Example #1
	def runScheduler(self, avgSystemLoad):

		totalWelfare = 0
		totalWinningUser = 0
		tsraAllocator = TimeSensitiveResourceAllocator()

		#print 'TSRA start'
		# remaining capacity sum for each resource type
		resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = [0] * len(self.resourceCaps[0])

		for timeStamp in xrange(0, constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1):

			#print 'timeStamp::', timeStamp

			if constants.POOL_DEBUG is True:
				print 'waiting pool: ', len(self.waitingRequestPool)
				print 'exit pool: ', len(self.exitRequestPool)
				print 'missed pool: ', len(self.missedRequestPool)

			self.updateResourcePool(avgSystemLoad, timeStamp)
			allPoolInitialResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

			userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes = copy.deepcopy(Scheduler.packedAppsForEachAvgSysLoad[timeStamp])
			self.requestValidation(userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)
			self.packFromWaitingPool(avgSystemLoad, userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)

			if len(bundles) > 0:
				welfare, winnerLoser = tsraAllocator.simulate(self.resourceCaps, bundles, self.vmResourceRequirement, runtimes, bids, deadlines)

				totalWelfare += welfare
				totalWinningUser += (len(winnerLoser) - winnerLoser.count(-1))

				self.updateRequestPools(winnerLoser, timeStamp, userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)

			allPoolRemainingResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

			# TODO: replace with this one after testing
			#resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = map(add, resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum, [x/y if y != 0.0 else 0 for (x, y) in zip(allPoolRemainingResCaps, allPoolInitialResCaps)])

			# remaining resouce percentage calculation
			for idx, initialResCap in enumerate(allPoolInitialResCaps):
				if initialResCap != 0.0:
					resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum[idx] += (allPoolRemainingResCaps[idx] / initialResCap)

		if constants.CLEAR_THE_POOL is True:
			totalWelfare, totalWinningUser = self.clearWaitingPool(tsraAllocator, avgSystemLoad, totalWelfare, totalWinningUser)

		# remaining resouce average percentage calculation
		resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap = [(x * 100 /(constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1)) for x in resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum]

		#print 'percentage:', resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum
		#print 'avg_percentage:', (resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum/(constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1))

		return totalWelfare, totalWinningUser, resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap
Example #2
	def runScheduler(self, avgSystemLoad, k_default):

		totalWelfare = 0
		totalWinningUser = 0
		kallocator = KTimeSensitiveResourceAllocator()
		tsraAllocator = TimeSensitiveResourceAllocator()

		# remaining capacity sum for each resource type
		resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = [0] * len(self.resourceCaps[0])

		for timeStamp in xrange(0, constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1):

			#print 'timeStamp', timeStamp

			if constants.POOL_DEBUG is True:
				print 'waiting pool: ', len(self.waitingRequestPool)
				print 'exit pool: ', len(self.exitRequestPool)
				print 'missed pool: ', len(self.missedRequestPool)

			self.updateResourcePool(avgSystemLoad, timeStamp)
			allPoolInitialResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

			userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes = copy.deepcopy(Scheduler.packedAppsForEachAvgSysLoad[timeStamp])

			self.requestValidation(userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)
			self.packFromWaitingPool(avgSystemLoad, userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)

			if len(bundles) > 0:
				# TODO: reconsider criteria for the selection of k
				k = math.ceil(((float(k_default)/100) * min(allPoolInitialResCaps)))
				#print 'we found K:', k

				# check value of k compared to total user ready to be scheduled
				if k > len(userIDs): k = len(userIDs)
				orderedKUserIdxs, welfare, winnerLoser = kallocator.simulate(self.resourceCaps, bundles, self.vmResourceRequirement, bids, deadlines, int(k))

				remainingUserIdxs = []
				if len(userIDs) - k > 0:
					tempBundles, tempRuntimes, tempBids, tempDeadlines = [], [], [], []
					for idx in xrange(len(userIDs)):
						if idx not in orderedKUserIdxs:

					welfare_tsra, winnerLoser_tsra = tsraAllocator.simulate(self.resourceCaps, tempBundles, self.vmResourceRequirement, tempRuntimes, tempBids, tempDeadlines)
					welfare_tsra = 0
					winnerLoser_tsra = []

				assert (len(winnerLoser) - len(winnerLoser_tsra) == k)

				# arrange from ktsra and tsra
				for idx, userID in enumerate(remainingUserIdxs):
					winnerLoser[userID] = winnerLoser_tsra[idx]

				totalWelfare += (welfare + welfare_tsra)
				totalWinningUser += (len(winnerLoser) - winnerLoser.count(-1))
				#print totalWelfare, welfare, welfare_tsra
				self.updateRequestPools(winnerLoser, timeStamp, userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)

			allPoolRemainingResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

			# TODO: replace with this one after testing
			#resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = map(add, resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum, [x/y if y != 0.0 else 0 for (x, y) in zip(allPoolRemainingResCaps, allPoolInitialResCaps)])

			# remaining resouce percentage calculation
			for idx, initialResCap in enumerate(allPoolInitialResCaps):
				if initialResCap != 0.0:
					resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum[idx] += (allPoolRemainingResCaps[idx] / initialResCap)

		if constants.CLEAR_THE_POOL is True:
			totalWelfare, totalWinningUser = self.clearWaitingPool(kallocator, tsraAllocator, avgSystemLoad, totalWelfare, totalWinningUser, int(k))

		# remaining resouce average percentage calculation
		resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap = [(x * 100 /(constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1)) for x in resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum]

		#print 'percentage:', resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum
		#print 'avg_percentage:', (resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum/(constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1))

		return totalWelfare, totalWinningUser, resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap
Example #3
    def runScheduler(self, avgSystemLoad):

        totalWelfare = 0
        totalWinningUser = 0
        tsraAllocator = TimeSensitiveResourceAllocator()

        #print 'TSRA start'
        # remaining capacity sum for each resource type
        resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = [0] * len(self.resourceCaps[0])

        for timeStamp in xrange(0, constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1):

            #print 'timeStamp::', timeStamp

            if constants.POOL_DEBUG is True:
                print 'waiting pool: ', len(self.waitingRequestPool)
                print 'exit pool: ', len(self.exitRequestPool)
                print 'missed pool: ', len(self.missedRequestPool)

            self.updateResourcePool(avgSystemLoad, timeStamp)
            allPoolInitialResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

            userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes = copy.deepcopy(
            self.requestValidation(userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids,
                                   deadlines, arrivalTimes)
            self.packFromWaitingPool(avgSystemLoad, userIDs, appNames, bundles,
                                     runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)

            if len(bundles) > 0:
                welfare, winnerLoser = tsraAllocator.simulate(
                    self.resourceCaps, bundles, self.vmResourceRequirement,
                    runtimes, bids, deadlines)

                totalWelfare += welfare
                totalWinningUser += (len(winnerLoser) - winnerLoser.count(-1))

                self.updateRequestPools(winnerLoser, timeStamp, userIDs,
                                        appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids,
                                        deadlines, arrivalTimes)

            allPoolRemainingResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

            # TODO: replace with this one after testing
            #resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = map(add, resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum, [x/y if y != 0.0 else 0 for (x, y) in zip(allPoolRemainingResCaps, allPoolInitialResCaps)])

            # remaining resouce percentage calculation
            for idx, initialResCap in enumerate(allPoolInitialResCaps):
                if initialResCap != 0.0:
                    resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum[idx] += (
                        allPoolRemainingResCaps[idx] / initialResCap)

        if constants.CLEAR_THE_POOL is True:
            totalWelfare, totalWinningUser = self.clearWaitingPool(
                tsraAllocator, avgSystemLoad, totalWelfare, totalWinningUser)

        # remaining resouce average percentage calculation
        resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap = [
            (x * 100 / (constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1))
            for x in resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum

        #print 'percentage:', resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum
        #print 'avg_percentage:', (resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum/(constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1))

        return totalWelfare, totalWinningUser, resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap
Example #4
    def runScheduler(self, avgSystemLoad, k_default):

        totalWelfare = 0
        totalWinningUser = 0
        kallocator = KTimeSensitiveResourceAllocator()
        tsraAllocator = TimeSensitiveResourceAllocator()

        # remaining capacity sum for each resource type
        resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = [0] * len(self.resourceCaps[0])

        for timeStamp in xrange(0, constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1):

            #print 'timeStamp', timeStamp

            if constants.POOL_DEBUG is True:
                print 'waiting pool: ', len(self.waitingRequestPool)
                print 'exit pool: ', len(self.exitRequestPool)
                print 'missed pool: ', len(self.missedRequestPool)

            self.updateResourcePool(avgSystemLoad, timeStamp)
            allPoolInitialResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

            userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes = copy.deepcopy(

            self.requestValidation(userIDs, appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids,
                                   deadlines, arrivalTimes)
            self.packFromWaitingPool(avgSystemLoad, userIDs, appNames, bundles,
                                     runtimes, bids, deadlines, arrivalTimes)

            if len(bundles) > 0:
                # TODO: reconsider criteria for the selection of k
                k = math.ceil(
                    ((float(k_default) / 100) * min(allPoolInitialResCaps)))
                #print 'we found K:', k

                # check value of k compared to total user ready to be scheduled
                if k > len(userIDs): k = len(userIDs)
                orderedKUserIdxs, welfare, winnerLoser = kallocator.simulate(
                    self.resourceCaps, bundles, self.vmResourceRequirement,
                    bids, deadlines, int(k))

                remainingUserIdxs = []
                if len(userIDs) - k > 0:
                    tempBundles, tempRuntimes, tempBids, tempDeadlines = [], [], [], []
                    for idx in xrange(len(userIDs)):
                        if idx not in orderedKUserIdxs:

                    welfare_tsra, winnerLoser_tsra = tsraAllocator.simulate(
                        self.resourceCaps, tempBundles,
                        self.vmResourceRequirement, tempRuntimes, tempBids,
                    welfare_tsra = 0
                    winnerLoser_tsra = []

                assert (len(winnerLoser) - len(winnerLoser_tsra) == k)

                # arrange from ktsra and tsra
                for idx, userID in enumerate(remainingUserIdxs):
                    winnerLoser[userID] = winnerLoser_tsra[idx]

                totalWelfare += (welfare + welfare_tsra)
                totalWinningUser += (len(winnerLoser) - winnerLoser.count(-1))

                #print totalWelfare, welfare, welfare_tsra
                self.updateRequestPools(winnerLoser, timeStamp, userIDs,
                                        appNames, bundles, runtimes, bids,
                                        deadlines, arrivalTimes)

            allPoolRemainingResCaps = self.getPoolResourceCapacitySum()

            # TODO: replace with this one after testing
            #resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum = map(add, resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum, [x/y if y != 0.0 else 0 for (x, y) in zip(allPoolRemainingResCaps, allPoolInitialResCaps)])

            # remaining resouce percentage calculation
            for idx, initialResCap in enumerate(allPoolInitialResCaps):
                if initialResCap != 0.0:
                    resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum[idx] += (
                        allPoolRemainingResCaps[idx] / initialResCap)

        if constants.CLEAR_THE_POOL is True:
            totalWelfare, totalWinningUser = self.clearWaitingPool(
                kallocator, tsraAllocator, avgSystemLoad, totalWelfare,
                totalWinningUser, int(k))

        # remaining resouce average percentage calculation
        resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap = [
            (x * 100 / (constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1))
            for x in resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum

        #print 'percentage:', resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum
        #print 'avg_percentage:', (resourceWisePercRemainingCapSum/(constants.MAX_TIME_INTERVAL + 1))

        return totalWelfare, totalWinningUser, resourceWisePercAvgRemainingCap