def recheck_ip_worker(self): while self.running: try: sleep(1) if not internet_v4.last_stat and not internet_v6.last_stat: self.kill_pick_worker_cnt = self.pick_worker_cnt continue self.check_pick_ip_worker() pass_time = mtime() - self.last_check if not self.ip_list: if pass_time > self.min_recheck_time: self.logger.warning('当前 %s IP 数量为 0', self.type) self.last_check = mtime() continue if pass_time < self.min_recheck_time or \ pass_time < self.recheck_loop_time / len(self.ip_list): continue ip = self.ip_list[0] if not is_ip_use(ip): self.logger.warning('发现配置未使用的 IP:%s', ip) self.remove_ip(ip) continue self.last_check = mtime() if self.check_ip(ip): self.ip_source.report_recheck_ok(ip) else: self.ip_source.report_recheck_fail(ip) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('recheck_ip_worker 发生错误:%s', e) else: self.kill_pick_worker_cnt = self.pick_worker_cnt
def _create_connection(self, ipaddr, queobj, timeout=None, get_cache_sock=None): if get_cache_sock: sock = get_cache_sock() if sock: queobj.put(sock) return sock = None try: sock = self.get_tcp_socket(ipaddr[0], timeout) # start connection time record start_time = mtime() # TCP connect sock.connect(ipaddr) # record TCP connection time self.tcp_connection_time[ipaddr] = sock.tcp_time = mtime( ) - start_time # put socket object to output queobj sock.xip = ipaddr queobj.put(sock) except NetWorkIOError as e: if sock: sock.close() # any socket.error, put Excpetions to output queobj. e.xip = ipaddr queobj.put(e) # reset a large and random timeout to the ipaddr self.tcp_connection_time[ipaddr] = self.timeout + 1
def dns_system_resolve(host, qtypes=qtypes): start = mtime() try: if dns_system_servers: iplist = _dns_udp_resolve(host, dns_system_servers, timeout=2, qtypes=qtypes) # getaddrinfo 在 Windows 下无法并发,其它系统未知 else: if AAAA not in qtypes: iplist = socket.gethostbyname_ex(host)[-1] elif A in qtypes: iplist = [ ipaddr[4][0] for ipaddr in socket.getaddrinfo(host, None) ] else: iplist = [ ipaddr[4][0] for ipaddr in socket.getaddrinfo( host, None, socket.AF_INET6) ] except: iplist = None cost = int((mtime() - start) * 1000) logging.test('%sdns_system_resolve 已缓存:%s/%s,耗时:%s 毫秒,%s = %s', address_string(iplist), len(dns), dns.max_items, cost, host, iplist or '查询失败') return iplist
def push(self, block=True, timeout=None, maxsize=None): if block: if timeout is None: timeout = -1 else: if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number") elif timeout == 0: block = False else: endtime = mtime() + timeout maxsize = maxsize or self.maxsize limited = not self._push(maxsize) if limited and block and self.__lock_push.acquire(timeout=timeout): try: while limited: if timeout > 0: timeout = endtime - mtime() if timeout <= 0: break sleep(self.timeout_interval) limited = not self._push(maxsize) finally: self.__lock_push.release() if limited: raise LimiterFull
def dns_over_https_resolve(host, qtypes=qtypes): start = mtime() iplist = _dns_over_https_resolve(host, qtypes=qtypes) cost = int((mtime() - start) * 1000) logging.test('%sdns_over_https 已缓存:%s/%s,耗时:%s 毫秒,%s = %s', address_string(iplist), len(dns), dns.max_items, cost, host, iplist or '查询失败') return iplist
def create_gws_connection_withproxy(self, address, hostname, cache_key, getfast=None, **kwargs): proxy = self.get_gws_front(getfast) proxytype, proxyuser, proxypass, proxyaddress = parse_proxy(proxy) proxyhost, _, proxyport = proxyaddress.rpartition(':') ips = dns_resolve(proxyhost).copy() if ips: ipcnt = len(ips) else: logging.error('create_gws_connection_withproxy 代理地址无法解析:%r', proxy) return if ipcnt > 1: #优先使用未使用 IP,之后按连接速度排序 ips.sort(key=self.get_gws_front_connection_time_ip) proxyport = int(proxyport) ohost, port = address while ips: proxyip = ips.pop(0) ip = random.choice(dns[hostname]) if proxytype: proxytype = proxytype.upper() if proxytype not in socks.PROXY_TYPES: proxytype = 'HTTP' proxy_sock = self.get_proxy_socket(proxyip, 8) proxy_sock.set_proxy(socks.PROXY_TYPES[proxytype], proxyip, proxyport, True, proxyuser, proxypass) start_time = mtime() try: proxy_ssl_sock = self.get_ssl_socket( proxy_sock, ohost.encode()) proxy_ssl_sock.settimeout(self.timeout) #proxy_ssl_sock.set_connect_state() proxy_ssl_sock.connect((ip, port)) proxy_ssl_sock.do_handshake() except Exception as e: cost_time = self.timeout + 1 + random.random() if ipcnt > 1: self.gws_front_connection_time['ip'][ proxyip] = cost_time self.gws_front_connection_time[proxy] = cost_time logging.error( 'create_gws_connection_withproxy 连接代理 [%s] 失败:%r', proxy, e) continue else: cost_time = mtime() - start_time if ipcnt > 1: self.gws_front_connection_time['ip'][ proxyip] = cost_time self.gws_front_connection_time[proxy] = cost_time proxy_ssl_sock.xip = proxyip, proxyport return proxy_ssl_sock
def _create_ssl_connection(self, ipaddr, cache_key, host, queobj, timeout=None, get_cache_sock=None, callback=None): retry = None while True: if get_cache_sock: sock = get_cache_sock() if sock: queobj.put(sock) return ip = ipaddr[0] sock = None try: sock = self.get_tcp_socket(ip, timeout) server_name = self.get_server_hostname(host, cache_key) ssl_sock = self.get_ssl_socket(sock, cache_key, server_name) # start connection time record start_time = mtime() # TCP connect ssl_sock.connect(ipaddr) #connected_time = mtime() # set a short timeout to trigger timeout retry more quickly. if timeout is not None: ssl_sock.settimeout(3 if self.gws else 1.5) # SSL handshake ssl_sock.do_handshake() handshaked_time = mtime() # record SSL connection time ssl_sock.ssl_time = handshaked_time - start_time # verify Google SSL certificate. if self.gws: self.google_verify(ssl_sock) ssl_sock.xip = ipaddr if callback: cache_key = callback(ssl_sock) or cache_key self.ssl_connection_time[ipaddr] = ssl_sock.ssl_time self.ssl_connection_cache[cache_key].append((mtime(), ssl_sock)) return True self.ssl_connection_time[ipaddr] = ssl_sock.ssl_time # put ssl socket object to output queobj queobj.put(ssl_sock) except NetWorkIOError as e: if sock: sock.close() # any socket.error, put Excpetions to output queobj. e.xip = ipaddr if callback: if not retry and (e.args == zero_EOF_error or e.args[0] in zero_errno): retry = True continue else: callback(e) return isinstance(e, LimiterFull) # reset a large and random timeout to the ipaddr self.ssl_connection_time[ipaddr] = self.timeout + 1 queobj.put(e) break
def dns_local_resolve(host, qtypes=qtypes): start = mtime() iplist = _dns_udp_resolve(host, dns_local_servers, timeout=2, qtypes=qtypes) cost = int((mtime() - start) * 1000) logging.test('%sdns_local_resolve 已缓存:%s/%s,耗时:%s 毫秒,%s = %s', address_string(iplist), len(dns), dns.max_items, cost, host, iplist or '查询失败') return iplist
def get_ip_info(self, ip, server_name=None, callback=None, conntimeout=g_conntimeout, handshaketimeout=g_handshaketimeout, timeout=g_timeout): retry = None server_name = server_name or self.server_name callback = callback or self.check_type_status while True: start_time = mtime() ssl_time = 1e5 type = None domain = None sock = None ssl_sock = None try: sock = http_gws.get_tcp_socket(ip) http_gws.set_tcp_socket(sock, set_buffer=False) ssl_sock = http_gws.get_ssl_socket(sock, server_name) ssl_sock.settimeout(conntimeout) ssl_sock.connect((ip, 443)) ssl_sock.settimeout(handshaketimeout) ssl_sock.do_handshake() ssl_sock.settimeout(timeout) handshaked_time = mtime() - start_time ssl_time = int(handshaked_time * 1000) if handshaked_time > handshaketimeout: raise socket.error('handshake 超时:%d ms' % ssl_time) cert = http_gws.google_verify(ssl_sock) domain = cert.get_subject().CN if not domain: raise CertificateError( -1, '%s 无法获取 commonName:%s' % (ip, cert)) type = callback(ssl_sock, ip) except NetWorkIOError as e: self.logger.debug('get_ip_info 发生错误:%s', e) if not retry and (e.args == zero_EOF_error or e.args[0] in zero_errno): retry = True continue finally: if ssl_sock: ssl_sock.close() elif sock: sock.close() if server_name is self.server_name and domain == self.com_domain: domain = '*' if type is 'gae' and not self.test_ip_gae(ip) or \ type is 'gws' and not self.test_ip_gws(ip): type = None return domain, ssl_time, type
def set(self, key, value, expire=None): # expire is False or / # expire < 0:永不过期,只能在这里设置 # expire == 0:最近最少使用过期 # expire > 0:最近最少使用过期 + 时间过期 if expire is None: expire = self.expire elif expire is False: expire = -1 else: expire = int(expire) if expire > 0: expire += int(mtime()) cache = self.cache key_order = self.key_order max_items = self.max_items if key in cache: key_order.remove(key) key_order.appendleft(key) cache[key] = value, expire while len(key_order) > max_items: key = key_order.pop() value, expire = cache[key] if expire < 0: key_order.appendleft(key) else: del cache[key]
def check_appid_exists(appid): request_params, http_util, connection_cache_key = _get_request_params(appid) for _ in range(3): err = None response = None try: sock = http_util.create_ssl_connection((, request_params.port), request_params.hostname, connection_cache_key) if sock is None: continue sock.sendall(b'HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n' b'Host: %s\r\n' b'Connection: Close\r\n\r\n' % host.encode()) response = HTTPResponse(sock, method='HEAD') response.begin() except: err = True finally: if response: response.close() if err is None: exists = response.status in (200, 503) if exists and GC.GAE_KEEPALIVE: http_util.ssl_connection_cache[connection_cache_key].append((mtime(), sock)) return exists
def get_action(scheme, host, path, url): schemes = '', scheme key = '%s://%s' % (scheme, host) filters = filters_cache.gettill(key) if filters: #是否临时规则 _, action, expire = filters[0] if action is 'TEMPACT': if mtime() > expire: del filters[0] logging.warning('%r 的临时 %s 规则已经失效。', GC.LISTEN_ACT, key) #符合自动多线程时不使用临时 GAE 规则,仍尝试默认规则 #是否包含元组元素(媒体文件) elif GC.LISTEN_ACT == 'GAE' and any(path.endswith(x) for x in GC.AUTORANGE_FAST_ENDSWITH): pass else: return TEMPACT #以缓存规则进行匹配 for pathfilter, action, target in filters: if action is 'TEMPACT': continue if match_path_filter(pathfilter, path): #计算重定向网址 if action in REDIRECTS: target = get_redirect(target, url) if target is not None: durl, mhost = target if durl and durl != url: return action, target continue return action, target filter = None #建立缓存条目 filters_cache.setpadding(key) _filters = [] for filters in action_filters: if filters.action == FAKECERT: continue for schemefilter, hostfilter, pathfilter, target in filters: if schemefilter in schemes and match_host_filter(hostfilter, host): action = numToAct[filters.action] #填充规则到缓存 _filters.append((pathfilter, action, target)) #匹配第一个,后面忽略 if not filter and match_path_filter(pathfilter, path): #计算重定向网址 if action in REDIRECTS: target = get_redirect(target, url) if target is not None: durl, mhost = target if durl and durl != url: filter = action, target else: filter = action, target #添加默认规则 _filters.append(filter_DEF) filters_cache[key] = _filters return filter or filter_DEF[1:]
def save_ip(self): headers = ('#coding: utf-8\n' '#此文件由 GotoX 自动维护,请不要修改。\n' '[iplist]\n') with open(GC.CONFIG_IPDB, 'w', encoding='utf_8', newline='\n') as f: f.write(headers) for m in (self.gae, self.gws): f.write(m.list_name) f.write(' = ') f.write('|'.join(m.ip_list)) f.write('\n') self.last_update = mtime()
def forward_socket(local, remote, payload=None, timeout=60, tick=4, bufsize=8192, maxping=None, maxpong=None): if payload: remote.sendall(payload) buf = memoryview(bytearray(bufsize)) maxpong = maxpong or timeout allins = [local, remote] timecount = timeout all_forward_sockets.add(remote) try: while allins and timecount > 0: start_time = mtime() ins, _, err = select(allins, [], allins, tick) t = mtime() - start_time timecount -= int(t) if err: raise socket.error(err) if remote not in all_forward_sockets: break for sock in ins: ndata = sock.recv_into(buf) if ndata: other = local if sock is remote else remote other.sendall(buf[:ndata]) elif sock is remote: return else: allins.remove(sock) if ins and len(allins) == 2: timecount = max(min(timecount * 2, maxpong), tick) except Exception as e: logging.debug('forward_socket except: %s %r', ins, e) raise finally: all_forward_sockets.discard(remote) remote.close()
def set_temp_action(host): #将临时规则插入缓存规则中第一个位置 try: filters = filters_cache[host] except KeyError: filters_cache[host] = filters = [filter_DEF] action = filters[0][1] if action != 'TEMPGAE': filter = '', 'TEMPGAE', mtime() + GC.LINK_TEMPTIME filters.insert(0, filter) return True
def handle_request(self): # 处理一个 request 可能阻塞 # TODO 疑惑 为啥还要单独写一个函数 timeout = self.socket.gettimeout() if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout elif self.timeout is not None: timeout = min(timeout, self.timeout) if timeout is not None: deadline = mtime() + timeout with _ServerSelector() as selector: selectors.register(self, selectors.EVENT_READ) while True: ready = if ready: return self._handel_request_noblokc() else: if mtime is not None: timeout = deadline - mtime() if timeout < 0: return self.handle_timeout()
def _https_resolve(server, qname, qtype, query_data): '此函数功能实现仅限于解析为 A、AAAA 记录' # iplist = [] xip = None response = None noerror = False ok = False http_util = http_gws if server.hostname.startswith('google') else http_nor connection_cache_key = '%s:%d' % (server.hostname, server.port) try: response = http_util.request(server, query_data, headers=server.headers.copy(), connection_cache_key=connection_cache_key) if response: data = noerror = True if response.status == 200: reply = dnslib.DNSRecord.parse(data) if reply: if reply.header.rcode is NXDOMAIN: ok = True iplist.append(NXDOMAIN) else: ok = reply.header.rcode is NOERROR for r in reply.rr: if r.rtype is qtype: iplist.append(str(r.rdata)) else: raise DoHError((response.status, data)) except DoHError as e: logging.error('%s _https_resolve %r 失败:%r', address_string(response), qname, e) except Exception as e: logging.debug('%s _https_resolve %r 失败:%r', address_string(response), qname, e) finally: if response: response.close() xip = response.xip if noerror: if GC.GAE_KEEPALIVE or http_util is not http_gws: http_util.ssl_connection_cache[ connection_cache_key].append((mtime(), response.sock)) else: response.sock.close() return iplist, xip, ok
def _expire_check(self, key=__marker, index=None): if key is self.__marker and isinstance(index, int): key = self.key_order[index] cache = self.cache if key in cache: value, expire = cache[key] if expire > 0: now = int(mtime()) timeleft = expire - now if timeleft <= 0: del cache[key] if isinstance(index, int): del self.key_order[index] else: self.key_order.remove(key) return True elif timeleft < 8: #为可能存在的紧接的调用保持足够的反应时间 cache[key] = value, now + 8
def __init__(self, ip_source): self.running = False self.pick_worker_cnt = 0 self.kill_pick_worker_cnt = 0 type = ip_source.type if type == 'gae': self.check_callback = self.check_gae_callback elif type == 'gws': self.check_callback = self.check_gws_callback self.type = type self.logger = logging.getLogger('[picker %s]' % type) self.logger.setLevel(GC.LOG_LEVEL) self.list_name = 'google_' + type self.cache_key = self.list_name + '|:443' self.ip_list = collections.deque(GC.IPLIST_MAP[self.list_name]) GC.IPLIST_MAP[self.list_name] = self.ip_list self.ip_set |= set(self.ip_list) ip_source._ip_source.ip_set_used = self.ip_set self.ip_source = ip_source self.load_config() now = mtime() self.last_update = now self.last_check = now - self.min_recheck_time
def _cleanup(self): #按每秒一次的频率循环检查并清除靠后的 l/m 个项目中的过期项目 m = 4 n = 1 lock = self.lock key_order = self.key_order cache = self.cache clean_items = self.max_items // m while True: sleep(1) with lock: l = len(key_order) if l < clean_items: n = 1 continue l = l // m if n > l: n = 1 now = int(mtime()) while True: try: key = key_order[-n] except IndexError: break expire = self.cache[key][1] if expire < 0: del key_order[-n] key_order.appendleft(key) #终止全部都是永不过期项目的极端情况 break elif 0 < expire <= now: del key_order[-n] del cache[key] else: n += 1 break
# import os, time time.strftime('%X %x %Z') os.environ['TZ'] = 'Asia/Calcutta' time.tzset() time.strftime('%X %x %Z') """# """ #print(time.time()) import time z=0 while (z<1): t = time.time() d = (2020, 7, 9, 13, 2, 0, 0, 0) n = time.mtime(d)-t if n<0: print("time is up") z+=1 import time t = time.time() d = (2020, 7, 9, 13, 10, 0, 0, 0) n = time.mtime(d)-t print(n) # import the time module
def _dns_udp_resolve(qname, dnsservers, timeout=2, qtypes=qtypes): # #域名服务器缓存污染 # (已删除) def get_sock(v4): nonlocal sock_v4, sock_v6 if v4: if sock_v4 is None: sock_v4 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) socks.append(sock_v4) return sock_v4 else: if sock_v6 is None: sock_v6 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) socks.append(sock_v6) return sock_v6 socks = [] sock_v4 = sock_v6 = None query_times = 0 iplists = {'remote': []} local_servers = () pollution = qname in polluted_hosts remote_resolve = dnsservers is dns_remote_servers if remote_resolve: # local_prefer 禁用时不要将 servers 中的境内服务器加入 local_servers 判断 if dns_local_prefer and not pollution and qname not in direct_domains_black_tree: local_servers = dns_remote_local_servers or ( random.choice(dns_local_servers), ) if local_servers: iplists['local'] = [] if not dns_remote_local_servers: dnsservers += local_servers for qtype in qtypes: query = dnslib.DNSRecord(q=dnslib.DNSQuestion(qname, qtype)) if remote_resolve: query_data = query.pack() for dnsserver in dnsservers: sock = get_sock(isipv4(dnsserver[0])) try: sock.sendto(query_data, dnsserver) query_times += 1 except socket.error as e: logging.warning('send dns qname=%r \nsocket: %r', qname, e) del query, query_data def is_resolved(qtype): if qtype is A: return resolved & (bv4_local if local else bv4_remote) elif qtype is AAAA: return resolved & (bv6_local if local else bv6_remote) return True time_start = mtime() timeout_at = time_start + timeout iplist = [] xips = [] resolved = 0 if A not in qtypes: resolved |= bv4_remote | bv4_local elif AAAA not in qtypes: resolved |= bv6_remote | bv6_local if not local_servers: resolved |= bv4_local | bv6_local udp_len = remote_resolve and remote_query_opt.edns_len or 512 while mtime() < timeout_at and (allresolved ^ resolved) and query_times: ins, _, _ = select(socks, [], [], 0.1) for sock in ins: iplist.clear() qtype = None try: reply_data, xip = sock.recvfrom(udp_len) xip = xip[:2] local = xip in local_servers if local and pollution: continue reply = dnslib.DNSRecord.parse(reply_data) qtype = reply.q.qtype rr_alone = len(reply.rr) == 1 and reply.a.rtype is qtype if is_resolved(qtype): continue #虽然现在没有污染,但此处不排除非标准端口 if remote_resolve and not local and xip not in dns_remote_local_servers: if rr_alone and ( not check_edns_opt( or mtime() - time_start < dns_time_threshold): query_times += 1 if local_servers: resolved |= bv4_local | bv6_local if not pollution: polluted_hosts.add(qname) pollution = True continue elif not pollution and dns_local_prefer and local_servers: resolved |= bv4_remote | bv6_remote if is_resolved(qtype): continue if reply.header.rcode is NOERROR: for r in reply.rr: if r.rtype is qtype: ip = str(r.rdata) #一个简单排除 IPv6 污染定式的方法,有及其微小的机率误伤正常结果 #虽然没办法用于 IPv4,但这只是 check_edns_opt 的后备,聊胜于无 if qtype is AAAA and pollution and rr_alone and \ len(ip) == 15 and ip.startswith('2001::'): query_times += 1 #iplist.clear() #break else: iplist.append(ip) elif reply.header.rcode is NXDOMAIN: timeout_at = 0 iplist.append(NXDOMAIN) break except socket.error as e: logging.warning('receive dns qname=%r \nsocket: %r', qname, e) except dnslib.dns.DNSError as e: # dnslib 没有完整的支持,这里跳过一些不影响使用的解析错误 logging.debug( 'receive dns qname=%r \nerror: %s\nreply data: %r', qname, e, reply_data) finally: query_times -= 1 if iplist: if local: resolved |= bv4_local if qtype is A else bv6_local iplists['local'].extend(iplist) else: resolved |= bv4_remote if qtype is A else bv6_remote iplists['remote'].extend(iplist) #大概率没有 AAAA 结果 elif qtype is AAAA and is_resolved(A): resolved |= bv6_local if local else bv6_remote if xip not in xips: xips.append(xip) for sock in socks: sock.close() logging.debug('query qname=%r reply iplist=%s', qname, iplists) if pollution or not remote_resolve or not local_servers or not dns_local_prefer: iplist = iplists['remote'] else: iplist = iplists['local'] if xips: iplist = classlist(iplist) iplist.xip = xips if pollution: logging.warning('发现 DNS 污染, 域名: %r, 解析结果:\n%r', qname, iplists) return iplist
def get_modified_time(filePath): return time.mtime(os.path.getmtime(filePath))
def __fetchlet(self, range_queue, data_queue, threadorder): headers = {k.title(): v for k, v in self.headers.items()} #headers['Connection'] = 'close' while True: try: with self.tLock: if self.lastupdate != ip_manager_gae.last_update: self.lastupdate = ip_manager_gae.last_update self.iplist = GC.IPLIST_MAP['google_gae'].copy() noerror = True response = None starttime = None if self._stopped: return try: if self.response: response = self.response self.response = None start, end = self.firstrange else: start, end = range_queue.get(timeout=1) headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-%d' % (start, end) while start - self.expect_begin > self.threads * self.delaysize and \ data_queue.qsize() * self.bufsize > 3 * self.threads * self.delaysize: if self._stopped: return sleep(0.1) response = gae_urlfetch(self.command, self.url, headers, self.payload, getfast=self.timeout) if response: xip = response.xip[0] if xip in self.iplist: realstart = start starttime = mtime() else: range_queue.put((start, end)) noerror = False continue except queue.Empty: return except LimiterFull: range_queue.put((start, end)) sleep(2) continue except Exception as e: logging.warning('%s Response %r in __fetchlet', self.address_string(response), e) range_queue.put((start, end)) continue if self._stopped: return if not response: logging.warning('%s RangeFetch %s 没有响应,重试', self.address_string(response), headers['Range']) range_queue.put((start, end)) elif response.app_status == 503: if hasattr(response, 'appid'): mark_badappid(response.appid) range_queue.put((start, end)) noerror = False elif response.app_status != 200: logging.warning('%s Range Fetch "%s %s" %s 返回 %s', self.address_string(response), self.command, self.url, headers['Range'], response.app_status) range_queue.put((start, end)) noerror = False elif response.getheader('Location'): self.url = urljoin(self.url, response.getheader('Location'))'%s RangeFetch Redirect(%r)', self.address_string(response), self.url) range_queue.put((start, end)) elif 200 <= response.status < 300: content_range = response.getheader('Content-Range') if not content_range: logging.warning('%s RangeFetch "%s %s" 返回 Content-Range=%r: response headers=%r', self.address_string(response), self.command, self.url, content_range, response.getheaders()) range_queue.put((start, end)) continue content_length = int(response.getheader('Content-Length', 0)) logging.test('%s >>>> %s: 线程 %s %s %s', self.address_string(response),, threadorder, content_length, content_range) try: data = while data: data_queue.put((start, data)) start += len(data) if self._stopped: return if (start-realstart) / (mtime()-starttime) < self.lowspeed: #移除慢速 ip if self.delable: with self.tLock: if xip in self.iplist and len(self.iplist) > self.minip: self.iplist.remove(xip) logging.warning('%s RangeFetch 移除慢速 ip %s', self.address_string(), xip) noerror = False break else: data = except Exception as e: noerror = False logging.warning('%s RangeFetch "%s %s" %s 失败:%r', self.address_string(response), self.command, self.url, headers['Range'], e) if self._stopped: return if start < end + 1: logging.warning('%s RangeFetch "%s %s" 重试 %s-%s', self.address_string(response), self.command, self.url, start, end) range_queue.put((start, end)) continue logging.test('%s >>>> %s: 线程 %s 成功接收到 %d 字节', self.address_string(response),, threadorder, start) else: logging.error('%s RangeFetch %r 返回 %s', self.address_string(response), self.url, response.status) range_queue.put((start, end)) noerror = False except Exception as e: logging.exception('%s RangeFetch._fetchlet 错误:%r', self.address_string(), e) noerror = False raise finally: if response: response.close() if noerror: #放入套接字缓存 response.http_util.ssl_connection_cache[response.connection_cache_key].append((mtime(), response.sock)) else: response.sock.close() if self.delable: with self.tLock: if xip in self.iplist and len(self.iplist) > self.minip: self.iplist.remove(xip) logging.warning('%s RangeFetch 移除故障 ip %s', self.address_string(response), xip) if noerror: sleep(0.1)
def _cache_connection(self, cache, count, queobj): for _ in range(count): sock = queobj.get() if hasattr(sock, '_sock'): cache.append((mtime(), sock))
def check_connection_alive(sock, keeptime, ctime): if mtime() - ctime > keeptime: sock.close() return return not check_connection_dead(sock)