def _start_the_worker(worker: Thread) -> None: """ We want only 1 thread running per service at a time """ if not worker.alive(): worker.start()
def main(): # Spawn a new thread that runs sleepy t = Thread(target=sleepy, args=(0, )) try: # Start the thread t.start() # If the child thread is still running while t.is_alive(): # Try to join the child thread back to parent for 0.5 seconds t.join(0.5) # When ctrl+c is received except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # Try to exit FIRST sys.exit() # Set the alive attribute to false t.alive = False # Block until child thread is joined back to the parent t.join()
def main(): # Spawn a new thread that runs sleepy t = Thread(target=sleepy, args=(0,)) try: # Start the thread t.start() # If the child thread is still running while t.is_alive(): # Try to join the child thread back to parent for 0.5 seconds t.join(0.5) # When ctrl+c is received except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # Set the alive attribute to false t.alive = False # Block until child thread is joined back to the parent t.join() # Exit with error code sys.exit(e)
def _process_async_queue(): t = _current_thread() t.alive = True while t.alive: function, args, kwargs = _task_queue.get() if function: function(*args, **kwargs) if _log.isEnabledFor(_DEBUG): _log.debug("stopped") _queue_processor = Thread(name='AsyncUI', target=_process_async_queue) _queue_processor.daemon = True _queue_processor.alive = False _queue_processor.start() del Thread def async (function, *args, **kwargs): task = (function, args, kwargs) _task_queue.put(task) # # # from . import notify, tray, window
def doNd(param_set, spaces, settle_times, param_meas, name='', comment='', meander=False, extra_cmd=None, extra_cmd_val=None, wait_first_datapoint=1, checkstepinterdelay=True, manualsetpoints=False): if manualsetpoints == False: if len(param_set) is not len(spaces): errstr = 'Error: number of param_set is ' + str(len(param_set)) + ', while number of spaces is ' + str(len(spaces)) + '.' sys.exit(errstr) if manualsetpoints == True: if isinstance(spaces,np.ndarray) == False: errstr = 'Error: spaces is of type '+ str(type(spaces)) +' not a numpy error as required when manualsetpoints=True.' sys.exit(errstr) elif len(param_set) is not spaces.shape[1]: errstr = 'Error: number of param_set is ' + str(len(param_set)) + ', while dimension of spaces array is ' + str(spaces.shape[1]) + '.' sys.exit(errstr) if len(param_set) is not len(settle_times): errstr = 'Error: number of param_set is ' + str(len(param_set)) + ', while number of settle_times is ' + str(len(settle_times)) + '.' sys.exit(errstr) # Register measid as global parameter global measid measid = None # Useless if statement, because why not if __name__ != '__main__': #Create Event event = Event() # Create event shared by threads # Define p1 (run_measurement) and p2 (run_dbextractor) as two function to thread if param_set: p1 = Thread(target = run_measurement, args=(event, param_set, param_meas, spaces, settle_times, name, comment, meander, extra_cmd, extra_cmd_val, wait_first_datapoint, checkstepinterdelay, manualsetpoints)) else: p1 = Thread(target = run_zerodim, args=(event, param_meas, name, comment, wait_first_datapoint)) # Set writeinterval db_extractor dbextractor_write_interval = 30 #sec p2 = Thread(target = run_dbextractor, args=(event,dbextractor_write_interval)) # Kill main thread is subthreads are killed, not necessary here I think.. #p1.daemon = True #p2.daemon = True #Starting the threads in a try except to catch kernel interrupts try: # Start the threads p1.start() p2.start() # If the child thread is still running while p1.is_alive(): # Try to join the child thread back to parent for 0.5 seconds p1.join(0.5) p2.join(0.5) # When kernel interrupt is received (as keyboardinterrupt) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # Set the alive attribute to false p1.alive = False p2.alive = False # Block until child thread is joined back to the parent p1.join() p2.join(5) # Exit with error code sys.exit(e) qctools.db_extraction.db_extractor(dbloc = qc.dataset.sqlite.database.get_DB_location(), ids=[measid], overwrite=True, newline_slowaxes=True, no_folders=False, suppress_output=True, useopendbconnection = True) if len(param_set) > 2: print('QCoDeS currently does not support plotting of higher dimensional data, plotting skipped.') else: plot_by_id(measid)
def server_option() -> None: """ "Server" main menu option. """ # Instantiates a brand new server. server = Server(GREEN) try: while True: print(F().blue(title())) print(_l(F().blue('Configure the connection for this server.'))) try: # Waits for the user to provide the server port number. port = input( _lt('Port number [{}]: '.format( F().bold().magenta(DEFAULT_PORT)))) print() # Sets the feedback animation thread... thread = Thread(target=ellipsis, args=(_l('Starting'), F().yellow()), daemon=True) # ... and starts it. thread.start() try: # Binds the port number to the server and tries to connect. server.connect(port=port) # Ctrl+C pressed. except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): # Stops the feedback animation thread. thread.alive = False print(_lt(_lt(error('Operation canceled by the user!')))) press_enter_to('try again', F().red(), F().white()) continue # Stops the feedback animation thread when the connection is established. thread.alive = False print(_lt(_lt(success('Server started successfully!')))) press_enter_to('continue', F().green(), F().white()) break # Port is not valid. except InvalidPortError: err = 'The provided port number is invalid!' # Port is already in use. except PortAlreadyUsedError as _e: err = 'The port number {:d} is already in use!'.format(_e.port) # Port number out of range. except PortOutOfRangeError: err = 'The port number must be between 0 and 65535!' # Stops the feedback animation thread. thread.alive = False print(_lt(_lt(error(err)))) press_enter_to('try again', F().red(), F().white()) server.log(F().green(title(clear_screen=False))) # Gets the connection address. host, port = server.address() # Shows the address in the log. server.log( _lt( label(F().bold().green( 'Connection established at {}:{}!'.format(host, port))))) # Info message. server.log(_lt(label(F().cyan('Recording audio through microphone')))) server.log(_lt(label(F().bold().blue('Press Ctrl+C to shutdown')))) try: # Runs this until Ctrl+C is pressed. while True: # Accepts a new client. client = server.hello() # Starts the thread that handles this client. Thread(target=handle_client, args=( server, client, ), daemon=True).start() # Ctrl+C pressed. except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): server.log(_ltb(label(error('Closing connection...')))) # Shutdowns the server. server.disconnect() press_enter_to('back to main menu', F().red(), F().white()) # Ctrl+C pressed. except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass # Shutdowns the server. server.disconnect() del server
def connect(client: Client) -> None: """ "Connect to a server" client menu option. --- Arguments --- client (Client) The client instance which wants to connect to a server. """ # Asks the user for the modulation type until it is valid. while True: print(F().magenta(title())) print(_l(F().magenta('Choose a modulation type.\n'))) # Sets the available modulation types. options = [ [ '{} - {}'.format(F().bold('AM'), F().italic('Amplitude Modulation')), AM ], [ '{} - {}'.format( F().bold('AM-SC'), F().italic( 'Amplitude Modulation with Suppressed Carrier')), AM_SC ], [F().italic('No modulation'), NO_MOD] ] # Lists the options. for i, option in enumerate(options): print(_l(label(option[0], F().red(i + 1), F()))) # Reads the chosen option. try: opt = int(input(_lt('Your option: '))) # Checks whether the option is avaliable. if opt not in range(1, len(options) + 1): raise ValueError() # Invalid or nonexisting option. except ValueError: print(_lt(error('Invalid option!'))) press_enter_to('try again', F().red(), F().white()) continue # If the option is 0, go back to client menu. if not opt: break # If no, saves the modulation type in a variable. modulation = options[opt - 1][1] # Goes to the next step. break # Asks the user for the connection settings until they are valid. while True: print(F().magenta(title())) print(_l(F().magenta('Configure the connection with the server.'))) try: # Waits for the user to provide the hostname. host = input( _lt('Hostname [{}]: '.format( F().bold().magenta(DEFAULT_HOST)))) # Waits for the user to provide the port number. port = input( _l('Port number [{}]: '.format( F().bold().magenta(DEFAULT_PORT)))) print() # Sets the feedback animation thread... thread = Thread(target=ellipsis, args=(_l('Connecting'), F().yellow()), daemon=True) # ... and starts it. thread.start() try: # Tries to connect with the server. client.connect(modulation, host, port) # Ctrl+C pressed. except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): # Stops the feedback animation thread. thread.alive = False print(_lt(_lt(error('Operation canceled by the user!')))) press_enter_to('try again', F().red(), F().white()) continue # Stops the feedback animation thread when the connection is established. thread.alive = False print(_lt(_lt(success('Connection established!')))) press_enter_to('continue', F().green(), F().white()) # Sends a confirmation of receiving to the server. client.send_str('OK') break # Connection with the server was refused. except ConnectionRefusedError: err = 'The connection with this server was refused!' # Connection timeout. except ConnectionTimeoutError: err = 'The connection attempt has timed out!' # Port is not valid. except InvalidPortError: err = 'Invalid port number!' # Unknown or nonexistent host. except UnknownHostError: err = 'Unknown host!' # Stops the feedback animation thread. thread.alive = False print(_lt(_lt(error(err)))) press_enter_to('try again', F().red(), F().white()) # Receives some informations and instructions from the server. client.log(client.recv_str()) client.log(client.recv_str()) # Opens a new speaker. with sd.OutputStream(blocksize=CHUNK_SIZE, channels=CHANNELS, dtype=np.int16, samplerate=FRAME_RATE) as speaker: try: # Receives the first package. package = client.recv() # Wait for new packages from the server while they are not empty. while len(package) != 0: # Gets the audio from the package. received = M(modulation, package) # If the client chosen no modulated audio,... if modulation == NO_MOD: # ... then just speaks the original package... speaker.write(received.output()) # ... and receives the next one. package = client.recv() continue # Demodulates the received audio. demodulated = received.demodulate() # Filters the demodulated audio. filtered = demodulated.lowpass() # Outputs the filtered audio in the speaker. speaker.write(filtered.output()) # Receives the next package. package = client.recv() # Logs the server shutdown. client.log(_ltb(label(error('The server has been shut down!')))) # The server has shut down. except ConnectionResetError: # Logs the server shutdown. client.log(_ltb(label(error('The server has been shut down!')))) # Ctrl+C pressed. except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): # Logs the client disconnecting. client.log(_ltb(label(error('Disconnecting from the server...')))) # Disconnects from the server. client.disconnect() press_enter_to('back to the client menu', F().red(), F().white())
cv2.imwrite( '{}/{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_{:02d}_{:02d}_{:03d}.jpg'.format( output_dir, path.splitext(path.split(video_file)[1])[0], extracted_frames, frame_index, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds), frame) extracted_frames += 1 # Final time. end_time = # If there was a thread running,... if thread is not None: # ... stop it. thread.alive = False # Calculates the total process time. total_time = end_time - start_time print(F().blue(header())) print_video_information() print(_lt(success('Success!'))) print(_lt('{} {}'.format(info('Extracted frames:'), extracted_frames))) print( _l('{} {}\n'.format(info('Elapsed time:'), humanize_duration(total_time.total_seconds())))) # Ctrl+C pressed.