def __init__(self,nvim): self.vim = nvim self.util = Util(self.vim) self.tiga_debug_mode = False self.tiga_already_set_debugger = False = -1 self.vim.command(":sign define piet text=>> texthl=Search") self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) )
def __init__(self,nvim): self.vim = nvim ### external util libraries self.util = Util(self.vim) self.quickbuffer = Quickbuffer(self.vim) ### global variables self.tiga_watch_deleted = '' self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') ### for my debug self.flg_mydebug = False if self.flg_mydebug: self.quickbuffer.createBuffer("tigaDebugger_fsharp") self.quickbuffer.toWrite(['hello'])
def __init__(self, nvim): self.vim = nvim ### external util libraries self.util = Util(self.vim) self.quickbuffer = Quickbuffer(self.vim) ### global variables for breakpoints self.tiga_bp_deleted = '' self.tiga_bp_dict = {} self.tiga_bp_cnt = 0 self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval("substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )")) ### for my debug self.flg_mydebug = False if self.flg_mydebug: self.quickbuffer.createBuffer("tigaDebugger_c") self.quickbuffer.toWrite(['hello'])
class SDB: def __init__(self,nvim): self.vim = nvim ### external util libraries self.util = Util(self.vim) self.quickbuffer = Quickbuffer(self.vim) ### global variables self.tiga_watch_deleted = '' self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') ### for my debug self.flg_mydebug = False if self.flg_mydebug: self.quickbuffer.createBuffer("tigaDebugger_fsharp") self.quickbuffer.toWrite(['hello']) def startup_setting(self,nr): = nr def tiga_Command(self, args): if type(args) == tuple: arg = args[0] else: arg = args job = 'term_getjob({nr})'.format( ch = 'job_getchannel({job})'.format(job=job) self.vim.command("call ch_sendraw({ch},'{s}\n')".format(ch=ch,s=arg)) ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Commands ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def tiga(self,args): self.exe = args[0] cmd = "sdb" cmd_param = "do , {s1} , foo run {s} ".format(s=args[0],s1="foo display expressions backtrace assembly output") ts_param = '{ \ "out_cb" : function("Tiga_Handler") \ , "vertical" : 1 \ , "term_name" : "tigaDebugger-terminal" \ }' return 'term_start(["{c}","{p0}"],{p1})'.format(c=cmd,p0=cmd_param,p1=ts_param) def tiga_Run(self): return 'foo run {file}'.format(file=self.exe) def tiga_Kill(self): return 'kill' def tiga_Reset(self): return 'reset' def tiga_StepOver(self): return 'foo stepover' def tiga_StepInto(self): return 'foo stepinto' def tiga_StepOut(self): return 'foo stepout' def tiga_Continue(self): return 'foo continue' def tiga_Breakpoints(self): fp = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) number = str(self.vim.eval("line('.')")) return 'bp add at {fp} {n}'.format(fp=fp,n=number ) def tiga_BreakpointsAllClear(self): return 'bp clear' def tiga_Print(self,args): return 'print {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) def tiga_WatchAdd(self,args): return 'watch add {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) def tiga_WatchDel(self,args): self.tiga_watch_deleted = args[0] return 'watch' ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Handler ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def tiga_HandlerPy(self, args): lines = self.cutOutProperly('(sdb)', self.dataCleaning(args[0])) if self.flg_mydebug: if not ( not lines ): self.quickbuffer.toWrite(lines) try: flg_watch = False for s in lines: ### << colored line >> ### e.g #0 [0x00000000] at /Users/callmekohei/tmp/sample/abc.fsx:5 ### e.g #0 [0x00000000] Microsoft.FSharp.Core.PrintfFormat<Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc<int,Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit>,System.IO.TextWriter,Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit,Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit,int>..ctor at /private/tmp/mono--fsharp-20170917-21849-5wz89g/src/fsharp/FSharp.Core/printf.fs:9 (no source) if s != '' and '[0x' in s and not ('no source' in s ): lst = s.split(' ') lst = lst[lst.index('at')+1] fp = (lst.split(':'))[0].strip("'") lineNumber = (lst.split(':'))[1].strip("'") self.vim.command(":e {filepath}".format(filepath=fp)) self.vim.command(":call cursor({num}, 0)".format(num=lineNumber)) self.vim.command(":setlocal cursorline") self.vim.command(":highlight CursorLine ctermfg=Blue") break ### << exit >> ### e.g Inferior process '13948' ('abc.exe') exited with code '0' ### e.g Inferior process '17902' ('foo.exe') exited elif ("exited with code '0'" in s) or ("exited" in s): self.vim.command(":e {sourceFile}".format(sourceFile=self.source_file)) self.vim.command(":highlight clear CursorLine") break ### << mark breakpoint >> ### Breakpoint '0' added at '/Users/callmekohei/tmp/foo.fsx:11' (sdb) elif s != '' and 'Breakpoint' in s and 'added' in s : lst = s.split(' ') s = lst[lst.index('at')+1] lineNumber = (s.split(':'))[1].strip("'") self.util.signPlace( lineNumber ) ### << unmark breakpoint >> ### A breakpoint at '/Users/callmekohei/tmp/foo.fsx:11' already exists ('0') elif s != '' and 'A breakpoint at' in s and 'already exists' in s : lst = s.split(' ') s = lst[lst.index('exists')+1] bp_id = s.strip("'(").strip("')") self.util.signUnplace() cmd_str = 'bp delete {id}'.format(id=bp_id) self.tiga_Command(cmd_str) ### << delete watch variable >> ### (sdb) watch ### #0 's': string it = "aaa" (Primitive, Variable) ### #2 's': string it = "aaa" (Primitive, Variable) ### #3 's': string it = "aaa" (Primitive, Variable) elif s != '' and 'watch' in s and not('add' in s) and not ('del' in s) and not ('Added' in s) : flg_watch = True elif flg_watch == True: tmp = s.split(' ') watchpoint_id = tmp[0].replace('#','').strip("'") watchpoint_variableName = tmp[1].strip(':').strip("'") if watchpoint_variableName == self.tiga_watch_deleted: cmd_str = 'watch del {wp_id}'.format(wp_id=str(watchpoint_id)) self.tiga_Command(cmd_str) self.tiga_watch_deleted = '' break ### list index out of range except Exception as e: self.util.print_cmd('"error: {err}"'.format(err=str(e))) def cutOutProperly(self,prompt,lst): # (sdb) # step into # foo # (sdb) <---+ # step out | # foo | # (sdb) <---+ reversed_lst = lst[::-1] cnt = 0 for s,n in zip(reversed_lst,range(0,len(reversed_lst)-1)): if prompt in s: cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == 2: return reversed_lst[:n+1][::-1] break # Welcome... <---+ # ... | # ... | # (sdb) <---+ if cnt == 1: return lst else: return None def dataCleaning(self,rowlist): lstObj = map(self.dataCleaningImpl,rowlist) lstObj = itertools.chain.from_iterable(lstObj) return list(filter(lambda s:s!='',lstObj)) def dataCleaningImpl(self,s): s = s.replace('\r\n','\n').replace('"',"'").replace('\r','') s = self.ansi_escape.sub('', s) return s.split('\n')
class TigaDebugger(object): def __init__(self,nvim): self.vim = nvim self.util = Util(self.vim) self.tiga_debug_mode = False self.tiga_already_set_debugger = False = -1 self.vim.command(":sign define piet text=>> texthl=Search") self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Tiga Status ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ neovim.function("Tiga_IsAlive", sync = False) def tiga_IsAlive(self,args): if not self.tiga_debug_mode: return False else: return True ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Tiga Commands ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### general command @neovim.function("Tiga_Command", sync=False) def tiga_Command(self, args): if type(args) == tuple: arg = args[0] else: arg = args job = 'term_getjob({nr})'.format( ch = 'job_getchannel({job})'.format(job=job) self.vim.command("call ch_sendraw({ch},'{s}\n')".format(ch=ch,s=arg)) ### set debugger, start and quit @ neovim.function("Tiga_Set_Debugger", sync = False) def tiga_Set_Debugger(self,args): if args[0] == 'sdb': from tigaDebugger.source.sdb import SDB as td self.set_debugerImpl(args,td) elif args[0] == 'gdb': from tigaDebugger.source.gdb import GDB as td self.set_debugerImpl(args,td) elif args[0] == 'pdb': from tigaDebugger.source.pdb import PDB as td self.set_debugerImpl(args,td) else: self.util.print_cmd('Sorry! Now not avairable!') def set_debugerImpl(self,args,td): = td(self.vim) self.tiga_already_set_debugger = True self.util.print_cmd('set {s}'.format(s=args[0])) @neovim.function("Tiga", sync=False) def tiga(self,args): if self.tiga_already_set_debugger: # = td(self.vim) = self.vim.eval( self.vim.command("wincmd p") self.tiga_debug_mode = True self.vim.command('write') ### for keymap else: self.util.print_cmd('Please set debugger. (e.g) :TigaSetDebugger gdb') @ neovim.function("Tiga_Quit", sync = False) def tiga_Quit(self,arg): n = self.vim.eval('bufnr("tigaDebugger-terminal")') self.vim.command('bwipeout! {n}'.format(n=n)) self.tiga_debug_mode = False self.vim.command(":highlight clear CursorLine") self.vim.command(':sign unplace *') self.vim.command('write') ### for keymap ### run, break(kill process) and reset @neovim.function("Tiga_Run", sync=False) def tiga_Run(self,args): self.tiga_Command( @ neovim.function("Tiga_Kill", sync=False) def tiga_Kill(self,arg): self.tiga_Command( @ neovim.function("Tiga_Reset", sync=False) def tiga_Reset(self,arg): self.tiga_Command( self.vim.command(":highlight clear CursorLine") self.vim.command(':sign unplace *') ### step and continue @neovim.function("Tiga_StepOver", sync=False) def tiga_StepOver(self,args): self.tiga_Command( @neovim.function("Tiga_StepInto", sync=False) def tiga_StepInto(self,args): self.tiga_Command( @ neovim.function("Tiga_StepOut", sync=True) def tiga_StepOut(self,arg): self.tiga_Command( @neovim.function("Tiga_Continue", sync=False) def tiga_Continue(self,args): self.tiga_Command( ### add and clear breakpoints @neovim.function("Tiga_Breakpoints", sync=False) def tiga_Breakpoints(self,args): self.tiga_Command( @ neovim.function("Tiga_BreakpointsAllClear", sync=False) def tiga_BreakpointsAllClear(self,arg): self.tiga_Command( self.vim.command(':sign unplace *') ### print variables and watch variables @ neovim.function("Tiga_Print", sync=False) def tiga_Print(self,args): self.tiga_Command( @ neovim.function("Tiga_WatchAdd", sync=False) def tiga_WatchAdd(self,args): self.tiga_Command( @ neovim.function("Tiga_WatchDel", sync=False) def tiga_WatchDel(self,args): self.tiga_Command( ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Tiga Handler ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @neovim.function("Tiga_HandlerPy", sync=False) def tiga_HandlerPy(self, args):
class PDB: def __init__(self,nvim): self.vim = nvim ### external util libraries self.util = Util(self.vim) self.quickbuffer = Quickbuffer(self.vim) ### global variables self.tiga_watch_deleted = '' self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') ### global variables for breakpoints self.tiga_bp_deleted = '' self.tiga_bp_dict = {} self.tiga_bp_cnt = 0 ### for my debug self.flg_mydebug = False if self.flg_mydebug: self.quickbuffer.createBuffer("tigaDebugger_fsharp") self.quickbuffer.toWrite(['hello']) def startup_setting(self,nr): = nr def tiga_Command(self, args): if type(args) == tuple: arg = args[0] else: arg = args job = 'term_getjob({nr})'.format( ch = 'job_getchannel({job})'.format(job=job) self.vim.command("call ch_sendraw({ch},'{s}\n')".format(ch=ch,s=arg)) ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Commands ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def tiga(self,args): self.exe = args[0] cmd = "python3" cmd_param = "" # cmd_param = "-m pdb {s}".format(s=args[0]) ts_param = '{ \ "out_cb" : function("Tiga_Handler_Python") \ , "vertical" : 1 \ , "term_name" : "tigaDebugger-terminal" \ }' # return 'term_start(["{c}","{p0}"],{p1})'.format(c=cmd,p0=cmd_param,p1=ts_param) # return 'term_start(["{c}","-m","pdb",{p0}],{p1})'.format(c=cmd,p0=cmd_param,p1=ts_param) # return 'term_start(["python3","-m","pdb",""],{p1})'.format(c=cmd,p0=cmd_param,p1=ts_param) return 'term_start(["python3","-m","pdb","{file}"],{p})'.format(file=args[0],p=ts_param) def tiga_Run(self): # return 'run {file}'.format(file=self.exe) return 'run' def tiga_Kill(self): return 'kill' def tiga_Reset(self): return 'reset' def tiga_StepOver(self): return 'next' def tiga_StepInto(self): return 'step' def tiga_StepOut(self): return 'until' def tiga_Continue(self): return 'c' # def tiga_Breakpoints(self): # fp = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) # number = str(self.vim.eval("line('.')")) # return 'break {fp}:{n}'.format(fp=fp,n=number ) def tiga_Breakpoints(self): fp = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:s:p:t') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )" ) ) number = str(self.vim.eval("line('.')")) fp_number = '{f}:{n}'.format(f=fp,n=number) if fp_number not in self.tiga_bp_dict : self.util.signPlace( number ) self.tiga_bp_cnt = self.tiga_bp_cnt + 1 self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] = self.tiga_bp_cnt return 'break {s}'.format(s=fp_number) else: if self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] != 0: self.util.signUnplace() self.util.print_cmd(self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number]) number = self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] = 0 return 'clear {n}'.format(n=number) else: self.util.signPlace( number ) self.tiga_bp_cnt = self.tiga_bp_cnt + 1 self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] = self.tiga_bp_cnt return 'break {s}'.format(s=fp_number) def tiga_BreakpointsAllClear(self): self.tiga_bp_dict.clear() return 'clear' def tiga_Print(self,args): return 'pp {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) def tiga_WatchAdd(self,args): return 'display {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) def tiga_WatchDel(self,args): # self.tiga_watch_deleted = args[0] return 'undisplay {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Handler ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def tiga_HandlerPy(self, args): # self.util.print_cmd(args[0]) lines = self.cutOutProperly('(Pdb++)', self.dataCleaning(args[0])) if self.flg_mydebug: if not ( not lines ): self.quickbuffer.toWrite(lines) try: flg_watch = False for s in lines: ### << colored line >> # (Pdb) next # > /Users/callmekohei/tmp/ # -> x = 2 # (Pdb) if '] > ' in s : self.util.print_cmd('callmekohei yes yes yes') fp = s.split(' ')[2].split('(')[0] lineNumber = s.split(' ')[2].split('(')[1].split(')')[0] if os.path.isfile(fp) : self.vim.command(":e {filepath}".format(filepath=fp)) self.vim.command(":call cursor({num}, 0)".format(num=lineNumber)) self.vim.command(":setlocal cursorline") self.vim.command(":highlight CursorLine ctermfg=Blue") break ### << exit >> ### e.g Inferior process '13948' ('abc.exe') exited with code '0' ### e.g Inferior process '17902' ('foo.exe') exited # elif ("exited with code '0'" in s) or ("exited" in s): # self.vim.command(":e {sourceFile}".format(sourceFile=self.source_file)) # self.vim.command(":highlight clear CursorLine") # break ### << mark breakpoint >> ### Breakpoint 2 at /Users/callmekohei/tmp/ # elif s != '' and 'Breakpoint' in s and 'at' in s : # # lst = s.split(' ') # s = lst[lst.index('at')+1] # lineNumber = (s.split(':'))[1].strip("'") # # self.util.signPlace( lineNumber ) elif s != '' and 'Clear all breaks?' in s : # self.util.print_cmd("callmekohei!!!!") # self.vim.command('call term_sendkeys("Debugger-terminal","y\n")') self.vim.command('call term_sendkeys({nr},"y\n")'.format( self.vim.command('echo "hello hello hello"') break ### << unmark breakpoint >> ### A breakpoint at '/Users/callmekohei/tmp/foo.fsx:11' already exists ('0') # elif s != '' and 'A breakpoint at' in s and 'already exists' in s : # # lst = s.split(' ') # s = lst[lst.index('exists')+1] # bp_id = s.strip("'(").strip("')") # # self.util.signUnplace() # cmd_str = 'bp delete {id}'.format(id=bp_id) # self.tiga_Command(cmd_str) ### << delete watch variable >> ### (sdb) watch ### #0 's': string it = "aaa" (Primitive, Variable) ### #2 's': string it = "aaa" (Primitive, Variable) ### #3 's': string it = "aaa" (Primitive, Variable) # elif s != '' and 'watch' in s and not('add' in s) and not ('del' in s) and not ('Added' in s) : # flg_watch = True # # elif flg_watch == True: # tmp = s.split(' ') # watchpoint_id = tmp[0].replace('#','').strip("'") # watchpoint_variableName = tmp[1].strip(':').strip("'") # # if watchpoint_variableName == self.tiga_watch_deleted: # cmd_str = 'watch del {wp_id}'.format(wp_id=str(watchpoint_id)) # self.tiga_Command(cmd_str) # self.tiga_watch_deleted = '' # break ### list index out of range except Exception as e: self.util.print_cmd('"error: {err}"'.format(err=str(e))) def cutOutProperly(self,prompt,lst): # (sdb) # step into # foo # (sdb) <---+ # step out | # bar | # (sdb) <---+ reversed_lst = lst[::-1] cnt = 0 for s,n in zip(reversed_lst,range(0,len(reversed_lst)-1)): if prompt in s: cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == 2: return reversed_lst[:n+1][::-1] break # Welcome... <---+ # ... | # ... | # (sdb) <---+ if cnt == 1: return lst else: return lst def dataCleaning(self,rowlist): lstObj = map(self.dataCleaningImpl,rowlist) lstObj = itertools.chain.from_iterable(lstObj) return list(filter(lambda s:s!='',lstObj)) def dataCleaningImpl(self,s): s = s.replace('\r\n','\n').replace('"',"'").replace('\r','') s = self.ansi_escape.sub('', s) return s.split('\n')
def __init__(self,vim): self.vim = vim self.util = Util(self.vim) self.baseBuffer = self.vim.current.buffer
class GDB: def __init__(self, nvim): self.vim = nvim ### external util libraries self.util = Util(self.vim) self.quickbuffer = Quickbuffer(self.vim) ### global variables for breakpoints self.tiga_bp_deleted = '' self.tiga_bp_dict = {} self.tiga_bp_cnt = 0 self.source_file = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval("substitute( expand('%:p') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )")) ### for my debug self.flg_mydebug = False if self.flg_mydebug: self.quickbuffer.createBuffer("tigaDebugger_c") self.quickbuffer.toWrite(['hello']) def startup_setting(self, nr): = nr self.tiga_Command('set confirm off') def tiga_Command(self, args): if type(args) == tuple: arg = args[0] else: arg = args job = 'term_getjob({nr})'.format( ch = 'job_getchannel({job})'.format(job=job) self.vim.command("call ch_sendraw({ch},'{s}\n')".format(ch=ch, s=arg)) ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Commands ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def tiga(self, args): self.args = args cmd = "gdb" cmd_p0 = "-quiet" cmd_p1 = "{s}".format(s=args[0]) ts_param = '{ \ "out_cb" : function("Tiga_Handler") \ , "vertical" : 1 \ , "term_name" : "tigaDebugger-terminal" \ }' # return 'term_start(["{c}","{p0}", "{p1}"],{p2})'.format(c=cmd,p0=cmd_p0,p1=cmd_p1,p2=ts_param) return 'term_start(["gdb","/usr/local/bin/python3"],{p2})'.format( c=cmd, p0=cmd_p0, p1=cmd_p1, p2=ts_param) def tiga_Run(self): return 'run {file}'.format(file=self.args[0]) def tiga_Kill(self): return '' def tiga_Reset(self): return '' def tiga_StepOver(self): return 'next' def tiga_StepInto(self): return 'step' def tiga_StepOut(self): return '' def tiga_Continue(self): return 'continue' def tiga_Breakpoints(self): fp = self.util.expand( self.vim.eval( "substitute( expand('%:s:p:t') , '\#', '\\#' , 'g' )")) number = str(self.vim.eval("line('.')")) fp_number = '{f}:{n}'.format(f=fp, n=number) if fp_number not in self.tiga_bp_dict: self.util.signPlace(number) self.tiga_bp_cnt = self.tiga_bp_cnt + 1 self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] = self.tiga_bp_cnt return 'break {s}'.format(s=fp_number) else: if self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] != 0: self.util.signUnplace() self.util.print_cmd(self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number]) number = self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] = 0 return 'delete {n}'.format(n=number) else: self.util.signPlace(number) self.tiga_bp_cnt = self.tiga_bp_cnt + 1 self.tiga_bp_dict[fp_number] = self.tiga_bp_cnt return 'break {s}'.format(s=fp_number) def tiga_BreakpointsAllClear(self): self.tiga_bp_dict.clear() return 'delete' def tiga_Print(self, args): return 'print {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) def tiga_WatchAdd(self, args): return 'watch {arg}'.format(arg=args[0]) def tiga_WatchDel(self, args): self.tiga_watch_deleted = args[0] return '' ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Handler ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def tiga_HandlerPy(self, args): lines = self.cutOutProperly('(gdb)', self.dataCleaning(args[0])) if self.flg_mydebug: self.quickbuffer.toWrite(lines) try: for s in lines: ### << exit >> ### [Inferior 1 (process 5683) exited normally] if 'exited normally' in s: self.vim.command(":highlight clear CursorLine") break ### << colored line >> ### 8 n = 4; elif self.util.isNumeric(s.split(' ')[0]): lineNumber = s.split(' ')[0] self.vim.command( ":call cursor({num}, 0)".format(num=lineNumber)) self.vim.command(":setlocal cursorline") self.vim.command(":highlight CursorLine ctermfg=Blue") break ### list index out of range except Exception as e: self.util.print_cmd('"error: {err}"'.format(err=str(e))) def cutOutProperly(self, prompt, lst): # TODO: needs code for case of no endmark (gdb) # (gdb) # step into # foo # (gdb) <---+ # step out | # bar | # (gdb) <---+ reversed_lst = lst[::-1] cnt = 0 for s, n in zip(reversed_lst, range(0, len(reversed_lst) - 1)): if prompt in s: cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == 2: return reversed_lst[:n + 1][::-1] break def dataCleaning(self, rowlist): lstObj = map(self.dataCleaningImpl, rowlist) lstObj = itertools.chain.from_iterable(lstObj) return list(filter(lambda s: s != '', lstObj)) def dataCleaningImpl(self, s): s = s.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('"', "'") return s.split('\n')