async def chekDate(date,message): global command try: time.striptime(date, '') return True except ValueError: await message.answer(text="Неправильный формат даты") command = 0
def match_var(Excelpath, Outputpath, filetype='both', existdate='True', backdate=''): try: dff = pd.read_excel(str(Excelpath)) except: dff = pd.read_csv(str(Excelpath)) print dff.columns() print u'请确认身份证、手机号、回溯时间是否为uid、umboile、date,是则输入1,否则输入为0' check_column = raw_input("") if str(check_column) == '0': id_name = raw_input('需要修改的身份证列名:') mobile_name = raw_input('需要修改的手机号列名:') date_name = raw_input('需要修改的回溯时间列名:') dff = dff.rename( columns={ unicode(id_name): 'uid', unicode(mobile_name): 'umobile', unicode(date_name): 'date' }) dff = dff.drop([x for x in dff.columns if'Unnamed', x)], axis=1) for i in dff.columns: dff[i] = dff[i].astype(str) if existdate == 'True': dff['loan_date_unix'] = dff['date'].apply(lambda x: time.mktime( time.striptime(str(parse(x))[:19], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) else: dff['loan_date_unix'] = time.mktime( time.striptime( str(parse(backdate))[:19], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) dff['umobile'] = dff['umobile'].apply(lambda x: x[:11]) data = hc.createDataFrame(dff) d ='/user/sujun.cen/temp/icd') m ='/user/sujun.cen/temp/md') if filetype == 'both': df = data.join(d, data.uid ==, 'leftouter') df1 = df.join(m, df.umobile ==, 'leftouter') df2 = df2.toDF().write.parquet(str(Outputpath), 'overwrite') elif filetype == 'id': df = data.join(d, data.uid ==, 'leftouter') df1 = df1.toDF().write.parquet(str(Outputpath), 'overwrite') else: df = data.join(m, data.umobile ==, 'leftouter') df1 = df1.toDF().write.parquet(str(Outputpath), 'overwrite')
def timestamps_minus_born_time(raw_file): dataset=open(raw_file,'r') header=dataset.readline().rstrip('\n').split(',') ts_index=header.index('timestamps') bt_index=header.index('born_time') store=open(raw_file+'-ts_bt','w') store.write('timestamps_minus_born_time\n') for record in dataset: attributes=record.rstrip('\n').split(',') timestamps=int(attributes[ts_index]) born_time=attributes[bt_index] try: born_time_tricks=int(time.mktime(time.striptime(born_time,'%y%m%H%M%S'))) except: born_time_tricks=timestamps+1 store.write(str(timestamps-born_time_tricks)+'\n') dataset.close() store.close()
import os import time count = 0 kept = 0 deleted = 0 for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk('.'): for filename in files: if filename.endswitch('.txt'): f = open(filename, 'r') sdate = f.readline() f.close() pdate = time.striptime(sdate, '%Y%-m%-d\n') if pdate.tm_year > 2002: kept += 1 else: os.remove(filename) deleted += 1 count += 1 print('Total files' + str(count)) print('kept' + str(kept)) print('deleted' + str(deleted))
def getminutes(t): x = time.striptime(t, '%H:%M') return x[3]*60+x[4]
#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file has been provided as a starting point. You need to modify this file. # Reads whole lines stdin; writes key/value pairs to stdout # --- DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE --- import sys import re import time if __name__ == "__main__": for line in sys.stdin: for word in line.split(): if re.match('\[\d\d/[a-zA-Z]{3}\/\d{4,}:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\Z', word): date = time.striptime(word, '[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%H:%S') result = str(date.tm_year) result += '-' if (date.tm_mon < 10): result += '0' result += str(date.tm_mon) sys.stout.write("{}\t1\n".format(result))