Example #1
    def apply_grid(self,grid,backwards=False):

        if not isinstance(grid,Grid):
            raise TicTacToeHashException(
                'grid is not a valid Grid instance. Instead a {}' \
                'instance was passed.Cannot apply Grid'.format(type(grid)))

        applied_hash = self.hash | grid.hash
        applied_grid = [Cell.from_hash(hash=h) for h in decompose_grid_hash(hash=applied_hash,mode=self.MODE)]

        for c in applied_grid:

            if (self[c.number].player != FREE_SPACE) and (c.player != self[c.number].player):

                raise CellIsTaken(
                    'Cell {} has been taken by player {} already, ' \
                    'and cannot override Grid.Grid applied ' \

        if not backwards:
            if applied_hash != grid.hash:
                raise IncompatibleGrid(
                    'New grid cannot go backwards in moves. Must provide all the '\
                    'previous moves plus 1 or more moves.')

        return self if applied_hash == self.hash else self.GRID_KLASS(hash=applied_hash)
Example #2
    def __init__(self,hash=None):
        if hash is None:
            hash = new_game_hash(sum_cells=True,mode=self.MODE)

        self._hash  = hash
        self._binary = None
        self._hash_map = CELL_HASH_TABLE[self.MODE]
        self._cells = [self.CELL_KLASS.from_hash(hash=h)
                       for h in decompose_grid_hash(hash=self._hash,mode=self.MODE)]

        state_hash = sum([ ( 1 << n) for n, c in enumerate(self._cells)
                        if (c.player == PLAYER_1 or c.player == PLAYER_2)])

        self._state = self.GRID_STATE_KLASS(hash=state_hash)