRAD balance 
        p_s = 1000e2

        def findT(T_s, p):

            zeta = -h * (np.log(p / p_s))

            if (zeta < zeta_T):
                T = T_s - gamma_PH * zeta
                T = T_s - gamma_PH * zeta_T
            return T

        qv_s = np.zeros(p.size)

        for i, plev in enumerate(p):
            qv = wsat(findT(T_s, plev), p_s)
            qv_s[i] = qv * 1e3

        interior = np.bitwise_and(z > z_BL, z < z_t)
        zint = z[interior]
        moist_prof = moist_prof[interior]
        dry_prof = dry_prof[interior]

        moist_profave = np.mean(moist_prof)
        dry_profave = np.mean(dry_prof)

        qv_s = qv_s[interior]

        f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 1)
 p_s = 1000e2
 def findT(T_s, p):
     zeta = -h*(np.log(p/p_s))
     if (zeta < zeta_T):
         T = T_s - gamma_PH*zeta
         T = T_s - gamma_PH*zeta_T
     return T
 qv_s = np.zeros(p.size)
 for i, plev in enumerate(p):
     qv = wsat(findT(T_s, plev), p_s)
     qv_s[i] = qv*1e3
 interior = np.bitwise_and(z > z_BL, z < z_t)
 zint = z[interior]
 moist_prof = moist_prof[interior] 
 dry_prof = dry_prof[interior]
 moist_profave = np.mean(moist_prof)
 dry_profave = np.mean(dry_prof)
 qv_s = qv_s[interior]
 f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,1)
 plt.suptitle(r'{:s} ({:s}), day {:3.0f} to {:3.0f} average, domain size = {:d} km$^2$, convective region {:s} threshold = {:2.1f} {:s} '.format(varname, units, t3D[0], t3D[-1], domsize, mvarname, mfieldcrit, mvar.units.strip()))
Example #10
tdouble = 90

nc_data1 = Dataset(nc_in1)
nc_data2 = Dataset(nc_in2)
nc_data3 = Dataset(nc_in3)
#nc_data4 = Dataset(nc_in4)
nc_vars1 = nc_data1.variables
nc_vars2 = nc_data2.variables
nc_vars3 = nc_data3.variables
#nc_vars4 = nc_data4.variables

T_s = 302
p_s = 1000e2

q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s)  #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)
thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0)  #theta_e in moist region
#use surface temperature to get moist adiaba

z1 = nc_vars1['z'][:]
z2 = nc_vars2['z'][:]
z3 = nc_vars3['z'][:]
#z4 = nc_vars4['z'][:]

p1 = nc_vars1['p'][:]
p2 = nc_vars2['p'][:]
p3 = nc_vars3['p'][:]
#p4 = nc_vars4['p'][:]

t1 = nc_vars1['time'][:]
t2 = nc_vars2['time'][:]