def get_bathymetry(bathymetry_file, mesh2d, minimum_depth=5.0, project=False): """Interpolates/projects bathymetry from a raster to P1 field.""" retrieve_bath_file(bathymetry_file) d = Dataset(bathymetry_file) x = d['x'][:] y = d['y'][:] bath = -d['bathymetry'][:] if bath = bath.filled(minimum_depth) bath[~np.isfinite(bath)] = minimum_depth interpolator = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((x, y), bath.T) P1_2d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1) bathymetry2d = Function(P1_2d, name='bathymetry') if project: # interpolate on a high order mesh P3_2d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 3) P3_2d_v = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 3, vector=True) bathymetry2d_ho = Function(P3_2d, name='bathymetry') coords_ho = Function(P3_2d_v).interpolate(SpatialCoordinate(mesh2d)) interpolate_onto(interpolator, bathymetry2d_ho, coords_ho, minimum_depth) # project on P1 bathymetry2d.project(bathymetry2d_ho) shallow_ix = < minimum_depth[shallow_ix] = minimum_depth else: interpolate_onto(interpolator, bathymetry2d, mesh2d.coordinates, minimum_depth) return bathymetry2d
def test(): mesh2d = Mesh('mesh_cre-plume_03_normal.msh') p1 = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1) p1v = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1, vector=True) elev_field = Function(p1, name='elevation') uv_field = Function(p1v, name='transport') sim_tz = timezone.FixedTimeZone(-8, 'PST') init_date = datetime.datetime(2006, 5, 15, tzinfo=sim_tz) # tide_cls = FES2004TidalBoundaryForcing tide_cls = TPXOTidalBoundaryForcing tbnd = tide_cls(elev_field, init_date, to_latlon, COORDSYS, uv_field=uv_field, data_dir='forcings', constituents=['M2', 'K1'], boundary_ids=[2, 5, 7]) tbnd.set_tidal_field(0.0) elev_outfn = 'tmp/tidal_elev.pvd' uv_outfn = 'tmp/tidal_uv.pvd' print('Saving to {:} {:}'.format(elev_outfn, uv_outfn)) elev_out = File(elev_outfn) uv_out = File(uv_outfn) for t in np.linspace(0, 12 * 3600., 49): tbnd.set_tidal_field(t) if elev_field.function_space().mesh().comm.rank == 0: print('t={:7.1f} elev: {:7.1f} uv: {:7.1f}'.format( t, norm(elev_field), norm(uv_field))) elev_out.write(elev_field) uv_out.write(uv_field)
def u(mesh, spaces): (name, order), (vname, vorder) = spaces return utility.get_functionspace(mesh, name, order, vname, vorder, vector=True)
def compute_hcc_metric(nelem, nlayers, slope, deform='uniform'): mesh2d = UnitSquareMesh(nelem, nelem) mesh = ExtrudedMesh(mesh2d, nlayers, 1.0 / nlayers)[:, 2] += -1.0 xyz = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) if deform == 'uniform':[:, 2] = ([:, 2] + slope *[:, 0]) else:[:, 2] = ([:, 2] + slope *[:, 0] *[:, 2]) P1DG = utility.get_functionspace(mesh, 'DG', 1) f_hcc = Function(P1DG, name='hcc_metric_3d') # emulate solver object solver_obj = utility.AttrDict() solver_obj.mesh = mesh solver_obj.comm = comm solver_obj.fields = utility.AttrDict() solver_obj.function_spaces = utility.AttrDict() solver_obj.fields.hcc_metric_3d = f_hcc solver_obj.fields.z_coord_3d = Function(P1DG, name='z_coord_3d') solver_obj.fields.z_coord_3d.interpolate(xyz[2]) solver_obj.function_spaces.P1DG = P1DG utility.Mesh3DConsistencyCalculator(solver_obj).solve() hcc_min = hcc_max = return hcc_min, hcc_max
def test_interpolator(): """ Test NCOM 3d interpolator. .. note:: The following NCOM output files must be present: ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/s3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/s3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/t3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/t3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/u3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/u3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/v3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/v3d/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/ssh/ ./forcings/ncom/2006/ssh/ """ # load and extrude mesh from bathymetry import get_bathymetry, smooth_bathymetry, smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd nlayers, surf_elem_height, max_z_stretch = (9, 5.0, 4.0) mesh2d = Mesh('mesh_cre-plume_03_normal.msh') # interpolate bathymetry and smooth it bathymetry_2d = get_bathymetry('', mesh2d, project=False) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry( bathymetry_2d, delta_sigma=1.0, bg_diff=0, alpha=1e2, exponent=2.5, minimum_depth=3.5, niter=30) bathymetry_2d = smooth_bathymetry_at_bnd(bathymetry_2d, [2, 7]) # 3d mesh vertical stretch factor z_stretch_fact_2d = Function(bathymetry_2d.function_space(), name='z_stretch') # 1.0 (sigma mesh) in shallow areas, 4.0 in deep ocean z_stretch_fact_2d.project(-ln(surf_elem_height/bathymetry_2d)/ln(nlayers))[ < 1.0] = 1.0[ > max_z_stretch] = max_z_stretch extrude_options = { 'z_stretch_fact': z_stretch_fact_2d, } mesh = extrude_mesh_sigma(mesh2d, nlayers, bathymetry_2d, **extrude_options) p1_2d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1) p1 = get_functionspace(mesh, 'CG', 1) # make functions salt = Function(p1, name='salinity') temp = Function(p1, name='temperature') uvel = Function(p1, name='u-velocity') vvel = Function(p1, name='v-velocity') elev = Function(p1_2d, name='elevation') sim_tz = timezone.FixedTimeZone(-8, 'PST') init_date = datetime.datetime(2006, 5, 1, tzinfo=sim_tz) interp = NCOMInterpolator( p1_2d, p1, [salt, temp, uvel, vvel, elev], ['Salinity', 'Temperature', 'U_Velocity', 'V_Velocity', 'Surface_Elevation'], ['s3d', 't3d', 'u3d', 'v3d', 'ssh'], to_latlon, 'forcings/ncom', '{year:04d}/{fieldstr:}/{fieldstr:}.glb8_2f_{year:04d}{month:02d}{day:02d}', init_date, COORDSYS, verbose=True ) interp.set_fields(0.0) salt_fn = 'tmp/salt.pvd' temp_fn = 'tmp/temp.pvd' uvel_fn = 'tmp/uvel.pvd' vvel_fn = 'tmp/vvel.pvd' elev_fn = 'tmp/elev.pvd' print('Saving output to {:} {:} {:} {:} {:}'.format(salt_fn, temp_fn, uvel_fn, vvel_fn, elev_fn)) out_salt = File(salt_fn) out_temp = File(temp_fn) out_uvel = File(uvel_fn) out_vvel = File(vvel_fn) out_elev = File(elev_fn) out_salt.write(salt) out_temp.write(temp) out_uvel.write(uvel) out_vvel.write(vvel) out_elev.write(elev) dt = 3*3600. for i in range(8): print('Time step {:}'.format(i)) interp.set_fields(i*dt) out_salt.write(salt) out_temp.write(temp) out_uvel.write(uvel) out_vvel.write(vvel) out_elev.write(elev)
def test_implicit_friction(do_export=False, do_assert=True): # set mesh resolution scale = 1000.0 reso = 2.5 * scale layers = 50 depth = 15.0 # generate unit mesh and transform its coords x_max = 5.0 * scale x_min = -5.0 * scale lx = (x_max - x_min) n_x = int(lx / reso) mesh2d = RectangleMesh(n_x, n_x, lx, lx, reorder=True) # move mesh, center to (0,0)[:, 0] -= lx / 2[:, 1] -= lx / 2 mesh = ExtrudedMesh(mesh2d, layers=50, layer_height=-depth / layers) if do_export: out_file = File('implicit_bf_sol.pvd') # ----- define function spaces deg = 1 p1dg = get_functionspace(mesh, 'DG', 1) p1dgv = get_functionspace(mesh, 'DG', 1, vector=True) u_h_elt = FiniteElement('RT', triangle, deg + 1, variant='equispaced') u_v_elt = FiniteElement('DG', interval, deg, variant='equispaced') u_elt = HDiv(TensorProductElement(u_h_elt, u_v_elt)) # for vertical velocity component w_h_elt = FiniteElement('DG', triangle, deg, variant='equispaced') w_v_elt = FiniteElement('CG', interval, deg + 1, variant='equispaced') w_elt = HDiv(TensorProductElement(w_h_elt, w_v_elt)) # in deformed mesh horiz. velocity must actually live in U + W uw_elt = EnrichedElement(u_elt, w_elt) # final spaces v = FunctionSpace(mesh, uw_elt) # uv solution = Function(v, name='velocity') solution_new = Function(v, name='new velocity') solution_p1_dg = Function(p1dgv, name='velocity p1dg') viscosity_v = Function(p1dg, name='viscosity') elev_slope = -1.0e-5 source = Constant((-9.81 * elev_slope, 0, 0)) z0 = 1.5e-3 kappa = 0.4 drag = (kappa / np.log((depth / layers) / z0))**2 bottom_drag = Constant(drag) u_bf = 0.035 # NOTE tuned to produce ~correct viscosity profile x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) viscosity_v.project(kappa * u_bf * -z * (depth + z + z0) / (depth + z0)) print('Cd {:}'.format(drag)) print('u_bf {:}'.format(u_bf)) print('nu {:}'.format(, # --- solve mom eq test = TestFunction(v) normal = FacetNormal(mesh) def rhs(solution, sol_old): # source term (external pressure gradient f = inner(source, test) * dx # vertical diffusion (integrated by parts) f += -viscosity_v * inner(Dx(solution, 2), Dx(test, 2)) * dx # interface term diff_flux = viscosity_v * Dx(solution, 2) f += (dot(avg(diff_flux), test('+')) * normal[2]('+') + dot(avg(diff_flux), test('-')) * normal[2]('-')) * dS_h # symmetric interior penalty stabilization l = Constant(depth / layers) nb_neigh = 2 o = 1 d = 3 sigma = Constant((o + 1) * (o + d) / d * nb_neigh / 2) / l gamma = sigma * avg(viscosity_v) f += gamma * dot( jump(solution), test('+') * normal[2]('+') + test('-') * normal[2]('-')) * dS_h # boundary term uv_bot_old = sol_old + Dx(sol_old, 2) * l * 0.5 uv_bot = solution + Dx(solution, 2) * l * 0.5 # solver fails uv_mag = sqrt(uv_bot_old[0]**2 + uv_bot_old[1]**2) + Constant(1e-12) bnd_flux = bottom_drag * uv_mag * uv_bot ds_bottom = ds_t f += dot(bnd_flux, test) * normal[2] * ds_bottom return f # ----- define solver sp = {} dt = 3600.0 time_steps = 13 dt_const = Constant(dt) # Backward Euler f = (inner(solution_new, test) * dx - inner(solution, test) * dx - dt_const * rhs(solution_new, solution)) prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(f, solution_new) solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=sp) if do_export: out_file.write(solution) # ----- solve t = 0 for it in range(1, time_steps + 1): t = it * dt t0 = time_mod.clock() solver.solve() solution.assign(solution_new) t1 = time_mod.clock() if do_export: out_file.write(solution) print('{:4d} T={:9.1f} s cpu={:.2f} s'.format(it, t, t1 - t0)) if do_assert: target_u_min = 0.4 target_u_max = 1.0 target_u_tol = 5e-2 target_zero = 1e-6 solution_p1_dg.project(solution) uvw = w_max = np.max(np.abs(uvw[:, 2])) v_max = np.max(np.abs(uvw[:, 1])) print('w {:}'.format(w_max)) print('v {:}'.format(v_max)) assert w_max < target_zero, 'z velocity component too large' assert v_max < target_zero, 'y velocity component too large' u_min = uvw[:, 0].min() u_max = uvw[:, 0].max() print('u {:} {:}'.format(u_min, u_max)) assert np.abs( u_min - target_u_min) < target_u_tol, 'minimum u velocity is wrong' assert np.abs( u_max - target_u_max) < target_u_tol, 'maximum u velocity is wrong' print('*** PASSED ***')
def test_implicit_diffusion(do_export=False, do_assert=True): # set mesh resolution scale = 1000.0 reso = 2.5 * scale layers = 25 # 50 depth = 50 # generate unit mesh and transform its coords x_max = 5.0 * scale x_min = -5.0 * scale lx = (x_max - x_min) ly = 0.7 * lx n_x = int(lx / reso) area = lx * ly mesh2d = RectangleMesh(n_x, n_x, lx, lx, reorder=True) # move mesh, center at (0,0)[:, 0] -= lx / 2[:, 1] -= lx / 2 dz = depth / layers v_elem_size = Constant(dz) mesh = ExtrudedMesh(mesh2d, layers=layers, layer_height=-depth / layers) if do_export: sol_file = File('sol.pvd') ana_file = File('ana_sol.pvd') # define function spaces fam = 'DG' deg = 1 fs = get_functionspace(mesh, fam, deg) solution = Function(fs, name='tracer') solution_new = Function(fs, name='new tracer') ana_sol = Function(fs, name='analytical tracer') nu_v = 1.0 diffusivity_v = Constant(nu_v) test = TestFunction(fs) normal = FacetNormal(mesh) # setup simulation time t_init = 5.0 t = t_init t_const = Constant(t) t_end = 100.0 dt = dz * dz / nu_v / 10 n_iter = np.ceil(t_end / dt) dt = t_end / n_iter print('dt {:}'.format(dt)) dt_const = Constant(dt) # analytical solution u_max = 1.0 u_min = -1.0 z0 = -depth / 2.0 x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) ana_sol_expr = 0.5 * (u_max + u_min) - 0.5 * (u_max - u_min) * erf( (z - z0) / sqrt(4 * diffusivity_v * t_const)) # initial condition solution.project(ana_sol_expr) ana_sol.project(ana_sol_expr) def rhs(solution): # vertical diffusion operator integrated by parts # f = -diffusivity_v*inner(Dx(solution, 2), Dx(test, 2)) * dx # interface term # diffFlux = diffusivity_v*Dx(solution, 2) # f += (dot(avg(diffFlux), test('+'))*normal[2]('+') + # dot(avg(diffFlux), test('-'))*normal[2]('-')) * dS_h # symmetric interior penalty stabilization # L = Constant(depth/layers) # nbNeigh = 2 # d = 3 # sigma = Constant((deg + 1)*(deg + d)/d * nbNeigh / 2) / L # gamma = sigma*avg(diffusivity_v) # jump_test = test('+')*normal[2]('+') + test('-')*normal[2]('-') # f += gamma * dot(jump(solution), jump_test) * dS_h def grad_v(a): return as_vector((0, 0, Dx(a, 2))) n = as_vector((0, 0, normal[2])) grad_test = grad_v(test) diff_flux = diffusivity_v * grad_v(solution) diff_flux_jump = diffusivity_v * jump(solution, n) f = -inner(grad_test, diff_flux) * dx # Interior penalty as in horizontal case degree_h, degree_v = fs.ufl_element().degree() dim = 3.0 sigma = (degree_v + 1.0) * (degree_v + dim) / dim / v_elem_size # sigma = 1.0/v_elem_size alpha = avg(sigma) ds_interior = (dS_h) f += -alpha * inner(jump(test, n), diff_flux_jump) * ds_interior f += +inner(avg(grad_test), diff_flux_jump) * ds_interior f += +inner(jump(test, n), avg(diff_flux)) * ds_interior # symmetric boundary terms f += inner(test, dot(diff_flux, n)) * (ds_t + ds_b) return f # define solver sp = {} sp['ksp_atol'] = 1e-20 sp['ksp_rtol'] = 1e-20 sp['snes_rtol'] = 1e-20 sp['snes_atol'] = 1e-20 # sp['ksp_monitor'] = True # sp['ksp_monitor_true_residual'] = True # sp['snes_converged_reason'] = True # sp['ksp_converged_reason'] = True # Cr-Ni # f = (inner(solution_new, test)*dx - inner(solution, test)*dx - # dt_const*RHS(0.5*solution + 0.5*solution_new)) # prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(f, solution_new) # solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=sp) # Backward Euler # f = (inner(solution_new, test)*dx - inner(solution, test)*dx - # dt_const*RHS(solution_new)) # prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(f, solution_new) # solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=sp) # From DIRK(2,3,2) IMEX scheme in Ascher et al. (1997) # This method has the Butcher tableau # # gamma | gamma 0 # 1 | 1-gamma gamma # ------------------------- # | 0.5 0.5 # with # gamma = (2 + sqrt(2))/2 # solution_1 = Function(fs, name='tracer K1') solution_2 = Function(fs, name='tracer K2') gamma = Constant((2.0 + np.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0) f1 = (inner(solution_1, test) * dx - inner(solution, test) * dx - gamma * dt_const * rhs(solution_1)) prob1 = NonlinearVariationalProblem(f1, solution_1) solver1 = LinearVariationalSolver(prob1, solver_parameters=sp) f2 = (inner(solution_2, test) * dx - inner(solution, test) * dx - (1.0 - gamma) * dt_const * rhs(solution_1) - (gamma) * dt_const * rhs(solution_2)) prob2 = NonlinearVariationalProblem(f2, solution_2) solver2 = LinearVariationalSolver(prob2, solver_parameters=sp) f = (inner(solution_new, test) * dx - inner(solution, test) * dx - dt_const * (0.5 * rhs(solution_1) + 0.5 * rhs(solution_2))) prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(f, solution_new) solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=sp) if do_export: sol_file.write(solution) ana_file.write(ana_sol) print('sol {:} {:}'.format(, print('ana {:} {:}'.format(, # time loop while t < t_end + t_init: # solve solver1.solve() solver2.solve() solver.solve() solution.assign(solution_new) t += dt # update analytical solution t_const.assign(t) ana_sol.project(ana_sol_expr) if do_export: sol_file.write(solution) ana_file.write(ana_sol) print('sol {:} {:}'.format(, print('ana {:} {:}'.format(, l2_err = errornorm(ana_sol, solution) / area print('L2 error: {:}'.format(l2_err)) if do_assert: l2_threshold = 1e-4 assert l2_err < l2_threshold, 'L2 error exceeds threshold'
def p1(mesh, spaces): (name, order), (vname, vorder) = spaces return utility.get_functionspace(mesh, name, order, vname, vorder)
def p1_2d(mesh2d, spaces): (name, order), (vname, vorder) = spaces return utility.get_functionspace(mesh2d, name, order)
def mesh(mesh2d): fs = utility.get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1) bathymetry_2d = Function(fs).assign(1.0) n_layers = 10 return utility.extrude_mesh_sigma(mesh2d, n_layers, bathymetry_2d)
def compute(refinement=1, order=1, do_export=False): print('--- soving refinement {:}'.format(refinement)) n = 5 * refinement mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n) family = 'DG' p0dg = get_functionspace(mesh, family, order - 1) p1dg = get_functionspace(mesh, family, order) p1dg_v = get_functionspace(mesh, family, order, vector=True) p1dg_ho = get_functionspace(mesh, family, order + 2) p1dg_v_ho = get_functionspace(mesh, family, order + 2, vector=True) lx = 1.0 x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) uv_expr = as_vector((sin(0.2 * pi * (3.0 * x + 1.0 * y) / lx), 0.2 * sin(0.2 * pi * (1.0 * x + 3.0 * y) / lx))) div_expr = 0.12 * pi * cos(0.2 * pi * (1.0 * x + 3.0 * y) / lx) / lx + 0.6 * pi * cos( 0.2 * pi * (3.0 * x + 1.0 * y) / lx) / lx div_uv = Function(p1dg, name='div') div_uv.project(div_expr) div_uv_source = Function(p0dg, name='div') div_uv_source.project(div_expr) uv = Function(p1dg_v, name='uv') uv.project(uv_expr) div_ana = Function(p1dg_ho, name='div_ho') div_ana.project(div_expr) uv_ana = Function(p1dg_v_ho, name='uv+ho') uv_ana.project(uv_expr) if do_export: print('analytical div {:} {:}'.format(, # export analytical solutions out_uv = File('uv.pvd') out_div = File('div.pvd') out_uv.write(uv) out_div.write(div_uv) div_uv.assign(0) test = TestFunction(p1dg) tri = TrialFunction(p1dg) normal = FacetNormal(mesh) # solve div_uv = div(uv) a = inner(test, tri) * dx # div(uv) point-wise # l = inner(div(uv), test)*dx # div(uv) integrated by parts l = -inner(grad(test), uv) * dx + dot(avg(uv), jump( test, normal)) * dS + test * dot(uv, normal) * ds # analytical source # l = inner(test, div_uv_source)*dx solve(a == l, div_uv) if do_export: print('numerical div {:} {:}'.format(, # export numerical solutions out_uv.write(uv) out_div.write(div_uv) l2err_uv = errornorm(uv_ana, uv) l2err_div = errornorm(div_ana, div_uv) print('L2 norm uv {:}'.format(l2err_uv)) print('L2 norm div'.format(l2err_div)) return l2err_uv, l2err_div
def test(): """ Tests atmospheric model data interpolation. .. note:: The following files must be present forcings/atm/wrf/ forcings/atm/wrf/ forcings/atm/nam/ forcings/atm/nam/ """ mesh2d = Mesh('mesh_cre-plume_03_normal.msh') comm = mesh2d.comm p1 = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1) p1v = get_functionspace(mesh2d, 'CG', 1, vector=True) windstress_2d = Function(p1v, name='wind stress') atmpressure_2d = Function(p1, name='atm pressure') sim_tz = timezone.FixedTimeZone(-8, 'PST') # WRF # init_date = datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 16, tzinfo=sim_tz) # pattern = 'forcings/atm/wrf/wrf_air.2015_*_*.nc' # atm_time_step = 3600. # for verification only # test_atm_file = 'forcings/atm/wrf/' # NAM init_date = datetime.datetime(2006, 5, 1, tzinfo=sim_tz) pattern = 'forcings/atm/nam/nam_air.local.2006_*_*.nc' atm_time_step = 3*3600. test_atm_file = 'forcings/atm/nam/' atm_interp = ATMInterpolator(p1, windstress_2d, atmpressure_2d, to_latlon, pattern, init_date, COORDSYS, verbose=True) # create a naive interpolation for first file xy = SpatialCoordinate(p1.mesh()) fsx = Function(p1).interpolate(xy[0]).dat.data_with_halos fsy = Function(p1).interpolate(xy[1]).dat.data_with_halos mesh_lonlat = [] for node in range(len(fsx)): lat, lon = to_latlon(fsx[node], fsy[node]) mesh_lonlat.append((lon, lat)) mesh_lonlat = np.array(mesh_lonlat) ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(test_atm_file) itime = 6 grid_lat = ncfile['lat'][:].ravel() grid_lon = ncfile['lon'][:].ravel() grid_lonlat = np.array((grid_lon, grid_lat)).T grid_pres = ncfile['prmsl'][itime, :, :].ravel() pres = scipy.interpolate.griddata(grid_lonlat, grid_pres, mesh_lonlat, method='linear') grid_uwind = ncfile['uwind'][itime, :, :].ravel() uwind = scipy.interpolate.griddata(grid_lonlat, grid_uwind, mesh_lonlat, method='linear') grid_vwind = ncfile['vwind'][itime, :, :].ravel() vwind = scipy.interpolate.griddata(grid_lonlat, grid_vwind, mesh_lonlat, method='linear') vrot = coordsys.VectorCoordSysRotation(coordsys.LL_WGS84, COORDSYS, mesh_lonlat[:, 0], mesh_lonlat[:, 1]) uwind, vwind = vrot(uwind, vwind) u_stress, v_stress = compute_wind_stress(uwind, vwind) # compare atm_interp.set_fields(itime*atm_time_step - 8*3600.) # NOTE timezone offset assert np.allclose(pres, atmpressure_2d.dat.data_with_halos) assert np.allclose(u_stress, windstress_2d.dat.data_with_halos[:, 0]) # write fields to disk for visualization pres_fn = 'tmp/AtmPressure2d.pvd' wind_fn = 'tmp/WindStress2d.pvd' print('Saving output to {:} {:}'.format(pres_fn, wind_fn)) out_pres = File(pres_fn) out_wind = File(wind_fn) hours = 24*1.5 granule = 4 simtime = np.arange(granule*hours)*3600./granule i = 0 for t in simtime: atm_interp.set_fields(t) norm_atm = norm(atmpressure_2d) norm_wind = norm(windstress_2d) if comm.rank == 0: print('{:} {:} {:} {:}'.format(i, t, norm_atm, norm_wind)) out_pres.write(atmpressure_2d) out_wind.write(windstress_2d) i += 1