from django.urls import path from tickets.views import WelcomeView, TicketView, check_time, ProcessView, next urlpatterns = [ path('welcome/', WelcomeView.as_view()), path('menu/', TicketView.as_view()), path('get_ticket/<str:service>', check_time), path('processing/', ProcessView.as_view()), path('next/', next), ]
"""hypercar URL Configuration The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: Examples: Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home') Class-based views 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home') Including another URLconf 1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls')) """ from django.urls import path from tickets.views import MenuView, OilView, TireView, DiagnosticView, ProcessView, NextView urlpatterns = [ path('', MenuView.as_view()), path("get_ticket/change_oil", OilView.as_view()), path("get_ticket/inflate_tires", TireView.as_view()), path("get_ticket/diagnostic", DiagnosticView.as_view()), path("processing", ProcessView.as_view()), path("next", NextView.as_view()), ]