Example #1
    def expand_sph_harm_order(self, A_ell, ell):
        Evaluate a single order term in the expansion of a scalar field in 
        spherical harmonics. Specifically, if field phi(r) has been expanded
            phi(r) = sum sum { A_{l,m}(|r|)  * Y_lm(Omega) }
                      l   m
        then this function takes A_{ell,m} for one value of ell and returns
            phi_ell(r) = sum { A_{l,m}(|r|)  * Y_lm(Omega) }
        evaluated at points on a regular square grid.
        A_ell : np.ndarray, float
            A shape ( 2`ell`+1, len(`radii`) ) array of spherical harmonic
            coefficients for a single ell band.
        ell : int
            The value of l for which to compute the term.
        grid_term : np.ndarray, complex128
            One term, representing an-ell band in the spherical harmonic
            expansion of an object.
        See Also
        expand_sph_harm : method
            Evaluate the expansion for all terms {ell} simultaneously.
        l = ell # rename
        if not A_ell.shape == (2*l+1, len(self.radii)):
            raise ValueError('`A_ell` has an invalid shape. Must be a (2l+1) x'
                             ' len(radii) shape array. Got '
                             '(%s)' % str(A_ell.shape))
        grid_term = np.zeros(self._grid_dimensions, dtype=np.complex128)
        for ir,r in enumerate(self._radii):
            S, u = self._compute_shell(r)
            w_grid = np.zeros_like(grid)
            w_grid[S] = np.power(1 - np.power(np.abs(u)[S], 3), 3)

            for m in range(-l, l+1):
                Y_lm = sph_harm(l, m, self._theta, self._phi)
                grid_term += coefficients[ir,l,m] * w_grid * Y_lm
        return grid_term
Example #2
    def expand_sph_harm(self, coefficients):
        Evaluate a field phi(r) on a regular grid by expanding a series of
        spherial harmonic coefficients:
            phi(r) = sum sum { A_{l,m}(r) * Y_lm(Omega) }
                      l   m
        coefficients : np.ndarray
            A three dimensional array of coefficients, indexed by (radii, l, m).
            Note that the 'm' values wrap around, so that for m < 0 the 
            index is 2l+1-m.
        grid : np.ndarray, complex128
            The expansion evaluated on the regular grid.
        See Also
        expand_sph_harm_order : method
            Evaluate the expansion for only a single order {ell}.
        if not coefficients.shape[0] == len(self.radii):
            raise ValueError('`coefficients` first dimension must be the same '
                             'length as self.radii')
        l_max = coefficients.shape[1]
        grid = np.zeros(self._grid_dimensions, dtype=np.complex128)
        for ir,r in enumerate(self._radii):
            S, u = self._compute_shell(r)
            w_grid = np.zeros_like(grid)
            w_grid[S] = np.power(1 - np.power(np.abs(u)[S], 3), 3)

            for l in range(self.L_max):
                for m in range(-l, l+1):
                    Y_lm = sph_harm(l, m, self._theta, self._phi)
                    grid += coefficients[ir,l,m] * w_grid * Y_lm
        return grid
Example #3
def test1():
    Create a spherical harmonic function, and test to see how it gets
    July 10: this seems to be working OK, just based on visual inspection
             of coefficient magnitudes...
    grid_dimesions = (30, 30, 30)
    grid_center = np.array(grid_dimesions) / 2.0
    radii = np.arange(2.0, 10.0)
    test_r_index = 5
    test_r = radii[test_r_index]
    print 'testing at r=%f' % test_r
    L_max = 7
    l = 3
    m = 1
    shg = SphHarmGrid(grid_dimesions, grid_center, radii, L_max)
    u = np.abs(shg._grid_distances - test_r)
    S = ( u < shg._delta )
    test_grid = np.zeros(grid_dimesions)
    test_grid[S] = sph_harm(l, m, shg._theta[S].flatten(), 
    coeff = shg(test_grid)
    # index is radius, l, m
    print '\nl_slice'
    print coeff[test_r_index,3,:]
    print '\nm_slice'
    print coeff[test_r_index,:,1]
    print '\nall'
    print coeff[test_r_index,:,:]
Example #4
def test_sph_hrm():
    phi = np.linspace(0.01, 2*np.pi-.01, 50)
    theta = np.linspace(0.01, np.pi-.01, 50)
    for l in range(2,5):
        for m in range(-l, l+1):
            ref = special.sph_harm(m, l, phi, theta)
            Ylm = math2.sph_harm(l, m, theta, phi)
            #ref /= ref[0]
            #Ylm /= Ylm[0]
            # print l, m, (ref-Ylm) / ref
            assert_allclose(np.real(ref), np.real(Ylm), atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4)
            assert_allclose(np.imag(ref), np.imag(Ylm), atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4)        
Example #5
def radial_sph_harm(n, l, m, u, theta, phi, Rtype='legendre', **kwargs):
    Return the radially augmented spherical harmonic Y_nlm evaluated at
    (r, theta, phi).
    These functions are the regurlar spherical harmonics with a Legendre
    radial component:
        Y_nlm = R_n * Y_lm
        R_n(u) = u^n
    Where P_n are the Legendre polynomials
    if not (theta.shape == phi.shape) and (theta.shape == u.shape):
        raise ValueError('`u`, `theta`, and `phi` must all have the same shape!')
    Ylm = sph_harm(l, m, theta, phi)
    if Rtype == 'monomial':
        Rn = np.power(u, n)
    elif Rtype == 'legendre':
        if not 'delta' in kwargs.keys():
            raise TypeError('with Rtype=legendre, you must provide a `delta` '
                            'kwarg parameter.')
        if not 'radius' in kwargs.keys():
            raise TypeError('with Rtype=legendre, you must provide a `radius` '
                            'kwarg parameter.')
        d  = kwargs['delta'] 
        r0 = kwargs['radius']
        f  = special.legendre(n)
        Rn = np.sqrt( (2.0*n+1.0) / (2.0*d) ) / (d * u + r0) * f(u)
        raise NotImplementedError('No known implementation for radial basis '
                                  'function type: `%s`' % Rtype)
    return Rn * Ylm
Example #6
    def _compute_projections(self):
        Compute the spherical harmonic projection vectors for the specific grid.
        for ir, r in enumerate(self._radii):
            logger.debug('Computing projections for radius: %f' % r)
            S, u = self._compute_shell(r)
            # determine weights, tricube rule
            w = np.power(1 - np.power(np.abs(u)[S], 3), 3)
            W = np.diag( w.astype(np.complex128) )
            # compute Y, the N x M matrix where each column is the function
            # Y_nlm evaluated at all the points S in the shell
            N = np.sum(S)
            M = len(self.n_values) * self._L_max ** 2
            Y = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=np.complex128)
            logger.debug('Computing %d x %d (points x functions) design matrix '
                         'Y' % (N, M))
            for n in self.n_values:
                for l in range(self._L_max):
                    for m in range(-l, l+1):
                        i = self._projection_index(n, l, m)
                        logger.debug('computing projection for %d-th function, '
                                    '(n l m) = (%d %d %d)' % (i, n, l, m))
                        if self.Rtype == 'flat':
                            if n != 0:
                                raise ValueError('n must be 0 for Rtype `flat` (got n=%d)' % n)
                            Y[:,i] = sph_harm(l, m, self._theta[S], self._phi[S])

                        elif self.Rtype == 'monomial':
                            Y[:,i] = radial_sph_harm(n, l, m,

                        elif self.Rtype == 'legendre':
                            Y[:,i] = radial_sph_harm(n, l, m, 
                            raise ValueError('Unknown Rtype: `%s`' % Rtype)
            # perform weighted LSQ
            G = np.dot(np.conjugate(Y).T, np.dot(W, Y))
            B = np.dot(np.conjugate(Y).T, W)
            assert G.shape == (M, M)
            assert B.shape == (M, N)
            P = np.linalg.solve(G, B)
            assert P.shape == (M, N)
            # store the projection for later use
            self._projections[r] = P
Example #7
def sph_harm_coefficients(trajectory, q_values, weights=None,
    Numerically evaluates the coefficients of the projection of a structure's
    fourier transform onto the three-dimensional spherical harmonic basis. Can
    be used to directly compare a proposed structure to the same coefficients
    computed from correlations in experimentally observed scattering profiles.
    trajectory : mdtraj.trajectory
        A trajectory object representing a Boltzmann ensemble.
    q_values : ndarray, float
        A list of the reciprocal space magnitudes at which to evaluate 
    weights : ndarray, float
        A list of weights, for how to weight each snapshot in the trajectory.
        If not provided, treats each snapshot with equal weight.

    num_coefficients : int
        The order at which to truncate the spherical harmonic expansion
    sph_coefficients : ndarray, float
        A 3-dimensional array of coefficients. The first dimension indexes the
        order of the spherical harmonic. The second two dimensions index the
        array `q_values`.
    .[1] Kam, Z. Determination of macromolecular structure in solution by 
    spatial correlation of scattering fluctuations. Macromolecules 10, 927-934 
    logger.debug('Projecting image into spherical harmonic basis...')
    # first, deal with weights
    if weights == None:
        weights = np.ones(trajectory.n_frames)
        if not len(weights) == trajectory.n_frames:
            raise ValueError('length of `weights` array must be the same as the'
                             'number of snapshots in `trajectory`')
        weights /= weights.sum()
    # initialize the q_values array
    q_values = np.array(q_values).flatten()
    num_q_mags = len(q_values)
    # don't do odd values of ell
    l_vals = range(0, 2*num_coefficients, 2)
    # initialize spherical harmonic coefficient array
    # note that it's 4* num_coeff - 3 b/c we're skipping odd l's -- (2l+1)
    Slm = np.zeros(( num_coefficients, 4*num_coefficients-3, num_q_mags), 
                     dtype=np.complex128 )
    # get the quadrature vectors we'll use, a 900 x 4 array : [q_x, q_y, q_z, w]
    # from thor.refdata import sph_quad_900
    q_phi   = arctan3(sph_quad_900[:,1], sph_quad_900[:,0])
    q_theta = np.arccos(sph_quad_900[:,2])
    # iterate over all snapshots in the trajectory
    for i in range(trajectory.n_frames):

        for iq,q in enumerate(q_values):
            logger.info('Computing coefficients for q=%f\t(%d/%d)' % (q, iq+1, num_q_mags))
            # compute S, the single molecule scattering intensity
            S_q = simulate_shot(trajectory[i], 1, q * sph_quad_900[:,:3],

            # project S onto the spherical harmonics using spherical quadrature
            for il,l in enumerate(l_vals):                
                for m in range(0, l+1):
                    logger.debug('Projecting onto Ylm, l=%d/m=%d' % (l, m))

                    # compute a spherical harmonic, turns out this is 
                    # unexpectedly annoying...
                    # -----------
                    # option (1) : scipy (slow & incorrect?)
                    # scipy switched the convention for theta/phi in this fxn
                    #Ylm = special.sph_harm(m, l, q_phi, q_theta)
                    # -----------
                    # option (2) : roll your own
                    Ylm = sph_harm(l, m, q_theta, q_phi)
                    # -----------
                    # NOTE: we're going to use the fact that negative array
                    #       indices wrap around here -- the value of m can be
                    #       negative, but those values just end up at the *end*
                    #       of the array 
                    r = np.sum( S_q * Ylm * sph_quad_900[:,3] )
                    Slm[il,  m, iq] = r
                    Slm[il, -m, iq] = ((-1) ** m) * np.conjugate(r)

        # now, reduce the Slm solution to C_l(q1, q2)
        sph_coefficients = np.zeros((num_coefficients, num_q_mags, num_q_mags))
        for iq1, q1 in enumerate(q_values):
            for iq2, q2 in enumerate(q_values):
                for il, l in enumerate(l_vals):
                    ip = np.sum( Slm[il,:,iq1] * np.conjugate(Slm[il,:,iq2]) )
                    if not np.imag(ip) < 1e-6: 
                        logger.warning('C_l coefficient has non-zero imaginary'
                                       ' component (%f) -- this is theoretically'
                                       ' forbidden and usually a sign something '
                                       'went wrong numerically' % np.imag(ip))
                    sph_coefficients[il, iq1, iq2] += weights[i] * np.real(ip)
    return sph_coefficients