def scriptGet(self, script_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('scripts').get( (tinydb.Query()['script_id'] == script_id))
def applyThresholdCut(dsNum): """ ./ -thr [dsNum] Create "after cuts" histograms for each dataset (similar to genRawHists) Use a super fine binning and huge energy range for versatility. Don't distinguish between enriched and natural detectors in 2D plots. 1. sum histogram 'hSum' 2. cpd vs energy 'hCPDE' 3. cpd vs run 'hCPDrun' """ threshCutE = 0.9 # require the mu to be at least this high to keep the channel kpb = 0.01 eLo, eHi = 0., 15000. nBins = int((eHi-eLo)/kpb) chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch!=692 and ch!=1232] calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() hTot = TH1D("hTot","hTot",nBins,eLo,eHi) hEnr = TH1D("hEnr","hEnr",nBins,eLo,eHi) hNat = TH1D("hNat","hNat",nBins,eLo,eHi) fList, fMissing, fNoThresh, fCut = [], [], [], [] dsPath = "/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cuts/fs_rn_wf" runLo, runHi = 0, 0 for bkgIdx in range(ds.dsMap[dsNum]+1): if bkgIdx % 10 == 0 and bkgIdx > 0: print 100. * bkgIdx / float(ds.dsMap[dsNum]+1), "% done." threshKey = "thresh_ds%d_bkgidx%d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx) recList = == threshKey) if len(recList)!=1: print "Error: found too many records for key:",threshKey for record in recList: print record return threshDict = recList[0]['vals'] for chan in chList: # save threshold information chKey = u'%d' % chan if chKey not in threshDict.keys(): fNoThresh.append([dsNum,bkgIdx,chan]) continue mu, sig = threshDict[u'%d' % chan][0], threshDict[u'%d' % chan][1] # save file paths fName = "%s/fs_rn_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dsPath, dsNum, bkgIdx, chan) if os.path.isfile(fName) == True: if 0. < mu < threshCutE: fList.append(fName) # print "ch %d bkgIdx %d mu %.2f sig %.2f" % (chan,bkgIdx,mu,sig) else: fCut.append(fName) # print "ch %d bkgIdx %d mu %.2f sig %.2f" % (chan,bkgIdx,mu,sig) else: fMissing.append(fName) continue # calculate efficiency curve thisErf = TF1("thisErf","0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1]) ))") thisErf.SetParameter(0,mu) thisErf.SetParameter(1,abs(sig)) fTmp = TFile(fName) tTmp = fTmp.Get("skimTree") tTmp.GetEntry(0) if runLo==0: runLo = tTmp.GetEntry(tTmp.GetEntries()-1) if > runHi: runHi = cTmp = fTmp.Get("chanCut").GetTitle() hTmp = wl.H1D(tTmp,nBins,eLo,eHi,"trapENFCal",cTmp,"hTmp","hTmp") hTmp.Divide(thisErf) hTot.Add(hTmp) hTmpEnr = wl.H1D(tTmp,nBins,eLo,eHi,"trapENFCal",cTmp+" && isEnr && trapENFCal > %.1f" % mu,"hTmpEnr","hTmpEnr") hTmpEnr.Divide(thisErf) hEnr.Add(hTmpEnr) hTmpNat = wl.H1D(tTmp,nBins,eLo,eHi,"trapENFCal",cTmp+" && !isEnr && trapENFCal > %.1f" % mu,"hTmpNat","hTmpNat") hTmpNat.Divide(thisErf) hNat.Add(hTmpNat) print "DS-%d nFound: %d nMissing: %d nCut: %d nNoThresh: %d" % (dsNum,len(fList),len(fMissing),len(fCut),len(fNoThresh)) # save to a permanent place fOut = TFile("../data/latThresh_DS%d.root" % dsNum, "RECREATE") hTot.Write() hEnr.Write() hNat.Write() # load the full chain w/ files passing threshold cut (but no efficiency correction applied.) chainFSRNWF = TChain("skimTree") [chainFSRNWF.Add(f) for f in fList] hFSRNWF = wl.H1D(chainFSRNWF,nBins,eLo,eHi,"trapENFCal","","trapENFCal","","hFSRNWF") cpdLo, cpdHi = 111, 175 if dsNum==4: cpdLo, cpdHi = 211, 275 if dsNum==5: cpdLo, cpdHi = 111, 275 nCPD = cpdHi - cpdLo hCPDE = wl.H2D(chainFSRNWF,nBins,eLo,eHi,nCPD,cpdLo,cpdHi,"C*100+P*10+D:trapENFCal","","trapENFCal","CPD","CPD vs. E","hCPDE") hCPDE.Write() chainFSRNWF.GetEntry(0) runLo = chainFSRNWF.GetEntry(chainFSRNWF.GetEntries()-1) runHi = nRuns = runHi - runLo + 1 print "First run:",runLo,"Last run:",runHi nRuns = runHi - runLo + 1 hCPDrun = wl.H2D(chainFSRNWF,nRuns,runLo,runHi,nCPD,cpdLo,cpdHi,"C*100+P*10+D:run","","run","CPD","CPD vs. run","hCPDrun") hCPDrun.Write() kpb = 0.1 rebinFactor = int(kpb/0.01) hTot = hTot.Rebin(rebinFactor) # this creates a new histogram hTot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.,12.) c = TCanvas("c","Shan is pretty",800,600) c.SetLogy(1) hTot.SetMinimum(0.5) hTot.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) hTot.SetTitle("") hTot.GetXaxis().SetTitle("trapENFCal") hTot.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Counts") hTot.Draw("hist") hFSRNWF = hFSRNWF.Rebin(rebinFactor) hFSRNWF.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.,12.) hFSRNWF.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) hFSRNWF.Draw("hist same") leg = TLegend(0.7,0.75,0.89,0.89) leg.AddEntry(hFSRNWF,"no thresh corr.","l") leg.AddEntry(hTot,"w/ thresh","l") leg.Draw("same") c.Print("../plots/latThresh_DS%d.pdf" % dsNum) fOut.Close()
import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') sys.argv.append("-b") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'../pltReports.mplstyle') from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize # dsi = imp.load_source('dsi',os.environ['LATDIR']+'/') dsi = imp.load_source('dsi', os.environ['LATDIR'] + '/sandbox/') wl = imp.load_source('waveLibs', os.environ['LATDIR'] + '/') # load threshold data import tinydb as db dsNum, bkgIdx = 5, 83 calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() thD = dsi.getDBRecord("thresh_ds%d_bkgidx%d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx), False, calDB, pars) # load threshold data import tinydb as db dsNum, bkgIdx = 5, 83 calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() thD = dsi.getDBRecord("thresh_ds%d_bkgidx%d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx), False, calDB, pars) # load fitSlo vals for cal run range closest to the run range [22513, 22566] dsNum, modNum, calIdx = 5, 1, 11 # calIdx 11: [[22568,22635],22568,22841], fsD = dsi.getDBRecord("fitSlo_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars)
import os import telebot import tinydb from telebot import types import services from config import config if not os.path.exists(config['DB']['PATH']): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(config['DB']['PATH']), exist_ok=True) bot = telebot.TeleBot(config['BOT']['TOKEN']) subjectsDb = tinydb.TinyDB(config['DB']['SUBJECTS']['PATH']) Subject = tinydb.Query() queue = [] homework = [] @bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help']) def start_menu(message: types.Message): bot.reply_to(message, config['BOT']['START']) @bot.message_handler(commands=['send_homework']) def homework_start(message: types.Message): student = services.find_student(, config) if not student: bot.reply_to(message, config['BOT']['START'])
def plotStats(): # load data from testStats f = np.load('../plots/slo-m2s238-test.npz') evtIdx, evtSumET, evtHitE, evtChans = f['arr_0'], f['arr_1'], f[ 'arr_2'], f['arr_3'] thrCal = f['arr_4'].item() evtCtr, totCtr, runTime = f['arr_5'], f['arr_6'], f['arr_7'] # load threshKeV values from bkg/auto-thrsh/db calDB = db.TinyDB("%s/calDB-v2.json" % dsi.latSWDir) pars = db.Query() threshDB = dsi.getDBRecord("thresh_ds1_bkg35_sub0", calDB=calDB, pars=pars) # throw a threshold warning if any det is above 1 keV (and by how much) for ch in thrCal: thrChan = np.asarray([val[3] for val in thrCal[ch]]) thrMean, thrStd = np.mean(thrChan), np.std(thrChan) thrDB = threshDB[ch][0] + 3 * threshDB[ch][1] errString = "Above 1" if thrMean > 1.0 else "" # print("ch %d DB %.3f CAL %.3f keV (%.3f), nRuns %d %s" % (ch, thrDB, thrMean, thrStd, len(thrChan), errString)) # fill hit arrays hitE, chan = [], [] for iE in range(len(evtHitE)): hitE.extend(evtHitE[iE]) chan.extend(evtChans[iE]) # map channels chMap = list(sorted(set(chan))) chDict = {chMap[i]: i for i in range(len(chMap))} chan = [chDict[chan] for chan in chan] # -- plot 1 - hit E spectrum fig = plt.figure() xLo, xHi, xpb = 0, 250, 1 x, hE = wl.GetHisto(hitE, xLo, xHi, xpb) plt.plot(x, hE, ls='steps', lw=1.5, c='b', label='m=2,s=238 hits') plt.xlabel("Energy (keV)", ha='right', x=1.) plt.ylabel("Counts", ha='right', y=1.) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.savefig("../plots/slo-hitE-test.png") # -- plot 2 - counts per channel vs E (2d), low-E region plt.cla() xLo, xHi, xpb = 0.5, 5, 0.2 yLo, yHi = 0, len(chMap) nbx, nby = int((xHi - xLo) / xpb), len(chMap) h1, _, _ = np.histogram2d(hitE, chan, bins=[nbx, nby], range=[[xLo, xHi], [yLo, yHi]]) h1 = h1.T im1 = plt.imshow( h1, cmap='jet') #,aspect='auto')#),vmin=hMin,vmax=hMax)#,norm=LogNorm()) xticklabels = ["%.1f" % t for t in np.arange(0, 5.5, 0.5)] yticks = np.arange(0, len(chMap)) plt.xlabel("Energy (keV)", ha='right', x=1.) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(xticklabels) plt.ylabel("channel", ha='right', y=1.) plt.yticks(yticks) plt.gca().set_yticklabels(chMap, fontsize=12) # note: can control z axis limits w/ code in LAT/sandbox/ fig.colorbar(im1, ax=plt.gca(), fraction=len(chMap) / 941, pad=0.04) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("../plots/slo-fsVsHitE-test.png") # -- output: counts in each detector under 5 keV cLo, cHi, nbx = 0, len(chMap), len(chMap) x, hC = wl.GetHisto(chan, cLo, cHi, 1) hLow = [0] for idx, ch in enumerate(chMap): nTot = hC[idx + 1] # 0-250 kev nLow = np.sum(h1[idx, :]) # 0-5 keV hLow.append(nLow) nCPB = nLow / (xHi - xLo) / xpb # avg counts per bin, assume flat for now. rTot = nTot / runTime rLow = nLow / runTime rCPB = nCPB / nbx / runTime # counts/bin/runTime rt100Cts = (100 / rCPB) / 3600. if rCPB != 0 else -1 print( "rt %d ch %d rTot %.2f rLow %.4f rCPB %.4f / %.1f keV need RT:%d hrs" % (runTime, ch, rTot, rLow, rCPB, xpb, rt100Cts)) # -- plot 3 - counts per channel (1d), and a few different energy regions plt.cla() - 0.5, hC, 0.95, color='b', label='all hits %d-%d' % (0, 250)) - 0.5, hLow, 0.95, color='r', label='hits %d-%d' % (xLo, xHi)) plt.xlabel("channel", ha='right', x=1.) xticks = np.arange(0, len(chMap)) plt.xticks(xticks) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(chMap, fontsize=12, rotation=90) plt.ylabel("Counts, mHT=2, sumET=238 hits", ha='right', x=1.) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.savefig("../plots/slo-chans-test.png")
import webrtcvad import wave import tinydb import numpy as np from array import array from struct import pack from subprocess import DEVNULL, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from collections import deque import speech_recognition as sr import socketio stream = None client = None audio = None vad = None Audio = tinydb.Query() block_duration = 10 padding_duration = 1000 SAMPLERATE = 48000 FRAMES_PER_BUFFER = SAMPLERATE * block_duration / 1000 NUM_PADDING_CHUNKS = int(padding_duration / block_duration) NUM_WINDOW_CHUNKS = int(400 / block_duration) ring_buffer = deque(maxlen=NUM_PADDING_CHUNKS) ring_buffer_flags = [0] * NUM_WINDOW_CHUNKS ring_buffer_index = 0 AUDIOS = [] SPEECHRECDIR = None SPEECHREC = False TTSDIR = None
def calculate(pdim):"Calculating EC2 pricing with the following inputs: {}".format( str(pdim.__dict__))) ts = phelper.Timestamp() ts.start('totalCalculation') ts.start('tinyDbLoadOnDemand') ts.start('tinyDbLoadReserved') awsPriceListApiVersion = '' cost = 0 pricing_records = [] priceQuery = tinydb.Query() global regiondbs global indexMetadata #DBs for Data Transfer tmpDtDbKey = consts.SERVICE_DATA_TRANSFER + pdim.region + pdim.termType dtdbs = regiondbs.get(tmpDtDbKey, {}) if not dtdbs: dtdbs, dtIndexMetadata = phelper.loadDBs( consts.SERVICE_DATA_TRANSFER, phelper.get_partition_keys(consts.SERVICE_DATA_TRANSFER, pdim.region, consts.SCRIPT_TERM_TYPE_ON_DEMAND, **{})) regiondbs[tmpDtDbKey] = dtdbs #_/_/_/_/_/ ON-DEMAND PRICING _/_/_/_/_/ if pdim.termType == consts.SCRIPT_TERM_TYPE_ON_DEMAND: #Load On-Demand DBs indexArgs = {'tenancies': [consts.EC2_TENANCY_MAP[pdim.tenancy]]} tmpDbKey = consts.SERVICE_EC2 + pdim.region + pdim.termType + pdim.tenancy dbs = regiondbs.get(tmpDbKey, {}) if not dbs: dbs, indexMetadata = phelper.loadDBs( consts.SERVICE_EC2, phelper.get_partition_keys(consts.SERVICE_EC2, pdim.region, consts.SCRIPT_TERM_TYPE_ON_DEMAND, **indexArgs)) regiondbs[tmpDbKey] = dbs ts.finish('tinyDbLoadOnDemand') log.debug("Time to load OnDemand DB files: [{}]".format( ts.elapsed('tinyDbLoadOnDemand'))) #TODO: Move common operations to a common module, and leave only EC2-specific operations in ec2/ (create a class) #TODO: support all tenancy types (Host and Dedicated) #Compute Instance if pdim.instanceHours: computeDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_COMPUTE_INSTANCE, consts.EC2_TENANCY_SHARED))] ts.start('tinyDbSearchComputeFile') query = ( (priceQuery['Instance Type'] == pdim.instanceType) & (priceQuery['Operating System'] == consts.EC2_OPERATING_SYSTEMS_MAP[pdim.operatingSystem]) & (priceQuery['Tenancy'] == consts.EC2_TENANCY_SHARED) & (priceQuery['Pre Installed S/W'] == pdim.preInstalledSoftware) & (priceQuery['CapacityStatus'] == consts.EC2_CAPACITY_RESERVATION_STATUS_MAP[ pdim.capacityReservationStatus]) & (priceQuery['License Model'] == consts.EC2_LICENSE_MODEL_MAP[pdim.licenseModel])) # & #(priceQuery['OfferingClass'] == pdim.offeringClass) & #(priceQuery['PurchaseOption'] == purchaseOption )) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_EC2, computeDb, query, pdim.instanceHours, pricing_records, cost) log.debug("Time to search compute:[{}]".format( ts.finish('tinyDbSearchComputeFile'))) #Data Transfer dataTransferDb = dtdbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_DATA_TRANSFER))] #Out to the Internet if pdim.dataTransferOutInternetGb: ts.start('searchDataTransfer') query = ((priceQuery['To Location'] == 'External') & (priceQuery['Transfer Type'] == 'AWS Outbound')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_DATA_TRANSFER, dataTransferDb, query, pdim.dataTransferOutInternetGb, pricing_records, cost) log.debug("Time to search AWS Data Transfer Out: [{}]".format( ts.finish('searchDataTransfer'))) #Intra-regional data transfer - in/out/between EC2 AZs or using EIPs or ELB if pdim.dataTransferOutIntraRegionGb: query = ((priceQuery['Transfer Type'] == 'IntraRegion')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_DATA_TRANSFER, dataTransferDb, query, pdim.dataTransferOutIntraRegionGb, pricing_records, cost) #Inter-regional data transfer - out to other AWS regions if pdim.dataTransferOutInterRegionGb: query = ((priceQuery['Transfer Type'] == 'InterRegion Outbound') & (priceQuery['To Location'] == consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.toRegion])) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_DATA_TRANSFER, dataTransferDb, query, pdim.dataTransferOutInterRegionGb, pricing_records, cost) #EBS Storage if pdim.ebsStorageGbMonth: #storageDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key(consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_STORAGE)] storageDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_STORAGE))] query = ((priceQuery['Volume Type'] == pdim.volumeType)) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_EBS, storageDb, query, pdim.ebsStorageGbMonth, pricing_records, cost) #System Operation (pIOPS) if pdim.volumeType == consts.EBS_VOLUME_TYPE_PIOPS and pdim.pIops: #storageDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key(consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_SYSTEM_OPERATION)] storageDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_SYSTEM_OPERATION))] query = ((priceQuery['Group'] == 'EBS IOPS')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_EBS, storageDb, query, pdim.pIops, pricing_records, cost) #Snapshot Storage if pdim.ebsSnapshotGbMonth: #snapshotDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key(consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_SNAPSHOT)] snapshotDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_SNAPSHOT))] query = ( (priceQuery['usageType'] == consts.REGION_PREFIX_MAP[pdim.region] + 'EBS:SnapshotUsage') ) #EBS:SnapshotUsage comes with a prefix in the PriceList API file (i.e. EU-EBS:SnapshotUsage) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_EBS, snapshotDb, query, pdim.ebsSnapshotGbMonth, pricing_records, cost) #Classic Load Balancer if pdim.elbHours: #elbDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key(consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_LOAD_BALANCER)] elbDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_LOAD_BALANCER))] query = ((priceQuery['usageType'] == consts.REGION_PREFIX_MAP[pdim.region] + 'LoadBalancerUsage') & (priceQuery['operation'] == 'LoadBalancing')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_ELB, elbDb, query, pdim.elbHours, pricing_records, cost) if pdim.elbDataProcessedGb: #elbDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key(consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_LOAD_BALANCER)] elbDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_LOAD_BALANCER))] query = ((priceQuery['usageType'] == consts.REGION_PREFIX_MAP[pdim.region] + 'DataProcessing-Bytes') & (priceQuery['operation'] == 'LoadBalancing')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_ELB, elbDb, query, pdim.elbDataProcessedGb, pricing_records, cost) #Application Load Balancer #TODO: add support for Network Load Balancer if pdim.albHours: albDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_APPLICATION_LOAD_BALANCER))] query = ((priceQuery['usageType'] == consts.REGION_PREFIX_MAP[pdim.region] + 'LoadBalancerUsage') & (priceQuery['operation'] == 'LoadBalancing:Application')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_ELB, albDb, query, pdim.albHours, pricing_records, cost) if pdim.albLcus: albDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_APPLICATION_LOAD_BALANCER))] query = ((priceQuery['usageType'] == consts.REGION_PREFIX_MAP[pdim.region] + 'LCUUsage') & (priceQuery['operation'] == 'LoadBalancing:Application')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_ELB, albDb, query, pdim.albLcus, pricing_records, cost) #TODO: EIP #TODO: Dedicated Host #TODO: NAT Gateway #TODO: Fee #_/_/_/_/_/ RESERVED PRICING _/_/_/_/_/ #Load Reserved DBs if pdim.termType == consts.SCRIPT_TERM_TYPE_RESERVED: indexArgs = { 'offeringClasses': [consts.EC2_OFFERING_CLASS_MAP[pdim.offeringClass]], 'tenancies': [consts.EC2_TENANCY_MAP[pdim.tenancy]], 'purchaseOptions': [consts.EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_MAP[pdim.offeringType]] } #Load all values for offeringClasses, tenancies and purchaseOptions #indexArgs = {'offeringClasses':consts.EC2_OFFERING_CLASS_MAP.values(), # 'tenancies':consts.EC2_TENANCY_MAP.values(), 'purchaseOptions':consts.EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_MAP.values()} tmpDbKey = consts.SERVICE_EC2 + pdim.region + pdim.termType + pdim.offeringClass + pdim.tenancy + pdim.offeringType #tmpDbKey = consts.SERVICE_EC2+pdim.region+pdim.termType dbs = regiondbs.get(tmpDbKey, {}) if not dbs: dbs, indexMetadata = phelper.loadDBs( consts.SERVICE_EC2, phelper.get_partition_keys(consts.SERVICE_EC2, pdim.region, consts.SCRIPT_TERM_TYPE_RESERVED, **indexArgs)) #regiondbs[consts.SERVICE_EC2+pdim.region+pdim.termType]=dbs regiondbs[tmpDbKey] = dbs log.debug("dbs keys:{}".format(dbs.keys())) ts.finish('tinyDbLoadReserved') log.debug("Time to load Reserved DB files: [{}]".format( ts.elapsed('tinyDbLoadReserved'))) computeDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( (consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_COMPUTE_INSTANCE, pdim.offeringClass, consts.EC2_TENANCY_SHARED, consts.EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_MAP[pdim.offeringType]))] ts.start('tinyDbSearchComputeFileReserved') query = ((priceQuery['Instance Type'] == pdim.instanceType) & (priceQuery['Operating System'] == consts.EC2_OPERATING_SYSTEMS_MAP[pdim.operatingSystem]) & (priceQuery['Tenancy'] == consts.EC2_TENANCY_SHARED) & (priceQuery['Pre Installed S/W'] == pdim.preInstalledSoftware) & (priceQuery['License Model'] == consts.EC2_LICENSE_MODEL_MAP[pdim.licenseModel]) & (priceQuery['OfferingClass'] == consts.EC2_OFFERING_CLASS_MAP[pdim.offeringClass]) & (priceQuery['PurchaseOption'] == consts.EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_MAP[pdim.offeringType]) & (priceQuery['LeaseContractLength'] == consts.EC2_RESERVED_YEAR_MAP["{}".format(pdim.years)])) hrsQuery = query & (priceQuery['Unit'] == 'Hrs') qtyQuery = query & (priceQuery['Unit'] == 'Quantity') if pdim.offeringType in ( consts.SCRIPT_EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_ALL_UPFRONT, consts.SCRIPT_EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_PARTIAL_UPFRONT): pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_EC2, computeDb, qtyQuery, pdim.instanceCount, pricing_records, cost) if pdim.offeringType in ( consts.SCRIPT_EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_NO_UPFRONT, consts.SCRIPT_EC2_PURCHASE_OPTION_PARTIAL_UPFRONT): #reservedInstanceHours = pdim.instanceCount * consts.HOURS_IN_MONTH * 12 * pdim.years reservedInstanceHours = utils.calculate_instance_hours_year( pdim.instanceCount, pdim.years) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_EC2, computeDb, hrsQuery, reservedInstanceHours, pricing_records, cost) log.debug("Time to search:[{}]".format( ts.finish('tinyDbSearchComputeFileReserved'))) log.debug("regiondbs:[{}]".format(regiondbs.keys())) awsPriceListApiVersion = indexMetadata['Version'] extraargs = {'priceDimensions': pdim} pricing_result = PricingResult(awsPriceListApiVersion, pdim.region, cost, pricing_records, **extraargs) log.debug(json.dumps(vars(pricing_result), sort_keys=False, indent=4)) #proc = psutil.Process() #log.debug("open_files: {}".format(proc.open_files())) log.debug("Total time: [{}]".format(ts.finish('totalCalculation'))) return pricing_result.__dict__
def taskProfileGet(self, taskprofile_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('taskprofiles').get( (tinydb.Query()['taskprofile_id'] == taskprofile_id))
def taskProfileDelete(self, taskprofile_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('taskprofiles').remove( (tinydb.Query()['taskprofile_id'] == taskprofile_id))
def taskUpdate(self, profile_id, task_id, serialized_task): with self._lock: return self._db.table('tasks').update( serialized_task, (tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id) & (tinydb.Query()['task_id'] == task_id))
def taskDelete(self, profile_id, task_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table( 'tasks').remove((tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id) & (tinydb.Query()['task_id'] == task_id))
def taskGet(self, profile_id, task_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table( 'tasks').get((tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id) & (tinydb.Query()['task_id'] == task_id))
def oiocGet(self, ioc_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('openioc').get( (tinydb.Query()['ioc_id'] == ioc_id))
def oiocDelete(self, ioc_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('openioc').remove( (tinydb.Query()['ioc_id'] == ioc_id))
def cacheListUpdate(self, profile_id, cacheType): with self._lock: return self._db.table('ObjectCache').search( ~(tinydb.Query()['removed'] == True) & (tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id) & (tinydb.Query()['type'] == cacheType))
def auditGet(self, profile_id, audit_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table( 'audits').get((tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id) & (tinydb.Query()['audit_id']))
import tinydb # db = tinydb.TinyDB('test_file.json') # creates a json database db.insert({ "Colour": "Blue", "Count": 5 }) # adds the dictionary values to the json file db.insert({"Colour": "Purple", "Count": 2}) # You can search using the .query and .search function by: Car_colour = tinydb.Query() # The .Query used to creat a object and use that to search == "Blue") > 3) # can update database using .update function to your query. db.update({"Count": 4}, Car_colour.Colour == "Green") # Use .remove to remove a piece of document db.remove(Car_colour.Colour == "Green") #Use .pugrge to remove all data db.purge()
def auditDelete(self, profile_id, audit_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table( 'audits').remove((tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id) & (tinydb.Query()['audit_id']))
def __init__(self, root_dir, dvc_dir): self.root_dir = root_dir self.dvc_dir = dvc_dir self.state_file = os.path.join(dvc_dir, self.STATE_FILE) self._db = tinydb.TinyDB(self.state_file) self._q = tinydb.Query()
def ruleList(self, profile_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('rules').search( (tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id))
def calculate(pdim):"Calculating Lambda pricing with the following inputs: {}".format( str(pdim.__dict__))) ts = phelper.Timestamp() ts.start('totalCalculationAwsLambda') dbs, indexMetadata = phelper.loadDBs( consts.SERVICE_LAMBDA, phelper.get_partition_keys(pdim.region)) cost = 0 pricing_records = [] awsPriceListApiVersion = indexMetadata['Version'] priceQuery = tinydb.Query() #TODO: add support to include/ignore free-tier (include a flag) serverlessDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_SERVERLESS)] #Requests if pdim.requestCount: query = ((priceQuery['Group'] == 'AWS-Lambda-Requests')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_LAMBDA, serverlessDb, query, pdim.requestCount, pricing_records, cost) #GB-s (aka compute time) if pdim.avgDurationMs: query = ((priceQuery['Group'] == 'AWS-Lambda-Duration')) usageUnits = pdim.GBs pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_LAMBDA, serverlessDb, query, usageUnits, pricing_records, cost) #Data Transfer dataTransferDb = dbs[phelper.create_file_key( consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.region], consts.TERM_TYPE_MAP[pdim.termType], consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_DATA_TRANSFER)] #To internet if pdim.dataTransferOutInternetGb: query = ((priceQuery['To Location'] == 'External') & (priceQuery['Transfer Type'] == 'AWS Outbound')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_LAMBDA, dataTransferDb, query, pdim.dataTransferOutInternetGb, pricing_records, cost) #Intra-regional data transfer - in/out/between EC2 AZs or using IPs or ELB if pdim.dataTransferOutIntraRegionGb: query = ((priceQuery['Transfer Type'] == 'IntraRegion')) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_LAMBDA, dataTransferDb, query, pdim.dataTransferOutIntraRegionGb, pricing_records, cost) #Inter-regional data transfer - out to other AWS regions if pdim.dataTransferOutInterRegionGb: query = ( (priceQuery['Transfer Type'] == 'InterRegion Outbound') & (priceQuery['To Location'] == consts.REGION_MAP[pdim.toRegion])) pricing_records, cost = phelper.calculate_price( consts.SERVICE_LAMBDA, dataTransferDb, query, pdim.dataTransferOutInterRegionGb, pricing_records, cost) pricing_result = PricingResult(awsPriceListApiVersion, pdim.region, cost, pricing_records) log.debug(json.dumps(vars(pricing_result), sort_keys=False, indent=4)) log.debug("Total time to compute: [{}]".format( ts.finish('totalCalculationAwsLambda'))) return pricing_result.__dict__
def ruleUpdateState(self, rule_id, state): with self._lock: r = self._db.table('rules').update( {'state': state}, (tinydb.Query()['id'] == rule_id)) return r
def list_tasks(self, owner=None): # type (str) -> list[dict] """Return list of tasks.""" if owner is None: return self._db.all() else: return == owner)
def ruleRemove(self, rule_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('rules').remove( (tinydb.Query()['id'] == rule_id))
def testStats(): # load the last calibration run set in DS1 and figure out how many # counts we have in the m=2 s=238 population to work with. ds, calIdx = 1, 33 calLo, calHi = 12726, 12733 # this is probably a lunchtime cal calDB = db.TinyDB("%s/calDB-v2.json" % dsi.latSWDir) pars = db.Query() # trap and HV thresholds for this calidx trapKey = "trapThr_ds1_m1_c33" trapVal = dsi.getDBRecord(trapKey, calDB=calDB, pars=pars) hvKey = "hvBias_ds1_m1_c33" hvVal = dsi.getDBRecord(hvKey, calDB=calDB, pars=pars) # pull thresh (keV) values for the bkgIdx closest to this calibration cLo, cHi = cal.GetCalRunCoverage("ds1_m1", calIdx) bkgRuns = bkg.getRunList(ds) bkgRanges = set() for run in bkgRuns: if cLo <= run <= cHi: bkgRanges.add(bkg.GetBkgIdx(ds, run)) bkgIdx = list(bkgRanges)[0] # it's 35 # account for sub-ranges bkgRuns = bkg.getRunList(ds, bkgIdx) subRanges = bkg.GetSubRanges(ds, bkgIdx) if len(subRanges) == 0: subRanges.append((bkgRuns[0], bkgRuns[-1])) for subIdx, (runLo, runHi) in enumerate(subRanges): threshKey = "thresh_ds%d_bkg%d_sub%d" % ( ds, bkgIdx, subIdx) # returns "thresh_ds1_bkg35_sub0" # load threshKeV values from bkg/auto-thrsh/db threshVal = dsi.getDBRecord(threshKey, calDB=calDB, pars=pars) chList = [] print("DB results") for chan in sorted(threshVal): thrBad = threshVal[chan][2] if thrBad: continue thrMu = threshVal[chan][0] thrSig = threshVal[chan][1] thrKeV = thrMu + 3 * thrSig print("%d %.3f %.3f %d: %.3f keV" % (chan, thrMu, thrSig, thrBad, thrKeV)) chList.append(chan) # ok, now let's load the cal runs themselves calRuns = cal.GetCalList("ds1_m1", calIdx) fileList = [] for run in calRuns: latList = dsi.getSplitList( "%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d*" % (dsi.calLatDir, ds, run), run) tmpList = [f for idx, f in sorted(latList.items())] fileList.extend(tmpList) # declare the output stuff evtIdx, evtSumET, evtHitE, evtChans = [], [], [], [] thrCal = {ch: [] for ch in chList} # loop over LAT cal files from ROOT import TFile, TTree prevRun = 0 evtCtr, totCtr, runTime = 0, 0, 0 for iF, f in enumerate(fileList): print("%d/%d %s" % (iF, len(fileList), f)) tf = TFile(f) tt = tf.Get("skimTree") # increment the run time and fill the output dict of thresholds tt.GetEntry(0) run = if run != prevRun: start = tt.startTime_s stop = tt.stopTime_s runTime += stop - start # before applying thresholds (and getting sumET and mHT) # save them into the output dict (so we can compare w/ DB later). n = tt.Draw("channel:threshKeV:threshSigma", "", "goff") chan, thrM, thrS = tt.GetV1(), tt.GetV2(), tt.GetV3() tmpThresh = {} for i in range(n): if chan[i] not in chList: continue if chan[i] in tmpThresh.keys(): continue thrK = thrM[i] + 3 * thrS[i] tmpThresh[chan[i]] = [run, thrM[i], thrS[i], thrK] # fill the output dict for ch in tmpThresh: thrCal[ch].append(tmpThresh[ch]) # [run, thrM, thrS, thrK] prevRun = run # loop over tree for iE in range(tt.GetEntries()): tt.GetEntry(iE) if tt.EventDC1Bits != 0: continue totCtr += 1 # calculate mHT and sumET n = chTmp = np.asarray([ for i in range(n)]) idxRaw = [ i for i in range( if in chList ] hitERaw = np.asarray([ for i in idxRaw]) # get indexes of hits above threshold idxList = [ i for i in range( if in chList and > threshVal[][0] + 3 * threshVal[][1] and 0.7 < < 9999 ] hitE = np.asarray([ for i in idxList]) mHT, sumET = len(hitE), sum(hitE) # for now, let's just grab m=2 s=238 evts. if mHT != 2: continue if not 237.28 < sumET < 239.46: continue hitChans = np.asarray([ for i in idxList]) # save event pairs to output evtIdx.append([run, iE]) evtSumET.append(sumET) evtHitE.append(hitE) evtChans.append(hitChans) evtCtr += 1 # output stats we got print("m2s238 evts:", evtCtr, "total evts:", totCtr, "runTime:", runTime) # save output np.savez("../plots/slo-m2s238-test.npz", evtIdx, evtSumET, evtHitE, evtChans, thrCal, evtCtr, totCtr, runTime)
def cacheDrop(self, profile_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table("ObjectCache").remove( (tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id))
def find_cut(ds, ds_lo, write_db=False): #Make tier2 dataframe, get e_ftp and first pass calibration constants, then calibrate t2 = ds.get_t2df() t2 = t2.reset_index(drop=True) calDB = ds.calDB query = db.Query() table = calDB.table("cal_pass1") vals = table.all() df_cal = pd.DataFrame(vals) # <<---- omg awesome df_cal = df_cal.loc[df_cal.ds==ds_lo] p1cal = df_cal.iloc[0]["p1cal"] cal = p1cal * np.asarray(t2["e_ftp"]) current = "current_max" e_over_unc = cal / np.asarray(t2["e_ftp"]) y0 = np.asarray(t2[current]) a_over_e = y0 * e_over_unc / cal y = linear_correction(cal, a_over_e) double_gauss_issue(cal, y, ds_lo) exit() dep_range = [1530,1620] hist, bins = np.histogram(cal, bins=450, range=dep_range) hist = hist * 5 def gauss(x, *params): y = np.zeros_like(x) for i in range(0, len(params) - 1, 3): x0 = params[i] a = params[i + 1] sigma = params[i + 2] y += a * np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) y = y + params[-1] return y p0_list = [1591, 200, 3, 4] par, pcov = curve_fit( gauss, bins[1:], hist, p0=p0_list) print(par) perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) print(perr) mu, amp, sig, bkg = par[0], par[1], par[2], par[-1] print("Scanning ", mu, " peak") ans = quad(gauss, 1583, 1600, args=(mu, amp, sig, bkg)) counts = ans[0] - ((1600-1583)*bkg) print("Counts in ", mu, " peak is ", counts) cut = counts line = .4 y1 = y[np.where(line < y)] x1 = cal[np.where(line < y)] # hist1, bins1 = np.histogram(x1, bins=500, range=[1500,1700]) hist1, bins1 = np.histogram(x1, bins=450, range=[1530,1620]) hist1 = hist1*5 print("Finding optimal cut, keeping 90% of 1592 DEP") while cut > .9 * counts: y1 = y[np.where(line < y)] x1 = cal[np.where(line < y)] hist1, bins1 = np.histogram(x1, bins=450, range=dep_range) hist1 = hist1*5 par1, pcov1 = curve_fit( gauss, bins1[1:], hist1, p0=p0_list) perr1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov1)) mu1, amp1, sig1, bkg1 = par1[0], par1[1], par1[2], par1[-1] ans1 = quad(gauss, 1583, 1600, args=(mu1, amp1, sig1, bkg1)) cut = ans1[0] - ((1600-1583)*bkg1) line += .0005 print(line, cut) plt.hist2d(cal, y, bins=[1000,200], range=[[0, 2000], [0, 2]], norm=LogNorm(), cmap='jet') plt.hlines(line, 0, 2000, color='r', linewidth=1.5) cbar = plt.colorbar() plt.title("Dataset {}".format(ds_lo)) plt.xlabel("Energy (keV)", ha='right', x=1) plt.ylabel("A/Eunc", ha='right', y=1)'Counts') plt.tight_layout() hist, bins = np.histogram(cal, bins=2000, range=[0,2000]) hist1, bins1 = np.histogram(x1, bins=2000, range=[0,2000]) plt.clf() plt.semilogy(bins[1:], hist, color='black', ls="steps", linewidth=1.5, label='Calibrated Energy: Dataset {}'.format(ds_lo)) plt.semilogy(bins1[1:], hist1, '-r', ls="steps", linewidth=1.5, label='AvsE Cut: Dataset {}'.format(ds_lo)) plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.xlabel('keV') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() if write_db: table = calDB.table("A/E_cut") for dset in ds.ds_list: row = {"ds":dset, "line":line} table.upsert(row, query.ds == dset)
def cacheListAll(self, profile_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('ObjectCache').search( (tinydb.Query()['profile_id'] == profile_id))
def scrapeData(): from ROOT import TChain ds, mod = 1, 1 print("Loading cut data ...") bkg = dsi.BkgInfo() cal = dsi.CalInfo() nSub = bkg.dsMap()[ds] chList = dsi.GetGoodChanList(ds) calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() fsD, rnSD, rnCD = {}, {}, {} nCal = cal.GetNCalIdxs(ds, mod) for iC in range(nCal + 1): fsD[iC] = dsi.getDBRecord("fitSlo_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (ds, iC, mod), False, calDB, pars) rnSD[iC] = dsi.getDBRecord( "riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_SoftPlus" % (ds, iC, mod), False, calDB, pars) rnCD[iC] = dsi.getDBRecord( "riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Continuum" % (ds, iC, mod), False, calDB, pars) thD = {} for iB in range(nSub + 1): thD[iB] = dsi.getDBRecord("thresh_ds%d_bkgidx%d" % (ds, iB), False, calDB, pars) print("Looping over sub-ranges ...") hitE, fSlo, chans, runs, fsCut, thMu, thSig = [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rise, riseCut = [], [] for sub in range(nSub + 1): tc = TChain("skimTree") fRaw = sorted( glob.glob("%s/latSkimDS%d_%d_*.root" % (dsi.latDir, ds, sub))) for f in fRaw: tc.Add(f) print("%d/%d %d" % (sub, nSub, tc.GetEntries())) # for some reason range 44 in ds1 is corrupted? n = tc.Draw("trapENFCal:fitSlo:channel:run", "", "goff") if n == 0: print("skipped", sub) continue # n = tc.Draw("run:channel:trapENFCal:fitSlo","","goff") # t1, t2, t3, t4 = tc.GetV1(), tc.GetV2(), tc.GetV3(), tc.GetV4() tn = ["run", "channel", "trapENFCal", "fitSlo", "riseNoise"] vals = wl.GetVX(tc, tn, "") t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 = vals["run"], vals["channel"], vals[ "trapENFCal"], vals["fitSlo"], vals["riseNoise"] n = len(t1) pRun = -1 for i in range(n): run = int(t1[i]) if run != pRun: cIdx = cal.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (ds, mod), run) bIdx = bkg.GetBkgIdx(ds, run) tmpFS = fsD[cIdx] tmpTH = thD[bIdx] tmpRNC = rnCD[cIdx] tmpRNS = rnSD[cIdx] fsCutChan = list(tmpFS.keys()) thCutChan = list(tmpTH.keys()) rnCutChan = list(tmpRNC.keys()) pRun = run chan = int(t2[i]) if chan not in chList: continue if chan not in fsCutChan: continue if chan not in thCutChan: continue if chan not in rnCutChan: continue fsVal = tmpFS[chan][2] thVal = tmpTH[chan][0] + 3 * tmpTH[chan][1] a = max(tmpRNS[chan][0], tmpRNC[chan][4]) b = tmpRNS[chan][1] c = tmpRNS[chan][2] d = tmpRNS[chan][3] if d == 0: continue rnVal = a + b * np.log(1 + np.exp(t3[i] - c / d)) hitE.append(t3[i]) fSlo.append(t4[i]) runs.append(run) chans.append(chan) fsCut.append(tmpFS[chan][2]) thMu.append(tmpTH[chan][0]) thSig.append(tmpTH[chan][1]) rise.append(t5[i]) riseCut.append(rnVal) # # fCut = sorted(glob.glob("%s/results_v1/fs/fitSlo-DS%d-*.root" % (dsi.dataDir, dsNum))) print(len(hitE)) np.savez("../data/sea-plt-2.npz", hitE, fSlo, chans, runs, fsCut, thMu, thSig, rise, riseCut)
def scriptDelete(self, script_id): with self._lock: return self._db.table('scripts').remove( (tinydb.Query()['script_id'] == script_id))